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Exercises – 02

Digital Logic I
Chapter 01 Exercises

Dr. Ahmad Kobeissi

Solving Exercises
1. What does 20(16) represent in the decimal number
a) 33

b) 48

c) 32

d) 20

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Solving Exercises
1. What does 20(16) represent in the decimal number
a) 33

b) 48

c) 32

d) 20

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Solving Exercises
2. Which of these numbers is the same as
a) 56AD(16)

b) 56AD0(16)

c) A5DA(16)

d) AD5A(16)

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Solving Exercises
2. Which of these numbers is the same as
a) 56AD(16)

b) 56AD0(16)

c) A5DA(16)

d) AD5A(16)

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Solving Exercises
3. Consider 8-bit registers. The 2’s complement
representation of the decimal number -15 is:
a) 00010001

b) 10001111

c) 11111111

d) 11110001

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Solving Exercises
3. Consider 8-bit registers. The 2’s complement
representation of the decimal number -15 is:
a) 00010001

b) 10001111

c) 11111111

d) 11110001

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Solving Exercises
4. Say that you have a two-bit register to represent
signed numbers. What range of decimals can be
a) -1 to +1

b) -1 to 0

c) -2 to +2

d) -2 to +1

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Solving Exercises
4. Say that you have a two-bit register to represent
signed numbers. What range of decimals can be
a) -1 to +1

b) -1 to 0

c) -2 to +2

d) -2 to +1

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Solving Exercises
5. In an 8-bit register, +20(10) is equal to signed binary
a) 10010100

b) 10100000

c) 01010100

d) 00010100

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Solving Exercises
5. In an 8-bit register, +20(10) is equal to signed binary
a) 10010100

b) 10100000

c) 01010100

d) 00010100

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Solving Exercises
6. In a 6-bit system, the result of the subtraction of the
pair of binary signed numbers 110101 – 000011 is:
a) 010010, overflow

b) 111001, no overflow

c) 110010, no overflow

d) 110010, overflow

Dr. Ahmad Kobeissi 12

Solving Exercises
6. In a 6-bit system, the result of the subtraction of the
pair of binary signed numbers 110101 – 000011 is:
a) 010010, overflow

b) 111001, no overflow

c) 110010, no overflow

d) 110010, overflow

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Solving Exercises
7. In a 6-bit system, the result of the subtraction of the
pair of binary signed numbers 110101 – 011000 is:
a) 101110, overflow

b) 101110, no overflow

c) 011101, overflow

d) 011101, no overflow

Dr. Ahmad Kobeissi 14

Solving Exercises
7. In a 6-bit system, the result of the subtraction of the
pair of binary signed numbers 110101 – 011000 is:
a) 101110, overflow

b) 101110, no overflow

c) 011101, overflow

d) 011101, no overflow

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Solving Exercises
8. Convert from the indicated base to Binary. Detail your
a) 40910 =

b) F0A12HEX =

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Solving Exercises
8. Convert from the indicated base to Binary. Detail your
a) 40910 = (110011001)2

b) F0A12HEX = (11110000101000010010)2

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Solving Exercises
9. Convert the following numbers to the indicated base.
Detail your steps:
a) 11010 =( )2

b) 146510 =( )16

c) 11010112 =( )10

d) A120916 =( )10

Dr. Ahmad Kobeissi 18

Solving Exercises
9. Convert the following numbers to the indicated base.
Detail your steps:
a) 11010 =( )2

b) 146510 =( )16

c) 11010112 =( )10

d) A120916 =( )10

Dr. Ahmad Kobeissi 19

Solving Exercises
9. Convert the following numbers to the indicated base.
Detail your steps:
a) 11010 = (1101110)2

b) 146510 = (5B9)16

c) 11010112 = (107)10

d) A120916 = (659977)10

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Solving Exercises
10.Write these decimal numbers in binary. Use 8 bit
a) -25

b) 18

c) -32

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Solving Exercises
10.Write these decimal numbers in binary. Use 8 bit
a) -25

b) 18

c) -32

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Solving Exercises
10.Write these decimal numbers in binary. Use 8 bit
a) -25 = 11100111

b) 18 = 00010010

c) -32 = 11100000

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Solving Exercises
11.Consider a 5 bit register
When working with unsigned numbers:
What is the highest decimal value that can be represented? __
What is the lowest decimal value that can be represented? __
How many numbers can be represented? __

When working with signed numbers:

What is the highest value that can be represented? __
What is the lowest value that can be represented? __
How many numbers can be represented? __

Dr. Ahmad Kobeissi 24

Solving Exercises
11.Consider a 5 bit register
When working with unsigned numbers:
What is the highest decimal value that can be represented? __
What is the lowest decimal value that can be represented? __
How many numbers can be represented? __

When working with signed numbers:

What is the highest value that can be represented? __
What is the lowest value that can be represented? __
How many numbers can be represented? __

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Solving Exercises
11.Consider a 5 bit register
When working with unsigned numbers:
What is the highest decimal value that can be represented? 31
What is the lowest decimal value that can be represented? 0
How many numbers can be represented? 32

When working with signed numbers:

What is the highest value that can be represented? 15
What is the lowest value that can be represented? 16
How many numbers can be represented? 32

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The End

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