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Into the World

Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2006

Dear Friend in Christ:

I grew up in a small, South Alabama community that could be grouped in several ways:
White or black, wealthy or not, going to church or not. As a pastor’s son, I was
especially aware of the latter group. Many church-going people are still very aware of
who goes or who does not.

I often wonder if the Lord is evaluating us_not who goes to church, but who in the
church is going into the world. Jesus’ prayer recorded in John 17 was that the disciples,
who were not of the world, would not be taken out of the world, but would be sent into
the world_as He was sent into the world.

The world was a hostile place for Jesus to go, but His going brought salvation to it. He
was not content to live in safe isolation. The will of the Father was that He go and give
His life. In the same manner, it is the Father’s will that we go beyond the safe
community of believers, into the world with the Gospel.

The Great Commission of Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, is equally clear as is

John 20:21. Paul, the apostle, calls us ambassadors; ambassadors are sent to represent
their government to other nations (see 2 Corinthians 5:20). It is clear that we have a
mission to represent the kingdom of God to the world. “The world” is not only some
foreign culture, it is any place beyond the believing community.

“The world” can be intimidating and is apparently so to many Christians, since they do
not go there with the Gospel. But, the Church can never be the overcoming force that it
is called to be until it overcomes its fear of the world. The focus is too much on going to
church rather than going to the world, and that leaves us marginalized and unprepared
for the Lord’s return.

His Return

Most Christians believe in a second coming of Jesus Christ. However, the sense of
preparation or urgency is lacking. Perhaps this is due to a neglect of the topic or our
comfort with the world. Yet the return of the Lord is referred to many times in the New
Testament. Even an angel declared Jesus’ return to His disciples in Acts 1:11.

There are numerous theories about the Lord’s return, as there were about His first
coming. The theories generally fall into one of three categories: Pre-millennial, post-
millennial and a-millennial. The millennium refers to the thousand year reign of Christ
on the earth (see Revelation 20). “Pre-mills” believe Jesus’ return will be before the one
thousand year reign on earth; “Post-mills” believe that after the Church has brought in
the Kingdom, He will return; “A-mills” do not believe in a literal one thousand year
Of course, these are extremely condensed versions of those theories, and there are
differences of opinion in each category. Some believe the Book of Revelation is already
fulfilled, as is Matthew 24. Some even believe that the Second Coming has already

The Scripture reminds us that we know and prophesy in part. We should all agree that
each point of view believes in the victory that Jesus won on the Cross and, that victory
will ultimately be made manifest on the earth. The second victory waits on the Church
to do what the Lord commanded it to do. Do I believe that the Church_even the
obedient Church_will complete the victory apart from the return of Jesus? No.


I do not find myself fitting comfortably into any theory. I am more concerned about our
obedience to His command than I am about speculation. As to the end of the age; I have
questions. Here are some of them:

Ephesians 5:25-27 makes it clear that Jesus is returning for a Bride without blemish_a
glorious Church. Here is my question: Can we separate our personal maturity from the
glorious overcoming Church? Can the corporate Church succeed while individuals fail
to embrace the mission that He gave to us?

What are the limits to our mortal perfection? The apostle Paul saw mortal perfection as
impossible, but saw maturity in following the Spirit. (See Romans 7, 8.)

If we are to be victorious in this life, what is the basis for overcoming the world? (See 1
John 5:4-5.)

What role does tribulation play in our maturity and refinement? (See Acts 14:22;
Matthew 5:10-12.)

What are forces that face us in the world? Study secularism and Islam.

Is there a relationship between events in the Middle East and the Church? I believe so.
(See Matthew 24.) We cannot declare that He “rules in the affairs of men,” yet divorce
ourselves from world events.

Where in the Bible do you look for a clear discussion of the sequence of events leading
to the return of Jesus, and what occurs after? (See 1 Corinthians 15.)

Who is a true Jew or child of Abraham? (See John 8 and Galatians 3.)

There are literally hundreds of questions for discussion. Those I have listed are a few of
my own. The answers raise more questions. It is healthy to realize that the Lord left us
dependent on Him and the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. In fact, we cannot truly
understand Bible prophesy until it comes to pass. When it happens, no one will say,
“That is exactly the way I knew it would be!”

Here are some answers that motivate me:

Don’t rely on the map without the Guide. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth; we
are not there yet. He gave the map and He must help us to understand it. It was not
given to divide us, but to cause us to seek the Guide.

