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Name: Alviz, John Andrew D.

Date: 09/20/2022
Journal Entry no: 2 Topic: Source of Authority and Sense of Self

Identifying moral compass:

A moral compass is the set of guiding principles and ideals that determine how someone thinks and acts. It has
been used for centuries to assist people in making decisions about how to live their lives. The moral compass
can be found in a variety of places, including family values, religion, customs, social norms, cultural beliefs,
laws, and so on, but it all boils down to developing a personal sense of morality that will help one make better
decisions in life. But what does it mean to have moral compass? As a student, I act as a role model to my
younger siblings since I am the eldest, it is very important to act accordingly which direction will I show to go
when to show what decisions that involves right and wrong. I want them to give their best when it comes to
studying because they will know the outcome of their hard works in the future. I also thought them to have a
good study routine.
I believe in a verse from the bible says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will
not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:26). This is my main reason why I teach my younger siblings and I also
thought this verse to them so when they have children or help anyone to study, they will determine they will
behave when they become adults.
How does it help you in doing moral/ethical actions?
It gives me a lot of good benefits and also to improve my moral compass. In fact, it helps me to have foundation
to myself and to others. Having these good morals can lead to a sense of integrity, which is a material for
gaining self-worthiness and self-confidence.

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