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Traditional & Modern


Guide & Editor


FOR the inspiration, suggestions and help rendered to me in pro-

duction of this book: "Muhurta-Traditional and Modem", I am grate-
fully indebted to the following:
(1) To respected Shri K.N. Rao for his continuous motivation
and valuable suggestions which helped in making the book useful for
modem conditions.
(2) To Mr. Vinay Aditya and Mr. Rajeev Jhanji for their help
in initial composing of the book.
(3) To Dr. K.S. Charak for his suggestion to use Tajik yogas
in muhurta.
4. To Mr. E.S. Isaac and Dr. G.K. Parashar for providing valuable infor-
mation about certain muhurtas.
(5) To Sagar Publications for their cooperation and help in
speedy production of this book.
(6) To my family members for their moral support and good

(7) Lastly, to 'Him' for 'His' blessings and 'Kripaa"


MUHURTA, or choice of an auspicious moment for commence-

ment of an activity used to be the most important branch of Astrol-
ogy in ancient times. Reasons for this can be found in its emphasis
on the positive aspects of life, i.e., choosing a favourable time to
commence any activity. The emphasis On 'Karma' or effort to cre-
ate a short term destiny relating to a particular aspect of life within
the limits set by major destiny or birth horoscope has also been the
reason for giving muhurta the importance it deserved. In this book
an attempt has been made to present the information relating to this
branch of Astrology in a systematic manner.
The book is written keeping in mind the following objectives.
(I ) To present all relevant information about muhurta in an or-
ganised and simple manner. The target reader of this book is a stu-
dent of astrology and not a scholar.
(2) To give relative importance of different variables to be taken
in to account for fixing a muhurta. This will help the reader in mak-
ing right choice.
(3) To introduce certain new areas which are very important
but are generally ignored while fixing muhurta. In this book an at-
tempt has been made to explain the use and importance of
Ashtakavarga, dasha and Tajik yogas in muhurta by giving exam-
4. To Help the reaaer m choosing a muhurta in situations where he cannot
consider all the factors due to urgency.
How far we have been successful in dur attempt is for the read-
ers to decide. This book contains an elaborate discussion of compo-
nents of muhurta, benefic and malefic yogas, benefic and malefic
transit positions, all 'Sodasha samskaras' or sixteen sacraments, edu-
cational and occupational muhurtas, muhurtas relating to construction,
journey, coronation and other muhurtas related to almost all aspects
of life. Tables have been used in abundance to put the information
in simple and understandable manner.
Although we have tried our best to present the book in simple
and understandable manner, yet certain imperfections & errors are
bound to be there. For that, we welcome any suggestion from our
readers which can help in further improvements.
Shaka 1917 K.K. Joshi
Falguna Krishna-2
RZ-114, Pratap Vihar-I
Nagloi, Delhi-110041
Dedicated to
Sh. Hansa Datt Joshi
Smt. Anandi Joshi

I am actually not the guide or editor of this excellent book on

Muhurta. All that I have done is ask the author, K.K. Joshi, to write
an excellent text book on muhurta in a modem style. I also asked
him to modernize some of the ancient methods of explanations in a
slightly different and understandable way without disturbing the
classicism of this great branch of astrology. It must be remembered
that man has some will of his own through which he creates hi» own
destiny in the area known as the kriyaman karma which I have
discussed in my book Astrology and Karma1. By making use of
muhurta, a person can improve his good fortune or minimize his
misfortune. By avoiding a bad muhurta he can similarly prevent the
intensification of his misfortunes.
My choice of K.K. Joshi to write this book has many good rea-
sons. He is a "Joshi" from Kumaon which is in the Himalayas where
astrologers have preserved the traditional knowledge in a pristine and
pure form. Joshis are originally from the states of Maharashtra and
Gujarat who resisted conversion into Islam during the Moghul days
and escaped to the safer and spiritual abodes of the Himalayas where
they would be safe from the Moghuls. The word jyotishi which means
an astrologer got changed into Joshi in the course of the next few
centuries. So a Joshi is a bom astrologer being from the long tradi-
tion which got a little fragmented here and there but still remained
continuous. K.K. Joshi is a lecturer in Commerce in a post graduate
college and has, in that way, been performing the traditional duty of
a Brahmin which is teaching, but, teaching a non-traditional subject
like commerce. He decided to releam astrology in the way we teach
it here in Delhi in our classes in Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, which
was his modesty. Then as was to be expected, he topped in the ex-
amination, got a gold medal and has joined our teaching faculty. This
has been a great gain for us because he spontaneously combines mo-
dernity with classicism. The subject given to him for teaching, among

Published by Sugar and Sons
many others, was muhurta on which there existed no comprehensive
book in English. There are many books in Hindi but they are trans-
lations done systematically, stanza by stanza, but not organized in a
manner as to look like a modem text book. That need felt by all of
us now gets fulfilled.
I must draw attention to some remarkable features of the book.
I. Systematic Presentation
The bode opens very systematically by first explaining the com-
ponents of a muhurta. Joshi has taken pains everywhere in the book
to explain terms like vishanadi dosha in terms of longitudes in dif-
ferent signs which is necessary for student unfamiliar with the words,
ghat ties and vighatties. He takes care to suggest alternatives to the
choice of a muhurta in a situation where an element of inevitability
comes into play as is natural in the hectic life of modem age. How
to use the Hora Lords of the Day is a very fruitful suggestion. Again
see how he explains the malefic portion of yogas which should be
avoided. He maintains this tenor and attitude in his presentation
throughout the book
The Importance of the Lagna
After explaining all that, he rightly stresses that the lagna of a
muhurta is the most important component among all components.
People must remember a historical incident relating to the Indepen-
dence of India in August 1947.
In 1947 when the English rulers had decided to grant indepen-
dence to India on August 15th, Hardeoji and Suryanarain Vyas of
Ujjain had told Babu Rajendra Prasad, who later bacame the first,
president of India, that astrologically it was not auspicious. When they
came to know that the choice of any hour on that day was all the
English rulers were prepared to concede Hardeo insisted that it should
be at midnight for three reasons:
1. By that time the Moon would have entered Pushya
Nakshatra, known as a mahanakshatra in Bengal and the most
favourable nakshatra for a muhurta
2. It should be at midnight roundabout the abhijit muhurta
which was calculated rhus:
a Sun-rise on August was at 5-33-31 A.M
Sun-set was at 6.57.31 PJVL
b. Counted from sunset the time for the next sunrise would
be after 10 hours and 36 minutes, half of which was 5 hours and
18 minutes.
c. If 5 hours and 18 minutes were added to the sunset time
we would reach 12 hours and 15 minutes midnight
d. Twenty four minutes before or after 12.00 midnight would
be the abhijtt muhurta and that would be the only best time available.
3. The third important factor was that by that time the lagna
rising would be Vrisha, a fixed sign which is always favourable for
foundations of buildings or stable independence.
It has been recorded by Sir Wood row Wyatt' that the time of
Indian Independence was chosen on astrological considerations but
within the twenty four hours given and the astrologer who advised
the government were Hardeoji and Suryanarain Vyas. Yet no Indian
astrologer would even mention these names.
How a lagna can be chosen when one has no choice even in
joining an office as its head will be clear from an instance in my
own life. In 1985 I was to join an office not known for any disci-
phne. For ten years the staff union had misbehaved with successive
heads of the office and disturbed smooth work. I was determined to
take strong action and also take a kindly attitude. I had no choice
except to join that office on 15 May, 1985. I chose a lagna and a
navamsha which would serve my purpose, I decided, astroiogically.
The horoscopes are given below.

