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Short bond paper

Sliding folder (yellow)

Spacing: 1.5

Presentation: Saturday

Group 1: Singapore

Group 2: Canada

Group 3: Finland

Group 4: Switzerland

Group 5: New Zealand

Cover page: Center

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject ENG ELT 2: Language Programs and
Policies in Multilingual Societies

Title: Analysis of Bilingual and Multilingual Education: Singapore Curriculum

Members’ names

Date: January 2024

Chapter 1 – Introduction

 Provide an overview of the importance of bilingual and multilingual education in a global

context and in your assigned country.
 Discuss key components of educational curricula related to language policies in your
assigned country.

Chapter 2 - Research and Data Collection

 Explore the official educational websites, government publications, and academic

sources related to the assigned country's curriculum. You should collect information on
language policies, bilingual/multilingual programs, and the integration of multiple
languages in the education system of you assigned country.

-Here are the 4 main guide questions:

Language Policy - 1. What is the official language policy in the assigned country's curriculum?

Language Programs - 2. Are there specific bilingual or multilingual education programs

mentioned in the curriculum of your assigned country?

Subjects and Grade levels - 3. How are additional languages integrated into various subjects
or grade levels?

Language Diversity - 4. Are there any policies or initiatives aimed at supporting language

Chapter 3 – “country name” Curriculum Analysis – Example: Singapore’s Curriculum


In this part, you should write all the things you have realized about their curriculum either good
or bad.
Citations and References

Include a comprehensive list of all the sources utilized in compiling the information presented in
your paper.

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