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2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Math Field Teaching Plan and Reflective Analysis


The Math Field Teaching Plan and Reflective Analysis has two strands: a research strand (green boxes)
and a lesson planning strand (blue boxes). Each strand has its own timeline and due dates. Please refer to
the Workflow Table for an overview.

● Part I research writing is due Week 3; lesson design is due 3 weeks before your lesson is taught.

● Part II research writing is due Week 4; lesson design is due 2 weeks before your lesson is taught,
along with revisions to Part I

● Part III (the completed and revised lesson plan) is due 1 week before your lesson is taught to
your mentor teacher and supervisor in addition to your instructor.

● Part IV is due 1 week after you teach the lesson, along with any final revision to the lesson plan.

● Appendix: Workflow Table- an aide for making sense of due dates

Notes in gray boxes are advice on writing the lesson plan.

Type your responses in white boxes
Your plan is designed to be completed in sections and continually revised as you move through each section.

Please use the following color code when you make revisions!
Strikethrough- Something that has been deleted
Blue - Changed that were made as part of the rough draft in response to Master Teacher or peer feedback
(before teaching the lesson).
Green - Added spontaneously while teaching the lesson (After the lesson).
Red - Did not do while teaching the lesson (After the lesson, as part of revision/reflection).
Pink - Would do differently next time if I were to do this lesson again (After the lesson).

Name Dian Tang Partner Erin Kim

Mentor Teacher Mrs. Kara Wells School Northwood High School
Date 5/9/2023 and 5/11/2023 Course Math I

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Part I: Information about the Lesson

LESSON DESIGN due 3 weeks prior to instruction
research strand (green boxes) ; lesson planning strand (blue boxes
RESEARCH WRITING - Connecting Learning with Students - DUE Week 3

Paragraph 1 (between 150 and 250 words):

● What made learning interesting, relevant, and engagain and matter to you when you were a student?
What made it less interesting, relevant, and engaging?
● Why do you think that is? What theories from ED55 could explain this?

Paragraph 2 (between 175 and 200 words):

● What do we need to know about our students to ensure that our focal phenomenon matters, is
meaningful, relevant to them.
● Consider Moll’s Funds of Knowledge from ED55 and complete and reference one additional
reading (per student) on student funds of knowledge. Consider values, identities, cultures, and
student background. How can you find these things out about your students and community?

Paragraph 3/4 (between 200 and 350 words):

● What everyday knowledge and ways of thinking and knowing (need to unpack this), about this
phenomenon, concept, idea, do you expect students will be able to bring with them to this lesson?
● What prior knowledge should students already have about this idea or concept?
● How do you know, or could find out, what students already know and do not know. What could be
one approach that you could use to find out what students would accommodate as wide a range of
thinking and knowing as you can?
Paragraph 1 (Erin): When I was a student, learning was interesting and relevant when the mathematical
concept had connections to real-life situations. For example, last quarter in the ED143AW discussion, Kris
taught a lesson where we collected the number of hours of screen time on every students’ phone and we
learned the derivation of the formula to find the mean. After this lesson, many students realized how high
their screen time is and that they should reduce the number of hours they spend on their phone. A math
lesson is less interesting, relevant, and engaging when given formulas and problems in which the teacher
writes on the board without allowing students to ask questions and participate in solving the problem. We
were trained to memorize steps to solve certain types of problems instead of learning to understand the
formula behind the concept and the steps. This is due to the fact that when information is directly given to us,
“information is temporarily stored, manipulated, and later forgotten (Austin et al.)”; this is known as the
“working memory”. Knowledge is stored in the brain for a long period of time (long-term memory) when
teachers “offer opportunities to make meaningful full connections among concepts (Austin et al.).” Thus
knowledge from a phenomenon-based lesson remains in the brain longer than directly given knowledge
since students have the opportunity to make real-life connections to mathematical concepts.

Paragraph 2 (Dian): New curriculum standards shift test-oriented learning to quality-oriented learning that

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
emphasizes teachers introducing mathematics problems in life into the classroom so that students c
Paragraph 1 (Dian): As students, we always feel math learning is fun and engaging when it is closely
related to the reality of our lives, modeled on our life experience and existing knowledge, to create a vivid
and interesting situation for further studying and exploring. In the last quarter, Vanessa led us to learn the
concept of volume by letting us collect data on how much water we use daily, per week, and month, then
think about using some commonly seen object like a bathtub or pool to describe how much water consumed
after a certain amount of time. This topic is easy for all of us to understand since we all use water daily in our
lives and fully mobilize our existing experiences. Our learning is driven by interest, aiming to stimulate
students’ curiosity and autonomy. We feel the traditional lecturing style classroom is less engaging and
efficient. When I was in high school, we never knew “why we need math” and “why math looks this way,”
where we are only told to memorize formulas and repeatedly practice solving problems using uniform ways,
resulting in a feeling of weariness and an aversion toward learning. It is related to the theory of working
memory, which is the knowledge temporarily stored by us through repeatedly manipulating that can be
forgotten, and long-term memory, which is the knowledge that can be rehearsed after a long time (Darling-
Hammond et al.). Students may not recall what they are forced to memorize, but they can remember the fun
activities, which uses fun hands-on activity to carry out students independent exploration of the math model
that can be applied to stimulate the world phenomenon for practical use, we did during class, allowing them
to explore the meaning of math., students to understand where does the math come from and why we need
Paragraph 2 (Erin): To see that our focal phenomenon matters, we need to get to know our students and
form a classroom community. In addition to knowing students’ strengths and weaknesses in math, it is
essential to learn about students’ backgrounds such as their interests, family, and life outside of the
classroom to be able to create suitable mathematical lessons that can hopefully remain in students’ long-
term memory. I can also communicate with other teachers on campus to connect math to subjects such as
history and science, which will help students realize how math is applied in other areas. In “Funds of
Knowledge” by Luis C. Moll, it says that learning about students’ backgrounds such as household “can
become the basis for the exchange of knowledge about family or school matters, reducing the insularity of
classrooms, and contributing to the academic content and lessons.” Learning about students’ backgrounds
and implementing their cultures and interests (realistic situations) will help learning math feel equally
accessible to everyone. One form of social justice in math education is “eliminating deficit views of
mathematics learning (NCSM and TODOS)”. Instead of marginalizing students based on their race and their
performance in math, students’ cultures and interests can be applied to the lesson in order for math to feel
less scary and significant to create an inclusive learning environment. I can find out about students’
backgrounds and cultures through non-math related activities such as ice breakers.
an practice and explore math under a real context, then finally acquire knowledge. Therefore, before
teaching, teachers should create an educational context by linking math to different disciplines or other
features, such as students' existing knowledge, living environment, cultural background, and hobbies, based
on a comprehensive understanding of their students (Llopart and Esteban-Guitart). So, we can choose
suitable phenomenon for students to apply math for practical use, so we can successfully carry out our role
of scaffolding as mentioned in "Funds of Knowledge": "with the students summarizing and reflecting upon
their work, and by identifying further topics for future research, The teacher, in turn, has become a 'mediator,'
providing strategic assistance that would facilitate the students' inquiry and work" (Moll et al., 1992). And this
can be done during our daily communication with students. Through helping students, we got the chance to
get to know some students in my mentor teacher's classroom who are bilingual, from different places in the
United States or even in the world. This gives us an initial idea of connecting the math topic of midpoints and
distance with different locations worldwide.

Paragraph 3 (Erin): Our lesson will be on finding the midpoint of a line segment and finding the length of a
line segment (distance formula). Students might have rode an airplane for many hours (there are English
language learners who immigrated to the US, so they might’ve experienced this) or go on a road trip with
their families. While traveling, they might have taken a break from driving (or a layover when on the
airplane), and usually, people take breaks at the halfway point to their destination. This phenomenon can be

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
used to determine what city they will be taking a break at when traveling from different cities domestically
and internationally. The distance formula will be implemented to discover how many miles they have traveled
to reach the halfway point and how many more miles they have to travel to reach their destination. Students
will be using prior knowledge such as plotting points and labeling coordinates on a xy graph. When using the
distance formula, students will be using prior knowledge such as adding squares and using the square root
to get their final answers.

Paragraph 3 (Dian): We will be connecting the math topics of finding midpoint and distance formulas with
students who already know the geographic topic of longitude and latitude under a real-life phenomenon of a
plane flying from one place to another and asking students to justify the following question: “Why plane
layover is not always in the midpoint” by determining where is the midpoint located on the flight route. We
expect this phenomenon to be familiar to our students because they already learned this geographic topic in
elementary school. Students often need to take a flight to their hometowns in other cities or countries or to
travel, and flights with layovers are generally more affordable, so layovers should also be a commonly-
known concept for our students. Besides that, students should also know that a layover is designed to carry
more passengers, and the location for a layover should also be reasonable, such that a plane should not lay
over in the middle of a sea. In the distance formula lesson, we will do a similar thing and ask students to find
the distance of the airplane that should fly according to its flight route and explore the formula using the
concepts of the Pythagorean theorem.

Paragraph 4 (Erin): To see what students know or do not know about the phenomenon, we can first begin
the lesson by asking engaging questions that should lead to the phenomenon such as, “How many of you
have traveled before? Where did you travel? Did you ride an airplane or car (a road trip)? Did any of you
experience taking a break when traveling by airplane or car? At what point in your trip do you usually think
breaks or layovers are at?”. Some students who do not travel as much might not be familiar with this, so we
can also briefly show students visuals such as a video or map of traveling from one city to another and
where a lot of people like to take a break at or have layovers at. One approach I can use to see what
students would accommodate as a wide range of thinking and knowing is by “creating peer interaction
groups for students” (Soika 2020). In my lesson, I can implement think-pair-share, which will help students
gain different perspectives of the discussed topic throughout the lesson. Students first have the opportunity
to share what they know and they will also gain new knowledge through group interactions.

Paragraph 4 (Dian): We will ask intriguing questions: “How often do you travel by airplane? Have you heard
of the concept of layover? Do you know why an airplane needs a layover? Do you think airplanes always do
a layover in the middle place they pass by on their flight route? Do you know what longitude and latitude are
used for?” to ask if students heard about or knew the prerequisite knowledge before we start our lesson, and
we will provide video explanation and follow-up questions to get to know if students fully understand those
concepts. By looking at our mentor teacher’s teaching guide and constantly checking with our mentor
teacher, we already knew our students were feeling comfortable applying the Pythagorean theorem before
this lesson.

TEACHING CONTEXT - DUE 21 Days Before Teach

Describe the unit in which your lesson fits (e.g. quadratic functions; figure congruence), and the lesson topic
(e.g. graphing quadratic functions using transformations, proving figures congruence using transformations)

Unit : Math I, Chapter 7, Section 2 (Midpoint)

Lesson Sequence Topic(s): Determining the midpoint of a line segment and finding the length of a line
segment (distance formula).
Type of Class: Math I

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
Choose the appropriate descriptors from the lists or substitute your own descriptions.

● Grade level(s): (9, 10, 11,12)

● Type of school: (Urban or Suburban)
● Tracking level: (Untracked, Lower track, College bound, or Inclusion)

ABSTRACT (~50-100 words per question) - DUE 21 Days Before Teach

What is the overarching learning goal and/or essential questions for the instructional sequence?

The overarching learning goal for this lesson is for students to learn about determining the midpoint of a line
segment and finding the length of a line segment using the distance formula.
The overarching learning goal for the distance formula is to let students construct a proof of this formula
using the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance of the hypotenuse of a right triangle. by understanding
the terms of vertical and horizontal lines to find the distance between two points on horizontal and vertical
lines, be able to discover a formula using variables without having to physically measure the distance (i.e. be
able to create a right triangle using the given segment as the hypotenuse of the right triangle, which has
distance as the square root of the sum of the area of the squares on the other two sides), and finally be able
to use the formula they discovered to calculate distance.

What is the observable event/phenomenon or real world context that students will be exploring?

The learning goals above will be connected to how when students travel by airplane or car (road trip), there
are cases when they stop at the halfway point of their trip. With the midpoint formula and distance formula,
students will be using a map on XY axes where they will be traveling domestically and internationally (e.g.,
from Irvine to Seattle by plane, from LA to Paris), and they will be finding the halfway points of their trips with
the midpoint formula and how many more miles they have to travel from the midpoint using the distance

What questions will you use to surface students’ initial thinking about the phenomenon?

Ask students if they know what we use to identify locations on the Earth’s surface to introduce the idea that
we are going to study the math of midpoint and distance formula using the geographic idea of longitude and
How many of you have traveled before? Where did you travel? Did you ride an airplane or car (a road trip)?
Did any of you experience taking a break when traveling by airplane or car? At what point in your trip do you
think your layover or break was (e.g., when reaching the halfway point of the destination after an hour of
traveling on a 14-hour plane ride)?