Lagna Moon Mer 8-09 Sun 00-43

Mercury 10-20 Rahu Mars
KeCu Man Ven 19-1 24-28 19-21

Jupiter IS May 1985
Navamsha 11,59 AM
Jupiter 20 N 14 8SES0 Lagna
Sun 22-39 04-43

Venus Rahu Moon Saturn Kctu

(R) 01-13 24-28
I chose to have Mars and Sun both with directional strength
in the I Oth house to be able to take strong-administrative action. The
opposition of Sun and Saturn is exact denoting confrontation with
the staff union. This repeats in the navamsha. The aspect of Jupiter
on the I Oth house was my decision to excuse the mischief makers
finally if they behaved properly or dismiss them after issuing them
proper notices. So Jupiter debilitated in the birth horoscope had to
improve in the navamsha as was necessary. Everything went
according to the plan. There were three confrontations after which 1
acted strongly and the staff union went down on its knees knowing
that I was preparing to dismiss as many as twenty three of them. It
struck panic in their hearts and the office became totally docile.
2. Caution
He takes care to caution his readers about certain beliefs asso-
ciated with some Hindu ceremonies like avoiding cremation during
panchaka and states clearly that it has to be watched. It is an area
of intense observation. The other method of calculating panchaka
known as ha ana is actually very effective. He gives the different
method followed in Maharashtra for calculating ha ana. If astrologers
make use of these, which is difficult for us to remember always, we
would choose the right time for the right action.
The effects of eclipses, combustion of Jupiter or Venus,'Jupi-
ter in Leo or Capricorn are not merely Hindu behefs but are univer-
sal in application. The reason why these must be taken into consid-
eration can be understood by any astrologer who believes in the sa-
credness of an occasion or in an important samskara Which here he
has explained brilliantly in a systematic way.
3. Marriage
In the most useful chapter on marriage the astrological param-
eters he gives, I would personally extend it to what they call rela-

Sir Woodrow Wyatt wrote in May 1988 an article on the cetral page of
the Times. London. "Who Does Not Consult the Stars" and defended Ronald Regan
the US president for consulting astrologers There he revealed that Indian astrolo-
gers had chosen the time of Indian Independence and that the subsequent history of
India was somewhat more successful than Pakistan's which got dismembered
tionships in the USA. which is a major question every visiting as-
trologer is required to answer. The categorization of marriages into
eight types as done by the great r is his of ancient India is an eternal
truth applicable to a modem American and his marriage and rela-
tionship. In the USA there is a regular business known as video-dat-
ing whose advice is taken seriously by some. Were Vedic astrolo-
gers to combine the do's and don'ts given in this chapter with vid-
eo dating or any other non-astrological form of marriage counselling,
they could use it for good guidance. The small piece on muhurta
for love marriage, where no normal muhurta comes into play, has
also been dealt with. The concluding part of this chapter is most ma-
ture wisdom.
4. Chakras
Joshi hails from the Himalayas is how I introduced him and
have also said that there, the traditional secrets of astrology are
preserved in its pure, if fragmented, form. The most brilliant use of
chakras (diagrammatic analysis of transits) is made use of by astrol-
ogers of his native place for various purposes. Recently, Joshi had
presented his research on another chakra before the staff members
of our faculty to show fatality of transits for a sick man with many
illustrations. In this book too he refers to such chakras out of which
the Sapta Shlakha Chakra, which is what one cannot afford to
overlook, is the most important. His exposition of the lesser known
but most widely demanded Vastu Chakra is very cogent and
brilliant. It will introduce many readers to a new branch of astrology
about which many astrologers know so little. The Chandra Nivasa,
Yogini Nivasa and Parigha Danda are again some diagrams to be
made use of which Joshi explains with so much clarity for auspicious
5. Originality
Joshi is among the band of young teachers we have with us
with decades of brilliant astrology ahead of them. To encourage him
to stick to the classicism and yet talk of alternatives available for
the modem man was my purpose which he has amply fulfilled in
this book. In the concluding chapters he shows why and how
astakvarga or even tajak can be made use of in a way as not to
ignore what we insist on, not to stress negativity and always give
adaptable alternatives, which is what he has done very well. And he
is right when after discussing the steps for fixing a proper muhurta.
he shows why in creating our own destiny, we must have our own
limitations. Yet the table of muhurta lords he gives would be most
useful to create a favourable, if weak, destiny within the knyunum
area. Yes, a man can create his own destiny after he knows the lim-
itations within which alone he can create it and not outside it. It is
here that with brilliance a modem Joshi argues his case well with-
out sermonizing. The word disaster means miseries created by one
himself without seeing the stars (asirum in Latin) before launching
on a new venture. The modem Joshi has that message for you in
this book choose the right muhurta
K.N. Rao
I ehruarv 10. 1


