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THE FALL OF MAN Those are the trees of life and of the knowledge

of good and evil. We should not eat fruits from

those trees because then we would die.

God created Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman,
and placed them in a perfect home, the Garden of Eden.

You will not surely die. For God

knows that when you eat of it your
eyes will be opened, and you will be
like God, knowing good and eveil.

Instead of believing God, Eve believed Satan. She ate the

fruit and gave some to her husband to eat.

God invoked curses on Satan, Eve, and Adam. He could have

destroyed Adam and Eve, but out of his gracious love, cast Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise
them out of the Garden of Eden instead. and made for themselves a tent and spent
seven days mourning and lamenting in great
sadness. From that time on, the Bible
records a sad history of humanity disobeying
God, but God had put his plan of salvation in
place before the foundation of the world.
Resource Page
Parental Ping-Pong
Mom, where
do babies Ask your
come from? dad.

He told
Tell her I told you
me to
she can tell you
ask you.
Tell him I Mom told
told you me to ask
to ask you where
him. come from.

Can I interest you

Dad said to in five dollars
ask you Tell him I'm instead?
where telling you to Dad--!
babies tell him to
come from. tell you.

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