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Name: SANTOS, Dhexter M.

Date: March 06, 2024

Course & Year: BSGE 2 Score:

Geographic Information System

Laboratory Exercise No. 2
Familiarization with Vector Data

1. Explore the capabilities of QGIS in displaying shapefiles and editing its properties
familiarize with the interface and tools in QGIS
2. Create a map layout in QGIS.

Vector data is a geographic data type where data is stored as a collection of points, lines,
or polygons along with attribute data. Individual points recorded as coordinate pairs, which
represent a physical position in the world, make up vector data at its most basic level. (Caliper,
n.d) People become proficient in using QGIS's wide range of tools and plugins through practical
exercises and mindful instruction, empowering them to derive valuable insights and make viable
choices from spatial data.

Within the field of geographic information systems (GIS), QGIS is an effective tool because it
has an easy-to-use interface and strong functionality for handling and modifying vector data.
This will help us to load, visualize, and work with various vector datasets in order to obtain
practical experience with vector data in QGIS. This exercise will familiarize with QGIS's
fundamental features for handling vector data.


Install QGIS and get familiar with its tools, menus, and interface before using it. Obtain
vector datasets from reliable sources, like governmental organizations or internet GIS data
portals, and use the "Add Vector Layer" tool in QGIS to import data as well. Utilize Viewing
and Editing Shapefile properties, Making a Map Layout, geoprocessing tools, perform spatial
analysis, apply spatial querying tools, and investigate attribute data. Use the Print
layout Composer to create maps, and look into plugins for more features. To keep improving
your Geographic informaation system skills and techniques, practice, try new things, and ask
your instructors and fellow students for feedback.

Figure 1: Vector Layer: Barangays.shp Figure 2: Layer Properties window.

Figure 3: Layer Properties - symbology. Figure 4: output of the Categorized layer
in the map view.

Figure 5: output of the Graduated layer.


As a Result in this laboratory, students used QGIS to familiarize themselves with vector
data. Students acquired datasets from various sources that our instructor has given, explored
attribute data, performed geoprocessing tasks, and applied spatial analysis techniques. we also
designed maps using the Print layout composer in . we explored plugins for data visualization,
geocoding, and spatial analysis. Through practice and experimentation, students solidified their
understanding of vector data concepts and workflows. Documentation and resources provided
support throughout the familiarization process, throught out the laboratory the students manage
to produce a map layout of Brgy. Rador, municipality of balabak.


Students learned a lot from being acquainted with vector data in GIS, which gave them
practical experience with vector data. Through the acquisition of datasets from diverse sources,
investigation of attribute data, and completion of geoprocessing assignments, participants
acquired pragmatic abilities for interacting with actual vector data. Their capabilities were
increased through map design and plugin exploration, enabling efficient visualization and
analysis. All things considered, the process gave participants the skills and assurance they
needed to use GIS technology for familiarization of vector data for spatial analysis in upcoming

Overall, the results and discussion affirm the efficacy of the laboratory in familiarizing itself
with vector data using QGIS. Moving forward, continued practice, experimentation, and
engagement with resources will further enhance students’s proficiency and enable them to
leverage QGIS effectively for spatial analysis and mapping tasks
Problems Encountered:

There are various problems that we experience during the execution of the given activity or
laboratory exercise in terms of familiarization with vector data. First, since this is our first time
using the QGIS application, it is hard for us to find the given specific command and to execute
the following instructions. There are also problems in manipulating the size of the printed map of
map 1 if you already added another map. Lastly, the problem is that the file is crashing before
you even finish the map, so it is important to save it before starting making map and
familiarizing with vector data.


In conclusion, the laboratory exercise effectively achieved its objectives of familiarizing

participants with vector data using QGIS, providing them with practical experience and essential
skills for spatial analysis. Moving forward, continued practice, experimentation, and engagement
with resources will further enhance participants' proficiency in leveraging QGIS for spatial
analysis and mapping tasks in future.

Through hands-on practice and thoughtful instruction, the goals of becoming familiar with vector
data using QGIS were successfully met. Participants acquired practical skills that are critical in
the field of geographic information systems (GIS) by getting hands-on experience working
efficiently with vector data. Through familiarizing themselves with QGIS's tools, menus, and
interface, participants gained the confidence to confidently handle diverse vector datasets and
perform fundamental data manipulation techniques.

By following the described method, participants used QGIS in an organized manner to become
familiar with vector data. A thorough learning process was enabled by the installation and
configuration of QGIS, obtaining of vector datasets from dependable sources, and the application
of QGIS's tools and functionalities.


Enhancements to the QGIS vector data familiarization exercise include providing

thorough instruction, increasing resource accessibility, promoting ongoing practice, facilitating
closely learning and collaboration, resolving technical issues, integrating real-world projects, and
providing opportunities for advanced training. These suggestions are intended to optimize
learning objectives and provide participants with the information and abilities required to
successfully apply GIS technology in their career pursuits. The exercises should emphasize the
features, tools, and interface of QGIS; they should also include real-world projects and
opportunities for advanced training. Future familiarization exercises can be designed to
maximize learning outcomes and give participants the skills they need by putting these
suggestions into practice.

Question 1: What are the different Zoom tools?

Zoom in to zoom into the map shortcut for Ctrl + Alt+ +, Zoom out to Zoom out of the
map shortcut for Ctrl + Alt + -, Zoom full to Zoom out to show the full map shortcur for Ctrl +
Shift + F , Zoom to selection to Zoom to the selected element Ctrl + J, Zoom to layer, Zoom to
native resolution, Zoom last, Zoom next.

Question 2: What is the coordinate reference system of the shapefile?

Name: EPSG:4326 - WGS 84

Units: Geographic (uses latitude and longitude for coordinates)
Type: Geographic (2D)
Method: Lat/long (Geodetic alias)
Celestial Body: Earth
Accuracy: Based on World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble (EPSG:6326), which has
a limited accuracy of at best 2 meters.
Reference: Dynamic (relies on a datum which is not plate-fixed)

Question 3: What is/are the difference/s in the three (3) layer styles?

In Single Symbol the map is represented in a single or one color, this is the default
rendering in which one symbol is applied to all the features in a layer. While categorized
changed the color of every barangay in a different types of colors, Categorized styles are based
on discrete values of an attribute field that define how each feature should be rendered. You can
assign a unique symbol, color, or label to each category, and QGIS will automatically classify
your data into distinct groups. and graduated represent the map as in a one color but different
shades of weight of the color This empty category is used to color any objects which do not have
a landuse value defined or which have a NULL value. It can be useful to keep this empty
category so that areas with a NULL value are still represented on the map. You may like to
change the color to more obviously represent a blank or NULL value.

Question 4: What are the barangays surrounding Brgy. Rabor?

The barangays that surrounds Brgy. Rador are brgy. Agutayan, brgy. Indalawan, and
brgy. Pasig.
Question 5: How many fields are tre and what are their names and data type (type name)?

Id Name Type Name

2 DATE Date
3 NSO_ID String
4 CBMS_NAME String
5 NSO_NAME String
7 AREA__HAS_ Real
8 NSO_CODE String
9 ABBREV String
10 AREA__SQ_1 Real
11 AREA__HAS1 Real

Figure 6:Finished printed map layout


What is vector data?. Caliper Mapping Software and Transportation Software. (n.d.).
Steven Aviles, P. E. (2022, April 15). Smart mapping: Location (single symbol). ArcGIS

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