I Introduction I
What is muhurta, Relevance of muhurta
II Basic Components of Muhurta 3-25
Tithi, Classification of tithis, Tithi Kshaya, Tithi VritJdhi,
Paksha Randhra tithis, Tithi Gandanta, Lords of Tithis,
Nature of tithis, Parva Tithis, Galgraha Tithis, Anadhyaya,
Pradosha, Manuadi and Yugadi tithis, Nakshatra, Abhijit
nakshatra, Classification of nakshatras, Other details re-
garding nakshatras, Tara, Nakshatra Gandanta, Day or
Vaar, Hora, Yoga, Karana, Bhadra, Bhadra Nivasa,
Bhadra-mukha-Puchha, Month, Kshaya, Masa, Adhika
Masa, Uttarayana and Dakshinayana, Ascendant
IB General Auspicious and Inauspicious yogas 26-43
Siddha yoga, Mrityu yoga, Kakracha yoga, Samvartaka
yoga, Dagdha yoga, Visha Yoga, Hutashana yoga, Amrita
Siddhi yoga, Savartha Siddhi yoga, Dagdha yoga,
Yamaghanta yoga, Masa Shoonya Tithis, Masa Shoonya
Nakshatras, Masa Shoonya Rashis, Tithi Shoonya
Nakshatras, Tithi Shoonya Lagnas, Twenty eight benefic
and malefic yogas, Tripuskara yoga, Dwipuskara yoga,
Panchaka, Baana, Holashtaka, Aadai yoga, Vidal yoga,
Ravi yoga, Echpse, Nakshatra afflicted by malefics, Jupi-
ter-Venus Combustion, Jupiter in Leo, Jupiter in Capri-
corn, Samkranti
IV Transit of Planets 44-47
Benefic transit positions and vedha positions of Sun,
Benefic transit and vedha positions of Moon, Benefic tran-
sit and vedha positions of Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu,
Benefic transit and vedha positions of Mercury, Benefic
transit and vedha positions of Jupiter, Benefic transit and
vedha positions of Venus.
V Pre-Marriage Samakaras 48-63
Garbhadhana or conception, Punsavana, Seemanta-
Unnayan, Jaat-Karma Samskara, Naamkarma Samskara,
Niskrarnana Samskara, Craddling or Dola-arohana, Shasthi-
Pujana, Annaprasana or First feeding of child, Bhumi-
Upveshana, Karna-Vedha, Chudakarana or Tonsure,
Akshararambha, Upnayana or Thread cermony,
Vedarambha, Keshanta, Samavartana
VI Marriage 64-92
Types of marriages, Muhurta for marriage, Ten malefic
combinations, Latta, Paata, Yuti, Vedha, Jamitra, mrityu
Panchaka, Ekargala or Kharjura, Upgraha-dosha, Kranti-
Samya, Dagdha Tithi, Other 'Doshas' to be avoided,
Months, Nakshatras etc. suitable for marriage, Tribala-
Shuddhi, Miscellaneous considerations, Godhooli lagna,
'Vara-Varana' muhurta, 'Kanya-Varana' muhurta, Muhurta
for Love marriage, Vadhu-Pravesha, Dwiragamana, Match-
ing for marriage, Koota-Milan, Vama-matching, Vashya-
matching, Tara-matching, Yoni-matching, Graha-Maitri,
gana-matching, Bhakoota-matching, Nadi-matching, Varga-
matching, Stri-Doora matching
VII Cremation 93-95
Cremation when dead body is available, Cremation when
dead body is not available
VIII Educational Muhurtas 96-100
Muhurta for starting education , For starting education in
Mathematics, Education in vedas, Grammer etc., Educa-
tion in Rehgion and Philosophy, Education in Arms and
Ammunition, Medical education, Music, Dance, Drama,
Education in Urdu, Persian, Arabian etc., Sculpture, Ar-
chitecture and the like, Legal education, Learning Atheletic
skills etc., Painting
DC Occupational Muhurtas 101-110
For selling goods. For opening a shop. Sale, Purchase,
Training, Riding of horses, sale. Purchase of elephants.
Sale purchase of goats, buffaloes etc.. For keeping pets.
Sale, purchase of land. Monetary transactions. Taking and
giving loans. Starting government service. Land cultiva-
tion, Sowing seeds. Cutting crops. Thrashing-manual and
mechanical. Poultry forming. Fish fanning. For keeping
Monkeys and Deers as pets. For keeping violent animals
as pets. Business relating to Cows or Cow-milk, Business
relating to Camels, horses, donkeys and birds. Tree plan-
tation, Storing of agricultural products. For all commer-
cial activities in general. For acts relating to vehicles. For
acts relating to precious stones. For acts of goldsmith. For
writers. For barbers. For gardeners. For Potters, For cloth
manufacturers. For painter. For acts involving use of leath-
er, For acts involving killing of animals. For acts involv-
ing use of stones, bricks. For theft, robbery and the like.
For manufacturing and selling wine. For manufacturing
and selling arms and ammunition, Nritya karma. To test
people on lie-detectors
X House Construction and Entering in to a
New House 111-125
Benefic and malefic nature of a house. Digging for foun-
dation laying. Laying foundation. Starting construction,
Benefic and malefic yogas related to construction muhurta,
Laying roof. Door-direction and fitting. Entering in to a
new house. Entering in to an old house
XI Journey 126-141
General considerations for all types of journeys,
Nakshatras for journey, Nakshatra-Shoola, Tithi. Karana,
Day for journey, Vaar-Shoola, Yoga, malefic combina-
tions. Chandra-Nivasa, Sammukha-Shukra, Prigha-Danda,
Yogini-Nivasa, Considering Rahu in journey, Kaala-Pasha
consideration, Ayana consideration. Considerations specific
to an individual, Lagna for journey. Which factors are to
be given importance. Considerations for specific types of
journeys. Journey for wars. Disputes etc., Kula-Akula-
Kulakula nakshatras, Tithis and days. Combinations for
victory of attacker or plaintiff in muhurta lagna, Prasthana
or symbolic start of journey
XII Coronation and Related Muhurtas 142-145
Coronation, oath taking ceremony, To meet the king or
senior officials, For printing currency notes etc., For
punishing enemies or opponents, For wearing Kavacha,
For camping of army, For induction of missiles, to plan
army movements
XTTT Miscellaneous Muhurtas 146-151
Wearing cloths and ornaments, For taking medicines,
Roga-Mukta Snana, Result of onset of disease in various
nakshatra, Shanti-Karma, For compromise, treaty, For cor-
respondence, To adopt a child, To divide property, To
apply for a job or party ticket, To meet the higher au-
thorities, For digging wells, tubewells, tanks and the like,
Agnihotra or Flavana
XIV Use of Dasha Ashtakvarga and Tajik Yogas 152-160
Ashtakvarga, Dasha, Use of opening dasha/antara, Use of
dashas following, Use of tajik yogas
XV How to Fix a Muhurta 161-164
Fixing muhurta when one has sufficient time, Fixing
muhurta when one does not have sufficient time, Instant
muhurta. Use of Abhiiit muhurta
XVI Case Studies 165-176

XVII Conclusion 177-178

Limitations, What one should not forget


'KALA' or time is the creator of destiny. Time is also the car-

rier of fruits of destiny. The time, when a life starts, contains in its
womb infinite information about the auspicious or inauspicious mo-
ments through which the life will progress before it meets its certain
end. The time of commencement of life or the time of birth is not
under the control of a person. Similarly all the good or bar! a per-
son has to face just because his life started at a particular time is
not under his control. Like time of commencement of life, time of
commencement of any activity will contain certain favourable and
unfavourable promises for such activity. The study ofMuhurta is the
study of that 'time of commencement.'

Literally 'muhurta' means a period of two ghatis or fourty eight
minutes. But in actual use 'muhurta' is a moment created by vari-
ous positions of planets containing certain vibrations or promises for
any action, process or life starting at that time. To study muhurta is
to study those effects and to decide the suitabihty or unsuitabihty of
that moment first for a particular action, and then for a particular
individual. It is the study of time in its various forms. More impor-
tance being attached to Sun and Moon and their relative positions.
The variables of muhurta, i.e., Ayana, Month, Nakshatra, Tithi, Vaar,
Yoga, Lagna etc., are all based on the movements of Sun and Moon
individually and in relation to each other. Other planets also play their
role by their various positions. From user's point of view muhurta
means a time which is auspicious for a particular activity.

When, by taking birth at a particular time, a person, having his
destiny fixed and areas of freedom restricted can certainly raise a
question about the sanctity of choosing a muhurta The extent to
2 Muhurta
which choice of a proper time for commencement of an act is in
the control of an individual is a point of debate.
Relevance of 'muhurta' can be seen in terms of self created
short term destiny applicable to a specific aspect of life. This self
created short term destiny will certainly have its say provided it is
put in harmony with the individual's long term destiny (i.e., birth
horoscope). Relevance of Muhurta also lies in its being a means
through which one can adapt to nature. Instead of going against nat-
ural forces it is better to begin when the cosmic power is favoura-
ble. Study of muhurta will help you in searching those favourable
In this book an attempt has been made to put the information
relating to muhurta in an organised form. Various components of
muhurta, benefic and malefic yogas formed by these components,
muhurta variables for various samskaras, educational and occupational
activities, construction, journey and other important aspects of life are
discussed in a systematic way in the chapters to follow. Moreover,
how to chose a muhurta when a person can't wait is also discussed.
Lastly, an attempt has been made to briefly analyze certain new are-
as like use of Ashtakavarga and Vimsottari Dasha in muhurta.


There are various ways of measuring time. Five elements of

Pandianga i.e., Tithi, Nakshatra or constellation, vaar or day, yoga
and karana with certain other variables like solar and lunar months,
Lagna or rising sign etc. decide in their various permutations and
combinations the time suitable or unsuitable for a particular action.
This chapter is aimed at explaining these various inputs which when
processed in the wheel of time create favourable or unfavourable
moments for a particular' action.

Tithi is the name given to various angles formed by Sun and
Moon. When Sun and Moon are together at the same degree it is
called New Moon or Amavashya. As Moon moves away from the
Sun at each 12° difference a new tithi is formed. To put it mathe-
Tithi = (Moon's Longitude-Sun's Longitude)/12
In all there are 30 tithis. Fifteen of the bright half i.e. shukla
paksha when Moon moves away from the Sun and fifteen in the dark
half (Krishna Paksha) - when Moon moves towards the Sun. The
names of various tithis are given in the table below;
Table 2.1: Difference in Long, of Moon & Sun

(Moon-Sun) Tithi (Bright half) (Moon-Sun) Tithi (Dark Half)

0° - 12° Pratipada 1 180°- 192° Pratipada
12°-24° Dwitiya 2 192° . 204° Dwitiya
24" - 36° Tritiya 3 204° - 216° Tritiya
36°-48° Chaturthi 4 216°- 228° Chaturthi
48° - 60° Panchami 5 228° - 240° Panchami
4 Muhurta

(Moon-Sun) Tithi (Bright half) (Moon-Sun) Tithi (Dark Halt)

