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3/20/24, 10:58 AM Difference Between Clipper and Clamper - GeeksforGeeks

Difference Between Clipper and Clamper

Clippers and Clampers are very important for changing waveforms into different shapes. They are
important parts of handling signals, helping engineers to manage and change electrical messages. A
clipper is a simple electric system made to change the shape of an incoming sound wave. It controls or
“clips” how loud it can be, so we don’t need full strength from start to finish. A clipper’s job is to take out
or handle certain parts of a signal when it goes above or below a set limit. On the other hand, a clamper
is an electronic part made to put DC (steady current ) into AC (changing current ). A clamper’s job is to
move the whole waveform higher or lower without changing its shape.

Table of Content
What is Clipper?
Working of Clipper
Types of clipper
What is Clamper?
Working of Clamper ×
Types of Clamper
Clippers and Clampers using Op-Amp
Difference Between Clipper and Clamper

What is Clipper? 1/32
3/20/24, 10:58 AM Difference Between Clipper and Clamper - GeeksforGeeks

A Clipper is a special circuit in electronics that cuts or stops the size of sound waves. It lets signals go
through at a certain distance, getting rid of any parts that are beyond the set rules. Clippers are used in
audio editing, phone systems, and many types of electronic gadgets.

Working of Clipper
Using a Clipper means picking out parts of the input waveform and removing them. This is done by using
diodes to make a small drop in voltage. This stops the signal’s strength from being too high. Here is a
general explanation of the working of a clipper:

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Diode Operation: Clippers often use diodes to manage electricity flow. Diodes let current flow in one ×
way only. In simple terms, a clipper uses this feature to control the size of waveform peaks.
Series and Shunt Configurations: Clippers can be set up in line or side by side (parallel) with the input
signal. In a series clipper, the diode is linked with the signal path in line. This lets it chop up waveform
when power gets over some limit value. In a type of clipper called a shunt, the diode is linked to help
with how electricity flows if there’s too much voltage. 2/32
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T hreshold Voltage: The main thing in a clipper is the voltage limit. This is the amount of electricity
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needed for the diode to begin letting it move, which helps control how big or small a signal can be. The
starting voltage decides when the cutting action happens.
Clipping Action: When the waveform of input gets bigger than a certain point, it causes the diode to
start flowing. This makes going from one side to another in low resistance easy for that signal. This
makes the high-voltage part of the waveform smaller by directing it away through a special type of
electronic device called a diode.

Types of Clipper
There are some Types of Clipper given below :

Series Clippers

In series clippers, the diode is connected in series with the input signal. When the voltage of the input
waveform exceeds a certain threshold, the diode conducts and clips the waveform.

Series Positive Clippers

Operation: It uses a diode put in series with the incoming signal. The diode works during the up half-
cycle, limiting the amplitude of positive waves. ×

Effect: Limits the positive portion of the signal, which clips and molds it into a wave shape. 3/32
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Series Positive Clippers

Series Positive Clipper with Bias

Operation: Adds a DC bias voltage to the diode in series with it on a positive clipper. This bias affects
when the diode starts to work, giving better control over the positive clipping level. ×

Effect: Makes the clipper better by letting engineers carefully adjust the positive clipping point. 4/32
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Series Positive Clipper with Bias

Series Negative Clipper

Operation: Uses a diode in series with the incoming signal to clip the negative half of the waveform. The
diode allows current to flow during the negative part, reducing the amplitude. ×

Effect: Reduces the negative portion of the signal, shaping the waveform by clipping its amplitude. 5/32
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Series Negative Clipper

Series Negative Clipper with Bias

Operation: Uses a DC voltage in series with the diode for negative clipping. The bias changes how the
diode works during negative half-cycle, giving exact control over over the negative clipping level. ×

Effect: Gives extra power over the negative clipping point, allowing for more customization. 6/32
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Series Negative Clipper with Bias

Shunt Clippers

Shunt clippers use diodes connected in parallel with the input signal. When the voltage surpasses a
specified level, the diode conducts and provides an alternative path for the current, effectively clipping ×
the signal. 7/32
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Shunt Clippers

Shunt Positive Clipper

Operation: Uses a diode parallel with the input signal to clip the positive half of waveform. The diode
allows electricity to flow when the positive part gets too high, giving a different way for current. ×

