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Here's a detailed lesson plan that aligns with the learning competency "EN7LIT-I-6:
Publish an original literary text that reflects culture - poem."

**Title:** Creating Cultural Poems

**Grade Level:** Grade 7

**Duration:** Four 45-minute class periods

**I. Objectives:**
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
- Understand the role of culture in literature and poetry.
- Identify elements of culture that can be incorporated into poetry.
- Compose an original poem that reflects and celebrates their own culture.
- Prepare and present their cultural poems to the class.

**II. Materials:**
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector for displaying text on the board (if available)
- Handouts with examples of culturally themed poems
- Writing materials for students (notebooks, pens, or laptops)
- Art supplies for visual aids (optional)

**III. Procedure:**

**Day 1:**

**A. Introduction to Cultural Poetry (15 minutes):**

1. Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of culture and its significance in literature and
2. Explain that culture encompasses traditions, beliefs, values, customs, art, and more, and it
can serve as rich inspiration for creative writing, including poetry.

**B. Examples of Cultural Poems (20 minutes):**

1. Present examples of culturally themed poems from various cultures and regions.
2. Analyze these poems with the students, highlighting how culture is woven into the themes,
imagery, and language.

**C. Brainstorming Cultural Elements (20 minutes):**

1. Conduct a brainstorming session where students identify elements of their own culture that
they can incorporate into a poem. Encourage them to think about family traditions, celebrations,
stories, food, and more.
2. Allow students to share their ideas with the class.
**Day 2:**

**D. Poetry Forms and Techniques (30 minutes):**

1. Introduce various poetry forms and techniques, such as free verse, rhyming, metaphors, and
2. Discuss how these forms and techniques can be used to convey cultural elements effectively.

**E. Drafting the Poem (30 minutes):**

1. Instruct students to start drafting their cultural poems, incorporating the cultural elements they
brainstormed on Day 1.
2. Encourage them to experiment with different poetry forms and techniques.

**Day 3:**

**F. Peer Review and Feedback (40 minutes):**

1. Have students exchange their draft poems with a partner.
2. Instruct partners to review and provide feedback on the poems, focusing on how well the
cultural elements are conveyed and the use of poetic devices.
3. Encourage specific suggestions for improvement.

**G. Revisions (20 minutes):**

1. Ask students to use the feedback received during the peer review to revise and refine their
cultural poems.

**Day 4:**

**H. Preparing and Presenting Poems (45 minutes):**

1. Have students prepare to present their cultural poems to the class. They can create visual
aids, if desired, to enhance their presentations.
2. Allocate time for each student to share their poem and briefly explain the cultural elements
they incorporated.
3. Encourage classmates to ask questions and offer feedback after each presentation.

**IV. Assessment:**
- Assess students based on the clarity and effectiveness of their cultural poems, as well as their
ability to incorporate cultural elements and engage in meaningful peer feedback.

**V. Homework:**
- Assign students to write a reflection on the experience of creating and presenting their cultural
poems. What did they learn about their culture and the role of culture in literature?

**VI. Extension Activity:**

- Encourage students to explore poetry from other cultures and regions to gain a broader
perspective on the role of culture in literature.
**VII. Additional Notes:**
- Emphasize the importance of respecting and appreciating each other's cultures during the
presentations and discussions.

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