60°- 72° Shasthi 6 240° - 252° Shasthi
72° . 84° Saptami 7 252°- 264° Saptami
84° - 96° Ashtami 8 264°- 276° Ashtami
96° - 108° Navami 9 276° - 288° Navami
108° - 120° Dashami 10 288°- 300° Dashami
120°- 132° Ekadashi 11 300° - 312° Ekadashi
132° - 144° Dwadashi 12 312° - 324° Dwadashi
144° - 156° Triyodashi 13324° - 336° Triyodashi
156° - 168° Chaturdashi 14 336° - 348° Chaturdashi
168° - 180° Pumima 15 348° •• 360° Amavashya (New Moon) 30

The time from New Moon to another New Moon is called a

lunar month. Some take a lunar month starting from a full moon
and ending at next full Moon.
Classification of Tithis
For muhurta purpose tithis are classified in to five groups as
follows ;
1. Nanda - 1st, 6th, 11th, tithi of bright & dark half
2. Bhadra - 2nd, 7th, 12th tithi of bright & dark half
3. Jaya - 3rd, 8th, 13lh, tithi of bright & dark half
4. Rikta - 4th, 9th, 14th tithi of bright & dark half
5. Pooma - 5th, 10th, 15th/30th tithi of bright & dark half
In bright half the first triad (first five tithis) is considered in-
auspicious (because Moon is weak) 2nd triad (next 5 tithis) is medi-
um strength, third triad (next 5 tithis) is full strength. In the dark
half the first triad (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is strong, 2nd medium and third
Rikta tithis are in general considered inauspicious
Tithi Kshaya
If a tithi starts after sunrise and ends before next sunrise it is
Basic Components of Muhurla 5
called loss of a tithi or tithi Kshaya and is to be avoided in all good
elections. Tithi's Kshaya means a particular tithi which was not pre-
vailing at the time of sunrise.
Tithi vriddbi
If a tithi prevails at two sunrise times or in other words if a
tithi starts before one sunrise and ends after sunrise on next day it
is called tithi vriddhi and it is also to be avoided in all good elec-
Paksha-Randhra Tithis (Some more inauspicious tit his)
The following tithis of both bright half and dark half are con-
sidered Paksha - Randhra tithis and are to be avoided in good elec-
First 8 ghat is (3 hours 12 minutes) of 4th (Chaturthi)
First 9 ghatis (3 hours 36 minutes) of 6th (Shasthi)
First 14 ghatis (5 hours 36 minutes) of 8th (Ashtami)
First 25 ghatis (10 hours) of 9th (Navami)
First 10 ghatis (4 hours) of 12th (Dwadashi)
First 5 ghatis (2 hours) of 14th (Chaturdashi)
In the remaining time of the above tithis auspicious acts can
be started.
Tithi Gandaata
The ending one ghati (24 minutes) of Pooma Tithis (5, 10, 15,
30) and starting one ghati (24 minutes) of Nanda Tithis (I, 6, II)
are called junction points or Tithi Gandantas and should be avoided
in all good elections.
Lords of Tithis
Lords of various tithis starting from Pratipada are; Pratipada - Agnt or
Fire; Dwitiya - Brahma; Tritiya - Gauri; Chaturthi - Ganesha; Panchami -
Naga or Serpants; Shasthi - Kartikeya; saptami -Sun; Ashtami - Shiva;
Navami - Durga; Dashami - Yama or God of death; Ekadashi - Vishwedeva;
Dwadashi - Vishnu; Triyodashi - Kaamadeva or God of Sex; Chaturadashi
- Shiva; Poomima - Moon and Amavashya - Pitara or Ancestors.
6 Muhurta
The Tithis are suitable for propitation, Pratistha etc. of those
Gods which are their lords.
Table 2.2:

Tithi Nature Fords

Pratipada (1st Tithi) Vriddhi (Increase) Agni (Fire)
Dwitiya (2nd Tithi) Auspicious happenings Brahma (God of creation)
Tritiya Otd Tithi) Power giving Gauri (Goddess - wife of Lord Shiva)
Chaturthi (4th Tithi) Khala Ganesha (God of Fulfilment)
Panchami (5lh Tithi) Laxmi (wealth) Naga (Sapants)
Shasthi (6th Tithi) Fame giving Kaitikeya (Lord of Valour)
Saptami (7lh Tithi) Friendly Sun
Ashtami (8!h Tithi) Conflict Shiva (Lord of destruction)
Navami (9th Tithi) Aggressive Durga (Goddess of Poyier)
Dasami (10 Tithi) Sober Yama (God of Death)
Ekadashi (11th Tithi) Enjoyments Vishwedcva
Dwadashi (12th Tithi) Fame & good qualities Vishnu
Triyodashi (13th Tithi) Victory Kamadeva (God of Sex)
Chaturdashi (14th Tithi) Aggressive Shiva (God of destruction)
Poomima ( 15th Tithi) Sober Moon
Asnavashys (30tti Tithi) Pitara (Ancestors)

Nature of Tithis
Pratipada is called 'Vriddhi Prada' or one giving rise, Dwitiya is Mangal
Prada or one giving auspicious events, Tritiya is 'Balaprada' or one gi\
ing strength; Chaturthi is Khala; Panchami is "Laxmi prada" or one giv
ing wealth, Shasthi is "Yasha Prada" or one giving fame, Saptami is Mitr
of friendly; Ashtami is Dwandwa or conflict giving; Navami is 'Ugra'; c
aggressive; Dasami is Saumya or sober Ekadashi is 'Anandaprada'; c
one giving enjoyments; Dwadashi is 'Yasha Prada' or one giving tana
Triyodashi is 'Jayaprada' or one giving victory; Chaturdashi is Ugra c
aggressive; Poomima is Saumya or sober and Amavashya represents ar
Basic Components of Muhurta 7
Parva Tithis
Krishna Ashtami (8th tithi of dark half), Chaturdashi,
Amavashya, Poomima and tithi prevailing on Sankranti day are called
'Parva Tithis' and should be avoided for auspicious elections
Galgraha Tithis
4th tithi of dark half and 7/ 8/ 9/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 30/ 1/ tithis of
both dark and bright half are called - 'Galgraha Tithis' and are spe-
cifically avoided in Upnayana and educational muhurtas.
Anadhyaya: Ashada Shukla 10, Jyestha Shukla 2, Pausha
Shukla 11 and Magha Shukla 12 these four and 14/ 15/ 30/ I / 8
tithis of any month and Samkranti day are called Anadhyaya and are
specifically avoided in Upnayana and educational muhurtas.
Pradosha: If 12th tithi ends before midnigfit; 6th tithi ends be-
fore VA "prahara" (one prahara is equal to 1/4 of the duration of
night) of night or 3rd tithi ends before I prahara, of night it is called
'Pradosha' and to be specifically avoided in Upnayana and educa-
tional muhurtas.

'IVfanuadi' and 'Yugadi' Tithis

The tithis prevailing at the time of starting of four yugas (Satya,
Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyuga) are called "Yugadi Tithis". Kartika
Shukla 9 (beginning of 'Satyuga); Vaishakha Shukla 3 (beginning of
'Treta Yuga'); Magha Krishra 30 (beginning of Dwapar Yuga) and
Bhadrapad Krishna 13 (beginning of Kaliyuga) are called Yugadi
The tithis on which this creation started after each 'Pralaya' are
called "Manuadi Tithis" Since this will happen fourteen times there
are fourteen Manus (first human being) and fourteen Manuadi tithis.
The names of various Manus and Manuadi Tithis are given in
table 2.3.
8 Muhurta
Table 2.3:

s. No. Name of Maim Tithis of beginning of 'manuantara'

1. Swayambhuva Chaitra Shukla 3
2. Swarochisha Chaitra Shukla 15
3. Ottama Kartika Shukla 15
4. Tamas Kartika Shukla 12
5 Raival Ashadha Shukla 12
6. Chakshush Ashadha Shukla 15
7. Vaivaswat Jyestha Shukla 15
8 Savami Falguna Shukla 15
9 Daksha Savami Ashwina Shukla 9
10 Brahma Savami Magha Shukla 7
u. Dharma Savami Pausha Shukla 13
12. Rudra Savami Bhadra Shukla 3
13 Daiva Savami Shravana Krishna 30
14 Indra Savami Shravana Krishna 8

At present we are in "Vaivaswata Manuantara."

