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ACTIVITY 4 | Confidentiality in the Workplace

(Make a reflection of the talk presented by the Immersion teacher and attach 3 photos which
would serve as documentation and proof of attendance)

During work immersion, we students are exposed to various aspects of the workplace and
are entrusted with confidential information that belongs to the company we are interning at. This
information may include trade secrets, financial data, and personal information of employees or
clients. It is crucial for us students to understand the importance of keeping this information
confidential to maintain trust and credibility with the company. One of the main reasons why
confidentiality is important in the workplace is to protect the company's assets and reputation. If
confidential information is leaked, it can have a negative impact on the company's business
operations and relationships with clients and partners. Us students must understand the
consequences of breaching confidentiality, which can include legal action, termination of the
internship, and damage to our own reputation. I think by prioritizing confidentiality, we students
can demonstrate our professionalism and integrity in the workplace. In addition to protecting the
company's assets, maintaining confidentiality also helps to build trust with our colleagues and
supervisors. When us students demonstrate our ability to handle confidential information
responsibly, we are more likely to be entrusted with important tasks and projects. This can lead
to valuable learning opportunities and networking connections that can benefit us students in our
future careers. By earning the trust of our colleagues, we can also foster positive working
relationships that can enhance our overall work immersion experience. And also by
understanding the importance of confidentiality, us students can demonstrate our
professionalism, integrity, and trustworthiness in the workplace. Ultimately, respecting
confidentiality not only benefits the company and its stakeholders, but also helps us build
valuable skills and relationships that can contribute to our personal and professional growth.
Documentation for Confidentiality in the Workplace
Insert atleast three (3) photos/screenshots here. Your name must be visible from the screenshot as
proof that you really joined the webinar.

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