Effect: Limits the positive portion of the signal by making a low-resistance path, effectively clipping the
amplitude. 8/32
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Shunt Positive Clipper

Shunt Positive Clipper with Bias

Operation: Adds a DC voltage with the diode in positive clipper. The bias affects the conduction point of
the diode in positive half-cycle, allowing for more controlled clipping. ×

Effect: It makes positive clipping more accurate by adding a bias voltage. 9/32
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Shunt Positive Clipper with Bias

Shunt Negative Clipper

Operation: Uses a diode, which is parallel with the input signal. It cuts off the negative half of waveform.
The diode lets current flow during the negative portion of the waveform, providing an alternative path for ×
the current.

Effect: Restricts the negative portion of the signal by making a low-resistance path, effectively clipping
the amplitude. 10/32
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Shunt Negative Clipper

Shunt Negative Clipper with Bias

Operation: Adds a DC voltage to the diode in a negative-clipping circuit. The bias affects the conduction
point of the diode during the negative half-cycle, allowing for more precise control over negative clipping. ×

Effect: It makes negative clipping more accurate by adding a bias voltage. 11/32
3/20/24, 10:58 AM Difference Between Clipper and Clamper - GeeksforGeeks

Shunt Negative Clipper with Bias

Dual (Combination) Clipper

Operation: Uses features from both series and shunt clippers, often with two diodes. This setup is very
useful for changing the shape of waveform. It enables control over both parts, positive and negative ×

Effect: Gives engineers freedom to create circuits that can selectively clip both positive and negative
portions of the waveform, providing a broader range of applications.

What is Clamper? 12/32
3/20/24, 10:58 AM Difference Between Clipper and Clamper - GeeksforGeeks

A clamper, also called a DC restorer or level shifter, is an electronic device made to add in a steady
current part with the twisty electric wave pattern. The job of a clamper is to move the whole wave up or
down without changing its shape. This is done by adding a capacitor and a diode to the circuit, making it
possible for energy storage or release.

Working of Clamper
Here’s a general overview of the working of a clamper:

Basic Components: A clamper circuit usually has a capacitor (C), a diode (D) and a resistor (R). The
capacitor is linked to the input wave with a series connection. Meanwhile, the diode sits side by side (in
parallel) with this capacitor.
Charging Phase: When the input AC waveform is positive, it charges through a diode. The diode lets
the current move only when the input power is more than what’s stored in the capacitor.
Discharging Phase: When the AC input signal is dropping, the diode blocks more charging because it
works against current flow. But, the capacitor starts to lose its energy through the resistor. It still keeps
a voltage level between its ends.
DC Level Adjustment: The loading and releasing of the capacitor change its whole pattern up or down,
depending on which way the diode is pointing. You can change how strong the output waveform is by
controlling when it gets more power and less power. This depends on the size of the capacitor and
resistor used.

Types of Clamper

Positive Clamper

A positive clamper is a type of clamper circuit that shifts the entire waveform in the positive direction. It
adds a positive DC component to the input signal during the charging phase, resulting in an upward shift 13/32
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of the waveform.

Positive Clamper

Positive clamper with positive Vr

Operation: Adding a positive voltage changes the amount of DC. When the charging capacitor and ×
positive voltage are put together, they cause a stronger upwards shift in the output pattern.

Effect: The entire waveform moves higher by a value chosen from the positive voltage. 14/32
3/20/24, 10:58 AM Difference Between Clipper and Clamper - GeeksforGeeks

Positive clamper with positive Vr

Positive Clamper with Negative Vr

Operation: A negative bias voltage in a positive clamper changes the DC level. This happens because of
downward shift caused by the negative side. This makes the negative change in the output waveform ×
more noticeable.

Effect: The entire waveform is moved down lower by an amount decided by the negative voltage. 15/32
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Positive Clamper with Negative Vr

Negative Clamper

In contrast, a negative clamper shifts the entire waveform in the negative direction. It adds a negative DC
component to the input signal during the charging phase, leading to a downward shift of the waveform. × 16/32
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Negative Clamper

Negative clamper with positive Vr

Operation: Adding a good extra electricity in a negative clamper affects the level that doesn’t change.
The use of a charging battery and a strong positive pressure leads to an increased shift towards the ×
positive side in the output pattern.