How does the lesson align to the standards (CA Common Core State Standards (CA CCSS)?

N-CN-6: Calculate the distance between numbers in the complex plane as the modulus of the difference,
and the midpoint of a segment as the average of the numbers at its endpoints.

G-GPE-7: Use coordinates to compute perimeters of polygons and areas of triangles and rectangles, e.g.,
using the distance formula.

6.NS-8: Solve real-world and mathematical problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of the
coordinate plane. Include use of coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points with the
same first coordinate or the same second coordinate.
8.G.8: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance between two points in a coordinate system.

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

What will the students do to make sense of the phenomenon (activities)? Look for connections to the
Standards for Mathematical Practice.

*use Geoboard or graph paper for activity as visualization*

Students will use a Geoboard and rubber bands (and graph paper to draw points and lines) to find the
halfway point from one city to another city and the distance from one city to another. For example, students
will first be traveling from Irvine’s John Wayne Airport to New York’s JFK Airport, and Irvine and New York
will be expressed as points on the XY axes. This airline has its layover right in the middle of their trip, and
students will find the midpoint to discover what city they’ll be resting at.
SMP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
SMP4: Model with Mathematics.
SMP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.

Why does this phenomenon matter to my students?

We chose this phenomenon because the real-life situation of plane travel is familiar to all students since
many students in the classroom are from different places outside of Orange County. We want to use math to
link places and countries all over the world. In this lesson, we will also be able to connect math with other
disciplines, such as geography, where students will be able to draw the longitude and latitude of the position
of different locations in the world as points on a rectangular coordinate system, and the idea of how to read a
map, where geometry is used to plan routes and keep the aircraft on course. Studying math concepts of
midpoint and distance under this context will deepen students' understanding of some abstract questions
"why do planes usually not have a layover on the midpoint," and create a math model (formula) to calculate
the distance a plane has traveled.

What is the overall flow and structure of the lesson sequence (in a few sentences)? Day 1 …., Day 2….

Day 1: Determining the midpoint of a line segment. Students will be asked questions that’ll lead to the
phenomenon of traveling by plane or car, where they’ll be resting at the halfway point of their ride. They’ll
learn that the midpoint formula can discover the halfway point. by having students investigate ways of finding
the midpoint of a line segment by using visual representation of a rubber band on a geoboard (e.g., counting
dots on the geoboard, and using arithmetic for finding the mid-dot on the line created by the rubber band),
and finally to observe that the midpoint is exactly between the two x-values and the two y-values.
Day 2: Determining the distance of a line segment. Students will construct a brief proof of the distance
formula using their already-learned knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem by building a right triangle with
the line segment as its hypotenuse and discovering the area of the square on the hypotenuse equals the
area of squares on the other two sides. Thus the distance of the hypotenuse is the square root of the sum of
areas of the squares on the other two sides.

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Part II: Clarifying Your Goals for the Topic

LESSON DESIGN due 2 weeks prior to instruction

RESEARCH WRITING - The Role of Phenomenon - DUE Week 4

Paragraph 1 (between 200 and 300 words):

Why do we use phenomena? What are the benefits for students? How is this different from “traditional”
approaches (Consider what you learned about learning theories, and student learning, and what you
experienced as a student in the modeling of a phenomenon based lesson, complete and reference one
additional reading (per student) on student funds of knowledge.
How can the phenomenon promote and build on student identity, interest, and prior knowledge?

Paragraph 2 (between 200 and 250 words):

What are some challenges you are encountering in designing and implementing phenomena? Why do you
think these arise? What tensions do you experience about this?

How are you overcoming the challenges of developing a culturally responsive and cognitively demanding

Paragraph 1: We use phenomena when teaching math lessons in order for students to be aware of
how math is a useful subject that connects to our everyday life. When math concepts are taught
using a phenomenon, students will remember the concept better since they see that it is essential in
the real world. A “traditional” lesson usually consists of teachers having students write problems
and definitions and theorems they are required to know, and students have to copy content written
on the board. More specifically, “traditional” math lessons involve students completing certain
procedures to solve equations, and not all students have the opportunity to share their
understandings with the class. Since math taught in a “traditional” approach requires memorizing
formulas and steps, “information is temporarily stored, manipulated, and later forgotten (Austin et
al.)”; this is known as the “working memory.” In contrast, using phenomena “offer opportunities to
make meaningful connections among concepts (Austin et al.).” When creating a phenomenon-
based lesson, some thoughts we have in mind are, “What kind of real-world concepts can students
feel connected to that relates to math? Does this phenomenon seem like something students at this
age will understand?” In the Math 1 class, we observed there are some students who immigrated to
the US and there are some students who have traveled by plane or car. Connecting the midpoint
formula and distance formula to traveling around the world can relate to a student's experiences
and interests with traveling or their identity of being an immigrant. When teachers are creating
phenomenon-based lessons, one of the main components of a modeling process is “identify
something in the real world we want to know, do, or understand. (Hernández et al.)”. In our lesson,
we want students to understand what the midpoint is when traveling and why not all layovers or
breaks can happen precisely at the halfway point. Good connection to theory in this paragraph.

Paragraph 2: When designing and implementing phenomena, an obstacle we encounter is if all

students are able to connect to it. We carefully think about our phenomenon and ask ourselves
Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
questions such as, “Would students be able to understand this scenario? Would students think that
this concept is relevant?”. In general, it is very challenging for a certain phenomenon to feel relevant
to every single student in a diverse classroom. However, we decided to implement traveling around
the world to teach the midpoint formula and distance formula since students may have learned
some geography in their previous school years, some immigrated to the US, and some have
traveled with their families. To overcome the challenges of developing a culturally responsive and
cognitively demanding phenomenon, we try to activate students’ prior knowledge and make
learning contextual. Students will be using their prior knowledge on plotting points on x-y axes, and
they will be using the Pythagorean theorem to learn the distance formula. To make learning
contextual, we decided to start the lesson by asking some questions students can connect to, such
as, “How many of you have traveled before? Where did you travel? Did you ride an airplane or car
(a road trip)? Did any of you experience taking a break when traveling by airplane or car? At what
point in your trip do you usually think breaks or layovers are at?”. Another thing you could do is ask
kids to draw a map if they walk from their home to the school site and ask if there would be a more
direct route that they could take. This could bring in the idea of travel and more direct routes such
as those that planes take.

PHENOMENON & ESSENTIAL QUESTION - DUE 14 days before instruction

Identifying a Real World Phenomenon

In order to engage students in sense-making and eliciting their ideas in a meaningful way, there needs to be
a real world phenomenon relevant to the topic of this lesson (observation, event, lab, example, experience,
etc.) What would that be? Use the checklist below to help you select a phenomenon/problem (see an
extensive checklist here)
● Is the phenomenon/problem based on an observable event or process?

● Is the phenomenon/problem contextualized in a specific time and place? (possibly at a

local community)

● Does explaining this phenomenon involve explaining a process or mechanism or data?

● Is it possible for students to construct multiple plausible explanations about this

phenomenon? (Or is there the one correct explanation?)

● Is the phenomenon/problem complex to explain (it’s “rich” in content)? Does the

phenomenon/problem draw students’ attention to key patterns, relationships, or events to
explain or key problems to solve?

● Who might feel the phenomenon matters to themselves, and who might not? Is it
comprehensible for students and possibly related to students’ lived experiences?

● How might the collective investigation into the phenomenon’s problem improve the lives of
people in the community?

● Is student identity considered to further develop a sense of mattering?

We decided to connect math with geographic concepts that make up the grid system that helps us identify
exact locations all around the earth, linking and connecting different places in the world together using
vertical and horizontal lines with the concepts called longitude and latitude. We are inspired by the

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
multicultural atmosphere in our mentor teacher's classroom, where many of the students are immigrants or
are generations of immigrants from different countries. We also have students born outside of the city of
Irvine or have traveled to different places, and wish to make connections among math with traveling using
airplanes or even by car, math with other courses, especially the topic relevant to the coordinates of points
with longitude and latitude – midpoint and distance.
Although the phenomenon we are using is very macroscopic to be seen intuitively and clearly, we will use a
hands-on activity to represent the flight route using a rubber band on a geoboard, then finding the midpoint
location/distance both mathematically using points or coordinates on x-y axes and on a real map, as an
observable process that connects to knowledge from students' geographic class.
Latitudes are horizontal lines that indicate how far away from the equator a location is, measuring the
distance from south to north, and they run from west to east, which is associated with the x-axis on a
rectangular coordinate. Longitudes are vertical lines that represent the east and west directions relative to
Greenwich, England's meridian, and they run from south to north, which is associated with the y-axis on a
rectangular coordinate. Cartographers, geographers, and others can pinpoint points or locations on the globe
by combining latitude and longitude.
After getting to know most of our students after last quarter, we found out many IEP students in the
classroom are ELL students and are immigrants from other countries, and many students from other cities in
the United States have a passion for traveling the world. Thus, we figured out the common trait of all
students is traveling, so the topic of an airplane traveling should matter and be familiar to our students. We
recognized that students might be familiar with traveling on an airplane but still need to be more specific
about some details involved in it, especially the features of the flying routes of an airplane. We can give
some scenarios where students have to find the midpoint when traveling across the ocean. Then, we want to
mention some questions that students might have never really deeply thought about, such as "Why airplane
layovers usually are not taken in place on the midpoint of its flying route," "why the flying route is usually a
straight line, unlike what vehicles like cars usually do," and "what is the distance an airplane fly through from
one city to another?" Students will discover the answers and facts about airplane traveling for those
questions by analyzing different flying routes of airplanes.

Revisiting your Essential Question(s) from Task 1

Restate or revise your one or two essential questions addressed in this lesson
What is it that students should be able to demonstrate understanding about at the
● end of each day?
● end of the lesson sequence?

Midpoint: How does a midpoint divide a line segment (can a midpoint be located anywhere on a line
segment? does it divide a line segment exactly into halves)? What formula (and how does the
formula) represent the midpoint of a line? How is a midpoint written (as a single number or as a
After Day 1’s lesson, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how the midpoint formula
finds the center point of a line segment by using the coordinates of its endpoints. Furthermore, the midpoint
is the average of the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of two given points on the x-y axes, which is
why the midpoint is in the center of a line segment. Students will be able to explain their thoughts using both
plain English and math language (using words of midpoint, distance, and define their meaning, or express
the formulas they wrote etc) in a whole class discussion after each independent exploration for each cases.
Students will be able to show what they drew or constructed during the exploration stage under a projector to
the whole class, so that students are able to see how other groups approach each question to compare
similarities and differences with their own works. Will you have an assessment that asks students to explain
Midpoint: Under the geographic idea called longitude and latitude, which measures the location of one place
from south to north (y-axis) and from west to east (x-axis) in degree. If two locations share the same
longitude (x coordinate) but different latitudes (y coordinate), how does it relate to the position of the mid-
location (midpoint)? If two locations share the same latitude (y coordinate) but different longitude (x

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
coordinate), how does it relate to the position of the mid-location (midpoint)? How about if the longitude and
latitude of the two locations are both different?
Distance Formula: What formula represents the distance of a line? Can a distance be written as a
point of coordinates or just as a number? What is the distance of a vertical line (longitude changes,
but latitude does not change)? What is the distance of a horizontal line (latitude changes, but
longitude does not change)? What is the distance of a line if both latitude and longitude change?
(How does it relate to vertical and horizontal lines?)
After Day 2’s lesson, students will be able to use variables to write a mathematical formula of the distance
using the Pythagorean theorem, which is the square root of the summation of the square of the length of the
vertical side and the horizontal side. Finally, students will be bale to use the formula they discovered to solve
practical questions relate with the topic of flight route.

Are students also expected to solve some procedural type problems around the topic; if given the midpoint
and one endpoint of a line can they find the other end? Are there any more complex type problems on the
corner plane such as those using geometric figures or they would use midpoint or Pythagorean theorem to
Since this is an introduction lesson for midpoint and distance, students will only be required to construct a
proof and write out the formulas for midpoints and distances, then use those formulas to find the midpoint
coordinates or distance of a line segment of two given points.

KNOWLEDGE: BIG IDEAS - DUE 14 Days Before Teach

Describe the key math ideas (models, and theories. Ie. quadratic functions) and how they are related to the
real world phenomena (Ie. determining landing spot of a rocket) for this topic. Think of big ideas as what you
would like your students to be able to tell you after the lesson is over. Use the language and ideas that you
would like students in your class to be able to use.

