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Conceptual Framework:

The conceptual framework illustrates the relationships between the variables and concepts in the
study. It provides a visual representation of how shared values, Local Wisdom Festival Marketing, and
participants' intention to revisit the festival are interconnected, as well as the potential mediating
role of shared values in the relationship between Festival Marketing and revisit intention.

1. Research Question 1: Relationship between Shared Values and Participants' Intention to Revisit the
Local Wisdom Festival in the Future


| |

| Shared Values |

| (Independent Variable) |

| |



| |

| Participants' Intention to |

| Revisit the Local Wisdom Festival |

| (Dependent Variable) |

| |


- The conceptual framework proposes that shared values (independent variable) may influence
participants' intention to revisit the Local Wisdom Festival (dependent variable).

- If the relationship is significant and positive, it would support the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and
suggest that stronger shared values lead to a higher intention to revisit the festival in the future.
2. Research Question 2: Mediating Effect of Shared Values in the Relationship between Local Wisdom
Festival Marketing and Revisit Intention


| |

| Local Wisdom Festival Marketing |

| (Independent Variable) |

| |



| |

| Shared Values |

| (Mediator) |

| |



| |

| Participants' Intention to |

| Revisit the Local Wisdom Festival |

| (Dependent Variable) |

| |


- The conceptual framework proposes that Local Wisdom Festival Marketing (independent variable)
may have an indirect effect on participants' intention to revisit the festival (dependent variable)
through the mediating role of shared values.
- If the mediation effect is supported, it would lend evidence to the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and
suggest that the impact of Festival Marketing on revisit intention is influenced by participants' shared

In summary, the conceptual framework depicts the relationship between shared values and revisit
intention directly (Research Question 1) and the mediating effect of shared values in the relationship
between Festival Marketing and revisit intention (Research Question 2). The framework provides a
clear overview of the key variables and their proposed connections, guiding the analysis and
interpretation of the study's results.

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