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Misr Language School – American Division

English Social Studies

World History
Ancient India - Maurya Empire

Name: _______________________________________________________
Class: ________________________________________________________
By: Ms. Christina John

The First Unification of India
The Maurya Empire

The Rise of Maurya Empire (Iron Age):

1. Ancient India was divided into weak and small kingdoms that were
constantly fighting each other.
2. When Alexander the Great’s power began to fade, The Mauryan Empire’s
first leader, Chandra Gupta Maurya, took this opportunity and started
rising to power.
3. After the death of Alexander the Great Chandra Gupta took advantage of the
situation and the gap of power that happened and started taking more land
with his new gathered army and by crowning himself king.
After gathering an army and overthrowing the Nanda power in Magadha, present-
day eastern India; Chandra Gupta crowned himself king.
Achievements of the Chandra Gupta’s rule:
Chandra Gupta Maurya began to build the Mauryan Empire in the 321 B.C.E.
The Maurya Family was significant because they were first to unite the kingdoms
of India.
After uniting northern India the capital of the Mauryan Empire became
Pataliputra (modern Patna)
He kept his kingdom strong by using force whenever it was necessary. He used his
powerful army, network of spies, and even torture to increase his power.
Chandragupta was in constant fear of his enemies that he hired spies to watch him
and then hired more spies to watch those spies.
He created a strong central government and made sure that farmers had all the
water they needed for crops.
The empire continued to grow even after he gave up power.
Ashoka’s Rule: 268–232 BCE

Chandra Gupta Maurya’s empire kept expanding and he kept gaining more
power and his son Bindusara followed his footsteps. However, Chandra
Gupta Maurya’s grandson, Ashoka, led a different kind of empire.
Ashoka promised to stop violence after seeing the consequences of his
family’s quest for land. After watching the horrific events that happened
during the war in Kalinga, he later decided to embrace Buddhism and
supported the Buddhist values of love and peace. Ashoka spread Buddhism
beyond India. He helped the spread of Buddhism beyond India by sending
his son to Ceylon
Although he embraced Buddhism he still honored and respected other
religions. Despite his Buddhist ideals he still kept a strong army just for the
protection of his empire. Ashoka still had slaves, kept a strong army, and
never returned any of the lands that the Mauryas took.
Some people were still executed for crimes under his rule, but he resisted
the idea of the Caste system which divided the people.
Ashoka wanted a strong, united empire guided by certain orders and beliefs.
To spread those concepts to his people, he had edicts carved into walls,
rocks, and tall pillars in place where everyone could see them.

The Four Main Goals:
Ashoka created 33 edicts and each one of them would fall under one of 4
categories and goals (Buddhist values, security, general welfare, and

Buddhist values:
This encouraged people to practice the ideals of Buddhism such as being
respectful, not getting attached to worldly things, and acting morally.
Edicts about security had to do with the enemies of the Mauryan Empire.
They dealt with issues of peace and conquest.
These edicts were in regards to fair laws and described how people would be
treated in court and jail.
General Welfare:
These promoted people’s wellbeing, such as making sure people had good
health, shelter, clean water, and food.

Vocabulary words:
Ashoka’s Edicts: a collection of Ashoka’s teachings as a Buddhist and as a
leader as shown on several pillars as well as caves.
Ashoka: Grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, a ruler of the Mauryan Empire,
who converted to Buddhism.
ChaundraguptaMaurya: The creator and the first ruler of the Maurya
Edicts: Official orders or written statements.
Dynasty: A series of rulers all from the same family.
Central Government: A political power that controls and entire nation or

1. Write a paragraph explaining how Chandra Gupta Maurya built
and ruled the Mauryan Empire.
2. The Mauryan Empire reached its height under his rule
A. Chandra Gupta Maurya C. Pataliputra
B. Ashoka D. Buddha
3. Founded India’s first empire
A. Ashoka C. Chandra Gupta Maurya
B. Vishnu D. Bindusara
4. What did Ashoka decide to do after the war of Kalinga
A. H stopped wars and embraced the ideals of Buddhism
B. He continued wars and conquered more land
C. He died in a war
5. How did Ashoka treat other religions in the Maurya Empire?
A. He forced all people to practice Hinduism
B. He respected other religions
C. He punished people who practiced Hinduism
6. The capital of the Mauryan empire was_________.
A. Pataliputra C. Magadha
B. Mohenjo Daro D. Buddhism

7. What were the 4 main goals for Ashoka’s edicts?


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