Big ideas are rarely confined to an individual lesson. If you are writing plans for a single lesson, you may
need to include ideas from other lessons to write a coherent statement of the big ideas you want your
students to understand.

Checklist for Big Ideas. Check to see if your big ideas meet the criteria below. Erase this section if you feel
that you have met all the criteria. If you are having trouble meeting some of the criteria, use this section to
explain your difficulties.

● Do you have a coherent summary of the most important patterns, models, and principles for your
topic? Big ideas should express the key patterns and explanations in student language, not just
name them.

● Have you used important core disciplinary ideas from the California Content and Practice Standards?

● Is the language (e.g., vocabulary level) appropriate for students in your class? Big ideas don’t include
every vocabulary word in the lesson (though they should include the most important ones), and they
don’t have many specific examples. The language you use in your summary of big ideas should be
the language you would like your students to use.

● The word “students” does NOT belong in your statement of big ideas. Think of big ideas as
what you would like your students to be able to tell you after the lesson is over.

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2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
● Does the big idea address the cultural and linguistic diversity of your students? How?

Our lesson topic is finding formulas to calculate midpoint and distance by studying line segments with 3
cases of the x coordinate remaining the same, the y coordinate remaining the same, and both the x and y
coordinate change, which connects to the BIG IDEA by falling under the category of looking for and
expressing regularity in repeated reasoning with the mathematical concept. Students will find the best
function to describe the middle location between two cities traveled by airplane and the best function to
describe the distance traveled by an airplane from one city to another. Students will be using the hands-on
activity of building a flying route using a rubber band on a geoboard, constructing a rectangular axis on
transparent plastic paper with precise scales, and drawing line segments of the flying routes using points of
coordinates to describe the locations of two cities using latitude and longitude to find the midpoint, and
studying the distance of a flying route. Students are allowed to explore their functions in different ways by
using both graphically and algebraically and express their functions in different ways by representing
the data in a table, (Fantastic use of multiple representations in mathematics; this is something we will talk
a lot about next year.) plotting the data on a graph, expressing the pattern they found on the data verbally,
and writing down an equation to describe the pattern. Students will be able to finding patterns graphically first
(e.g. counting for midpoints or distance of a line segment created using the rubber band), then express their
finding algebraically (e.g. writing a formula with defined variables). Will this late to them driving the formula
and telling you what the formula is as you mentioned above?
Our lesson will use some science terms learned/heard from their previous geographic classes. Since it is still
possible that some students might have forgotten these terms, before starting the hands-on activity, we will
be defining these terms during our beginning discussion by asking intriguing questions of “Do you like
traveling?”, “do you travel often?”, “Where do you usually travel to?”, “What are some places you want to
travel to in the future?”, “How will you travel to the place you like?”, “What are some terms you can think of
that can be used to describe directions?”, “how many parts do you think we can divide the whole earth into?”,
“What is an equator?” and “Can you come up with some systems that people use to describe the location of
a place precisely?”
We will also prepare a video explaining those geographic terms for our students to make sure they can move
on to the exploration stage smoothly, where they can work independently with their group mates.

RESEARCH WRITING - A “good” learning goal/objective

Paragraph 1 (between 150 and 250 words):

● Think back to your work in prior CalTeach courses.
● What are some important characteristics of learning objectives that help students learn and
show their learning?
● How might you integrate these characteristics into your own learning objective(s)

Paragraph 2 (between 200 and 250 words):

● What are some challenges you expect to run into in aligning your phenomenon, learning
objective(s), task(s), and assessments?
● What approaches will you use to ensure alignment between your learning objective and
other lesson components?

Paragraph 1: Some characteristics of learning objectives are that it describes what students will be
able to do (student expectations), describe conditions students will be performing tasks related to
Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
the mathematical concept in the lesson, and evaluates student performance. When writing learning
objective(s) for our lesson, we want to focus on student performance and the product they will be
able to produce from their performance. For example, one of Day 1’s learning objectives will be,
“Given a set of two points on x-y axes, students will be able to compute the midpoint using the
midpoint formula” (this is an objective they will focus on after discovering the derivation of the
midpoint and midpoint formula, which is another learning objective of Day 1).I think this is
your big concept/objective for to one and for that matter the lesson sequence. The condition in this
learning objective is when students are given two coordinates on the x-y axes. After deriving the
midpoint formula, they will have to perform finding the midpoint in some problems using the formula.

Paragraph 2: Some challenges we expected to run into in aligning our phenomenon, learning
objectives, tasks, and assessments is that sometimes, our initial phenomenon needs to work out
the way we want it to in our lesson, which causes our learning objectives and tasks to change. For
example, last quarter, we wanted to use a phenomenon on COVID cases and the different phases
of the virus (e.g., when it was rapidly spreading, slowly spreading, cases started to decline) for
students to know the differences between exponential growth and decay functions. However, our
phenomenon was unsuccessful, and we had to change our phenomenon to cellular growth and
decay. Based on the change in our phenomenon, our learning objectives also changed to focusing
more on the basics of exponential growth and decay functions, particularly how exponential growth
functions y=2^x has a pattern where the y-values (# of cells produced) increase by times three and
exponential decay functions y=(½)^x has a pattern where the y-values (# of cells remaining)
decreases by times ½ as the x value (# of half-lives) increases by 1. To ensure alignment between
the learning objectives and other lesson components, we first want to focus on what activities and
assessments we want to implement before officially writing out the objectives. While creating
different tasks, some questions we want to ask ourselves are, “What do we want students to
know how to do when they are done with this course? What do we want students to really
know from Day 1, which they will need in Day 2’s lesson?”.Good question. We often start with
an assessment first and then backwards map our lesson activities to make sure that students will
make progress towards our lesson goals and assessments.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES - DUE 14 days before instruction

Checklist for Objectives for Student Learning. Check to see if the objectives in your table meet the criteria
below. Erase this section if you feel that you have met all the criteria. If you are having trouble meeting
some of the criteria, use this section to explain your difficulties.

● Does each objective describe student learning—something that your students will be able to do
after the class is over—not just a teaching activity to be completed in class? It should be observable
and measurable, therefore guide your instruction and assessment. For example, “Conduct an
experiment to determine the trajectory of a thrown object” is a good learning activity, but not
a good objective. It doesn’t say what students will learn or understand as a result of conducting the

● Does each objective relate to a set of examples, not just a single example? For example, “Explain
how to determine if a system of equations has a single solution, multiple solutions, or no solutions” is
a better objective than “Explain how to solve a system of equations with one solution.”

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
● Are your objectives connected with your Big Ideas? Does each objective describe ways that you
would like your students to connect experiences, patterns, and explanations?

● Do you have a small number of objectives that describe significant learning? Do not write too many
small objectives. Even a unit that is several weeks long should be organized around a small number
of significant objectives.

Students will be focusing on finding the halfway that is a point that divides the line segment into two
equal parts, which is called the “midpoint,” by using the midpoint formula, and learning how to find
the distance between two points by using the distance formula, which is an application of the
Pythagorean theorem. This is a very procedural objective. I think you want to focus more on your next
statement about the students deriving and interpreting the midpoint formula as well as applying it and
understanding its connection to the pythagorean Theorem.
Students will first discover what the “midpoint” of a line segment is, and then they will be deriving and
interpreting the midpoint formula. They are familiar with the Pythagorean Theorem, so we will also apply the
Pythagorean Theorem to interpret it. Once they understand the derivation, they will get to use the midpoint
formula to find the midpoint.
Students will be spending the majority of the class period discovering the formulas that can be used to
calculate the midpoint and distance in order to reach the outcome of being able to write the formulas out
using an equation with defined variables. Students are expected to find the midpoint formula with a similar
(x 2+ x 1) ( y 2+ y 1)
form of (x,y) = ( , ). Besides, students are expected to find the distance formula with a
2 2
similar form √ ¿ ¿. Here we have (x,y) as the point coordinates of the midpoint, (x1,y1) as the point
coordinates of the first point, and (x2,y2) as the point coordinates of the second point.
Since we plan to cover 3 cases for each lesson topic each day (1, finding the midpoint/distance when the x
coordinates of two points are the same; 2. finding the midpoint/ distance when the y coordinates of two
points are the same, 3. finding the midpoint/distance when both x and y coordinates of two points are
different.) We are slightly worried about how we will be able to cover one example for each case during
class, and that might be insufficient in surfacing most of the students’ understanding. I think you can have a
natural progression of questions that you are asking kids to look at semicolons as you mentioned before.
This is intuitive and I think they will be able to notice how the relationship between the points is the average
for the midpoint. However, we can cover more examples through the form of exit tickets to let students keep
learning through attempting.

RESEARCH WRITING - Mathematical Model - DUE Week 4

Paragraph 1 (between 175 and 200 words):

Teach yourself, or someone else the concept that you plan on teaching your students (ie. functions).
How will you develop a deep understanding (not just textbook) of this concept?
What resources can you use?
What is helpful or challenging about this process?

Paragraph 2 (between 175 and 200 words):

What theories would you apply to your mathematical model* to ensure that all students have an opportunity to
understand this concept or idea? Explore the Progressions documents to gain insights into key understandings
that support the focus of your lesson. Select the chapter that best aligns to your lesson.

*“A mathematical model is a representation of a system or scenario that is used to gain qualitative and/ or
quantitative understanding of some real-world problems and to predict future behavior.” source

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2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
Paragraph 1: In order to develop a deep understanding of the midpoint formula and distance
formula, we will be using visuals, specifically Geoboards (the Geoboard will represent the first
quadrant) and rubber bands, to model these formulas. On Day 1’s lesson on the midpoint formula,
when students are discovering the midpoint formula, they will first be given location A and location
B which are represented by coordinates on the x-y axes. For example, let’s say that the starting
point of a family’s road trip is at (10, 1), and the destination is at the point (10, 15). On the
Geoboard, they will have to place the rubber band on these two points. In this situation, the family
traveling is planning to take a break at the halfway mark, and students have to discover what point
is in the middle of the rubber band. They will be able to find the middle by counting the number of
units between the two points or by trying their best to see where the center is. The helpful aspect of
this process is that once students discover the formula, they will have a better understanding of the
derivation of the formula, and it will remain in their memory for a longer time compared to when they
are directly given the formulas to memorize. There might be situations in the future when students
forget the midpoint and distance formulas, but based on their prior experience with this
phenomenon-based lesson, they can try plotting the points and drawing line segments (use a
visual) to attempt solving problems.

Paragraph 2: To our mathematical model, a learning theory we would apply relates to how
students organize and build knowledge by making connections between two ideas. In our lesson,
the main objectives we want students to understand are that the midpoint formula is used to find the
center of a line segment while the distance formula is used to find the length between two points. In
order for students to remember these concepts, we want to make connections to traveling and
taking breaks during layovers or getting food and gas. As a visual reminder, we will be using
Geoboards and rubber bands as described in the other portions. This connection to a situation
students may be familiar with is based on how “Learning relies on building these simple
associations as well as developing understandings about more complex relationships (Austin et
al.).” More specifically, these kinds of connections are known as “schemas,” and “schemas consist
of information, in an abstract form, of the associations we have with a word, concept, or idea, and
they in turn connect with other schemas (Austin et al.).” As teachers, we will bring students’ existing
schemas, such as prior mathematical knowledge, such as plotting points and connecting them to
make line segments. Also, students may know the phenomenon based on experiences outside of
the classroom, and in the end, their known knowledge will bring new knowledge on the midpoint
formula and distance formula.


days before instruction

Describe your explanatory model about the real world phenomenon. You won’t notice students’ partial
understanding, languages, or alternative ideas if you do not have a good understanding about the real world
phenomenon that you bring in. I expect that your explanation is in-depth, gapless, and thorough (way beyond
one or two sentences).
Your explanation should include descriptions about what happened (things to see, be observed),
how it happens (the processes before, during, after; underlying mechanism), and why that happens
(using unobservable mathematical ideas to explain how things happen)
● What happened? (observable)

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● How does it happen? (processes or mechanism or data; before-during-after)

● Why does it happen? (unobservable ideas, underlying mechanism, driving forces)

To connect the phenomenon with the midpoint formula, we would like students to focus on finding patterns
both graphically and algebraically. To find a mid-location graphically of a flight route, students will count for
the dot on the geoboard captured by the rubber band (line segment that represents the flight route) in order
to discover the mid-location is actually the midpoint of a line segment. Students will be able to draw a
rectangular coordinate on transparent plastic paper to describe each location using points of coordinates. To
find a mid-location algebraically of a flight route, students will use math formulas to describe it using points of
coordination. Suppose the rubber band (line segment) appears as a horizontal line by representing the
locations at the ends of the rubber band and the location in the middle of the rubber band as points of
coordinates. In that case, students will be able to find the midpoint's x coordinate is at ½th between the other
two points' x coordinates, where the midpoint's y coordinate remains the same as a constant as the other
two points at the end of the rubber band. Similarly, for a vertical line, the mid point's y coordinate is at ½th
between the other two points' y coordinates, where the midpoint's x coordinate remains the same as a
constant as the other two points at the end of the rubber band. Combining them for a "slant" rubber band
(line segment), students can find the midpoint's x and y coordinates on ½th between the other two points' x
and y coordinates. Students will also be able to put what they marked on the plastic paper (with the marked
point of the given two cities, the line segment connecting the two cities, and the marked point of the location
of the mid-location) on a real map on a device with touch screen, so all the points fit the cities on the flight
route to find out where does the mid-location taken place at, and justify the following question: "Where does
the mid-location take place at? A highway? An ocean? A lake? Do you think the airplane can layover at this
To connect the phenomenon with the distance formula, students will also be able to explore this idea both
graphically and algebraically. Graphically, by building right triangles and squares on each of its sides, then
counting dots on the geoboard, students will be able to find out the square of the distance of a "slant" rubber
band (hypotenuse) equals the sum of squares of the distance of its vertical and horizontal lines.
Algebraically, students will use their already-learned knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem to explain their
graphic discovery that the distance of a "slant" rubber band (hypotenuse) equals the square root of the sum
of squares of its vertical and horizontal lines. Students will also use transparent plastic paper to construct
rectangular coordinates to describe the points of coordinates of each location.