The Guide, the Holy Spirit, is telling us to take off the “night clothes” and put on the
armor of Light. Out salvation will come through battle. We are in a spiritual war, even if
many “soothing prophets” refuse to discuss it. (See Romans 13:11-14.) The biblical
writers understood the war.

We are being called to move from a “missionless worship” to worship through

obedience. (See Isaiah 6.)

The mission is personal not just corporate or theoretical. The daily cross demands self
denial in favor of Christ’s cause. (See Matthew 16:24-27.)

The Church is a body_the body of Christ, not an institution. We are His Body doing His
will in the earth. (See Hebrews 10:5-7.)

Rather than speculate, we need to evaluate what we are producing_disciples or mere

members? The Lord and the world will evaluate our fruit. (See 2 Timothy 2:2.)

We are being called back to Jesus’ model and mission. He had much to say about true
disciples being reproductive. (See Matthew 28:18-20 and John 15. Compare Genesis
1:28 with Matthew 28:18-20.)

I do have a theory about the Lord’s return, but I realize that it is just that_a theory. It is
not my test for fellowship with other believers. I applaud those of any sincerely held
biblical belief who are seriously demonstrating practical action. I have little use for
theories that bring no personal result.


I do believe in a literal Return of Christ and living in expectation of it_in any age.
Nearness to Him always produces anticipation. I do not believe in setting dates. Jesus
Himself acknowledged that only the Father knew the day and the hour. Date-setting is

The Lord reigns now (see Psalm 2; Psalm 110; 1 Corinthians 15:25; and Ephesians
1:20-23), and will reign upon the earth. (See Ephesians 1:10; Revelation 11:15-19.)
And, we will reign with Him. (See Revelation 20:4.) But we are called to reign now in
our own lives. (See Romans 5:17-21; 2 Timothy 2:12.)

Having said that, we believe that those who overcome will reign with Christ. We must
not forget that overcoming implies a struggle. I hasten to add that the Western Church
will face serious tests that will prove our faith or lack of it. Tribulation (not only the
Great Tribulation), will awaken and refine us. The churches in Western Culture are in
for some serious shocks.
I do not believe that modern Israel is irrelevant to the purpose of God. Romans 11
should make that clear. One cannot believe that the Lord rules in the affairs or men, and
yet believe somehow that the Middle East is irrelevant. While I believe that I am a true
child of Abraham (see Galatians 3:26-28), and that those who receive Christ are grafted
into “the Branch”_that does not eliminate the current nation of Israel from a place in
God’s purpose. So, I hold to this: that those in Christ are Israel by virtue of our being
joined to the covenant. And, I hold to “natural Israel” having a place in God’s purpose,
but that purpose is not a separate path to the Father. The Cross was and is once and for
all. To ignore Israel that exists in the Middle East, or to see it as just another nation, is
in my view to ignore much Scripture and the existing reality.

So perhaps I have upset the “Pre-mills”, “A-mills”, and “Post-mills”. But I still pray for
the peace of Jerusalem, and I love the people of Israel. I think that they are on the front
lines of conflict_a physical war that typifies what is going on in the heavens. I hope that
we can be vigilant.

I recognize that Israel of the Middle East is sometimes wrong in its policies; and that
many of it citizens are atheists. I also recognize that there are many Arab Christians_our
brothers and sisters in Christ_who need and deserve our prayers. They are caught in a
deadly crossfire. I only ask that we not ignore the significance of the current situation
and that we look to the Lord for opportunity to serve His purpose

Time and space force me to conclude. Whatever your view, we have business in the
world. Let us go there.

In Christ,

Charles V. Simpson

P.S. Thank you for your prayers concerning Jonathan. He continues to make strong
improvement_see our website for continued updates. Let me sincerely ask you to please
keep CSM in your prayers and in your budget during this month. These have been lean
days financially, but they are not lean in terms of opportunity to extend the Gospel. We
depend upon the Lord and the faithfulness of people like you to continue to move
forward in our mission: “Equipping Christians who build churches that disciple
nations.” Thanks for your friendship and support.

Scripture Reference: John, Matthew, 2 Corinthians, John, Acts, Revelations,

Ephesians, Romans, 1 John, Acts, Matthew, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Isaiah, Hebrews,
2 Timothy

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