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Subject: ARTS

Grade Level: Grade 7


a. Identify the different kinds of Philippine festivals;

b. Explain the importance of each festival in the Philippines;

c. Create improvised props of the Maskara Festival using recyclable materials.

Learning across curriculum:

1) English - Students will research and write a short essay on the history and
significance of one Philippine festival, focusing on the cultural aspects and traditions
related to the festival.

2) Science - Students will explore the environmental impact of festivals in the

Philippines and create a poster highlighting sustainable practices that can be
implemented during festivals.

3) Social Studies - Students will analyze the economic impact of festivals in the
Philippines and create a presentation on how festivals contribute to the tourism

Review Motivation:

Teaching Strategy: Picture Analysis

Instructional Materials:

1) Pictures of different Philippine festivals

2) Chart paper and markers

3) Sticky notes

Activity 1: Festival Collage

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning


1) Magazines or printed images of Philippine festivals

2) Construction paper

3) Glue sticks

Significance: This activity allows students to visually explore different festivals and
identify their unique characteristics.


1) Divide the class into small groups.

2) Provide each group with magazines or printed images of Philippine festivals.

3) Instruct the groups to cut out images that represent different festivals and paste
them on the construction paper to create a festival collage.

4) Each group should discuss and write down the characteristics of the festivals
represented in their collage.


- Creativity and representation of festivals: 20 pts.

- Collaboration and teamwork: 10 pts.

- Written characteristics of festivals: 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What festivals did you include in your collage and why?

2) How did you collaborate with your group members to create the collage?

3) Describe the characteristics of the festivals represented in your collage.

Activity 2: Festival Importance Debate

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing


1) Index cards with different Philippine festivals written on them

2) Timer

Significance: This activity encourages critical thinking and oral communication skills
as students debate the importance of different festivals.


1) Assign each student a festival from the index cards.

2) Divide the class into two groups: the "For" group and the "Against" group.

3) Instruct each group to research and prepare arguments to support their assigned
festival's importance or lack thereof.

4) Conduct a debate where each student presents their arguments within a given
time frame.


- Presentation of arguments: 20 pts.

- Use of evidence and examples: 15 pts.

- Rebuttal and counterarguments: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What were the main arguments presented by the "For" group regarding the
importance of festivals?

2) How did you use evidence to support your arguments during the debate?

3) Did your opinion about the importance of your assigned festival change after
hearing the arguments from the "Against" group? Explain why or why not.

Activity 3: Maskara Festival Props Creation

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning


1) Recyclable materials such as cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, etc.

2) Scissors, glue, and other art supplies

Significance: This activity allows students to apply their creativity and

resourcefulness in creating props for the Maskara Festival using recyclable


1) Introduce the Maskara Festival and show examples of props used in the festival.

2) Instruct students to brainstorm and sketch their ideas for creating props related to
the Maskara Festival using recyclable materials.

3) Provide the necessary materials and allow students to create their props.


- Creativity and originality of props: 20 pts.

- Use of recyclable materials: 15 pts.

- Craftsmanship and presentation: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Describe the props you created for the Maskara Festival and explain why you
chose those specific materials.

2) How did you incorporate elements of the Maskara Festival into your props?

3) What challenges did you encounter during the prop creation process and how did
you overcome them?

Activity 1 - The festival collage activity allowed students to visually explore different
festivals and identify their unique characteristics. This connects to the objective as
students were able to identify the different kinds of Philippine festivals and
understand their significance.

Activity 2 - The festival importance debate activity required students to research and
present arguments about the importance of different festivals. This connects to the
objective as students were able to explain the importance of each festival in the

Activity 3 - The Maskara Festival props creation activity allowed students to apply
their knowledge of the Maskara Festival and their creativity to create props using
recyclable materials. This connects to the objective as students were able to create
improvised props for the Maskara Festival using recyclable materials.


The main objective of this lesson is for students to identify different kinds of
Philippine festivals, explain their importance, and create improvised props for the
Maskara Festival using recyclable materials. By engaging in various activities,
students will deepen their understanding of Philippine festivals, their cultural
significance, and the importance of sustainability in festival preparations.


Task 1 - Students will interview a family member or community member who has
participated in a Philippine festival and create a short documentary highlighting their
experiences. (Experiential Learning)

Task 2 - Students will design a virtual reality tour of a Philippine festival,

incorporating interactive elements and information about the festival's history and
cultural significance. (Technology Integration)


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials:

1) Rubrics for each activity

2) Assessment questions
Question 1: Describe the festival collage you created and explain the characteristics
of the festivals represented in your collage.

Question 2: How did the festival importance debate activity deepen your
understanding of the importance of different festivals in the Philippines?

Question 3: Reflect on the process of creating improvised props for the Maskara
Festival. How did this activity help you understand the cultural significance of the


Assignment 1: Write a reflection paper on the most memorable festival experience

you have witnessed or participated in. Include details about the festival's cultural
significance and your personal connections to the event.

Assignment 2: Create a poster promoting sustainable practices during festivals in

the Philippines. Include tips and guidelines for reducing waste, conserving energy,
and preserving the environment during festival celebrations.

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