RESEARCH WRITING - Evidence of Learning - DUE Week 4

Paragraph 1 (between 150 and 250 words):
Consider the multiple ways that you will assess students through the lesson.
● How can you ensure that your assessments are aligned with your learning goal and focal
● What are some approaches and tools you can use to create alignment across assessments in the
● How many different ways will students have opportunities to show learning (in writing, verbally,

Paragraph 2 (between 150 and 250 words):

● What are some ways and approaches you will use to surface student initial thinking and encourage
participation by all students?
● Where would it make sense to integrate the five practices and why?
● Where and how often should you stop and check for understanding informally (formatively)?

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Complete and reference one additional reading on evidence of learning from the list of references linked here.

Paragraph 1: Our assessments can connect to the smaller objectives which make up the main objectives of
Day 1 and Day 2’s lessons. We will implement think-pair-share to understand the strengths and weaknesses
of student learning toward the smaller objectives. For example, the main objective of Day 1’s lesson is,
“Given a set of two coordinates on x-y axes, students will be able to compute the midpoint using the
midpoint formula.” The smaller objectives they will need to master are, “Given three situations (the
midpoint when the x coordinates of two points are the same, the midpoint when the y coordinates of
two points are the same, and the midpoint when both x and y coordinates of two points are different),
students will be able to compute the midpoints using the Geoboard and rubber bands and find patterns
in their solutions.” Again, I think your objective should center around them driving the midpoint formula by
understanding that it is an average of X and Y values and be able to describe how they can use the coordinate
plane to help them find the midpoint. The objective you mentioned is very procedural and based on them
doing calculations and not understanding or explanation. How can you change up your objectives a little bit
for day one to increase the rigor and cognitive level of the lesson? Students will be able to verbally show their
learning by discussing with their tablemates during the exploratory activity, and students will be filling out a
worksheet, which requires some writing for questions that connect to the smaller objectives. After working in
groups, the whole class will have a discussion that will lead to the main objective(s) of each day’s lesson.
How do each of these assessments help you uncover what every student in your class understands or does not
understand at the end of each day? Or during the lesson?

Paragraph 2: We can surface students' initial thinking by beginning the lesson with some intriguing
questions, which will bring students to the phenomenon of the lesson. In addition, this shows that we will be
making connections to the phenomenon at the beginning of the lesson. Then, students will apply this
phenomenon to discover mathematical concepts. This time, we want to surface students' initial thinking
through think-pair-share (a method of formative assessment mentioned in the article "7 Smart, Fast Ways to
do Formative Assessment" by Laura Thomas) because last time, we realized that only a few, same students
were raising their hands to answer the questions. First, we will give students some time to think about the
questions, "Where did you travel? Did you travel there by plane or car? If you have ever taken a break in the
middle of your trip, at what point do you think your break was at?". Then, they will get to discuss their
thoughts at their table, and we will have a representative from each group to share their thoughts with the
entire class. When students are working on the activity in groups, we should be monitoring by visiting each
group and answering/asking questions. Can you describe specifically what you want to see students being
able to do or explain to you? After students are done working together, we can determine how each group will
be able to share their work. We should anticipate what/how students will do to approach problems and what
misconceptions they might have while working on the lesson plan. We are also sequencing while writing our
lesson plan and making adjustments based on how our rehearsal goes. We can stop and check for
understanding informally by visiting each group during the activity. Also, we can formatively check for
understanding during the different portions of the lesson, such as the explaining portion where students share
their discoveries with the whole class to learn what the midpoint formula and distance formula are.


● What type of assessments do you plan to use to support student learning? How will you know if they

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
learned or not?
● Identify at least one in-the-moment, check for understanding type of assessment you plan to use
during this lesson (ie. asking students (MORE THAN ONE) to verbally share one thing they know
about a concept). See end of this doc for ideas.
● Identify at least one end of lesson type assessment you plan to use to see what students have learned
(ie. an exit ticket, or end of day reflection).
Restate your Learning Objective(s) and Essential Questions Here:
Learning Objectives:
-Given a set of two coordinates on x-y axes, students will use a Geoboard and rubber bands to discover that
the midpoint is the point on a line segment that divides the segment into two equal segments. By using the
strategy of counting, students are able to find patterns that the midpoint always lies in the 1/2th position
according to the changes of position the line segments take over according to the x coordinates and y
coordinates. Does this include possibly driving the formula?(Day 1)
-Given a set of two coordinates on x-y axes, students will be able to compute the midpoint using the midpoint
formula. (Day 1)

Essential Questions:
-How do we interpret and compute the midpoint of two coordinates that represent two different
destinations? (Day 1)
-How do we interpret and compute the length of a line segment formed by two coordinates to find
the distance between two different destinations? (Day 2)
What assessments are planned during the lesson to ensure students are progressing towards the learning
objective(s)? When will they happen?
● Day 1: During the lesson, we plan to let students display their thoughts by demonstrating their group
discussion results on what they build on the geoboard (model the flight route using a manipulatable
model) and what they draw on the plastic paper (model the flight route using math model graphically
on a rectangular coordinate), and write a short sentence to respond briefly of where is the mid-
location at, and the reason why an airplane should or should not layover at this place. Students will
have a whole class discussion after completing their models and defend their ideas of whether the
plane should have a layover at the midpoint. Students will also be able to record their thoughts
both graphically (draw lines and points on a rectangular coordinate) and algebraically (write
formulas) and use short descriptions on a worksheet to answer the question.When and how
during the lesson will you be checking to make sure that students are meeting these goals and
● Day 2: Similar to day 1. In addition, students will also build right triangles and squares on all the sides
of the triangle in order to connect distance with the idea of the pythagorean theorem. After each
independent exploratory stage of each case, students will be given the chance to share their findings
to the whole class of how do they find the distance of a horizontal, vertical, slant line, comparing
similarities, differences among each groups, and using mathematical reasoning to convince
themselves and the whole class their approaches are reasonable to attend precision. This describes
the activity that students are engaged in but does not discuss the assessments that you have
planned during the lesson and at the end of the lesson. Where might there be natural stopping points
in the lesson to assess student understandings to know that they are ready to move on to the next
portion of the lesson and what specifically will you be looking for them to be able to either explain or
do? How will you uncover this knowledge? Students will be able to unpack their thinking process and
their outcomes as a whole class discussion after each exploration of 3 cases by convincing others
why their outcomes make sense

What assessment will you provide at the end of the learning segment?

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2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
At the end of the learning segment, we plan to have each student perform an exit ticket so we can see every
student’s understanding of the overall lesson. Unlike the examples given in the exploration stage, the flight
route will only take place domestically in one country, so it is easier for students to demonstrate it using a
geoboard. On our existing ticket, students will be dealing with flight routes that take longer distances, for
instance, from one country to another, so students will no longer be able to use geoboard to model the flight
routes. Instead, they will only use math models of the formulas they discovered during class and with the aid
of technologies such as a calculator. In exist ticket, students will be asked to create their own problem to
create a phenomenon-based problem that is solvable using distance formula, then explain and solve their
own problems algebraically for conceptual check. This seems to be mostly procedural will you have any
questions that assess their conceptual understanding of the midpoint formula or the distance formula?
Students will also be given a chance to form similar math problems as what we did during class that is
solvable using the contents of what we discovered during class at the end of each day’s lesson. Students
can be creative and let travel routes take the places of what they have been to before.

● How will these assessments support student learning?

● How will they demonstrate students meeting the learning objective(s) and being able to answer your
identified essential questions?
The worksheet will allow students to record how their understanding is constructed while building flight
routes on a geoboard, as a guideline/checklist of what students should be doing step by step, and finally,
students can treat it as their class notes, so they can bring home and revisit it after class to retain the
knowledge. Worksheets can be used as an evaluation tool by teachers to determine students' prior
knowledge, learning outcomes, and learning processes. They can also be used by students to track their
own learning progress as the intermediary aid to carry out students’ mathematical thinking of turning real-life
phenomenon (given situation in plain English) into a math model (formulas) that can be used to describe the
phenomenon. By walking around the classroom, we will apply the form of formative assessment of asking
questions to let students explain their rationale, and potential concerns to check students’ understanding of
the learning material. The questions students pose allow us to evaluate our own instruction and determine its
effectiveness. If students ask questions that are not related to the lesson, we should make timely
adjustments to make the material more understandable for teenagers like them, such as providing more
guiding questions and hints to provide clear direction of what are some more works students may need to
consider in order to achieve the learning outcome. How is this an assessment? A class discussion allows
students to use both plain English and mathematical language to convince their own ideas to
themselves, other groups, or the instructors. It allows students to convey abstract math ideas that are
understandable to others by answering the essential questions and using any relative math knowledge they
learned before. An exit ticket is what we will be able to collect after class to reflect on our own teaching.
Students’ degree of completion and precision will be direct feedback on how efficient our teaching was.

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Part III: Classroom Activities

(Due 1 week prior to instruction)

ELICITING STUDENTS’ IDEAS- DUE 7 days before instruction

Goal: Making students’ thinking visible

The purpose of this assignment is providing opportunities for you to practice one core practice presented in
our methods course, that is eliciting students’ ideas. Describe how you are going to elicit students’ ideas in
this lesson.

Designing task, tools, and talk

Principle: make students’ ideas, languages and relevant experiences
visible and public to be recognized and used by both all the learners and a
teacher in a classroom learning community

● Multiple ways of expressing ideas (drawing, speaking, writing)
● Providing scaffolding to express ideas
● Not using any academic languages at this stage
● Make sure that there is no “the right answer”

Task: describe instructional task that you are going to use to elicit
students’ ideas. Think of the following question to design your task:
● What am I going to ask students to do? What will be produced upon completion of
the task?
● How do my students do this work? What procedure do they follow? Are they working individually or
as a group?
● What resources would be useful to complete this task, and how can I make it accessible to my

Talk: prepare your back-pocket questions using D1 primer (see the D1 primer on the website)
● What questions do I ask when I launch the task and when students implement the task?
● What discourse moves am I going to use to elicit students’ ideas?

Tools or scaffolds:
It is highly likely that some students in your classroom have some difficulties in completing the task as
expected, especially when the task is high cognitive demand (such as making sense of real world
phenomena). What support would you provide to make sure that everyone in your classroom successfully
complete the task? Tools are something that you can use over and over, across topic or lesson. It always
serves for the same function. A good example of tool is the framework of “Before/during/after.” It always
presses students to think about the mechanism or process. In contrast, scaffold is temporary support to
assist the work usually for novice. When they become proficient, the scaffold will be removed. Fading is the
key feature of scaffolds. In a real instructional context, it is less important to distinguish tools from scaffolds.
We only need to make sure that every student in our classroom can be successful—completing intellectually
challenging task with high quality. So question is going to be:

● What goes on in completing the task that you propose?