All the above Yugadi and Manuadi tithis are to be preferably
avoided in Upnayana, starting education, marriage. Construction of
house and entering in to a house, educational purpose and journey.
These tithis are considered good for taking holy bath in rivers, Ha-
vana, giving donations and such other rehgious activities.

From the starting point of Nirayana Zodiac if we divide the
Zodiac in to 27 equal parts then one part will be of 13° 20' and is
called a Nakshatra. Starting from the 1st point of Nirayana Aries the
names of 27 Nakshatras in order are as follows.
1. Ashwini 10. Magha 19. Moola
2. Bharani 11. Poorva Falguni 20. Poorvashada
3. Kritika 12. Uttara Falguni 21. Uttarashada
21a. Abhijit
Basic Components of Muhurta 9
4. Rohini 13. Hasta 22. Shravana
5. Mrigshira 14. Chitra 23. Dhanishtha

6. Ardra 15. Swati 24. Shatbhisha

7. Piinarvasu 16. Vishakha 25. Poorva Bhadrapad
8. Pushya 17. Anuradha 26. Uttara Bhadrapad
9. Ashlesha 18. Jyestha 27. Revati
When Moon transits in a particular division of IS^ZO' (called
Nakshatra) it is called Nakshatra of that moment. In Muhurta when
we say Nakshatra at a particular time is Mrigshira we mean that
Moon at that particular time is placed in Mrigshira. Out of the. five
components of Panchanga Nakshatra is given maximum importance
for muhurta purpose.
Abhijit nakshtra
Sometimes we use 28th nakshatra. Last quarter of Uttarashada
and first 4 ghatis of Shravana (1/15 portion of Shravana) is called
Abhijit nakshatra. Thus from 6o40' of Capricorn to 10o53'20" of
capricom is the measure of 'Abhijit nakshatra'.
Various Classifications of Nakshatras
28 Nakshatras including Abhijit are grouped into seven cate-
gories. These categories are given below with their suitability for var-
ious types of activities.
(1) Dhruva (Fixed) Sthira (Constant)
Uttara Falguni, Uttarashada, Uttara bhadrapad, Rohini and
Sunday are placed in this category. Works of fixed nature are done
in these nakshatras like foundation laying, digging a well, house
building, upnayana, agriculture, starting service etc. As per Maharshi
Vashistha all acts which can be done in Mridu (Gentle) Maitra
(Friendly) nakshatras can also be done in these.
(2) Char-Chala (Movable)
Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanishtha Satbhisha and Monday
are movable in nature. All movable activities like riding on vehicles,
horses, elephants and journeys and any other act needing motion can
be done in these nakshatras. As per Maharshi Vashistha what can
10 Muhurta
be done is Laghu-Kshipra (short dynamic) nakshatras can also be
done in these nakshatras.

(3) Ugra-Kroora (Aggressive Cruel)

Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorva bhadrapad, Bharani,
Magha, and Tuesday are aggressive in nature and suitable for kill-
ing, cheating, works involving use of fire, theft, poisoning, research
on poisonous medicines, purchase sale and use of arms, surgical op-
erations, obtaining licence of a gun etc. Here also as per Maharshi
Vashistha all acts which are done in Daruna-Teekshna ( Sharp &
Volatile) Nakshatras can also be done in these nakshatras.

(4) Mishra - Sadharana (Mixed & ordinary)

Vishakha and Kritika these and Wednesday are mixed ordinary.
These are good for fire works, welding, melting, gas works, fabrica-
tions, preparing medicines, Agnihotra etc.

(5) Kshipra - Laghu (Short and dynamic)

Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Abhijit and Thursday are short and
dynamic and are suitable for construction & starting a shop, selling,
sex, starting education, making and wearing ornaments, fine arts,
learning & display of arts etc. All acts done under Char-Chala (Mov-
able) nakshatras can also be done in these.

(6) Mridu - Maitra (Gentle Friendly)

Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha these four and Friday are Gentle anc
Friendly. Singing, learning music, making & wearing clothes,, playing
learning game skills, making friends, making & wearing ornaments car
be done in these. (All acts mentioned in Dhruva sthira can also be done ir
these nakshatras.
(7) Teekshna - Darna (Ferocious & Bitter)
Moola, Jyestha, Ardra, Ashlesha these four nakshatras and
Saturday are called 'Teekshna - Daruna' and are good for starting
tartrik acts (acts directed to harm others from a distance), killing,
black magic, aggressive and deadly deeds, to divide others, to train .
animals and control animals and for "Sadhana" or "Hatha-Yogas"
(where violence or sacrifices are directed towards self)
Basic Components of Muhurta 11
Apart from the above classification, nakshatras are also classi-
fied as facing upward, facing downward and facing forward and are
suitable for all acts which their name justifies.
(i) Urdhwa Mukha (Upward looking or facing upward)
Ardra, Pushya, Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatbhisha, Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini are facing upward and are
suitable for construction of house, temples, multistoreyed building,
horticulture and all activities where one has to face upwards.
(ii) Adho-Mukha (Facing downward, or looking down wards)
Moola, Ashlesha, Vishakha, Kritika, Poorvafalguni, Poorvashada,
Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha are facing downwards and are
suitable for digging wells, ponds, digging for foundation laying, un-
derground constructions, mining, sever works and such other activi-
ties when one has to face downwards.
(iii) Tiryang-Mukha (Straight looking or facing forward)
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta, Swati, Punarvasu,
Ashwini and Jyestha are facing straight and are suitable for riding,
driving, journey, construction of roads and such other activities which
require looking straight.
Other details regarding nakshatras
Each nakshatra has a specific shape, specific number of stars
and a particular lord. These characteristics also decide their suitabih-
ty for various acts. These characteristics are given in the table be-
low for ready reference.
Table 2.4:

S. No. Nakshatra No. of Stars Appearance Lord

1 Ashwini 3 Horse's Face Ashwini Kumar as
2. Bharani 3 Vagina Yama (Lord of death)
3. Kritika 6 Knife Agni (Fire)
4 Rohini 5 Shakat (Bullock Cart) Brahma (God of Creation)
5 Mrigshira 3 Face of deer Chandra (Moon)
6 Ardra 1 Man! or Jewel Rudra (Lord of destruction)
7. Punarvasu 4 House Aditi (Mother of Devas)
12 Muhurta

S. No. Nakshatra No. of Starss Appciranct Lord

8. Pushya 3 Arrow Guru
9 Ashlesha 5 Wheel Sarpa (Serpants)
10. Magha 5 House Pitri (Ancestors)
li. P. Falguni 2 Stage Bhag (Name of Sun)
12. L) Falguni 2 Cot Aryama (Name of Sun)
13. Haste 5 Hand Sun
14 Chitra 1 Pearl VHmakiurna ( Archilecl of Gods)
15. Swati 1 Coral Vaayu (Air)
16. Vishakha 4 Torana' a Flag Indra (Agni)
17. Anuradha 4 Pinda Mitra (Name of Sun)
18 Jyestha 3 Ear rings Indra
19 Moola U Stage Rakshasha
20. P. Shada 2 Elephant's teeth Jala (Water)
21. UShada 2 Stage Vishwedeva
22. Abhijit 3 Triangle Brahma
23. Shravana 3 'Vaamana' Vishnu
(Three foot steps)
24. Dhanistha 4 'Mridanga' Vasu
25. Shatbhisha 100 Circle Varuna
26. P. Bhadra 2 Stage Ajcharan (Name of Rudra)
27. U Bhadra 2 Twins Ahirbudhnya (Name ofRubra)
28. Revati 32 Mridanga Pusha (Name of Sun)

