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Assessment Reflection


Name: Solved Draw pictures that Additional Notes:

Addition/Subtraction match the story
Story Problems: problem:

Amelia 3/5 5/5 This student is a

struggling reader and
I knew this going in. I
made sure I was
reading the story to
her but I think not
reading them on her
own was causing

Aria 5/5 5/5

Bently 5/5 5/5

Cali 5/5 5/5

Klore 5/5 5/5

Naomi 5/5 5/5

Shane 5/5 5/5

Jayden 4/5 3/5 This student is an

ELL. He is able to
keep up and follow
along usually very
well but I think this
was just too much for

Jeffery 5/5 5/5

Jordy 5/5 3/5 This student did great

with the math portion
but with the drawings
he just wanted to
make them look
perfect so he didn’t
finish them.
How I would use the results:
I would use this information to make a follow up the following day. I would look and see that
some students struggled with the story problems, 2 of the 10 need some extra help. I would look
at this and for the following day give these students some extra help and attention. The reason
these students struggles was because they had a hard time reading an understanding the problem
even with me reading it to them. The rest of the class is sufficient and can understand it on their
own or me reading it out to them, so the next time I would read it out to the class and while
everyone is working I would go to these two students and re read it to them and underline the
important information together.
As for the student who didn’t draw all the pictures he just needs a reminder that it isn’t art and he
doesn’t have to make the pictures perfect. For basketballs he can just draw circles and not go into
insane detail .
Did I expect the results:
I think that these results were expected, I knew that some of the students struggled with reading
so I was interested on how that would play out. I was surprised however that they still struggled
when I was reading it to them, I thought that would be enough so for the next lesson I will have
to change things.
Language Arts

Name: Worksheet Retelling: Additional Notes:

Alia 3/3 3/3

Amelia 3/3 3/3

Aria 3/3 3/3

Bently 3/3 3/3 Used the

differentiated rubric
for this student. They
did better with it.

Cali 3/3 1/3 Was shy and wasn’t

willing ro participate,
it was hard to
understand if she

Klore 3/3 3/3

Naomi 3/3 3/3

Shane 3/3 3/3

Jayden 3/3 3/3

Jeffery 3/3 3/3

Jordy 3/3 3/3

How I would use the results:
I would use these results to try and do something different in the next lesson, based on this you
can clearly see that the students excel at retell and do not need any more practice with it. So if I
were to do another lesson in Language Arts I would choose something other than retell so they
can work on something they aren’t as strong in.
I want to be able to challenge these students because it is important they feel challenged since it
“can be highly motivating” which will want students to participate more. (
Did I expect the results:
I knew that the students would do good with this lesson, they have a lot of reading and language
arts during class. They have the most practice in this area so it is assumed they would preform
the best.
However what I did not expect was for Cali to be so shy when acting out her characters. The
reason I chose this activity is because these students love to pretend and they are imaginative so I
thought everyone would do well with it. It was hard to see if she actually understood because she
didn’t want to pretend with the characters.

Social Studies
Name: Vocabulary Question Retell Additional Notes:

Alia 5

Amelia 5

Aria 5

Bently 5

Cali 5 This student did a lot better

with the vocabulary retelling.
It was more formal which she

Klore 5

Naomi 5

Shane 5

Jayden 5

Jeffery 5

Jordy 5
How I would use the results:
This lesson was covering the vocabulary words, so seeing that the students understand them
gives the go ahead to move on and go into a different part of the lesson. I would for the following
lesson then have the students do their own thing with earing money and be more hands on rather
than just a discussion.
Did I expect the results:
I did think the results would be like this because I have seen the students work on vocabulary
before and they pick up so fast on it. I knew they would have no trouble picking up on things and


Name: Flipbook Puzzle Additional Notes:

Alia 8/8 8/8

Amelia 5/8 8/8 This student was able

to glue instead of
write and she got lost
somewhere and had a
few in the wrong

Aria 7/8 8/8 Had some spelling

errors even with it
infornt of them

Cali 8/8 8/8

Klore 8/8 8/8

Naomi 8/8 8/8

Jayden 8/8 8/8

Jeffery 8/8 8/8

How I would use the results:

For future lessons I would use these results to determine if we needed to cover this topic again,
in this case I think a quick run over would be sufficient and then they could move on to other
parts of space.
They were super excited to learn about space because they have no done it yet, so based off of
this result I would incorporate it more since they were so excited for it.
By including things that students are passionate about they are “more likely to engage with the
learning process” (ReachOutSchool, 2023)

Did I expect the results:

I wasn’t sure how this would go because they haven’t covered space yet and this was the first
thing they have done. They ended up doing good but the students are quick learners and can pick
up on things quick.

​ When reflecting on the feedback you provided for the 2 students and the whole class
(students you taught), do you feel this effectively provided them with insight into
their learning about the content? Why?

When giving feedback to the whole class I feel feedback was given in a good variety of
ways not only written but also verbal. The written feedback was made for the students to read so
it was child friendly. It also included anything they did well with and stuff they need to work on
more if needed. The verbal feedback was encouraging and positive, I made sure it explicitly
stated what they did well instead of just saying “good job”. This way the students can understand
exactly what they did good at and take pride in it.

For student 1 they have alot of issues with learned helplessness so when it came to
providing feedback I wanted to make sure they received positive insight anytime they completed
work on their own. This way their confidence in working bythemselves would go up and could
help their learned helplessness. This feedback was given more verbally because it could be done
right away instead of writing it and giving it back later. I always know they can struggle with
reading so I wanted to make sure they understood everything.

Student 2 was given written feedback more, they tend to try and do things for attention so
when they are working and doing well the last thing we wanted was to give attention that they
would try and get more of by actig out. I have learned with them the best thing to do is just not
pay attention to it. So their feedback was written and given at the end of the lesson, I would also
verbally say what I thought they did well and tell them they did super good working and not

​ How did you or will you help students use this feedback? You will want to discuss
the concrete ways you will use to remind them of the feedback and the teaching
strategies you will incorporate to have them use the feedback in a follow-up lesson.

The rubric that I used was colorful so it would catch their attention and remind them to look at it
to ensure they are doing the right thing. It also has an easy number scale so when they get any
written feedback it is an easy circle of a 5 showing they did everything correctly. This will be
good for the students who struggle with reading, is visually shows them that they did good and
doesn’t require reading.

Describe what you learned about teaching and learning related to assessment and
feedback? Please be specific and use some concrete professional citations in your

I learned that when students take an interest in the things that they are learning they will
have more ambition to actually participate and try to learn. By making these activities interactive
and involving for the students they had fun while doing it and were able to actively learn.

“Active learning rather than passive, makes it hard to sleep through class” ( Mazur, 2014)

Even for the students who don’t want to participate they are going to be watching their
classmates do activities which in turn they are learning the lesson. When it came to lessons that
were active and hands on the students preformed better than ones where they were sitting.

What would you have done differently during this lesson week? Why?

Overall I am proud of how this lesson week went, for it being the first one I ever did I
think I connected will with them and got some good involvement. Next time I teach a lesson to
this class I would want to model the activities before I started them with the students, I think it
would clear up any confusion and sets the expectations of what they should be doing. This was a
suggestion on my observation and when looking back I agree it is something that is important to
the lesson.
The role of challenge in Students’ engagement and ... (n.d.).

Why it’s important to understand students’ needs and interests. Tips for teachers: How to
get to know your students’ needs and interests | ReachOut Schools. (n.d.).

The benefit of interactive learning. Harvard Graduate School of Education. (n.d.).

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