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PhamVanTuyen_20201798_Eight erlenmeyer flasks were dried and cleaned.

Four 100 ml erlenmeyer

flasks were numbered 1 to 4 to carry out the adsorption process. Four 100 ml regular conical flasks were
numbered from 1’ to 4’ to carry out the post-adsorption process. Four activated carbon filter paper glass
funnels were prepared. A 25ml buret were filled with butylic alcohol of different concentrations. Butylic
alcohol solution were knowned concentration 0.1; 0.2 ; 0.3 ; 0.4M. Four triangle flasks were filled with
activated carbon and 25ml of solution with the above concentration was added to each flask. Working
principle of surface tension measuring device (Figure 4). During the measurement process, the
temperature must be stable. Before measuring, check the button and the locking pipes to ensure
tightness The temperature were stabilized open the lock slowly so that the water in the pressure
reducing tank flows into the cup. Then the pressure in the system is smaller than the outside pressure.
The pressure difference were reflected by the height h of manomet. It takes about 10 to 20 seconds for
an air bubble to escape. When an air bubble escapes from the capillary, h has the largest value. Record
that value. The height h were determined in nanometers based on the following relationships :

Draw a graph of the relationship "h-C" . On the other hand, to determine the adsorption rate, you only
need to know the concentration before and after adsorption and then apply the formulas :

Four triangle flasks (1 to 4) were filled with activated carbon and 25ml of solution with the above
concentration was added to each flask. Shake with a shaker to speed up the adsorption and let it adsorb for
about 60 minutes. Measure the value of distilled water and four values h of four concentration solutions
per volume of distilled water and each solution needs to be the same so that the measurement status of the
samples is nearly the same. Measure the h value corresponding to the solution in flasks 1' to 4'. The
measurement sequence of dilution before concentration and then .h was obtained and used to determine
inference from the standard curve graph “h-C”

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