Taras are nine in number i.e. (1) Janma (2) Sampat (3) Vipat
(4) Kshema (5) Pratyari (6) Sadhak (7) Vadha (8) Maitra (9)
Counting from the birth star to the star of the day and divid-
ing it by 9 the remainder will give the Tara on that particular day.
If a person is horn in Mrigshira Nakshatra the Taras for him are given in
the following table.
Basic Components of Muhurta 13

Jan Sam Vip Ksh Pra Sad Vad Mai Ati

1st Triad Mri Ard Pun Pus Ash Mag Pur Utt Has
find Triad Chi Swa Vis Anu Jye Moola Pur Utt Sra
filrd Triad Dhan Sat Pur Utt Rev Ash Bha Kri Roh

The Taras give results as per their names. Vipat, Pratyari and
Vadha Taras are melefic for all purposes. Janma Tara is benefic for
certain purposes and malefic for certain others.
In the 1st triad Vipat, Patyari and Vadha are fully malefic. In
the second triad starting l/3rd portion of Vipat; ending l/3rd por-
tion of Pratyari and middle l/3rd portion of Vadha tara should be
avoided. In the third triad Vipat, Pratyari and Vadha are fully benefic.
In the above table for person bom in Mrigshira, he should ful-
ly avoid, Punarvasu, Ashlesha and Poorva Falguni and should avoid
starting l/3rd portion of Vishakha, ending 1/3 portion of Jyestha and
middle 1/3 portion of Poorvashada. All other Taras are good for elec-
tion for Mrigshira bom.
Janma Nakshatra is benefic for upnayana (thread ceremony),
marriage of a boy and girl bom from second conception, first feed-
ing of child, Mundana or Tonsure and Coronation ceremony.
Janma Nakshatra has to be specifically avoided in conception
and journey. Also to be avoided in marriage of boy and girl bom
from first conception. First triad is particularly malefic.
If it is extremely necessary to carry out a work in malefic Tara
then following donations can be made
Vadha Tara - Donate gold
Vipat Tara - Donate Gur
Pratyari Tara - Donate salt
Janma Tara - Donate Vegetables
If a person cannot wait for starting an act and a favourable
nakshatra is not available he can start his act in a particular part of
the day which is allotted to that nakshatra.
14 Muhurta
Dividing the day (Sunrise to sunset) in to 15 equal parts and
also night (Sunset to next sunrise) in to 15 equal parts we get 15
muhurtas in the day time and 15 muhurtas in the night time. The
lordship of these muhurtas is alloted to various nakshatras. The
muhurtas and their lords are given in table below.
Table 2.5: Muhurta Lords in a day

Muhurta No. Day Muhurta Night Muhurta

1. Ardra Ardra
2. Ashlesha Poorvabhadrapad
3. Anuradha Uttara Bhadrapad
4. Magha Revati
5. Dhanistha Ashwini
6. Poorvashada Bharani
7. Uttarashada Kritika
8. Abhijit Rohini
9. Rohini Mrigshira
10 Jyestha Punarvasu
n. Vishakha Pushya
12. Moola Shravana
13. Shatbhisha Hasta
14. TJttaraphalguni Chitra
15. Poorvaphalguni Swati

If we assume day & night equal of 12 hours each then each

muhurta will be of 48 minutes duration.
If a person wants to join a job and in the coming two, three
days a fixed Nakshatra is not available, and he wants to join in
Uttarashada due to Tara-bala and Uttarashada will be available after
20 days and he cannot wait till that time. In that case it is advisable
for him to join service in 7th muhurta of any day because 7th
muhurta is ruled by Uttarashada.
Note; In a muhurta for journey, if a particular nakshatra is to
be avoided for journey in a particular direction then that part of the
Basic Components of Muhurta 15
day which is ruled by that nakshatra should also be avoided for jour-
ney in that direction.
Nakshatra Gandanta
Ending two ghatis (48 minutes)* of Ashlesha, Jyestha and
Revati and starting two ghatis (48 minutes) of Ashwini, Magha and
Moola are called Nakshatra junction points and should be avoided
in good elections.
30th to 34th Ghati of Revati, Punarvashu, Kritika and Magha ;
32nd to 36th ghati of Ashlesha ; 50th to 54th ghati of Ashwini ;
18th to 22nd ghati of Uttara Falguni and Shatbhisha; 20th to 24th
ghati of Poorvaphalguni, Chitra, Uttarashada and Pushya; 14th to 18th
ghati of Vishakha, Swati, Mrigshira & Jyestha ; 21st to 25th ghati
of Ardra and Hasta; 16th to 20th ghati of Poorva bhadrapad; 24th
to 28th ghati of Uttarabhadrapad, Poorvashada and Bharani; 10th to
14th ghati of Anuradha, Jyestha and Shravana and 56th to 60th ghati
of Moola are called Visha Ghatis or poisonous periods and are to
be avoided in all good elections.
To make it simple the above ghatis can be converted in to de-
grees and minutes and these inauspicious periods can also be ex-
pressed in terms of longitude of Moon as given in table below.
Table 2.6; Visha Nadi - When Moon transits the following
Longitudes - the period should be avoided for good election

Signs Long of Moon to be avoided for Vishanadi dosha

Aries 11 6'40 to 12° (Ashwini 50th ehati to 54th ehati) (0-15)
Aries I8°40' to |9"33'20" (Bharani 24th to 28th ghati)
Taurus to 4,'1370" (Kritika 30th to 34th ghati)
Taurus irS3'20" to 1W40" (Rohini 40th to 44th ghati)
Taurus 26"26'40" lo (Mrig. 14th to 18th ghati)
Gemini 11 "20'to IZ'U'ZO" (Ardra 21 si to 25th ghati)
Gemini 26°40' to 27°33'20" (Punarvashu 30th to 34th ghati)
Cancer 7"46'40" to 8"40' (Pushya 20th to 24th ghati)
Cancer 23°46'40" to 24°40' (Ashlesha 32nd to 36th ghati)
16 Muhurta

Signs Long of Moon to be avoided for Vishanadi dosha

Leo to 7,>33'20" (Magha 30th to 34th ghati)
Leo ! 7o46'40" to 18o40' (Poorva Falguni 20th to 24th ghati)
Virgo 0o40' to 1°33'20" (Uttara Falguni 18lh to 22nd ghati)
Virgo 14°40' to 15°33'20" (Hasta 21st to 25th ghati)
Virgo 2r46'40' to 28 40' (Chitra 2 Oil to 24th ghati)
Libra 9o46'40 to KTW (Swati 14tti to 18th ghati)
Libra 23<'6,40" to 24° (Vishakha 14th to 18th ghati)
Scorpio 5 3370" to (,°2b'W (Anuradha 10th to 14th ghati)
Scorpio l^e^O" to 20°40' (Jyestha 14th to 18th ghati)
o <
Saggittarius 12 26'40" to I3 70' (Moola 56th to 60th ghati)
Saggitarius I^O' to 19o3370" (Poorvashada 24th to 28th ghati)
Capricorn lo6'40" to 2° (Uttarashada 20th to 24th ghati)
Capricorn 12 I370" to (Shravana 10(h to 14th ghati)
o o
Capricorn 25 3370" to 26 26'40" (Dhanistha 10th to 14th ghati)
Aquarius 10°40' to 1 !°33'20" (Shatbhisha 18th to 22nd ghati)
o <
Aquarius 23 3370" to 24 76'40" (Poorva bhadrapad 16th to 20th ghati)
Pisces 8°40' to 9°33'20" (Uttara bhadrapad 24th to 28th ghati)
Pisces 23'20' to 24" 1370" (Revati 30th to 34th ghati)

