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Topic: Obstacles at the Workplace That the Majority of
Graduates Encounter When Their Jobs Do not Match Their
Hook: Many graduates may face unexpected challenges when
working in a field unrelated to their major
Thesis: When graduates work in jobs unrelated to their
majors, they often face challenges
1. Skill - set mismatch
2. lack of career fulfillment
3. Difficulty in navigating career growth and advancement
* Transition: graduates often struggle with a mismatch in
skills when their jobs are not aligned with their majors
II. Воdy
• Body 1 : Skill - set mismatch
+ Feelings of inadequacy and frustration
+ Significant challenge for recent graduates
+Impact on motivation and overall job satisfaction
+ Ways to overcome this obstacle
(E.g.: learning and upskilling)
Stacie Haller- 2023
AlisonWhite - 2012
- A communications graduate may face challenges in a sale
role (These are skills they may not have developed during
their studies)
- 28% of recent college graduates (only require a high school
diploma) , 6% have job (no education requirements)
* Transition: Many graduates experience a lack of career
fulfillment when they are unable to apply the knowledge and
expertise gained from their major in their professional roles
• Body 2 : Lack of career fulfillment
+ Disconnect educational background + job responsibilities
=> dissatisfaction
+ Feel their talents + Capabilities => undervalued
+ Relationships
E.g.:Yi Sun - 2021
Sarah Steed-2018
* Transition: graduates who find themselves in jobs unrelated
to their majors often encounter challenges in navigating career
growth and advancement opportunities.
• Body 3: Difficulty in navigating career growth and
advancement opportunities
+ Feeling of stagnaton
+ Go beyond job boards
- Networking
- Building relationships with recruiters
- Targeting Companies instead of job titles
E.g.:Cathy Lanzalaco-2023
* Transition: You now can see clearly…And now in case you
forget the main ideas I will help you revise them again
+ The obstacles that graduates encounter when their jobs do
not match their majors can present significant challenges to
their professional well-being and career progression
Suggestions: acquiring new skills , seeking mentorship, or
exploring alternative career paths
=> graduates can overcome these obstacles and thrive in the
workplace, regardless of the alignment between their majors
and their jobs.

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