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2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
● Who may have difficulties and why?
● What support would be necessary to assist those students? how am I going to provide that support?
Use the space below to summarize the lesson before you go to the details of the daily lesson plan. Be sure
to describe how activities are low floor and high ceiling, allowing different students an entry point and access
to the curriculum in a meaningful way

On Day 1 of the lesson, students will discover the midpoint formula with a phenomenon that relates to
traveling to different cities domestically and internationally. The beginning of the lesson will start with us
asking, “Where have you traveled, and what transportation did you travel with?”. Students’ answers to this
question will bring a conversation that will lead to questions like, “Some of you traveled very far. Have you
ever experienced a layover if traveling by plane or a break on a road trip? Where exactly on a trip are
layovers or breaks at?”. Students will then be introduced to latitude and longitude (they might be familiar with
this from a social science class) to locate different cities around the world, and they will see that the
geographic coordinate system is similar to the rectangular coordinate system they are familiar with. They will
be given directions to the group activity, which involves analyzing several traveling routes and finding the
midpoint, which is where layovers will supposedly occur, of each route using the geoboard and rubber
bands. The cases are 1) latitude changes while longitude remains the same, 2) longitude changes while
latitude remains the same, and 3) both changes. After the activity, the entire class will have a discussion on
their findings and what they think is the formula that represents finding the midpoint and why. Through this
activity, students will discover that layovers or breaks aren’t always right in the middle of their travel because
some places, such as oceans and mountains, are not appropriate for layovers. To see if students know how
to use the midpoint formula they have discovered, they will have a few minutes to individually try computing
a problem (the problem will be on PowerPoint slides). Lastly, students will end the lesson with an exit ticket
that involves designing their own phenomenon related to finding the midpoint.

On Day 2 of the lesson, students will discover the distance formula. To recall the previous lesson, we want to
start by asking, “What did we learn to find on a traveling route on Tuesday? In addition to knowing where
certain locations are, such as the midpoint when traveling, what else about our route are we curious about?”
These questions hopefully will lead to wanting to know about the distance from one point to another
because, based on how far we are traveling by airplane or car, knowing the distance is important for
situations like how much gas is needed. After the introductory discussion, students will use a rubber band to
create a line segment on the geoboard connecting the two points (locations) and create a xy graph on the
plastic paper to identify the coordinate of the two points. Then, they’ll identify the length between the given
points both graphically (counting dots on the geoboard) and algebraically (trying to discover a formula that
fits the pattern). In addition, for the line segment where the x and y values are both different for the
endpoints, students will be using rubber bands to create a vertical and horizontal line to form right triangles,
then also use rubber bands to create squares on all three sides of the right triangle to carry out the
connection between distance and Pythagorean Theorem, a concept they are already familiar with. After the
activity, the entire class will have a discussion on their findings and what they think is the formula that
represents finding the distance and why. To see if students know how to use the distance formula they have
discovered, they will have a few minutes to individually try computing a problem (the problem will be on
PowerPoint slides). Lastly, students will end the lesson with an exit ticket that involves designing their own
phenomenon related to finding the distance.

Under the geographic idea called longitude and latitude, where longitude measures the location of one place from south
to north (y-axis) in degree, and latitude measures the location of one place from west to east (x-axis) in degree.
Midpoint: Use a rubber band to create a line segment on the geoboard connecting the two points (locations), and create
a labeled rectangular coordinate (x-y axes) on the plastic paper to identify the coordinate of the two points.

1. Finding midpoint with fixed y coordinate: If the two locations share the same longitude (x coordinate), but are
different on latitude (y coordinate), what patterns do you notice on the point of longitude and latitude of the mid-
location (midpoint)? (i.e., Does the longitude or latitude change/remain the same? If changes occur, in what

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

way does it change?)

Finding midpoint with fixed x coordinate: If the two locations share the same latitude (y coordinate), but are
different on longitude (x coordinate), what patterns do you notice on the point of longitude and latitude of the
mid-location (midpoint)? (i.e., Does the longitude or latitude change/remain the same? If changes occur, in what
way does it change?)
2. Finding midpoint with changed x-y coordinate: If the two locations are different on both longitude (x coordinate),
and also latitude (y coordinate), what patterns do you notice on the point of longitude and latitude of the mid-
location (midpoint)? (i.e., Does the longitude or latitude change/remain the same? If changes occur, in what
way does it change?)

Distance Formula: Use a rubber band to create a line segment on the geoboard connecting the two points (locations),
and create a labeled rectangular coordinate (x-y axes) on the plastic paper to identify the coordinate of the two points.
In addition, for “question 3)” using rubber band to create the vertical and horizontal line with the original line segment
(hypotenuse) to form a right triangle, then also use rubber band to create squares on all 3 sides of the right triangle.

1. Find distance of a vertical line: If the two locations share the same latitude (y coordinate), but are different on
longitude (x coordinate), what is your approach of calculating it? (counting? arithmetic?) Can you write a
distance as a point of coordinate? Why or why not? What are the connections you can make between the
distance with the two points?
2. Find distance of a horizontal line: If the two locations share the same longitude (x coordinate), but are different
on latitude (y coordinate), what is your approach of calculating it? (counting? arithmetic?) Can you write a
distance as a point of coordinate? Why or why not? What are the connections you can make between the
distance with the two points>
3. Find distance with changed x-y coordinate: How does this line segment’s distance relate to vertical and
horizontal lines? What is the distance of vertical side, horizontal side.


● You can plan for more or less than 3 days if necessary (at least 2)
● You should use the Monitoring Tool at least twice during the lesson to orchestrate discourse and
attach copies at the end of the document.
● Be sure to identify and name the types of activities and actions you will use to:
○ Greet students, welcome students into your classroom
○ Get students’ attention
○ Call on students to share with the whole class
○ Affirm students for their responses
○ Ensure students are engage in science and engineering practices

DAY 1: Midpoint

Learning activities Under the geographic idea called longitude and latitude, where longitude measures
the location of one place from south to north (y-axis) in degree, and latitude measures
the location of one place from west to east (x-axis) in degree. Students will study the
idea of a midpoint under a background of an airplane flying domestically in the
exploration stage.
Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
In a group of 3 to 4, students will use a rubber band to create a line segment on the
geoboard connecting the two points (locations) to find the coordinate of the midpoint
both graphically (by counting dots on the geoboard) and algebraically (by writing out a
formula to fit the pattern). And create a labeled rectangular coordinate (x-y axes) on
the plastic paper to identify the coordinate of the two points and midpoint. And put the
plastic paper on a real map to determine and come up with a short description and
explanation of where the midpoint is and “whether it is reasonable for a plane to
layover on the midpoint?”
Students will record their thoughts on the worksheet,(Do you have this prepared yet
ready for review, I'm happy to look it over) and be ready to share and compare their
findings using short sentences after each construction, and convince themselves and
others in the classroom of “why their finding is reasonable” using mathematical
language of what they constructed during the exploration stage under a projector.
Students will discover that when the flight route becomes longer and longer (an
airplane flies internationally), they will no longer be able to use a geoboard to simulate
the flight route to count and find the midpoint. At this point, it is necessary to adopt a
math model (formula) and solve the problem with the aid of technology (calculator).
good transition

Learning objectives ● Students will learn to define the term midpoint as the point that divides a line
segment into two equal parts.
● Students will learn to find the midpoint graphically on a rectangular coordinate
using points or coordinates.
● Students will be able to derive the midpoint formula and will be able to use it to
compute the midpoint of a line segment algebraically.

What students will During introduction, which discusses the geographic idea behind the phenomenon of
see/observe/notice the route of an airplane flying. Students will notice that to keep track of the locations
the airplane passes through, we use the idea of longitude and latitude to describe the
location of one place using directions of the west (can be represented as negative x-
value on x-y axes), east (can be represented as positive x-value on x-y axes), south
(can be represented as negative y-value on xy axes), and north (can be represented
as positive y-value on x-y axes), where longitude measures the distance east or west,
and latitude measures the distance south or north. This idea can also be observed on
the screen behind each seat on the airplane, where the passengers are able to see
where the airplane is by looking at its flight route.
Students will be able to use rubber bands on the geoboard to represent the flight
route as a line segment and use the x-y axes they build on the plastic paper to
describe the location of each place (point) as coordinates and draw the flight route out
as a line segment connecting the given two places (point) on the x-y axes. Students
will be able to observe the definition of the midpoint as the point laid in the middle of a
line segment by counting dots on a geoboard that lies on the rubber band and
constructing a plot on a rectangular coordinate. In this case, the midpoint means the
middle location on the flight route the airplane passes by. By observing the
characteristic of the midpoint on the flight route on a real map, students will notice a
reasonable place for a layover will not be the ocean, highway, mountain, etc.

What students will Students will study midpoint using 3 cases: 1) a horizontal line: the x value (longitude)
learn changes, while the y value (latitude) remains the same for the given two locations (a
starting place and the destination place) of a flight route; 2) a vertical line: the y value
(latitude) changes, while the x value (longitude) remains the same for the given two
locations (a starting place, and the destination place) of a flight route; 3) 1) a “slant”
line: the x value (longitude) changes, while the y value (latitude) also changes for the
Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
given two locations (a starting place, and the destination place) of a flight route.
For case 1): Students will learn the interpretation for the midpoint of a horizontal line
segment has the feature of the y value remains the same, while the x value lies in half
x 2+ x 1
way (½) between the two different x values, written as m = ( , y ¿ for given two
points of (x1,y) and (x2,y), where m stands for midpoint.
For case 2): Students will learn the interpretation for the midpoint of a vertical line
segment has the feature of the x value remains the same, while the x value lies
y 2+ y 1
halfway (½) between the two different y values, written as m = (x, ¿ for given
two points of (x, y1) and (x, y2), where m stands for midpoint.
For case 3): Students will learn the interpretation for the midpoint of a “slant” line
segment has the feature that both the x and y values are all different, which is the
combination of the previous two cases, while the x value lies in the halfway (½)
between the two different x values, and the y value lies in the halfway (½) between
x 2+ x 1 y 2+ y 1
the two different y values, written as m = ( , ¿ for given two points of
2 2
(x1,y1) and (x2,y2), where m stands for midpoint.
After students analyze the three cases, they will understand how the x and y values in
an ordered pair work when finding the midpoint. For example, when students have to
find the midpoint of a vertical line in the future, they will know what value will be
changing (in this case, the y value changes).

Connection to Students will use their previous math knowledge of plotting points on a rectangular
anchoring coordinate system when they are using the rubber bands on the geoboard for
phenomenon/big different line segments that represent the destination from one location to another. In
ideas/previous addition, students will use their prior knowledge of finding the average during the
lessons activity if they recognize that the coordinate in the middle of two line segments can be
found by taking the average of the x values and y values of two ordered pairs. To
connect this lesson to the phenomenon, the coordinates will represent two different
destinations on the map and have to find the halfway point of their destination. From
this lesson, students will learn that not all airplanes have their layovers or cars take
breaks right in the middle of their trip because the midpoint might not be an
appropriate spot, such as the ocean or a desert with no resources.

Assessment tasks While students are working on the group activity, we will walk around the classroom
(how do you know and visit each group to see their progress toward analyzing the three different cases
whether students of finding the midpoint. For example, to see if students know what the midpoint of a
accomplish the line segment is, we can ask questions such as, “After you plotted these two
learning objectives coordinates, where do you think the midpoint is and why? Is there a possible way to
or not?)BOTH algebraically represent how you found this midpoint?” Once the exploratory portion of
during and at the the lesson is over, the entire class as a whole will discuss their findings in the three
end of the lesson. different cases. We will prepare questions such as, “When finding the midpoint of a
(See your notes horizontal line segment, what did you notice about your x or y coordinate value? How
above) is the x or y coordinate value related to the x and y coordinates of the given ordered
pairs that form this line segment? What values remain the same? What values are
Towards the end of the lesson, students will show their understanding by making a
phenomenon-based question that connects to the midpoint formula (i.e., Can they use
the midpoint formula to explain phenomena other than the flight route of an airplane?)
Students will also be assessed on their conceptual and procedural understanding by
solving the problem they made by themselves.

