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Sure, here are some research frameworks for the research questions you

have provided:

Research Question 1: What is the role of digital marketing on tourist

interest in visiting Lombok?

 Independent variable: Digital marketing (e.g., social media, search

engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising)
 Dependent variable: Tourist interest in visiting Lombok
 Mediating variables: (1) Perceived value of Lombok as a tourist
destination (2) Perceived ease of use of digital marketing platforms
 Moderatingvariables: (1) Tourist demographics (e.g., age, gender,
income) (2) Tourist travel motivations

Research Question 2: How do different types of shared values (e.g.,

economic, environmental, social) influence return visit intentions?

 Independent variable: Shared values (e.g., economic, environmental,

 Dependent variable: Return visit intentions
 Mediatingvariables: (1) Perceived satisfaction with the tourist
experience (2) Perceived commitment to the tourist destination
 Moderatingvariables: (1) Tourist demographics (e.g., age, gender,
income) (2) Tourist travel motivations

Research Question 3: How does the strength of alignment between

individual and organizational values affect revisit intentions?

 Independent variable: Strength of alignment between individual and

organizational values
 Dependent variable: Revisit intentions
 Mediatingvariables: (1) Perceived organizational support (2)
Perceived job satisfaction
 Moderating variables: (1) Organizational size (2) Industry type

Research Question 4: How do revisit intentions vary across industries or

types of organizations?
 Independent variable: Industry type or type of organization
 Dependent variable: Revisit intentions
 Mediatingvariables: (1) Perceived value of the tourist experience (2)
Perceived ease of use of digital marketing platforms
 Moderatingvariables: (1) Tourist demographics (e.g., age, gender,
income) (2) Tourist travel motivations

Research Question 5: What are the mediating and moderating factors that
influence the relationship between espoused values and revisit intentions?

 Independent variable: Espoused values (e.g., sustainability, social

responsibility, customer service)
 Dependent variable: Revisit intentions
 Mediatingvariables: (1) Perceived value of the tourist experience (2)
Perceived ease of use of digital marketing platforms
 Moderatingvariables: (1) Tourist demographics (e.g., age, gender,
income) (2) Tourist travel motivations

These are just some examples of research frameworks that you can use to
answer the research questions you have provided. The specific framework
that you choose will depend on the specific variables and relationships that
you are interested in exploring.

here are more details about each of the research questions you have

Research Question 1: What is the role of digital marketing on tourist

interest in visiting Lombok?

Digital marketing is the use of digital channels to reach and engage

potential customers. This can include activities such as social media
marketing, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising.

Tourist interest in visiting Lombok can be measured by a variety of factors,

such as the number of people who search for information about Lombok
online, the number of people who book travel to Lombok, and the number
of people who post positive reviews about Lombok on social media.

The mediating variables in this research question are perceived value of

Lombok as a tourist destination and perceived ease of use of digital
marketing platforms. Perceived value refers to the extent to which people
believe that Lombok is a worthwhile destination to visit. Perceived ease of
use refers to the extent to which people believe that digital marketing
platforms are easy to use.

The moderating variables in this research question are tourist

demographics (e.g., age, gender, income) and tourist travel motivations
(e.g., relaxation, adventure, culture). Tourist demographics refer to the
characteristics of tourists, such as their age, gender, and income. Tourist
travel motivations refer to the reasons why tourists choose to travel to a
particular destination.

For example, a study might find that digital marketing is more effective in
increasing tourist interest in visiting Lombok among younger tourists than
older tourists. This is because younger tourists are more likely to use digital
channels and to be influenced by digital marketing campaigns.

Research Question 2: How do different types of shared values (e.g.,

economic, environmental, social) influence return visit intentions?

Shared values are values that are held in common by two or more people.
In the context of tourism, shared values can refer to the values of tourists
and the values of the tourist destination.

Return visit intentions refer to the likelihood of a tourist visiting a particular

destination again in the future.

The mediating variables in this research question are perceived satisfaction

with the tourist experience and perceived commitment to the tourist
destination. Perceived satisfaction refers to the extent to which tourists are
satisfied with their overall experience of visiting a particular destination.
Perceived commitment refers to the extent to which tourists feel a sense of
connection to a particular destination.

The moderating variables in this research question are tourist

demographics (e.g., age, gender, income) and tourist travel motivations
(e.g., relaxation, adventure, culture).

For example, a study might find that tourists who share environmental
values are more likely to return to a tourist destination that has a strong
commitment to sustainability. This is because tourists who share
environmental values are more likely to be satisfied with their experience of
visiting a sustainable destination and to feel a sense of commitment to that

Research Question 3: How does the strength of alignment between

individual and organizational values affect revisit intentions?

The strength of alignment between individual and organizational values

refers to the extent to which the values of an individual employee are
similar to the values of the organization that they work for.

Revisit intentions refer to the likelihood of an employee returning to work for

a particular organization in the future.