Day is from one sunrise to another sunrise. Each day is alloted
to a planet e.g. Sunday to Sun, Monday to Moon, Tuesday to Mars,
Wednessday to Mercury, Thursday to Jupitar, Friday to Venus and
Saturday to Saturn.
Out of these Tuesday and Saturday are wholly malefic and Sun-
day is partially malefic. These are also classified like Nakshatras as
Sunday - Dhruva-Sthira (Fixed and Constant)
Monday - Char-chal (movable)
Tuesday - Ugra-Kroora (Aggressive and Cruel)
Basic Components of Muhurta 17
Wednesday - Mishra (Mixed)
Thursday - Kshipra-Laghu (Short & dynamic)
Friday - Mridu Maitra (Gentle and Friendly)
Saturday - Tikshna-Darun (Volatile)
The days are suitable for all acts for which the nakshatras of
the same category are suitable like Sunday for tasks of fixed nature,
Monday for acts requiring movement or motion and so on.
Hora - If we divide the duration of day (Sunrise1 to Sunset)
into twelve equal parts and similarly divide the duration of night
(Sunset to Next Sunrise1 ) in to twelve equal parts we get 24 subdi-
visions of a day called Horas. There are twelve Horas in the day
and twelve in the night. First hora of the day is mled by the day
lord; next by lord of 6th day from the day lord and next by 6th from
that lord in the sequence. Like on Sunday first hora is of Sun next
is of Venus (6th from Sun) next is of mercury (6th from Venus) next
is of Moon (6th from Mercury) and so on. Lords of various horas
in different weekdays are given in Table.
Table 2.7; (Hora Lords on Various days)

Hora No. Sun- Mon- Tues- Wednes- Thurs- Fri- Satur-

day day day day day day day
1 Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat
2 Ven Sal Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup
3. Met Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar
4 Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun
5. Sal Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven
6 Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer
7 Mar Mer Jup Ven Sal Sun Mon
8 Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat
9 Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup
10 Met Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar

' Sunrise here means local Sunrise Thus day will start at different times at
different places and so will be the 'Hora'
18 Muhurta

Hora No. Sun Mon Tues Wednes Thurs Fri Satur

day day day day day day day
M. Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun
12 Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven
13. Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer
14. Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon
15. Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat
16. Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup
17. Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar
18. Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun
19. Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven
20. Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer
21. Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon
22. Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat
23 Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup
24. Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar

If a particular act has to be done on a particular day and one

can't wait till that day, the act can be started in the hora of the day
lord. For example if a particular act needs Friday, but it has urgent-
ly to be done on Sunday, then it can be started on Sunday in Venus
Hora (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd Hora).
If a day is not suitable for journey in a particular direction that
day lord's hora will also be unsuitable for such journey.
Yoga is formed by relative position of Sun and Moon in the
Zodiac. To put it mathematically
Yoga = (Moon's Longitude + Sun's Longitude) / IS^O'
This will give us the Yoga number. The yogas are 27 in
number. Their numbers and names are given below.
I. Vishkun bha 10. Ganda 19. Parigha
2 Preeti 11. Vriddhi 20. Shiva
Basic Components ofMuhurta 19
3. Ayushmaana 12. Dhniva 21. Siddha
4. Saubhagya 13. Vyaghata 22. Sadhya
5. Shobhana 14. Harshana 23. Shubha
6. Atiganda 15. Vajra 24. Shukla
7. Sukarma 16. Siddhi 25. Brahma
8. Dhriti 17. Vyatipaata 26. Indra
9. Shoola 18. Variyana 27. Vaidhriti
The names are suggestive of their nature. Malefic yogas No. I
(Vtshkumbha), 6. (Atiganda), 9. (Shoola), 10. (Ganda), 13. (Vyaghat).
15. (Vajra), 17. (Vyatipaata), 19. (Parigha) and 27. (Vaidhriti) are
particularly avoided in elections.
In malefic yogas also there are certain ghatis which are specif-
ically bad and are to be avoided in all good elections. Vyatipaata
and Vaidhriti are totally malefic. First 3 ghatis (I Hour 12 minutes)
of Vishkudmbha and Vajra; first half of Parigha yoga; first 5 ghatis
(2 hours) of Shoola yoga; first 6 ghatis (2 hours 24 minutes) of
Ganda and Atigand yogas and first 9 ghatis (3 hours 36 minutes) of
Vyaghata yoga are exceedingly inauspicious and are to be avoided
in all good elections. These ghatis are given taking average size of
yoga as 60 ghatis (24 hours) and are to be proportionately increased
on reduced depending on the exact time for which a yoga prevails.
See Table 2.8
Table 2.8: Malefic portion of Yogas to be avoided

Vogai Malefic part in Ghatis Malefic Part ii Hours

Vishkumbha first 3 ghatis First 1 Hour and 12 minutes
Gand First 6 ghatis First 2 Hours 24 minutes
Vyaghata First 9 ghatis First 3 Hours 36 minutes
Parigha First 30 ghatis First 12 Hours
Vyatipaata Full 60 ghatis Full 24 Hours
Atiganda First 6 ghatis First 2 Hours 24 minutes
Shoola First 5 ghatis First 2 hours
Vajra First 3 ghalis First 1 How 12 minutes
Vaidhriti Full 60 ghatis Full 24 Hours
20 Muhurta
If on a particular day Vishkumbha yoga prevails for 25 hours
then inauspicious period will be
{3'25)/24 = 75/24 3 ghatis IVi vighatis
Karana is one-half of a tithi. There are eleven Karanas out of
which four are fixed and seven are movable. Four fixed Karanas are
(i) Shakuni (ii) Chatuspada (hi) Naga and (iv) Kintughna. Second half
of Nth tithi in dark half (Krishna Chaturdashi) is Shakuni Karana.
1 st half of Amavashya is Chatuspada and 2nd half is Naga Karana
First half of First tithi of bright half (Shukla Pratipada) is allocated
to Kintughna. These four Karanas are considered inauspicious.
Seven movable Karanas are (i) Bava, (ii) Balava (hi) Kaulava
(iv) Taitha (v) Gara (vi) Vanija and (vii) Vishti. Starting &om the
2nd half of 1st tithi in the Bright half they come in order and each
Karana comes eight times in a lunar month. Various Karanas and
parts of the tithis ruled by them are given in table 2.9
Table 2.9; (Karanas)

Bright half Dark Half

Tithi Isl Half 2nd Half Tilhi First Half of Second Half of
of Tithi of Tithi Tithi Tithi
1 Kintughna Bava 16 Balav Kaulava
2. Balav Kaulav 17 Taitila Gar
3. Tailila Gar 18 Vanija Vishti1
4 Vanija Vishti* 19 Bav Balav
5 Bav Balav 20 Kaulava Tailila
6 Kaulava Taitila 21 Gar Vanija
i Gar Vanija 22 Visthi* Bav
8. Vishti* Bav 23 Balava Kaulava
9 Balava Kaulava 24 Taitila Gar
10 Taitila Gar 25 Vanija Vishti*
II Vanija Vishti* 26 Bav Balava
12 Bav Balav 27 Kaulava Taitila
12 kaulava Taitila 28 Gar Vanija
14 tiar Vanija 29 Vishti* Shakuni
i? Vishti* Bav 30 Chatushpada Naga
Basic Components of Muhurta 21