Effect: The entire waveform is moved higher by a measure decided by the positive battery voltage. 17/32
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Negative clamper with positive Vr

Negative Clamper with Negative Vr

Operation: Adding a negative voltage in a clamper causes it to lower the DC level by moving down. This
happens because of the negativity from that extra charge you add on. This makes the downward change ×
in the output waveform more noticeable.

Effect: The entire waveform is moved down by an amount set by the negative battery voltage. 18/32
3/20/24, 10:58 AM Difference Between Clipper and Clamper - GeeksforGeeks

Negative Clamper with Negative Vr

Clippers and Clampers using Op-Amp

Op-Amps or Operational amplifiers can be added to clippers and clampers. This makes them more
accurate and flexible in their performance. Let’s briefly explore how Op-Amps are utilized in both clippers
and clampers: ×

Op-Amps in Clippers

Comparator-Based Clippers: Op-Amps are often used in clippers that use comparators. In this setup,
the Op-Amp works as a high-gain matcher. The Op-Amp’s non-inverting side is linked to a fixed
voltage, and the inverting part connects with the incoming signal. 19/32
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Voltage Clamping: By changing the voltage of reference, engineers can control when Op-Amp starts
to get saturated. This way they make a clipper that stops signals passing through it beyond a certain
level. When the signal is sending too much power than what’s normal, an Op-Amp gets full and stops
making sound.
Precision Clipping: Op-Amps give exact control and fine tuning of the clipping level. This makes them
good choices for use in situations where accurate cutting is important, like dealing with audio signals.

Op-Amps in Clampers

Precision Level Shifting: Op-Amps are often used in clamper circuits to get accurate level changes. The
Op-Amp, working with other parts, helps to correctly set the DC level of the output wave’s shape.
Voltage Follower Configuration: A type of circuit called a clamper can use an Op-Amp setup as a
voltage follower. The capacitor is linked to the negative input, and the Op-Amp keeps a pretend zero at
that point.
Enhanced Stability: Op-Amps help the clamper circuit stay steady by giving a big input resistance and
low output resistance. This reduces how much it affects other devices in its way.
Biasing Control: In biased clampers, Op-Amps help to manage the bias voltage. This lets you exactly
set up how much DC is added during charging of a waveform curve’s peaks and troughs.

Difference Between Clipper and Clamper ×

Clipper Clamper

Add a DC component to shift the

Limit or clip the amplitude of a waveform.
waveform. 20/32
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Clipper Clamper

Basic Components include Diodes, Basic Components includes Diodes,

resistors, and sometimes Op-Amps. capacitors, resistors, and Op-Amps.

Eliminate unwanted signal components. Adjust the DC level of waveforms.

Positive, negative, and biased

Series and shunt configurations.

Diodes selectively conduct at the Capacitors charge and discharge to shift

threshold. the waveform.

Commonly used for precision and They are frequently used to enhance
versatility in certain types. stability and precision.

Adjust clipping levels for specific Adjust DC levels and biases for desired
applications. waveforms. ×

Offers flexibility in shaping waveforms by Provides flexibility in adjusting DC levels

choosing diode types and configurations. and bias voltages.

Applications – Audio processing, Applications – DC level setting, biasing in

communication systems, signal peak amplifiers, power supply regulation. 21/32
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Clipper Clamper


Waveform Modification – DC level

Waveform Modification – Amplitude
adjustment without altering waveform
reduction or clipping.

Example IC Usage – LM741 Op-Amp for Example IC Usage – LM324 Op-Amp for
enhanced precision in clipping circuits. improved stability and DC level control.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Clipper and Clamper

some of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Clipper and Clamper

Advantages of Clippers

Amplitude Control: Clippers help control how big a wave is by cutting off parts of it. This gives us a
way to handle signal power better.
Simplicity in Design: Clipper circuits are simple and cheap to make. They work well for different uses
where easy control of volume is needed.
Application in Audio Processing: Clippers are used a lot in audio signal handling. This helps engineers
control the loudness of sound signals well.
Versatility: Different kinds of clippers (series, shunt and so on) allow you to change wave shapes in
many ways. This helps engineers pick the best setup for their special job needs based on what they
need it for. 22/32
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Disadvantages of Clippers

Distortion Potential: Cutting can mess up the waveform, especially if it’s not done right. This might
hurt signal quality.
Limited Applicability: Clippers can’t do much in tasks that need complex sound adjusting beyond just
changing volume.
Complex Waveform Interaction: Sometimes, the way a waveform meets diodes in a trimming device
can cause complicated changes. This may affect how clear a signal is.
T hreshold Sensitivity: Some clipper circuits might work better if their voltage is just right. You need to
be careful and adjust them correctly for the best results.

