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C.E.C.I.E. Nº 19

Student: ______________________________________ Course: __________ Date: _________

Reading Total Score: ____ /100

1. The Colonel, Mrs. Bixby´s lover, is a sports fan. Read about his favourite sport stars and
check if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.
So near, yet so far
Juha Mieto
In the Winter Olympic Games of 1980, Juha Mieto of Finland stood on the starting line of the fifteen-
kilometre cross-country ski race with only one thing on his mind. He hadn’t won a medal in this race at
his two previous Olympics, but this time he was the number one skier in the world and he intended to
fish for the gold medal.

Coming second in the race wasn’t an option. It was his last chance of achieving his Olympic dream. His
coach, who had trained him for years, and all his teammates on the Finnish team really wanted him to win.

In the race, Juha skied really well, but his Swedish rival Thomas Wassberg stayed with him throughout the race. As they approached
the finishing line, both men seemed to cross at the same time. It was really close and nobody was sure who had won at first. But then
they announced the result – Wassberg had won by one hundredth of a second. Juha congratulated the Swede on his victory. However,
he felt really disappointed because his dream was over. He never competed in the Olympics again.

Julie Moss
In February 1982, a young American athlete called Julie Moss had only two more kilometres to run to win the Ironman Triathlon World
Championship in Hawaii. She had completed a 3.86 kilometre swim and a 180 kilometre bike ride and she was the leader in the race. It
was an amazing and unbelievable achievement because Julie had never run a triathlon before. Her nearest rival was a long way behind
her, and all her fans in the crowd were cheering and shouting.

Then, suddenly, she fell on to the running track. She was completely exhausted and her legs were shaking. But Julie didn’t give up.
Perhaps she felt that she should finish the race because of the support from all her fans. She slowly stood up and continued running,
but she was so tired that she fell over again and again. Ten metres from the finishing line, she fell over for the last time, and another
athlete ran past her to win the race. Julie finished second. She had lost the race, but she didn’t mind. She had become famous all over
the USA. Many people believe that her determination to finish the race was one of the most inspiring moments in the history of

Jana Novotná
In the 1993 Wimbledon Tennis Championships, the Czech tennis player Jana Novotná reached the final. She had beaten some great
players to get there and now she faced Steffi Graf, the world’s best player. In the match, Jana was brilliant and, after two hours of
tennis, she was winning. She only needed to win eight points to be the champion. But then she began to make mistakes in the match.
As a young girl, she used to dream of being in the Wimbledon final, but now that victory seemed possible, she became nervous and
started playing worse than before. In the end, Steffi Graf won the match. Jana was really upset and started to cry in front of all the
spectators. She had lost the match, but she had won the hearts of everybody in the crowd. Fortunately, there is a happy ending to this
story. Five years later, in 1998, Jana reached the Wimbledon final again – and this time she won.

1. Juha Mieto had won several medals in his two previous Olympic Games.
2. Thomas Wassberg won the race.
3. The Hawaiian’s World Championship was Julie’s first triathlon race.
4. Julie lost the race and was really disappointed with herself.
5. Jana lost the match because she became nervous. /10
C.E.C.I.E. Nº 19

2. Now help the colonel match the highlighted words with their definitions

1. А реrsоп who is at the frопt of а rасе. _________________

2. А реrsоп who wins а competition апd gets а trорhу _________________
3. A person who gives advice and helps to train a sportsperson or a team _________________
4. People who are watching a sport _________________
5. People who are on your team when doing a sport _________________

3. Challenge! The colonel found a very interesting but weird article in the newspaper about a
well-known football player. Help him complete the sentences with the correct verb options.

Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Mr Franks was well known in this town. He .1...................................................(play) football for the
local team until 2012. His grandma 2..................................................(be) since he decided to stay
with her in her new home. Together they 3………………………….. (meet) Tim and Helen, their
new neighbours the previous week. They said “We 4..................................................(not see) a
film at the cinema for a few months. Why not go together?”

Past Simple vs Past Perfect

So off they went. They 5were/had been in front of the cinema’s box office for ten minutes when
the police arrived. It seems someone had fainted. The policewoman said “I’m sure the reason you
nearly fainted was because you 6didn’t eat/hadn’t eaten anything.
Anyway, the title of the film was “Where 7did Ryan go/had Ryan gone on holiday last summer?”
It seemed interesting.

Said vs Told

Everyone 8……….that the special effects in the film were spectacular. Caroline, the main
character in the film 9………..that her mother spoke several languages but everyone knew this
wasn’t true. However, the head of the theatre company where she worked 10..........................her
that she would be a good actress.


C.E.C.I.E. Nº 19

Student: ___________________________________ Course: __________ Date:


The Colonel is listening to his favourite radio programme Dominic's Download. Help him
understand what the programme is about.

1 Listen to the radio programme and circle the correct answers.

A. Dominic’s Download is about...

a. The weather forecast
b. A news bulletin
c. The world of entertainment D. Molly talks about…
a. The latest world news.
B. Gareth Edwards is a … b. The latest celebrity gossip
a. Young film director c. The latest famous love story
b. A journalist
c. An actor E. The new Off Limits film has all the
following ingredients, except…
a. An exciting plot
C. Gina B is…
b. A script
a. An actress
c. Inflatable dummies
b. A singer
c. A writer

2  Now listen again and complete the missing information with only ONE word.

a. In tоdау’s programme, we _____________ Gareth Edwards.
b. Listen to Gina В’s brilliant new sопg for the next James Bond ____________.
c. We find out about using __________dummies in films.
d. We discuss about exciting ___________on and off screen.
e. There are plans for a ____________ film.
f. They have already thought about an _________ plot.
g. ________ are working on the script.
h. Most of the ______will be on the film.
i. That’s _________news!
j. And ____________there’s more…

C.E.C.I.E. Nº 19

Writing /30

Write an opinion essay on the following topic. “Being famous is the only real achievement in life” Do
you agree? Write about a 100 to 150 words.

Choose the two strongest arguments in support of your opinion and one argument against. Think of
suitable examples.

Paragraph 1 (Introduction): Introduce the topic and summarize the opinions that people have on it.
Paragraph 2 and 3 (Development): In each paragraph, give an argument in support of your opinion. Add
supporting statements and/or examples.
Paragraph 4 (Development): Give an argument against your opinion, with details and a counter-argument.
Paragraph 5 (Conclusion): Summarize the main points.

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