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ua science February Revision MRS . Amira Ahmed MRS . Alaa Hesham science Oe ec telstra Choose the correct answer @ Which of the following is a part of the biosphere? @® ice @® clouds © water @ animals @ Water covers nearly .......of the Earth planet. @® % ®% © vs @ % ® Rainwater is a part of ... @® biosphere ©) hydrosphere ©) geosphere @) atmosphere Failing of a small tree due to blowing of strong winds is an example of an interaction between ... and. @ eosphere- @ biosphere- @ hydrosphere @ _ biosphere ~ atmosphere hydrosphere — geosphere atmosphere Mountains and valleys are parts of @® geosphere (6) atmosphere (©) biosphere @ hydrosphere 96.5% of Earth’s water is @ sattwater @ Belling © freshwater @ frozen water @ Formation of lakes is an example of an interaction between and biosphere - atmosphere hydrosphere jeosphere — ® iospl ® ba PI © ly PI @® geospl hydrosphere biosphere — geosphere atmosphere Which of the following is found between porous of rocks below Earth's surface? Water @® ke @® Groundwater (©) Oceans @® vepeur A spring flows out from a rock is an example of an interaction between and .., ® hydrosphere @ hydrosphere @ biosphere- @ _ biosphere - - geosphere - biosphere geosphere atmosphere (@)_Water evaporation and its condensing on planet Earth show an interaction Between eee AND seen @ tmosphere- @ hydrosphere @ biosphere- @ _ biosphere ~ hydrosphere - biosphere geosphere atmosphere a? O00 rp a ct re a B: El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae science Oe ec water, while ponds contain . (A) Rivers and streams contain @® salt-fresh @ fresh-sat © L'a” @ (2) Among animais that can be found in ponds are lions — frogs — ® salamanders © dogs-frogs © 372s gers @ foxes - bears . are parts of geosphere. @® Plants ® Rocks © Gases @ water bodies An area of land where water flows in a specific path from a higher altitude to a lower altitude area is @® river ® sea © lake @ ocean Fresh water that leaks into Earth through a layer of porous rock is Bahr Al- @ Mediterrane (®) Bagarplant (©) LakeAssal @) groundwater an Sea water water It results from atmosphere and biosphere interactior availability of increased @ qalaniny of soittertiity @ increased — @ photosynthesis © An example of saltwater ecosystem is ...... @® Nile river @® LakeAssal ©) glacier @ Lake Nasser Most of fresh water on Earth is found in the form of ... 0 @® groundwater (6) rivers © glacier @ streams ® © © A group of plants and animals which live together in a large area characterized by its climate is called...... © biome @ lithosphere hi ® ae ® hydrosphere @9) Weathering of rocks by water indicates an interaction between hydrosphere biosphere biosphere atmosphere and and and and geosphere hydrosphere atmosphere hydrosphere (1) Water that covers most of the Earth's surface i fresh water ® salty, prares fresh water oun Sfola wth in seas and k 4, in in rivers in glaciers oceans groundwater 600 sees El.Motamyez.Schoo! rl Sginallcts ste che ae science Oe ec GEM wr wwsoriewey Sd ®o The system that includes rocks and soil is called hydrosphere ( ) ® waters important for growing of living organisms. @ Weathering of rocks as a result of the effect of rains is anexample ( of an interaction between hydrosphere and biosphere. © Oceans, lakes and rivers are included in the hydrosphere ® Fresh water forms about 3.5% of water on Earth. © Living organisms are parts of geosphere. ® Gases which surround the Earth represent the atmosphere. © some ponds and lakes may dry up in winter months ® Rivers and streams are running freshwater bodies. complete the following sentences using Lithia words between brackets ) ® The Earth's system that includes all living organisms is called. ® Arat that digs a burrow in the soil is an example of the interaction between .. and geosphere. @ Irrigation of plants is an example of the systems which are.. and .. The amount of fresh water on Earth is water. ® Kelp, starfish and mosses fish live in .... largest saltwater ecosystems on the Earth. write scientific term for each of the following ) @ Awater body that is surrounded by land ( ) The system that includes humans, animals and plants of ( ) Earth. ® A large area of the world that has similar soil, climate, ( ) plants and animals. © The area along the coast that disappears at the high tide ( ) and appears at the low tide. 2 ©0090 rp a ct re a El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae teraction between two Earth's than the amount of salt which are considered the science Oe ec Cotati el) give reason ) ® Water is important for all plants on Earth. Hiding of worms inside the soil is an example of an interaction between two Earth's spheres. Choose the correct answer All the following are from sources of water on the Earth, except ... A @® groundwater (6) ponds © glaciers @ molten rocks Human can use water in all the following purposes, except .. . 