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History of Hydro Power | What is Hydro Energy | History of water wheel

Hydropower Milestones
● 1849: Invention of the Francis turbine.
● 1882: The world’s first hydropower plant begins operations in Appleton, Wisconsin, on
the Fox River.
● 1887: The first hydroelectric plant opens in the West, in San Bernardino, California.
● 1907: Hydropower accounts for 15 percent of U.S. electrical generation.
● 1920: Hydropower accounts for 25 percent of U.S. electrical generation.
● 1931: Construction begins on the Hoover Dam, ultimately employing a total of more than
20,000 workers during the Great Depression.
● 1937: The Hoover Dam begins to generate power on the Colorado River.
● 1941-1945: Bureau of Reclamation dams ramped up power output to support America’s
efforts in World War II, producing enough electricity to make 69,000 airplanes and 5,000
ships and tanks during a five-year period.
● 1980: Conventional hydropower capacity is nearly triple compared with 1920 level.
● Today: A vast expansion of hydropower’s potential is possible through new technologies
for conventional, pumped storage and marine and hydrokinetic projects, modernizing
existing hydropower facilities and adding generation to existing non-powered dams.

Latest and Advantageous Technology.

● Turbulent turbine: affordable and economical hydroelectric power

This smart turbine creates a swirling vortex in a concrete basin, turning water flow into
spinning energy. Depending on the water's flow rate, it can generate up to a whopping 70
kilowatts. Enough juice to power 6 or 7 households. And the best part Is environmentally

● OpenHydro: North America's largest tidal power plant off Canada's coast
OPENHYDRO features two turbines, each 53 meters in diameter, anchored by cables a solid
120 meters long. This means, from Turbulent's vortex to OPENHYDRO's tidal prowess, we
can power about a thousand homes without emitting a trace of greenhouse gas. Landustrie.

● LANDUSTRIE Screw Turbine: turns canal height differences into electricity

Generating power from just a 1-meter height difference and a water flow of 500 liters per
second. Just like its predecessors, the LANDUSTRIE Screw Turbine is compact, easy to install,
and kind to your wallet with its low maintenance costs. It's resilient, withstanding harsh canal
conditions and ice while ensuring the safety of our aquatic friends. Impressively, it can churn
out up to 100 kilowatts of electricity, continuously, and remains a reliable source of energy
even during periods of low water flow. Best of all, it's a zero-emission solution.

● WATEROTOR: harnesses power from slow-moving water bodies

A ground-breaking technology that harnesses power from slow-moving water bodies. Whether
it's streams, rivers, canals, or even underwater ocean currents moving as slow as 3 kilometers
per hour, WATEROTOR has got it covered, generating anywhere between 1 kilowatt and 1
megawatt of electricity.

● TAUM SAUK: world's largest pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant

two reservoirs, one towering at 720 meters and the other at 450. When power demand
surges, they release water down to spin turbines, generating electricity. At night, the water's
pumped back up, using surplus power from other sources. Simple, yet ingenious. Constructed
in the 1960s, TAUM SAUK, named after the nearby mountain, started with 800 megawatts of
power. Today, after an upgrade, it stands mighty at 1,020 megawatts.

● Lunenseerwerk II: Austria's largest pumped-storage power plant

The largest pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant in Austria, currently under construction.
Four turbines, a 1,000-megawatt capacity, all tucked neatly inside a mountain. This is a €2.2
billion project creating jobs, promoting sustainability, and set to power a million homes.
Scheduled to be completed in 2037, Lunenseerwerk II is a testament to Austria's commitment
to sustainable future.

● PB3 PowerBuoy: uses kinetic energy of waves for electricity generation

Adaptable to depths from a shallow 20 meters to depths of 3,000 meters, it provides

uninterrupted electricity and can store surplus power. But this PowerBuoy is not just about
energy, it also transmits real-time data, maintaining a communication line between remote
marine-based equipment and the shore.

● Orbital O2: Scotland's potent tidal turbine for zero-emission power

This powerhouse, launched in July 2021, promises enough electricity annually for 2,000
households, harnessing the power of the sea to light up our homes. Gents, isn't it amazing
how renewable energy is reshaping our world? The WaveStar Machine. Sailing ahead in our
journey, we encounter another fascinating piece of renewable energy tech - the WaveStar

● WaveStar Machine: harnesses ocean waves for electricity

This marvel harnesses the rhythm of ocean waves to light up our lives. Imagine a floating
energy farm, tethered to the seabed, with a series of floats that rise and fall with the waves.
This motion powers a hydraulic system that drives a generator, converting wave motion into
usable electricity.

● UniWave200: wave power generator inspired by sea mammals in Australia

This Australian marvel, standing 20 meters tall and 10 meters wide, utilizes wave action to
displace air in a concrete chamber. This displacement drives a wind turbine, creating up to
200 kilowatts of electricity. Its functionality is unaffected by tidal changes, making it adaptable
to numerous locations. Furthermore, it offers a cost-effective solution for renewable energy
generation. Currently an experimental project, success could see a larger, more potent
version powering our future.

● STREAM: miniature hydropower adaptable to various applications

This little powerhouse is not only quick to install, within two days, but also demands minimal
maintenance. Experts commend its reliability, keeping the power flowing for 85-90% of the
year, with output power ranging from 0.5 to 44 kilowatts. Developed by Aqua Power Systems,
this technology, introduced in 2012, is already lighting up parts of Japan, the US, and Europe.
The STREAM offers a promising clean, renewable energy solution adaptable to various
applications. Micro-Hydro Turbine System. In the final part of our renewable energy journey,
let's explore the power of small-scale hydroelectricity, the micro-hydro turbine systems.

● Micro-hydro turbine systems: clean, efficient, and affordable for small-scale power

Size varies, from producing a mere few watts to generating megawatts, delivering electricity
24/7, with zero emissions. Gentlemen, we've journeyed through awe-inspiring innovations in
renewable energy today, each more promising than the last. Remember, every watt we
generate cleanly is a victory for our planet.
History of Hydro Power | What is Hydro Energy | History of water wheel
History - National Hydropower Association
12 Amazing Hydroelectric Technologies That Will Change Our World

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