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Aistya Rimaningrum 2203046090

Recently, we have all witnessed an alarming wave of suicides occurring in academic settings,
especially at Dian Nuswantoro University and Semarang State University. This tragic
incident has shaken the hearts of many of us, and reminded us, of the deep urgency to address
issues related to mental health.

Families have a very significant role in shaping and maintaining children's mental health.
They are the main foundation for the psychological, emotional, and social development of the
child. The support, calmness, and safe environment provided by families play an important
role in helping children cope with the pressures and challenges they face, particularly in a
stressful, academic environment.

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Dear audiences, and all attendees. Thank

you for having me here. First of all, I want to thank Almighty God. Because of him, I got the
chance to attend this amazing contest. Secondly, peace and greetings may always be
conveyed to Prophet Muhammad, who has guided us from darkness to the bright modern era
we live in today. Last but not least, I would like to thank Mr. Mahfud Junaedi for giving me a
very special opportunity to deliver this short speech. Ladies and gentlemen, how are you
doing today? My name is Aistya Rimaningrum from UIN Walisongo Semarang, standing here
to deliver my speech. Today, I would like to raise a topic that is very important to our lives
today, which is "The importance of the role of family in preventing suicides among college
students" We try to raise awareness of the role families should play in providing support,
comfort, and space for their children to talk about the mental health issues they face. By
realizing the importance of this family role, it is hoped that we can all together build a more
supportive and caring environment for children's mental health, especially in the academic

Ladies and gentlemen

The family environment is the first base in the formation of children's mental health. The
family creates the foundation that influences how children manage emotions, cope with
stress, and build self-confidence. Values, norms, and interactions within the family form a
key foundation for a child's mental health. In the face of pressures that may arise from the
academic environment, families have an important role in providing emotional and
psychological support to children. This support includes understanding, patience, and positive
encouragement, as well as facilitating ways to manage stress and high expectations of the
learning environment.
Aistya Rimaningrum 2203046090

Open communication between family members creates an environment where the child feels
comfortable to express his feelings and thoughts. This allows early identification of mental
health problems that may arise. Good communication makes children feel supported and
more likely to seek help when experiencing difficulties. Family education regarding the signs
and indicators of mental health problems helps in detecting behavioral changes or alarming
patterns in children. Knowing how to respond correctly and seeking professional help when
needed is an important part of a family's role in maintaining a child's mental health.

Through the combination of these four points, families play a central role in shaping
children's mental health, providing a solid foundation for their growth and development
among the pressures of an often stressful academic environment.

Increased psychological distress is one of the possible impacts felt by children in situations
such as widespread suicide. They may experience incredible stress, such as intense anxiety,
fear, or feeling trapped in circumstances they can't control. The occurrence of suicide events
in the surrounding environment can result in striking behavioral changes in children. They
may show signs of decreased morale, more isolated behavior, or even difficulty adjusting to
their social environment. The role of the family becomes increasingly important in this
situation to provide additional stability and support to children. Families can be a source of
strength for children in dealing with psychological difficulties they experience due to suicides
in the neighborhood.

The rise of suicides can have a serious impact on children's mental health, making the role of
family a key factor in providing children with the extra protection, stability, and support they
need to get through this difficult time.

Ladies and gentlemen

The importance of the role of the family in maintaining children's mental health during
challenging situations must be emphasized. Family has a huge impact on shaping children's
mental health, so it is key in helping them deal with various psychological challenges.
Cooperation and support between families, educational institutions, and communities is
inevitable. This collaboration between various parties can create an environment that is safer,
supportive, and caring for children's mental health. The call to action together to prevent
suicide and raise awareness of children's mental health is a shared responsibility. Together,
we can create an environment that pays more attention to children's psychological well-being
and ensures they feel supported in every step of their life's journey.
Aistya Rimaningrum 2203046090

That's all from me, thank you for the attention and participation that has been given in
listening to this speech. Awareness of the role of the family in maintaining children's mental
health is very important. Let us together commit to safeguarding children's mental health and
strengthening the role of families in supporting this process. The support that families provide
has a huge impact on children's lives.

Let us move forward together with the spirit to create an environment that supports the
mental health of future generations. Through our steps today, we can create a world where
children can grow and develop with good mental health. "Children's mental health is the
cornerstone of a brighter, resilient future."


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