4 E generating weathering @ fishing © tansportation —() ecicity=> © of rocks The amount if salt water on the Earth is .. the amount of fresh water. @ largerthan () smallerthan ©) equalto @ half _ . are formed when water collects in low-lying areas. @ Seas ® Oceans © Lakes @ Rivers Estuary is formed when the water of .... ...meets the water of .. * ariver— ariver-a asea-an asea-a ® sea ® arounawate_ © ocean @ wetland r Among the sources of water which human can use for drinking .... @ seas @® oceans © cea a @ rivers from rivers, streams and groundwater. Humans can get their needs of . @® oxygen gas aoe gas © saltwater © @)_ freshwater About 10% of the world’s animal species live in freshwater bodies like .. ©@©@e® ©G6 G09 ® rivers and ® streams and © oceans and @® rivers and seas seas seas streams ae O00 rp a ct re 2 Bs El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae science Oe ec .. are the risks that threaten lots of fresh water areas on Earth. ® @ conservation @ scarcityand _q@ Sonservation (conservation and scarcity poor quality quality extinction but ( true ) or ( false ) ) @ Among the sources of fresh water are rains ( ) ®@ The type of water in rivers is fresh water only. ( ) ® We must conserve fresh water, because it is limited on Earth. ( ) @ High quality of fresh water leads to the death of marine organisms live (__) il The two main risks that threaten fresh water on Earth are scarcity and ( ) conservation of fresh water. complete the following sentences using words between brackets In high Dam, water is used to generate .. We must take a quick shower to conserve When a river meets a sea, an... . is formed. When a river meets a sea, an... is formed. When the water is stored in the cracks and spaces of underground rocks, is formed. Due to the poor .. fresh water. ... of fresh water, some species can exist and live in ... water is found in rivers, most of lakes and streams. write scientific term for each of the following ) @) The large water body that is surrounded by land. ( ) ©OO©OO00O @ _ The water bodies that surround the continents. ( ) ae O00 rp a ct re @ Bs El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae science Oe ec ® ‘We must conserve fresh water. @ You should turn off water tap during brushing your teeth. ® Groundwater is called by this name. @ The quality of fresh water affects the life of living organisms live in it. The river water meets the sea water. People don't conserve fresh water. Water is collected in a low-laying area. ROR ORS) The quality of fresh water affects the life of living organisms live AU) ere ad Bh ALL es LET Sl OY" ge ga il ot lis i date Le Set Be TT ea 600 rp a ct re 2a El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae ua science February Revision MRS . Amira Ahmed MRS . Alaa Hesham science Oe ec telstra Choose the correct answer @ Which of the following is a part of the biosphere? @® ice @® clouds © water @ animals @ Water covers nearly .......of the Earth planet. @ % ® % © vs @ % ® Rainwater is a part of ... @® biosphere @®) hydrosphere ©) geosphere @) atmosphere Failing of a small tree due to blowing of strong winds is an example of an interaction between ... and. @ eosphere- @ biosphere- @ hydrosphere @ biosphere = atmosphere hydrosphere — geosphere atmosphere Mountains and valleys are parts of ® geosphere (®) atmosphere ©) biosphere | @ hydrosphere © 96.5% of Earth’s water is @® saltwater @ belling © freshwater @ frozen water @ Formation of lakes is an example of an interaction between and biosphere - atmosphere hydrosphere jeosphere — © nears Ovrreetr ©: @ Se hydrosphere biosphere atmosphere Which of the following is found between porous of rocks below Earth's surface? Water ® ice ® Groundwater ©) Oceans @® vapour A spring flows out from a rock is an example of an interaction between serene ® hydrosphere @ hydrosphere @ biosphere- @ _ biosphere - = geosphere ~ biosphere geosphere atmosphere © Water evaporation and its condensing on planet Earth show an interaction between .. ind .. - @ pmosphere= @ hydrosphere @ biosphere- @ _ biosphere ~ hydrosphere — biosphere geosphere atmosphere a? O00 rp a ct re 2 B: El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae science Oe ec water, while ponds contain . (A) Rivers and streams contain - - running — sti @ salt-fresh ©@) fresh-saltt © stil @® running @ Among animals that can be found in ponds are and... lions — frogs — ® satamanders © dogs-frogs © ssjamanders @ foxes bears sususnnse af parts of geosphere. @® Plants ® Rocks © Gases @ water bodies An area of land where water flows in a specific path from a higher altitude to a lower altitude area is er ® sea © lake @ ocean Fresh water that leaks into Earth through a layer of porous rock is Bahr Al- @ Mediterrane (®) Bagarplant (©) LakeAssal @) groundwater an Sea water water It results from atmosphere and biosphere interactior availability of . ® jaan Gee © soil ferti © © increased ~— @ _ photosynthesis pollution An example of saltwater ecosystem is ...... @® Nile river @® LakeAssal ©) glacier @ Lake Nasser Most of fresh water on Earth is found in the form of ... 