The mediating variables in this research question are perceived

organizational support and perceived job satisfaction. Perceived
organizational support refers to the extent to which employees feel that
their organization values them and cares about their well-being. Perceived
job satisfaction refers to the extent to which employees are satisfied with
their job.

The moderating variables in this research question are organizational size

(e.g., small, medium, large) and industry type (e.g., technology, healthcare,

For example, a study might find that employees who have a strong
alignment between their individual and organizational values are more
likely to return to work for an organization that is large and has a strong
commitment to social responsibility. This is because employees who have
a strong alignment between their individual and organizational values are
more likely to be satisfied with their job and to feel that their organization
values them.

Research Question 4: How do revisit intentions vary across industries or

types of organizations?

Industry type or type of organization refers to the sector of the economy in

which an organization operates. For example, some common industry
types include technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

Revisit intentions refer to the likelihood of a customer returning to do

business with a particular organization in the future.
The mediating variables in this research question are perceived value of
the customer experience and perceived ease of use of digital marketing
platforms. Perceived value of the customer experience refers to the extent
to which customers believe that they received good value for their money
when doing business with an organization. Perceived ease of use of digital
marketing platforms refers to the extent to which customers believe that
digital marketing platforms are easy to use.

The moderating variables in this research question are

the moderating variables in research question 4:

 Customer demographics (e.g., age, gender, income)

 Customer travel motivations (e.g., relaxation, adventure, culture)
 Industry type or type of organization

For example, a study might find that customers who are younger and have
higher incomes are more likely to revisit organizations that offer a high-
value customer experience. This is because younger customers and
customers with higher incomes are more likely to be price-sensitive and to
demand a high level of service.

Research Question 5: What are the mediating and moderating factors that
influence the relationship between espoused values and revisit intentions?

Espoused values are the values that an organization claims to hold. Revisit
intentions refer to the likelihood of a customer returning to do business with
a particular organization in the future.

The mediating variables in this research question are perceived value of

the customer experience and perceived ease of use of digital marketing
platforms. Perceived value of the customer experience refers to the extent
to which customers believe that they received good value for their money
when doing business with an organization. Perceived ease of use of digital
marketing platforms refers to the extent to which customers believe that
digital marketing platforms are easy to use.

The moderating variables in this research question are

 Customer demographics (e.g., age, gender, income)

 Customer travel motivations (e.g., relaxation, adventure, culture)
 Espoused values (e.g., sustainability, social responsibility, customer

For example, a study might find that customers who have a strong
alignment between their individual and organizational values are more
likely to revisit organizations that have espoused values that are similar to
their own. This is because customers who have a strong alignment
between their individual and organizational values are more likely to be
satisfied with their customer experience and to perceive that the
organization values them.

here is a research framework for each research question with at least 2000

Research Question 1: What is the role of digital marketing on tourist

interest in visiting Lombok?

 Introduction

Digital marketing is the use of digital channels to reach and engage

potential customers. This can include activities such as social media
marketing, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising.

Lombok is an island in Indonesia that is known for its beautiful beaches,

stunning scenery, and friendly people. In recent years, Lombok has
become a popular tourist destination, and digital marketing has played a
significant role in this growth.

This research study will examine the role of digital marketing on tourist
interest in visiting Lombok. The study will use a quantitative research
design and will collect data from a sample of tourists who have visited
Lombok in the past two years.

The study will focus on the following research questions:

Code snippet
* How does digital marketing affect tourist awareness of Lombok as a
tourist destination?
* How does digital marketing affect tourist interest in visiting Lombok?
* What are the mediating factors that influence the relationship between
digital marketing and tourist interest in visiting Lombok?
* What are the moderating factors that influence the relationship between
digital marketing and tourist interest in visiting Lombok?
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 Literature Review

The literature review will discuss the following topics:

Code snippet
* The role of digital marketing in tourism
* Tourist awareness and interest in Lombok
* Mediating factors in the digital marketing-tourist interest relationship
* Moderating factors in the digital marketing-tourist interest relationship
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 Research Methodology

The research methodology will involve the following steps:

Code snippet
* Development of a survey instrument
* Collection of data from a sample of tourists
* Analysis of data using statistical methods
* Interpretation of results
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 Results

The results of the study will be presented in a clear and concise manner.
The results will be discussed in relation to the research questions and the
literature review.

 Discussion

The discussion section will interpret the results of the study and will discuss
their implications for theory and practice. The discussion section will also
identify limitations of the study and will suggest directions for future

 Conclusion

The conclusion will summarize the key findings of the study and will
highlight the implications of the study for theory and practice.

 References
The references section will list all of the sources that were used in the

 Appendices

The appendices will include the survey instrument, the data collection
procedures, and the statistical analysis methods.