Advantages of Clampers

DC Level Adjustment: Clampers help to set the DC level in a wave shape correctly. This makes sure it
works well with later parts of electronic systems.
Biasing in Amplifiers: In circuits, weighters are often used to adjust bias in amplifiers. They help make
them work steadily by setting the right DC point when they’re running on power from a plug or
Power Supply Regulation: In energy supply circuits, clampers help to control the DC level of output.
This leads to steady and strong power distribution. ×
Versatile DC Shifting: Adding biased clampers makes things more flexible. Now, engineers can control
the DC offset better and with greater accuracy.

Disadvantages of Clampers

Complex Design: Some clampers, especially biasing ones, can have a more complicated look than
clippers. This needs careful thinking about parts of the circuit. 23/32
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Limited Use in Amplitude Control: Clampers are not made to control sound volume, instead they only
help balance the DC level. So they can’t be used where all you need is amplitude control alone.
Loading Effects: In some setups, clampers might add weight to the signal source. This can change how
well a circuit performs altogether.
External Bias Considerations: How well a biased clamp works may depend on how strong and
trustworthy the extra voltage from outside is. This could be something to think about in some

Applications of Clipper and Clamper

some of the Applications of Clipper and Clamper

Applications of Clipper

Audio signal processing.

Communication systems.
Television and radio broadcasting.
Electronic devices with amplitude limitations.
Signal peak control in power amplifiers.

Applications of Clamper ×

DC level setting in waveforms.

Biasing in amplifiers.
Power supply regulation.
Pulse generators.
Cathode ray oscilloscope calibration. 24/32
3/20/24, 10:58 AM Difference Between Clipper and Clamper - GeeksforGeeks

In the end, clippers and clampers are different because they serve various purposes in electronic circuits.
Clippers are made to lessen or cut the power of a waveform. They help you control signal strength. They
are useful for adjusting strength and shaping waves, often used in things like sound processing or
communication systems. Although clippers work well in controlling size, they may cause distorted signals
and react to measurement points. In contrast, clampers work on changing the DC level of a waveform
without touching its shape. They are very important in setting the DC bias for electronic devices. This
makes them good to use for things like adjusting voltages in amplifiers and regulating power supply
systems. Clampers provide accurate DC level changes and better stability. They often use things like
capacitors and diodes in their construction. But, their shape can be more difficult to make and they might
not work well for cases where only volume adjustment is needed.

FAQs on Clipper Vs Clamper

What is the main job of a clipper circuit?

A clipper circuit mostly made to control or clip specific parts of an input signal. It selectively removes
or controls certain amplitude levels, changing the waveform according to the circuit configuration.

What is the difference between a clamper circuit and a clipper circuit?

Both clippers and clampers change waveforms, but they do different jobs. Clippers manage how
strong a signal is by clipping certain parts of it. On the other hand, clampers change the starting point 25/32
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(DC level) of full waveforms without altering their shape or form.

What part do bias voltages take in clipper and clamper circuits?

Bias values are added to clip and shape the circuits. They provide a steady DC adjustment. In clipper
circuits, bias voltages change the clipping levels. Meanwhile, in clamper circuits they affect how much
DC is present in the output waveform’s level overall.

Can amplifiers (Op-Amps) be used in clipper and clamper circuits?

Yes, you can add operational amplifiers to both clipper and clamper circuits. OP-Amps improve
accuracy and steadiness, allowing for better controlled changes in waveforms or precise setting of DC

What are some usual uses of clipper and clamper circuits in electronic systems? ×

Clippers are used in audio processing, communication systems and signal conditioning where it is
important to keep the level of sound or volume under control. Clampers help to set the level of DC in
waveforms, adjust biasing for amplifiers and control power supply in many electronic devices. 26/32

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