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Learning activities Under the geographic idea called longitude and latitude, where longitude measures
the location of one place from south to north (y-axis) in degree, and latitude measures
the location of one place from west to east (x-axis) in degree. Students will study the
idea of distance under a background of an airplane flying domestically in the
exploration stage.
In groups of 3 to 4, students will use a rubber band to create a line segment on the
geoboard connecting the two points (locations) and create a labeled rectangular
coordinate (x-y axes) on the plastic paper to identify the coordinate of the two points.
Then identify the length between the given points both graphically (counting dots on
the geoboard) and algebraically (discover formulas that fit the pattern). In addition, for
the line segment where the x and y values are both different for the endpoints,
students will be using rubber bands to create a vertical and horizontal line to form
right triangles, then also use rubber bands to create squares on all three sides of the
right triangle to carry out the connection between distance and Pythagorean theorem.
In groups, students completed a worksheet where three different types of lines are
given (vertical, horizontal, slanted). After noticing on Day 1 that students were not
comfortable with geoboards, we decided to have students create line segments on a
grid in their worksheet. First, they were able to graph a vertical and horizontal line (the
first two cases) and explained how they were able to find the distance by looking at
the graph after drawing their line segment and by using equations. (e.g. the x values
are changing in the coordinates, (1,2) and (5, 2), so they’ll write 5-1=4 to show how
they found the distance using an equation). To find the distance of a diagonal line, the
whole class shared their understanding behind finding the distance of vertical and
horizontal lines while using the Pythagorean theorem. The distance formula for a
diagonal line can be used for finding the distance of both vertical and horizontal lines.
Students will record their thoughts on the worksheet and be ready to share and
compare their findings using short sentences after each construction and convince
themselves and others in the classroom of “why their finding is reasonable” using
mathematical language of what they constructed during the exploration stage under a
Students will discover that when the flight route becomes longer and longer (an
airplane flies internationally), they will no longer be able to use a geoboard to simulate
the flight route to count for the distance. At this point, it is necessary to adopt a math
model (formula) and solve the problem with the aid of technology (calculator).

Learning objectives ● Students will learn to define the term distance as the length between two
points, and distance is always a positive real number.
● Discover the distance formula using the Pythagorean theorem (be able to
write out a similar form of d = √ ¿ ¿). Then, use the distance formula they
derived and interpreted to find the distance of line segments.
● Students will practice the skills of finding distance algebraically with the help of
technology (calculator) (some students used the calculator for the exit ticket
while some students did not) in their independent work.

What students will Similar to Day 1. Students will notice that in order to keep track of the locations the
see/observe/notice airplane passes through, we use the idea of longitude and latitude to describe the
location of one place using directions of the west (can be represented as negative x-
value on x-y axes), east (can be represented as positive x-value on x-y axes), south
(can be represented as negative y-value on xy axes), and north (can be represented
as positive y-value on x-y axes), where longitude measures the distance east or west,
and latitude measures the distance south or north. This idea can also be observed on
Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
the screen behind each seat on the airplane, where the passengers are able to see
where the airplane is by looking at its flight route.
Students will be able to use rubber bands on the geoboard to represent the flight
route as a line segment and use the x-y axes they build on the plastic paper to
describe the location of each place (point) as coordinates and draw the flight route out
as a line segment connecting the given two places (point) on the x-y axes. Students
will be able to observe the definition of distance as the length of a line segment by
counting dots on the rubber band on the geoboard and constructing a plot on a
rectangular coordinate. In this case, the midpoint means the middle location on the
flight route the airplane passes by. By observing the characteristic of the distance of a
flight route, students will notice that distance is always positive.

What students will Similar to Day 1, students will study distance using 3 cases: 1) a horizontal line: the x
learn value (longitude) changes, while the y value (latitude) remains the same for the given
two locations (a starting place and the destination place) of a flight route; 2) a vertical
line: the y value (latitude) changes, while the x value (longitude) remains the same for
the given two locations (a starting place, and the destination place) of a flight route; 3)
1) a “slant” line: the x value (longitude) changes, while the y value (latitude) also
changes for the given two locations (a starting place, and the destination place) of a
flight route.
For case 1): Students will learn a horizontal line segment has the feature of the y
values remaining the same, thus the interpretation for the distance of a line segment
is just d = |x2-x1|, where (x1,y) and (x2,y) are the two given points, and d stands for
For case 2): Students will learn that a vertical line segment has a feature where the x
value remains the same, and the interpretation for the distance is just d = |y2-y1|,
where (x,y1) and (x,y2) are the two given points, and d stands for distance.
For case 3): Students will learn a “slant” line segment has the feature that both the x
and y values are all different, which is the combination of the previous two cases, but
students may need to carry out their observations of how to find out the distance
algebraically using the idea of the Pythagorean theorem. Students will be able to
represent the distance as d = √ ¿ ¿ by observing that if we build vertical lines and
horizontal lines with the given line segment as the hypotenuse, then the area of the
square of the line segment is equal to the sum of areas of the squares of the vertical
(the square of change of y) and horizontal lines (the square of change of x), thus by
using the inverse operation of square root, the distance of the line segment is the
square root of the sum.

Connection to In Day 1’s lesson, students derived the midpoint formula and learned to find
anchoring coordinates representing the halfway point of their traveling. When traveling, we are
phenomenon/big also curious about the distance (e.g., how many miles does it take to travel from one
ideas/previous place to another place?) so we can predict the amount of time it is going to take to
lessons arrive at our destination and also know how much gas we need. Students will be
using prior knowledge, such as plotting points on a xy graph and the Pythagorean
Theorem, to find the length of a slanted line that is like the hypotenuse of a right
triangle to derive the distance formula. Students will also use their prior knowledge on
slope fields when they realize that to derive the distance formula, they need to know
the distances of a vertical and horizontal line that form a triangle.

Assessment tasks ● During the independent working time of the exploratory stage, we will go
(how do you know around the classroom to check for students' progress and concerns. While we
whether students ask assessing questions to check students' understanding, such as "How do
accomplish the you find the distance of the line segment graphically? Can you walk me
Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
learning objectives through your steps on both the visual model of the geoboard you built and on
or not?)BOTH the x-y axes you created?", "how will you explain the pattern you discovered
during and at the when counting distance graphically? How will you use the pattern you found to
end of the lesson. build an algebraic formula that will work for calculating all cases of line
(See your notes segments' distances (horizontal, vertical, slant)? How does the formula relate
above) with any of the theorems you learned before?" Paying attention to the
questions students ask can also be powerful feedback to see how effective
our teaching is. The questions students asked are clear evidence of the
student's ability to learn, think, create, analyze, and solve problems. The more
relative the students' questions to the learning goal, the more they are on the
right track of learning. Based on this, we will also be able to know when is a
good time to provide timely following-up guidance.
● Students will also be assigned a worksheet as a guide to refer to during the
exploratory stage and use it to record their thoughts for later whole class
discussions of their exploring outcomes. By looking at student's work on the
worksheet, we will be able to see if students mastered the ability to convert
what they constructed on the visual model of the geoboard into the
mathematical language (graph on x-y axes or use equations to describe
patterns among quantities).
● At the end of the class, students will be assessing their understanding by
making a math question that can be solved using what they discovered during
the class to see if they can extend the application of distance formula to the
ideas outside of our class (i.e., Can they use the distance formula to explain
phenomena other than the flight route of an airplane?) Students will also be
assessed on their conceptual and procedural understanding by solving the
problem they made by themselves.

DAY 3: N/A

Learning activities N/A

Learning objectives N/A

What students will N/A


What students will N/A


Connection to N/A

Assessment tasks N/A

(how do you know
whether students
accomplish the
learning objectives
or not?) BOTH
during and at the
end of the lesson.

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
(See your notes


● You can plan for more or less than 3 days if necessary (at least 2)
● You should use the Monitoring Tool at least twice during the lesson to orchestrate discourse and
attach copies at the end of the document.
● Be sure to include which, where, and how you will:
○ Greet students (i.e. at the door as they enter)
○ How you will share the learning objective and agenda
○ How you will call on students to ensure all have opportunities to show learning
○ How you will get students’ attention
○ How will you acknowledge and affirm students’ knowledge, ideas, and learning
● Highlight in blue where you will use formative assessments to determine student progress towards
the learning objectives.
● Highlight in yellow where you are implementing the Five Practices for Orchestrating Discourse.
○ Link a separate document to this section with your Task/Questions and Anticipated Student
● Highlight backpocket questions in green.
○ Activate relevant prior knowledge
○ Uncover student thinking
○ Help student get started or back on track
○ Help students make connections to concepts and big ideas

Day 1 Let me know when this portion of the lesson plan is ready for feedback

Sequence/Activities/Grouping Teacher Actions/Questions Student actions/possible

Short description of each activity What are the teachers thinking/assessment
and how it is organized. doing/saying? What are the students
Making thinking visible: Describe
How will you: how you are going to launch a task;
● greet students, welcome ● How would you like to open the
them to class conversation? What question
● share the learning objective would you pose?
and agenda ● How would you help students to
● get students’ attention understand the goals of this
● acknowledge and affirm activity (why are we doing this?)
students’ knowledge, ideas ● How would you help students to
and learning see the connection of this task to
the prior lessons?

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
● What resources would be useful
to complete this task, and how
can I make them accessible to my
● What additional support would
you provide to make sure that all
students can successfully
complete this task?

Introduction (7-10 minutes) -ask questions related to the -Students will first think about the
-have the day's learning phenomenon like: two questions individually. Then
objective written on the “Where have you traveled or will be they’ll get to share their answers
whiteboard agenda so students traveling this summer?” with the people at their table, and
have an idea abt. What they’ll be “How did you/will be traveling one person from each group will
learning today there?” share with the class their response.
-Is a layover always right in the
-share my method of getting -after hearing student responses, middle of our trip? (possible
students’ attention and have ask, “If you traveled this far, did you student thinking)
students do it so they’re familiar ever take a break or experience a -I think I’ve had times when I didn’t
with (clapping method) layover?” take a break on an airplane trip
-ask students questions that’ll even though it was far. (possible
lead to the phenomenon and -introduce the geographic idea student thinking)
introduce students to the behind the phenomenon of the (There will only be airplane trips,
exploratory activity route of an airplane flying since the flight route is a straight
-provide directions for the group (longitude and latitude) line without any curves like car trips
activity do).
-give directions for the hands-on
activity and have students repeat
the directions to the teacher before

Sequence/Activities/Grouping Teacher Actions/Questions Student actions/possible

Short description of each activity What are the teachers thinking/assessment
and how it is organized. doing/saying? What are the students
Describe instructional task, tools
This is the phase of “Task (scaffolds), and talk moves that you
Implementation.” Describe the are going to use in each or across Describe (a) learning artifacts that will
sequence of teaching episodes here teaching episodes. Think of the be produced, (b) expected students’
(e.g., whole group discussion, data following question: responses (talk or performance), (c)
collection activity, small group a. What questions do I ask when anticipating difficulties
discussion, individual seat work, students implement the task?
making public representation, think- b. What goes on in completing the
pair-share, sharing out, gallery work task that you propose?
etc.) c. Who may have difficulties in
completing this task and why?
d. What support would be necessary
to assist those students? How am
I going to provide that support?
e. What back pocket questions will
you have?

Body of the Lesson (25-30 -How did you find that midpoint? -use a rubber band to create a line
minutes) -How can you find the number between segment on the geoboard by
Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
-in groups of 3 to 4, students two different numbers? (hopefully, connecting the two points
create a labeled rectangular students recall prior knowledge on (locations) to find the coordinate of
coordinate (x-y axes) on the finding average) the midpoint (by counting dots on
plastic paper to identify the -What did you get for your midpoint the geoboard and seeing what dot
when traveling from point A to point B
coordinate of the two points is in the middle)
(e.g., point A is LA and point B is
-each student will be filling out Seattle)? -What dot is exactly in the middle of
the worksheet while working on -Where is the midpoint located on the this line segment on the geoboard?
the hands-on activity as a group actual map? Is this the spot where a -If this line is a bit slanted, it’s a bit
(the worksheet has questions layover can happen? harder to find the midpoint. Is there
that connect to the activity) -What does this situation make you some formula I can try using to find
think about when on a trip layovers are it? (possible student thinking)
-as a whole class, have students at? -compare findings using short
share their findings on the - Is a layover always right in the middle sentences after each case (when
midpoint based on the 3 cases: of a trip? the latitude changes, longitude
latitude (y-value) changes, -How can you algebraically express the
changes, both changes)
longitude (x-value) changes, coordinate right in the middle of the
line segment? -what values (x or y) change or
both changes remain the same based on the
-How is the midpoint of this line
segment related to the average of the x three cases (horizontal, vertical,
coordinates and the average of the y diagonal)? (possible student
coordinates? thinking)

Sequence/Activities/Grouping Teacher Actions/Questions Student actions/possible

What are the teachers thinking/assessment
Part 1: Closure doing/saying?
Describe how you are going to allow What are student expected
What questions will you ask that ask responses? How will students be able
students to analyze and make
students to demonstrate different to demonstrate learning using multiple
sense of what they learned today.
levels of knowledge around the representations?
phenomena and lesson objective?
Part 2: Assessment
How will EACH student provide
tangible evidence of demonstrating
understandings or
misunderstandings related to the
daily essential question(s) and
overall lesson objective?

