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The Armor of God

Armor is meant to be protective. But how is the armor of God. meant to protect us?
And what is the most important component of it?

The armor of God is made up of many components symbolic of traits we need to get
through life. The Sword of the Spirit symbolizes the Holy Spirit, the part of Himself that God left
behind on Earth for us. The Breastplate of Righteousness and the Helmet of Salvation are two
other pieces in the symbolic armor. The Shield of Faith defends all of these things.

In the past, mostly focusing on medieval Europe, the helmet was considered the most crucial
piece of armor. If a soldier su ered a head injury, they were the most vulnerable they could be,
as this made them most likely to pass out and be unable to defend themselves… head injuries
also bleed a lot and are dangerous because they can lead to damage to the brain. In a way,
this is an interesting commentary on the helmet of salvation. Our salvation, like our head, is the
most precious thing we have, and while not needing to be “protected” in that we “earn” it or
can “lose” it on a whim, it should lead to a relationship with God that does need to be nurtured.
We should nurture and maintain our relationship with God as we do human relationships:
consistently and personally. Our heads and what we are thinking about and taking in, the
information we are gaining, is also very important to God. We need to “protect” our heads in
being mindful what we spend time thinking about and taking in.

In order to understand and pursue good things, one needs to take a leap of Faith and choose
to believe God meant His promises of Salvation to us. In that way our faith is protecting us, like
a shield. Because of our faith, we are able to properly use our armor and be protected through
God from all the forces in the world.

What piece of the armor of God do you think is the most important? And what one do you nd
yourself leaning into the most?

“Dear God, please help us to use your gifts to us, your armor, to pursue good for you and for
others. Please help us to seek and think about things of you. Please help us to be mindful of
what we think about and put into our minds each day, and please continue to grant us your

Ephesians 6:10-18

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