This is just a brief overview of the research framework for research

question 1. The complete research framework would include much more
detail, such as a more comprehensive literature review, a more detailed
discussion of the research methodology, and more extensive results and
discussion sections.

here is a more detailed discussion of the research methodology for

research question 1:

 Development of a survey instrument

The first step in the research methodology is to develop a survey

instrument. The survey instrument will be used to collect data from a
sample of tourists who have visited Lombok in the past two years. The
survey instrument will include questions about the following topics:

Code snippet
* Tourist awareness of Lombok as a tourist destination
* Tourist interest in visiting Lombok
* Tourist use of digital marketing channels
* Mediating factors in the digital marketing-tourist interest relationship
* Moderating factors in the digital marketing-tourist interest relationship
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The survey instrument will be developed using a combination of qualitative

and quantitative methods. The qualitative methods will be used to identify
the key themes that should be covered in the survey instrument. The
quantitative methods will be used to ensure that the survey instrument is
reliable and valid.

 Collection of data from a sample of tourists

The next step in the research methodology is to collect data from a sample
of tourists who have visited Lombok in the past two years. The data will be
collected using an online survey. The online survey will be distributed to a
sample of tourists who have visited Lombok in the past two years.

The sample of tourists will be selected using a stratified sampling method.

The sample will be stratified by age, gender, and income. This will ensure
that the sample is representative of the population of tourists who have
visited Lombok in the past two years.

 Analysis of data using statistical methods

The data collected from the survey will be analyzed using statistical
methods. The statistical methods will be used to test the hypotheses that
have been developed based on the literature review. The statistical
methods will also be used to identify the mediating and moderating factors
that influence the relationship between digital marketing and tourist interest
in visiting Lombok.

The statistical methods that will be used include descriptive statistics,

inferential statistics, and multivariate statistics. The descriptive statistics will
be used to describe the sample of tourists and the data that was collected.
The inferential statistics will be used to test the hypotheses that have been
developed. The multivariate statistics will be used to identify the mediating
and moderating factors that influence the relationship between digital
marketing and tourist interest in visiting Lombok.

 Interpretation of results

The results of the statistical analysis will be interpreted in the context of the
literature review. The results will be discussed in terms of the research
questions and the hypotheses that have been tested. The results will also
be discussed in terms of their implications for theory and practice.

The interpretation of the results will be presented in a clear and concise

manner. The interpretation will be supported by evidence from the literature
review and the statistical analysis. The interpretation will also be discussed
in terms of the limitations of the study and the directions for future research.

Sure, here are some possible hypotheses for the research questions you have

Research Question 1: What is the role of digital marketing on tourist interest in

visiting Lombok?
 Hypothesis 1: Tourists who are exposed to more digital marketing for Lombok
will be more likely to express interest in visiting the destination.
 Hypothesis 2: The type of digital marketing that tourists are exposed to will
influence their interest in visiting Lombok. For example, tourists who are
exposed to social media posts about Lombok may be more likely to express
interest in visiting the destination than tourists who are exposed to traditional
 Hypothesis 3: The effectiveness of digital marketing in influencing tourist
interest in Lombok will vary depending on the tourist's demographics and
travel motivations. For example, digital marketing may be more effective in
influencing the interest of young tourists than older tourists.

Research Question 2: How do different types of shared values (e.g., economic,

environmental, social) influence return visit intentions?

 Hypothesis 1: Tourists who share economic values with a destination are

more likely to express return visit intentions. For example, tourists who believe
that a destination is economically beneficial to the local community may be
more likely to return to the destination.
 Hypothesis 2: Tourists who share environmental values with a destination are
more likely to express return visit intentions. For example, tourists who believe
that a destination is committed to sustainability may be more likely to return to
the destination.
 Hypothesis 3: Tourists who share social values with a destination are more
likely to express return visit intentions. For example, tourists who believe that
a destination is respectful of its local culture may be more likely to return to
the destination.

Research Question 3: How does the strength of alignment between individual and
organizational values affect revisit intentions?

 Hypothesis 1: Tourists who have a strong alignment between their individual

values and the values of a destination are more likely to express return visit
 Hypothesis 2: The strength of alignment between individual and
organizational values will vary depending on the tourist's demographics and
travel motivations. For example, tourists who are more interested in social
justice may be more likely to return to a destination that shares their values,
even if the strength of alignment is not as strong.

Research Question 4: How do revisit intentions vary across industries or types of


 Hypothesis 1: Tourists who are interested in visiting a particular industry or

type of organization (e.g., luxury resorts, adventure tourism) are more likely to
express return visit intentions.
 Hypothesis 2: The effectiveness of digital marketing in influencing revisit
intentions will vary depending on the industry or type of organization. For
example, digital marketing may be more effective in influencing the revisit
intentions of tourists who are interested in visiting luxury resorts than tourists
who are interested in visiting adventure tourism destinations.

Research Question 5: What are the mediating and moderating factors that influence
the relationship between espoused values and revisit intentions?

 Mediating factors:
o Perceived value of the destination
o Perceived ease of use of digital marketing platforms
o Tourist demographics
o Tourist travel motivations
 Moderating factors:
o Industry or type of organization
o Tourist's personality
o Tourist's past experiences with the destination

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