Closing (10 minutes) -Based on the midpoint formula, what -layovers during trips are rarely
have you learned about when layovers right in the middle of our trip
-After deriving the formula, have or breaks during road trips are at? (Is it
students check which formula because it’s just not possible to rest
possible to rest right at the halfway at that place (expected responses)
derived in each case will work for point of a trip?)
all 3 cases (the one for the 3rd -What can I design that connects to
-pass out exit tickets to each student:
case will always work), then students will be making their own finding the midpoint for the exit
conclude a general formula for phenomenon-based midpoint problem, ticket? (possible student thinking)
all midpoint coordinates, then let then solve their problem algebraically -How can I use the formula to
students try a simple problem using the formula they derived during express my drawing/phenomenon
individually using the formula. the lesson. mathematically? (possible student
Questions: thinking)
-Students will individually 1. Write your own phenomenon -Does my phenomenon always
complete an exit ticket before which involves finding the have to relate to traveling, or can it

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
leaving the classroom. midpoint. be finding the midpoint for a
2. Draw your design on the grid different situation? (possible
and also explain what it student thinking)
represents (describe your -based on how my line segment
objects/locations using
looks, what coordinate values will
3. Solve the problem you made. be changed? (x, y, or both?)
(how will you find the midpoint (possible student thinking)


If you have electronic files (slides, worksheet, or tools) you are using with your lesson, please link them here.
● Exit tickets:
● PowerPoint:
● Worksheets:

Sequence/Activities/Grouping Teacher Actions/Questions Student actions/possible

Short description of each activity What are the teachers thinking/assessment
and how it is organized. doing/saying? What are the students
Making thinking visible: Describe
How will you: how you are going to launch a task;
● greet students, welcome ● How would you like to open the
them to class conversation? What question
● share the learning objective would you pose?
and agenda ● How would you help students to
● get students’ attention understand the goals of this
● acknowledge and affirm activity (why are we doing this?)
students’ knowledge, ideas ● How would you help students to
and learning see the connection of this task to
the prior lessons?
● What resources would be useful
to complete this task, and how
can I make them accessible to my
● What additional support would
you provide to make sure that all
students can successfully
complete this task?

Introduction (7-10 minutes) ● What did we learn to find on a -we might need to know the
-have the learning objective of given traveling route on distance so we can have an
Tuesday? estimate of how long it’s going to
the day written on the
● What else about traveling take to arrive at our destination
whiteboard agenda so students routes can we analyze?
have an idea about what they’ll (possible student thinking)
● Why is it important to know the -might need to know the distance,
be learning today distance when traveling from

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
-ask students questions that’ll one place to another? so we know how much gas we
lead to the phenomenon and ● What is a midpoint? What need if going on a road trip
introduce students to the does the midpoint do to a line (possible student thinking)
exploratory activity; discussion segment? -A midpoint is right in the middle of
also connects to previous ● What do we know about the a line segment, so it’ll split the line
lessons (e.g., start with, “What line segment lengths if it is split segment in half. Then, the two split
with a midpoint?
did we learn to find on a given segments are the same exact
● We learned that layovers or
traveling route on Tuesday?) length. (possible student thinking)
breaks are only sometimes in
-provide directions for the group the middle of a trip. How can
activity we find the distance from the
starting point to a layover that
is here? [show students a
picture while asking this]

Sequence/Activities/Grouping Teacher tActions/Questions Student actions/possible

Short description of each activity What are the teachers thinking/assessment
and how it is organized. doing/saying? What are the students
Describe instructional task, tools
This is the phase of “Task (scaffolds), and talk moves that you
Implementation.” Describe the are going to use in each or across Describe (a) learning artifacts that will
sequence of teaching episodes here teaching episodes. Think of the be produced, (b) expected students’
(e.g., whole group discussion, data following question: responses (talk or performance), (c)
collection activity, small group f. What questions do I ask when anticipating difficulties
discussion, individual seat work, students implement the task?
making public representation, think- g. What goes on in completing the
pair-share, sharing out, gallery work task that you propose?
etc.) h. Who may have difficulties in
completing this task and why?
i. What support would be necessary
to assist those students? How am
I going to provide that support?
j. What back pocket questions will
you have?

Body of the Lesson (25-30 - How did you find that distance - Use a rubber band to create a
minutes) graphically? line segment on the geoboard
- In groups of 3 to 4, - How can you describe the by connecting the two points
distance you find (locations), and count how
students will use rubber algebraically? many dots are on the
bands to create line - Is your answer to the length for rubberband to find out the
segments to represent the distance the same distance.
the flight route and draw compared to the one you - If the line segment is no longer
x-y axes on the plastic found graphically and horizontal or vertical, what
paper that can be used to algebraically? knowledge I learned before
describe the location of - What is the distance between can be helpful to find the
the given two cities using the two given cities on a real distance out? How does this
point of coordinates and map (checked using devices)? case relate to the former 2
draw the line segment Can a distance be negative? cases (horizontal and vertical)
(extend question: what does we have studied?
connecting the two cities
the distance 0 mean?) - Compare findings using both
(points) on the x-y axes. plain English and
When dealing with case 3 - How does the distance of a
line segment relate to already- Mathematical language after
(a “slant” line segment), learned concepts of the each case.
use a rubber band to Pythagorean Theorem? How - Should a distance be written

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
build a vertical and did you find out? as a point of coordinates?
horizontal line on the line Why?
segment and construct
three squares on each
side with the same side
length as that side.
- Each student will be
filling out the worksheet
while working on the
hands-on activity as a
group (the worksheet has
questions that connect to
the activity).
- As a whole class,
students will share their
findings on the distances
based on each
exploration of the 3
cases: latitude (y-value)
changes, longitude (x-
value) changes, and both

Sequence/Activities/Grouping Teacher Actions/Questions Student actions/possible

What are the teachers thinking/assessment
Part 1: Closure doing/saying?
Describe how you are going to allow What are student expected
What questions will you ask that ask responses? How will students be able
students to analyze and make
students to demonstrate different to demonstrate learning using multiple
sense of what they learned today.
levels of knowledge around the representations?
phenomena and lesson objective?
Part 2: Assessment
How will EACH student provide
tangible evidence of demonstrating
understandings or
misunderstandings related to the
daily essential question(s) and
overall lesson objective?

Closing (10 minutes) -Based on the midpoint formula, what -Physically speaking, a distance
have you learned about the distance? cannot be negative. Algebraically
-After deriving the formula, we Can a distance be negative?
will have students try a simple speaking, by looking at the
-How are distances represented? (as distance formula of d = √ ¿ ¿, square
problem individually using the coordinates? just a number?)
formula with a calculator. At this root has a domain larger or equal
-How can we find the distance of a
time, we will create a condition slanted line? How has the formula to 0, and thus distance cannot be
that geoboard will never be been derived? negative. Similarly, if we take a
suitable as a model for the flight -Pass out exit tickets to each student. look at the elements under the
route, where the plane will fly square root, a number’s square is
internationally from one country always non-negative, so the sum of
to another (the flight route two squares is also always non-
becomes longer than cases we negative, and thus distance is non-

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
studied before) negative.
-At the end of the class, students -Possible students’ thinking.
will individually complete an exit 1. How can I connect the
ticket before leaving the distance formula with real-
classroom. Students are life phenomena?
required to leave their completed 2. Does my phenomenon
exit ticket on the desk for us to always have to relate to
collect for assessment of their traveling, or can I adapt this
understanding and evidence of mathematical idea to
feedback to our teaching. another unique situation?
3. How can I describe the
location of an object using
points of coordinates on x-y
4. How can I use the distance
formula to solve the
question I think of?


If you have electronic files (slides, worksheet, or tools) you are using with your lesson, please link them here.
● Exit tickets:
● PowerPoint:
● Worksheet:

Part IV: Lesson Reflective Analysis

(Due 1 week after you have taught your lesson, no later than week 9)

REFLECTION- DUE 7 days after instruction

Complete this section after you have taught your lesson.

Consider your lesson plan, revisions, and feedback you have received from the course instructor, your
mentor teacher, and your supervisor. Use evidence from these sources to support the claims you make
below. Remember our collective focus on student learning and sense-making, rather than compliance.

Paragraph 1 (between 175 and 200 words):

Cite differences between what your (math/science) learning goals and objectives were for the lesson.
What evidence did you expect to get of student learning? To what extent were you able to meet these
learning goals through talk, use specific examples to support your claims. Differences are not based on
superficial observations (“I ran out of time”) but to the way “the students” thought/responded or the way

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
the teacher (you) responded to situations; use student evidence including student quotes and student
Use student assessments (formative, summative) to link what helped and what did not help meet the
learning objective. Some of these differences might be positive, some might be problematic. Both are
helpful to mention.

Paragraph 2 (between 175 and 200 words):

Think about how ideas were elicited and treated during your lesson. How did using the discourse tool
help surface student initial thinking? Describe substantive changes you would make in how ideas were
elicited and treated. Descriptions of these changes should be based on how students responded to your
planned teachers moves—mention how students responded or did not respond as the basis for every
change you suggest.

Paragraph 3 (between 175 and 200 words):

Describe what you learned from your peer teach through your partner. These can be comments about
their treatment of ideas, about organizing talk, about their use of tools, etc.

Paragraph 4 (between 175 and 200 words):

Make 3 notes for your future self for the next lesson you will plan and write. What are 3 things that you
will plan to do? What is your rationale for these 3 notes? Link the rationale to how do they tie in with your
own experiences including assessments you used with students, and what we know from research?

Partner 1: Erin
The learning goal for Day 1’s lesson was that students will be able to find the midpoint of three different lines
by using geoboards and rubber bands, and they will be able to derive the formula by comparing the midpoint
of all three lines. However, while teaching, we realized that using geoboards as manipulatives made
graphing coordinates a lot harder for the students. We wanted them to use the plastic paper to draw the xy-
axis they needed to graph their points (e.g. they needed to figure out how to draw and label the second
quadrant to graph the points given in Case 1) before using the rubber bands to make line segments. Majority
of the students were not able to draw the xy-axis with their groups, so this step took up a lot of time in our
lesson. I saw that many students had line segments on the grid in their worksheets instead of having line
segments on the geoboard, which caused me to realize that they are not very familiar with using
manipulatives to model in math. Since knowing how to draw axes is not the main objective of our lesson, in
Day 2’s worksheet, we decided to provide grids with axes in the appropriate quadrant.

In the beginning of Day 1’s lesson, to help surface student initial thinking, we started our lesson by asking
questions students can connect their personal lives to (particularly, their experiences with traveling) and this
discussion gradually led to the concept of midpoint, which is what the activity relates to. For example, we
started by asking questions like, “Where have you traveled and what transportation did you travel with? If
you traveled far, did you ever take a break or experience a layover? Where exactly on trips do you think
breaks or layovers are at?”. I heard responses such as, “I rode an airplane to China and I took a break in
Japan.” I realized that when we asked the second question in the list, there was a pause until my mentor
teacher said that a layover is a resting period when traveling by plane. Although students understood most of
the questions, next time, I think I would clarify some terms in the questions students might not have heard as
much in their everyday lives. I wanted students to first work in groups to analyze the midpoint and distance of
three different types of lines (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal) and I thought that students would be able to
get the formula (e.g. how can we algebraically represent the midpoint of a vertical line?) after noticing what
values change and do not change in each case. Although students were able to see what values change by
comparing the three coordinates, I realized that having students try writing a formula based on the patterns
they have found is super challenging. If I can reteach this lesson, I’d have students write out the three
coordinates and label which coordinates are changing (x or y?) and which remain the same and if they see

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
that the x-values are changing, I can have them write an equation (not a formula) that might represent the
change. (e.g. we have (12, 1) , (12, 7) and the midpoint is (12, 4). Students can write y-value is changing and
(1+7)/2 = 4 as their noticings as an equation instead of trying to come up with a formula involving variables).

When we were first told by our mentor teacher that we’ll be teaching a lesson on deriving and using the
midpoint and distance formulas, I was worried about how I can properly teach this lesson in an engaging way
since I am used to formulas just being given. However, Dian provided great ideas on how we can analyze
the midpoints and distances of a vertical, horizontal, and slanted line. In addition, she provided the
phenomenon of the midpoints and distances of flight routes. Students had the chance to learn the
mathematical concepts while Dian’s idea of finding the midpoint of flight routes also allowed students to
realize that when traveling, layovers aren’t right in the middle of the trip. For example, one student said they
flew from LA to China, but their layover was in Japan, and this lesson helped her realize that it happened in
Japan because the midpoint of the trip is in the middle of the ocean. Similar to our lesson last quarter, we
also wanted to make connections to other subjects students may be familiar with and I want to thank Dian for
thinking about the idea of using geographic coordinates to label locations around the world. Students may
have heard of latitude and longitude from their science class, so we implemented this concept to provide
geographic coordinates, which were converted to xy-coordinates when they compared the midpoints and
distances in both days’ lessons.

