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Here's a detailed lesson plan that aligns with the learning competency "EN7LIT-I-5:
Revise the literary texts for coherence and cohesion."

**Title:** Enhancing Coherence and Cohesion in Literary Texts

**Grade Level:** Grade 7

**Duration:** Three 45-minute class periods

**I. Objectives:**
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
- Understand the concepts of coherence and cohesion in writing.
- Identify issues related to coherence and cohesion in literary texts.
- Revise literary texts to improve coherence and cohesion.

**II. Materials:**
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector for displaying text on the board (if available)
- Handouts with examples of literary texts
- Writing materials for students (notebooks, pens, or laptops)

**III. Procedure:**

**Day 1:**

**A. Introduction (15 minutes):**

1. Start the lesson by discussing the importance of coherence and cohesion in writing. Explain
that these elements help ensure that a text flows smoothly and is easy to understand.
2. Define coherence as the logical and organized connection of ideas, and cohesion as the use
of transitional words and phrases to link sentences and paragraphs.

**B. Examples of Coherence and Cohesion (20 minutes):**

1. Present examples of literary texts, both well-structured and those with issues related to
coherence and cohesion.
2. Analyze these examples with the students, highlighting how coherent and cohesive texts are
easier to follow and engage with.

**C. Identifying Issues (25 minutes):**

1. Provide students with excerpts from literary texts and ask them to identify issues related to
coherence and cohesion in each excerpt.
2. Discuss their findings as a class and compare their analyses.

**Day 2:**
**D. Strategies for Coherence (30 minutes):**
1. Discuss strategies for improving coherence in writing. These may include organizing ideas
logically, using clear topic sentences, and maintaining a consistent point of view.
2. Review sample texts where coherence has been improved through these strategies.

**E. Strategies for Cohesion (15 minutes):**

1. Discuss strategies for enhancing cohesion in writing. These may include using transitional
words and phrases (e.g., "however," "in addition," "on the other hand") and employing pronouns
and repetition effectively.
2. Review sample texts where cohesion has been improved through these strategies.

**F. Peer Review (30 minutes):**

1. Have students exchange their own literary texts.
2. Instruct partners to review and provide feedback on the coherence and cohesion of each
other's texts.
3. Encourage students to suggest specific revisions to address any issues.

**Day 3:**

**G. Revising for Coherence and Cohesion (40 minutes):**

1. Ask students to use the feedback received during the peer review to revise their literary texts
for coherence and cohesion.
2. Circulate the classroom to provide support, guidance, and clarification as needed.

**H. Sharing and Reflection (20 minutes):**

1. Invite students to share their revised literary texts with the class.
2. After each presentation, encourage classmates to provide feedback on the improvements in
coherence and cohesion.
3. Have a class discussion on the revision process and the impact it had on the clarity and
effectiveness of the texts.

**IV. Assessment:**
- Assess students based on their ability to identify and address issues related to coherence and
cohesion in literary texts, as well as their active participation in discussions and peer feedback

**V. Homework:**
- Assign students to reflect on their own revision process and discuss how it improved the
coherence and cohesion of their literary texts.

**VI. Extension Activity:**

- Challenge advanced students to experiment with different writing styles and structures while
maintaining coherence and cohesion.
**VII. Additional Notes:**
- This lesson plan can be adapted for different types of literary texts and writing assignments.
Emphasize the importance of clear and effective communication in all compositions.

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