0 @® groundwater (6) rivers © glacier @ streams ® © © A group of plants and animals which live together in a large area characterized by its climate is called...... hi I lithosphi @® atmosphere © hydrosphiere © biome @ lithosphere @9) Weathering of rocks by water indicates an interaction between hydrosphere biosphere biosphere atmosphere and and and and geosphere hydrosphere atmosphere hydrosphere (1) Water that covers most of the Earth's surface i @ freshwater ee fresh water bitp water in rivers eae in glaciers oceans groundwater 600 sees El.Motamyez.Schoo! rl Sginallcts ste che ae science Oe ec GEM wr wwsoriewey Sd ®o The system that includes rocks and soil is called hydrosphere ® wateris important for growing of living organisms. @ _ Weathering of rocks as a result of the effect of rains is an example of an interaction between hydrosphere and biosphere. © Oceans, lakes and rivers are included in the hydrosphere ® Fresh water forms about 3.5% of water on Earth. © Living organisms are parts of geosphere. ® Gases which surround the Earth represent the atmosphere. © some ponds and lakes may dry up in winter months KH KEK KH CR ® Rivers and streams are running freshwater bodies. complete the following sentences using Lithia words between brackets ) @ The Earth's system that includes all living organisms is called biosphere @ Atat that digs a burrow in the soil is an example of the interaction between biosphere and geosphere. @ Mrigation of plants is an example of the interaction between two Earth's systems which are hydrosphere and biosphere @ The amount of fresh water on Earth is less than the amount of salt water. © Kelp, starfish and mosses fish live in oceans which are considered the largest saltwater ecosystems on the Earth. write scientific term for each of the following ) @ Awater body that is surrounded by land Lakes The system that includes humans, animals and plants of Bi Este jiosphere ® A large area of the world that has similar soil, climate, ‘ Biome plants and animals. @ The area along the coast that disappears at the high tide and appears at the low tide. Intertidal zone ae O00 rp a ct re 2a Bs El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae science Oe ec Cotati el) give reason ) Water is important for all plants on Earth. Because all plants need water to grow and some of them live in water. Hiding of worms inside the soil is an example of an interaction between two Earth’s spheres. Because worms belong to biosphere, while soil belongs to geosphere. Choose the correct answer All the following are from sources of water on the Earth, except... A @® groundwater (6) ponds © glaciers @ molten rocks Human can use water in all the following purposes, except ... e - generating Wweatherihe @ fishing © sareportation —( ccnicityee © of rocks the amount of fresh water. ® oO The amount if salt water on the Earth is .. @ largerthan () smallerthan ©) equalto @ half . are formed when water collects in low-lying areas. © Seas ® Oceans © Lakes @ Rivers Estuary is formed when the water of .... ...meets the water of .. ariver — ariver-a asea-an asea-a ® ® gr sea . oundwate_@) ocean @ wetland Among the sources of water which human can use for drinking .... @ seas @® oceans © cea a @ rivers from rivers, streams and groundwater. Humans can get their needs of . @ oxygen gas aoe Pe © salt water @ freshwater About 10% of the world’s animal species live in freshwater bodies like .. ©@e © © SO ©9 ® rivers and ® streams and © oceans and @® rivers and seas seas seas streams ae 600 uzun cet dra eB El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae science Oe ec .. are the risks that threaten lots of fresh water areas on Earth. ® m ‘i conservation conservation @ conservation @ scarcityand © Sha poor @ ana and scarcity poor quality aa ality argon but ( true ) or ( false ) ) @ Among the sources of fresh water are rains Vv ®@ The type of water in rivers is fresh water only. v ® We must conserve fresh water, because it is limited on Earth. v @ High quality of fresh water leads to the death of marine organisms live il The two main risks that threaten fresh water on Earth are scarcityand conservation of fresh water. complete the following sentences using words between brackets In high Dam, water is used to generate electricity ‘We must take a quick shower to conserve freshwater. When a river meets a sea, an estuary is formed. When a river meets a sea, an estuary is formed. When the water is stored in the cracks and spaces of underground rocks, groundwater is formed. Due to the poor quality of fresh water, some species can exist and live in fresh water. ©OO©OO00O Fresh water is found in rivers, most of lakes and streams. write scientific term for each of the following ) @) The large water body that is surrounded by land. Lake @ _ The water bodies that surround the continents. Oceans ae O00 rp a ct re e Bs El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae science Oe ec ‘We must conserve fresh water. Because there is a limited amount of fresh water on Earth You should turn off water tap during brushing your teeth. To conserve fresh water Groundwater is called by this name. Because it is stored in the cracks and spaces of underground rocks The quality of fresh water affects the life of living organisms live in it. Because poor quality of fresh water leads to death of thousands of living organisms and extinction of some species CIs what happens ) The river water meets the sea water. An estuary is formed People don't conserve fresh water. The amount of fresh water on Earth will decrease Water is collected in a low-laying area. Alake is formed The quality of fresh water affects the life of living organisms live It leads to death of living organisms and extinction of some spe in fresh water Dey ai CRORORS) 600 re ct ett eo El.Motamyez.Schoo! paulaia ginal as lebe ae

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