In the next lesson I will plan and write, I will think more deeply about what kind of learning styles students are
comfortable with and will implement those methods to make learning new concepts feel less intimidating. In
our lesson last quarter we used folding paper as manipulatives to model exponential growth and decay, so
we thought that using geoboards as manipulatives would work out pretty well. However, our first days’ lesson
did not go as we expected and it was due to the fact that students are not comfortable with using geoboards
for graphing; they are a lot more comfortable with graphing on a gridded paper. I realized that my mentor
teacher rarely uses manipulatives to teach. She likes to use worksheets and have students discuss in groups
and have a representative from each team to contribute to the problem they’re working on. This quarter, II
learned what formative assessment is and when I teach next year, I want to consider implementing more of
this. To see how students are doing and to know what areas I can improve on with teaching, I can try doing
polls or ask open-ended questions before teaching my lesson. Since I only got to teach students the lesson
I’ve created and I only see Math 1 students every other week (based on Northwood’s schedule), I did not get
to have the chance to ask something simple which will help students recall and reflect what they’ve learned/
However, we did have some questions that helped some students recall their learnings from the first day’s
lesson on Day 2. The last thing I want to tell myself while I plan and write next time is that I shouldn’t be too
hard on myself if my planned lesson doesn’t go the way I wanted it to when I teach. This was probably my
first time where the lesson did not go the way I expected it to on Day 1, but based on what I learned could be
improved, Day 2’s lesson actually went by very well.

Partner 2: Dian

During the teaching process, I often encounter such a problem: we have arranged and prepared the teaching
materials properly and planned the teaching schedule in detail before class, but in the actual teaching, it
cannot be carried out according to the plan based on various factors such as student’s proficiency of their
existing knowledge, students’ familiarity with the teaching appliance, students’ degree of adapting with the
teaching format. When designing the lesson, we prepared a large number of practical problems with hands-
on activities to create relevant situations. However, due to the complexity and extended learning content, the
amount of time students needed for understanding and explanation was lengthened. In our day 1’s lesson,
we used geoboards as the carrier of conveying the mathematical idea of midpoint and distance on a flight
route. Although this method did help some kids with special needs, such as ELL and ADHD kids, to focus
attention, where I noticed those kids are less likely to be disrupted by surroundings and have a deeper
understanding of the learning content using a different way besides reading the text by showing their
conceptual understanding, when we assessing students’ understanding formatively on the worksheet, that

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

the flight route is a line segment, and midpoint located in the middle of the line segment graphically, and its
point of coordinate is the average of the change of x and y coordinates associated with the given points of
x 1+ x 2 y 1+ y 2
the two cities algebraically (i.e. m = ( , ) ), compared to our teaching in the last quarter. Most
2 2
of the kids failed to complete the hands-on activity, instead, they did everything on the worksheet without the
geoboard manipulation. This is because “kids are not familiar with such a learning method and never saw or
used a geoboard before,” said our mentor teacher.

Based on our observation of how students reacted to the geoboard activity on day 1’s lesson and our mentor
teacher’s feedback, we made timely adjustments on our day 2’s lesson by removing the usage of geoboards.
Still, our discourse tool and the overall flow of the lesson remain similar; the only change we made is to let
students construct flight routes as line segments directly on the grids provided on the worksheet, and
observe the pattern location of the midpoint or the length of the flight route distance graphically associated
with the points of the coordinate of the given cities, then gradually transfer into describe the pattern they
found algebraically with a formula written using variables. These changes made our lesson run remarkably
smoother than before, relieved students’ anxiety and doubts, and also increased the participation rate of the
whole class so that in day 2’s lesson, almost everyone had the chance to raise their hand and share
thoughts. By finding patterns through counting grids on the line segment and making connections to the
critical thinking problems that underline what remains the same and what changed with the distance and the
points of the coordinate of the given two cities of each flight route, we applied formative assessment of
listening to students thoughts and found out students were able to explain distance is always non-negative,
where the distance is the change of x values for a horizontal line, the change of y value for a vertical line,
and combining vertical and horizontal line to create a right triangle with a diagonal line as hypotenuse,
students were able to use Pythagorean theorem to find the distance of a slanted flight route. Although
students have no trouble defining the distance as always non-negative, some students have trouble
converting this observation using math language with their existing knowledge of absolute value for the
horizontal and vertical line cases. I also want to make some changes to the worksheet problem to let
students think, “What is one operation you learned before? Will you always make sure the sign for your
distance is always non-negative? How will you make sure your decision will always work?”

I learned a lot from Erin, especially on the assessment design, that she always optimizes the efficiency of the
learning tool we can provide for the students and sets clear instructions that make it easy for kids to follow.
For instance, in the day 1 lesson’s worksheet, on the part where students were asked to plot the flight route
out on the grids provided, students were required to find out which quadrant the given points lie on, then
create x-y axes by themselves, and label it before plotting the line segment, which did let many students feel
overwhelming. We recognized it did take students some time to figure out which quadrant to draw out, such
that the points of coordinate fit the given locations, and many students redrew the x-y axes several times to
make sure they got the correct graph. Thus, Erin suggested modifying day 2’s worksheet to provide x-y axes
with the right quadrant for students to plot their graphs. The provided x-y axes and grids significantly improve
students’ efficiency in identifying where the given cities are located on an x-y graph with its points of
coordinate, so students can quickly move to the next activity of finding a midpoint or distance with the plot
graphically. Besides, because the proof of the distance formula for a diagonal line can be challenging, which
cannot be derived by finding a pattern by staring at the plotted flight route intuitively, Erin also provided many
visuals and explanations on the PowerPoint on how to construct a right triangle in order for students to prove
the formula using the Pythagorean theorem and the formulas they derived for a vertical and horizontal line,
where students will basically draw and find the distances of a vertical line and a horizontal line by treating the
diagonal line as the hypotenuse of the right triangle, then use the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance
for the diagonal line.Thus, make it easy for students to follow the instructions and graphs on the PowerPoint
while listening to the interpretation from the teacher and constructing their right triangles and proofs on their
In designing an engaging phenomenon-based lesson, I would like to connect the teaching practices

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
introduced in the article “Engaging Teachers in the Powerful Combination of Mathematical Modeling and
Social Justice: The Flint Water Task,” that “Mathematical modeling is ‘the process of choosing and using
appropriate mathematics and statistics to analyze empirical situations, to understand them better, and to
improve decisions” (Aguirre et al.). A good phenomenon-based lesson should always provide open-ended
tasks and problems that allow students to solve using their customized method combined with math
modeling to give a full play of students’ identity, personality, creativity, and existing knowledge. In the two-
day lesson, we designed the learning tasks of determining whether an airplane’s layover should always be in
the middle location by finding the location of the midpoint of different flight routes or finding the distance of a
flight route by using different methods, such as graphing or calculating. Although we allowed students to
approach a problem from different angles, both graphically and algebraically, the description and instruction
on the modeling process can still be improved. To help students get a better sense of how to approach those
questions algebraically by connecting what they learned before, we should always ask students the
questions, “How does the pattern you observe relate to any operations, theorems, or definitions you learned
before?”, and “how will you convince yourself that the equation you wrote will always work for other cases?”.
Finally, I recognize that the math modeling process is nonlinear and that we must acknowledge and respect
students’ differences in learning ability. When introducing an unfamiliar activity or learning tool to students,
such as a geoboard, I should at least practice one problem manipulating the geoboard under a projector for
the students before letting them use it to visualize the problem independently.

Reflect and Revise

Based on students’ responses and the artifact you collected, how would you improve the lesson? Select and
revise one part of your lesson (the launch [phenomenon or essential question], activity, worksheet, exit
ticket, etc.) that can further help students make sense of the science ideas. Make changes on your original
document by using the “suggested mode” to indicate changes you have made.

Link your document here: Erin

● Modified Day 1’s Worksheet:

Link your document here: Dian

● Modified Day 1’s Worksheet:

Supporting Readings
Developing high quality learning objectives and aligning instruction
Developing learning objectives (University of Wisconsin)

Developing learning outcomes (Stanford University)

A simple tool for aligning instruction and assessment

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW
Evidence of Learning
7 smart, fast ways, to do formative assessment

14 examples of formative assessment

Five Evidence Gathering Routines Reading

The Informal Formative Assessment Cycle as a Model for Teacher Practice

Formative Assessment for Equitable Learning - Leveraging Student Voice Through Practical

Student Funds of Knowledge, identity, and including in the curriculum

Math Focused

Student and Teacher Humanity at the Forefront: A Curation of Teaching Practices - Radical Pedagogy

Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice: Acknowledgment, Actions, and Accountability

Episode 02. Black Men Do Math: Identity & Agency with Dr. Robert Berry

NCTM Access, Power, Identity, and Healing in Mathematics.pdf

Lybrya Leveraging student identities to develop pedagogical fluency .pdf

Science Focused

Designing for a Rightful Presence as a Lens for Science Teacher Education Research

Strategies and resources for contextualizing the curriculum based on the funds of knowledge approach: a
literature review

Re-Engaging Students in Science: Issues of Assessment, Funds of Knowledge and Sites for Learning

Teaching Science With a Commitment to Community

The importance and role of phenomena

Math Focused

NCTM Math Modeling Gaimme.pdf

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Integrating mathematical modeling in HS.pdf

making the most of modeling tasks.pdf

NCTM math modeling in hs curriculum.pdf

NCTM Math Modeling Structured Process.pdf

Science Focused
Making Everyday Phenomena Phenomenal: Using phenomena to promote equity in science instruction

Adapting Existing Curriculum for Equitable Learning Experiences

The role of phenomena and problems in science and STEM education: Traditional, contemporary, and future

Focusing Science and Engineering Learning on Justice-Centered Phenomena across PK-12

Using Local Phenomena to Communicate Climate Solutions

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

Appendix- Workflow Table

If you’re teaching in Week 5 here is your workflow:

Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
(21 days in advance) (14 days in advance) (7 days in advance)

Part I Due Part II Due Part III Teach Part IV

● Research ● Research Writing:
Writing Role of N/A Debrief with Reflective
Phenomenon Mentor, Analysis
● Research Writing: Supervisor and
Explanatory Partner ● ❡1
● Research Writing:
● ❡2
Evidence of ● ❡3
Student Learning ● ❡4
● Lesson Plan
Part I Due Part II Due Part III Due Revision
● Teaching ● Phenomenon & ● Eliciting Student
Context & Essential Ideas
Abstract Questions ● Overview of
● Knowledge, Big Activities,
Ideas Sequences (3-
● Common Core days)
Math Standards ● Day 1 Lesson
● Learning Planning, Body of
Objectives the Lesson,
Attachments (ALL
Docs, slides, etc.)
● Day 2 Lesson
Planning, Body of
the Lesson,
Attachments (ALL
Docs, slides, etc.)
● Day 3 (if needed)
Lesson Planning,
Body of the
Lesson, Closure,
Attachments (ALL
Docs, slides, etc.)

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang
2022-23 CalTeach ED143AW/ED148/ED143BW

If you’re teaching in Week 6 or beyond here is your workflow:

Week 3 Week 4

Part I Due Part II Due

● Research Writing ● Research Writing: Role of Phenomenon
● Research Writing: Explanatory Model
● Research Writing: Evidence of Student Learning

Week 3 or 4 Week 4 or 5 Week 5 or 6 Week 6 or 7 Week 7 or 8

(21 days in advance) (14 days in advance) (7 days in advance) (7 days after lesson)

Part I Due Part II Due Part III Due Teach Part IV

● Teaching ● Phenomenon & ● Eliciting
Context & Essential Student Debrief with Reflective
Abstract Questions Ideas Mentor, Supervisor Analysis
● Knowledge, Big ● Overview of and Partner
Ideas Activities,
● ❡1
● Common Core Sequences
Math Standards (3-days)
● ❡2
● Learning ● Day 1 ● ❡3
Objectives Lesson ● ❡4
Planning, ● Lesson Plan
Body of the Revision
(ALL Docs,
slides, etc.)
● Day 2
Body of the
(ALL Docs,
slides, etc.)
● Day 3 (if
Body of the
(ALL Docs,
slides, etc.)

Lesson template adapted from H.Kang

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