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Posing Jokes for Photographers SAM EYE AM



For couples

I know you have your first dance later, but can I see some of your
Walk like your completely drunk.
You’re walking...but on the moon. So no gravity”
Now run. Imagine me chasing you with my invoice.
You don’t have to leave space in the middle, it’s fine. We’re not in
middle school.
Hug each other so closely that you can smell them. Yep, you’re stuck
with that forever.
Show that ring off! That was expensive.
Beautiful! Oh you look beautiful too [bride’s/groom’s name]”
Imagine you’re a kissing machine. Go.
Go in for a kiss. But oh, but not too spicy, please. Children will see
Do a nose kiss. I know you wanna lean in for a real kiss, but just hold
that pose.
Imagine it’s a lazy day on your couch. Snuggle up.
Pose like you’re the big spoon, but sitting.
Imagine they’re the comfiest pillow ever. Lean in. Close your eyes.
As you lay her, imagine you’re a reclining chair.
(When posing for a falling kind of pose) Wow. Someone’s been
working out. Keep that core engaged.
You chose that dress with a slit for a reason. Now, show off your leg.
(When carrying the bride) Don’t drop her. She’s precious cargo.
Posing Jokes for Photographers SAM EYE AM

For groomsmen

I think the man of the hour needs some uplifting from his best
buddies. Now go on, lift [groom’s name] off the ground!
Imagine his (the groom’s) most embarrassing moments. I wanna see
those laughs.
Now, look at each other, into their eyes -- tenderly, warmly, into
their souls and very being.
I have a challenge for you. You’re not allowed to put your hands in
your pockets or in front of you. So get creative. GO!
I am now giving you the rare opportunity to make fun of [groom’s
name]. You know you want to. Make funny faces, poke his nose,
pinch his butt, whatever floats your boat.
Act like you’re getting ready. Fix your tie, your cuffs, button your
I think we all need a hug. Come on, guys. Bring it in. Group hug. It’s
a special day. It’s not awkward at all.
Do the flying V formation. Like you’re power rangers.
Now walk in slow-mo like a bunch of superheroes.
Imagine the shock on [bride’s name] face when [groom’s name]
proposed to her. Try doing that.
Look at anywhere but the camera. Act cool. This is your model
Posing Jokes for Photographers SAM EYE AM

For bridesmaids

You ladies know the Top Model show, right? I want you to Smize.
Smile with your eyes. Not your lips, but with your eyes.
Bring your faces together. Get close. Imagine there’s a magnet
between you and the person next to you.
Soft smiles, everyone. We’re going for a demure look. We all know
you’re gonna get wasted later so let’s savor this moment.
Cheer for your girl. She’s getting married today! I wanna see shouts.
Everyone look at [bride’s name]. She looks absolutely amazing.
Now strike a pose like you’re on the cover of Vogue.
Link arms and walk. But do it in slow motion.
Your flower bouquets look so beautiful. Raise them up like you just
caught the bride’s bouquet.
Glance down at your bouquet softly like it’s food.
Everyone, grab the train of the dress to help our bride out here.

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