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Here's a more detailed lesson plan that includes discussion activities, aligning with the
learning competency "EN7LIT-I-1: Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or
communal values within:"

**Title:** Exploring Values in Literature

**Grade Level:** Grade 7

**Duration:** Two 45-minute class periods

**I. Objectives:**
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
- Analyze literary texts to identify individual or communal values presented within the text.
- Understand the role of values in shaping characters and narratives in literature.
- Make connections between the values presented in literature and real-life situations.

**II. Materials:**
- Copies of a literary text (short story, poem, or excerpt from a novel)
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector for displaying text on the board (if available)
- Handouts with questions for discussion
- Chart paper and markers

**III. Procedure:**

**Day 1:**

**A. Introduction (15 minutes):**

1. Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of values. Ask students what values are and why
they are important in our lives.
2. Explain that in literature, authors often use characters and their actions to convey values and
moral messages.

**B. Reading and Analysis (30 minutes):**

1. Provide students with a literary text that contains clear examples of individual or communal
values. You can choose a short story or poem that you feel is suitable for your students.
2. Ask students to read the text individually or in pairs.
3. While reading, instruct students to identify and underline passages or lines that reflect values
held by the characters or the community in the text.

**C. Group Discussion (20 minutes):**

1. Divide the class into small groups.
2. Provide each group with handouts containing questions for discussion related to the text.
3. Instruct the groups to discuss the values they identified in the text and provide evidence from
the text to support their findings.
4. Encourage students to share their interpretations with the whole class during the next

**Day 2:**

**D. Whole-Class Discussion (20 minutes):**

1. Begin the second day of the lesson by reviewing the values identified in the text during the
previous session.
2. Lead a class discussion about the values presented in the text.
3. Ask students to consider how these values influence the characters' actions and the overall
theme of the literary work.
4. Encourage critical thinking and respectful discussion when exploring values that may differ
from students' personal beliefs.

**E. Real-Life Application (20 minutes):**

1. Transition the discussion to real-life situations. Ask students to think about how the values
presented in the text relate to contemporary issues or personal experiences.
2. Encourage students to share examples from their own lives where values played a significant
role in decision-making or problem-solving.

**F. Reflection and Conclusion (10 minutes):**

1. Ask students to reflect on the discussion and share their thoughts on how the values
presented in the text can be applied in today's society.
2. Discuss the enduring relevance of these values.

**IV. Assessment:**
- Assess students based on their participation in group and class discussions, their ability to
identify values in the text, and their reflections on the relevance of these values in real life.

**V. Homework:**
- Assign a short essay or reflection where students analyze the values presented in the literary
text and discuss their personal views on these values.

**VI. Extension Activity:**

- Provide additional literary texts with different sets of values for students to analyze
independently or in groups.

**VII. Additional Notes:**

- This lesson plan can be further adapted for different literary texts and grade levels. The choice
of text should align with the students' reading abilities and maturity level.

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