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Lombok is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia, known for its beautiful beaches, lush rainforests,
and unique culture. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using local wisdom festivals as
a way to market Lombok to tourists. These festivals celebrate the island's rich cultural heritage and
offer visitors a unique opportunity to experience Lombok's way of life.

Nestled within the enchanting archipelago of Indonesia, Lombok emerges as a sought-after gem in the
realm of tourism. Renowned for its breathtakingly beautiful beaches, verdant rainforests, and an alluring
blend of customs and traditions, Lombok captures the hearts of travelers from around the globe. As this
tropical haven continues to captivate the imagination of wanderers, a new and compelling trend has
emerged – the use of local wisdom festivals to market Lombok as an unparalleled destination.

Research has shown that shared values can play a mediating role in the relationship between festival
marketing and revisit intention. In other words, when tourists share values with the host community,
they are more likely to be influenced by festival marketing and to have the intention to revisit the

. Recent research has shed light on an intriguing aspect of this relationship: the mediating role of
shared values in the context of festival marketing. Shared values, when present between tourists and
the host community, have been found to play a pivotal role in influencing tourists' revisit intentions.

Shared values can be described as the common beliefs, attitudes, and ethical principles that individuals
or groups share with each other. In the context of tourism, it refers to the alignment of values between
tourists and the local community of a destination. When tourists resonate with the values of the host
community, they form a deeper emotional connection to the destination, which can have a profound
impact on their overall travel experience.

Research findings reveal that when tourists perceive a strong alignment of values with the local
community during festival participation, their emotional attachment to the destination intensifies. This
emotional connection fosters a sense of belonging and solidarity, making tourists more receptive to the
messages conveyed through festival marketing initiatives. Consequently, they are more likely to be
positively influenced by the marketing efforts and are inclined to revisit the destination in the future.

Lombok's appeal as a popular tourist destination in Indonesia lies in its picturesque landscapes, including pristine
beaches that stretch for miles, and lush rainforests teeming with diverse flora and fauna. Beyond its natural
beauty, Lombok boasts a distinctive cultural heritage that captivates visitors. Its unique blend of traditions, art,
music, and culinary delights provides an enriching experience for those seeking an authentic encounter with local

In recent times, the island has witnessed a strategic shift in its approach to attracting tourists. Local wisdom
festivals have emerged as a powerful tool to showcase Lombok's cultural riches to a global audience. These
festivals, deeply rooted in the island's age-old customs and traditions, not only celebrate its heritage but also
offer tourists a remarkable opportunity to immerse themselves in the traditional way of life on the island.
The growing interest in employing local wisdom festivals as a means of marketing Lombok is well-founded.
According to recent research, shared values between tourists and the host community can significantly influence
the impact of festival marketing on their intention to revisit the destination. When tourists feel a connection with
the local culture and resonate with its values, they are more likely to be positively influenced by the festival
marketing efforts and become more inclined to return to Lombok in the future.

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