When Vishti Karana prevails it is called Bhadra and is consid-

ered inauspicious in election. As is evident from the table, Bhadra
Will be there in 2nd half of 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th tithi and first half
of 8th 15th, 22nd and 29th tithi in a lunar month.
Bhadra-Nivasa (Residence of Bhadra)
When moon is placed in 4, 5, 11, 12 rashis and at the same
time there is Bhadra then Bhadra is said to reside on Earth (mrityu
loka). When moon is placed in 1, 2, 3, 8 rashis at the time of
Bhadra then Bhadra is said to reside in Heaven (Swarga loka).
When at the time of Bhadra moon is in 6, 7, 9, 10 rashis Bhadra is
said to reside in Patala. Bhadra is said to give bad results in that
loka only where it resides. From the above it can be inferred that
Bhadra is inauspicious only when the moon is in 4, 5, 11, 12 signs
because then only it will reside in Mrityu loka or Earth.
Bhadra-Mukha-Puchha (Mouth & Tail of Bhadra)
To find out Bhadra-Mukha or mouth of Bhadra if we divide
the Vishti Karana in to four equal parts, calling it 1st quarter, n quar-
ter, HI quarter and IV quarter, then Bhadra-Mukha can be determined
as follows.
(1) Shukla Chaturthi & Krishna Charturdashi - The begin-
ning 5 ghatis (2 hours) of Vishti Karana is Bhadra-Mukha
(2) Shukla Ashtami & Krishna Dashami - the beginning 5
ghatis (2 hours) of 2nd quarter of Vishti Karana is Bhadra Mukha
(3) Shukla Ekadashi & Krishna Saptami - Beginning 5 ghatis
(2 hours) of 3rd quarter of Vishti Karana is Bhadra Mukha
(4) Shukla Poomima & Krishna Tritiya - Beginning 5 ghatis
(2 hours) of last quarter of Vishti Karana is Bhadra Mukha
Bhadra-mouth is considered inauspicious
To find out the tail of Bhadra similar division of Vishti Karana
in to four quarters is required and the following rules followed.
On Shukla Chaturthi & Krishna Chaturdashi - Last 3
ghatikas (I Hour 12 minutes) of last quarter of Vishti Karana
22 Muhurta
On Shukla Ashtami & Krishna Dashami - Last 3 ghatikas
(1 Hour and 12 minutes) of 1st quarter of Vishti Karana
On Shukla Ekadashi & Krishna Saptami - Last 3 ghatikas
(1 Hour and 12 minutes) of 2nd quarter of Vishti Karana
On Shukla Poornima & Krishna Tritiya - Last 3 ghatikas
(1 Hour and 12 minutes) of 3rd quarter of Vishti Karana is called
the tail of Bhadra and is considered auspicious & benefic
Note: The above measure of 5 ghatikas and 3 ghatikas of
mouth and tail of Bhadra is based on average size of a tithi i.e. 60
ghatikas. With any increase or discrease in the tithi size proportion-
ate change has to be made.
When Bhadra b Auspicious
Bhadra is considered auspicious for Jaatkarma Samskara, bar-
ter transactions, Cooking, Yagna, to present some thing to the king,
Propitation or 'Pujana' of lord Shiva and Parvati, 'Hari talika Pujan*
and 'Holika'.
Bhadra took birth from the body of lord Shiva. To avoid the
dosha caused by Bhadra one should resort to 'Shiva-Pujani*
(propitation of Lord Shiva).
Table 2.10: Bhadra Mouth and Tail (based on average time (12
hours) for which Bhadra prevails)

Tithis Shukla 4 Shukla 8 Shukla |] Shukla 15

Krishna 14 Krishna 10 Kiihnt 7 Krishna 3
Bhadra Starting 2 hours From 3rd bom From 6th to From 9th to 1 Idl hour
month of to 5th hour to 8th hour
Vishti Karana
Bhadra ending 1 hour From 1 hour From 4 hours From 7 hours 48 minute
Tail 12 minutes 48 minutes 4S minutes to 9th hour.
to 3rd hour to 6th Flour

There are four kinds of months which are generally used
(a) Solar month - This is based on Sun's entry in to various
nirayana signs. It prevails from one samkranti to another samkranti.
The names of various solar months starting from Sun's entry in par-
Basic Components of Muhurta 23
ticular signs are Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karkat, Simha, Kanya,
Tula, Vrischik, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha and Meena.
Solar month is used in all sixteen samskaras, Yagnas, giving
and taking loan and such other activities.
(b) Lunar month - Two types of lunar months are in use in
India. One is Shukladt-ffom one new moon to another new moon,
another is Krishnadi-from one full moon to another full moon. Former
is main, but depending on geographical area both types of months
are in use. Like in certain parts of North India Krishnadi system is
followed. Names of various lunar months are - Chaitra, Vaishakha,
Jyestha, Ashada, Shravana, Bhadrapada, Ashwina, Kartika,
Margsheersha, Pausha, Magha and Falguna.
New year starts from Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (1st tithi of bright
half of Chaitra months). For those who follow 'Shukladi System'
Chaitra Shukla is followed by Chaitra Krishna then by Vaishakha
Shukla and so on. For those who follow 'Krishnadi' system Chaitra
Shukla is followed by Vaishakha Krishna then by Vaishakha Shukla
and so on. Chaitra Krishna in Krishnadi system will fall in previous
For starting fasts, 'Sraddha', construction and entry in to new
house and other 'tithi related matters' (e.g. celebrating birth day) lu-
nar month is used.
(c) Sawana month - Taking one day equal to time from one
sunrise to another "Sunrise a sawana month consists of 30 days. It is
used for deciding age, period of pregnancy, 'prayaschita' (self pun-
ishment for Sins Committed) and such other matters.
(d) Nakshatra Month - It is based on moon's transit over 27
nakshatras and is used for "nakshatra shanti", specific yagnas and for
certain mathematical calculations relating to nakshatras.
Kshaya-Masa (Loss of a Month)
When there are two samkrantis (solar ingresses) between two
new moon days it is called 'Kshaya-Masa'. It is a rare event.
Adhika-Masa (Increased month)
When there is no solar ingress between two new moon days it
is called 'Adhika Masa' and this will happen once in three years.
24 Muhurta
For example if there is no solar ingress in 'Bhadrapad month', the
month will have 'Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha' first, then 'Bhadrapad
Krishna Adhika' then 'Bhadrapad Shukla Adhika' and then
'Bhadrapad Krishna'. Thus there will be two months of the same
name with 'Adhika Masa' falling in between. This is also called
By introducing the concept of 'Kshaya' and 'Adhika' months
we are actually adjusting a lunar year for solar movements and thus
making it a 'luni-solar year' which is most commonly used in
'Kshaya' and 'Adhika' months are not avoided for routine mat-
ters, sanskaras related to pregnancy, taking holy bath, regular dona-
tions, first annual 'sraddha', 'monthly sraddha' and service of the
'Kshaya' and 'Adhika' months are avoided for all such acts
which are avoided when Jupiter and/or Venus are Combust i.e. for
all sanskaras after 'Annaprasana' (first feeding), for all construction
activities, for entering in to a house, for major donations ('Maha
dana'), for first visit to a holy place or a foreign country, for start-
ing fasts, for 'Deva-Pratistha' and for second annual 'sraddha'.
Uttarayana and Dakshinayana (Sun's Northemly and Southernly
After Sun's entry in to Capricorn till it enters Cancer it is called
Uttarayana (i.e. Sun placed in signs from Capricorn to Gemini).
Uttarayana is considered generally favourable for all auspicious
After Sun's entry into Cancer till it enters Capricorn it is called
'Dakshinayana' (i.e.. Sun placed in signs from Cancer to Saggitarius)
Dakshinayana is generally unfavourable for starting auspicious acts.
Ascendant is one of the most important components of muhurta
which is often neglected in actual practice. Ram Daivagna in his
Muhurta Chintamani has clearly stated that even where other favour-
able conditions are not present a properly chosen lagna will remove
the defects created by other components of muhurta or by presence
of malefic yogas. Thus lagna rising at the time of commencement
Basic Components of Muhurla 25
of an act with position of planets in various houses needs due atten-
tion as it rightfully deserves.
Choice of proper lagna and placement of planets will differ with
change in the nature of activity to be started. But following general
points must be kept in mind.
(i) Nature of signs
Nature of activity should be matched with nature of signs. Choose fixed
signs (2/5/8/11 rashis) for activities of fixed nature like construction. Coro-
nation, entering in to a new house, marriage and the like; chose movable
signs (1/4/7/10 rashis) for activities needing motion e.g., journey, riding,
driving, starting business and so on.

Similarly male signs (odd signs) are preferred as lagnas for conception,
punsavan, acts needing aggression (because male signs are cruel as well)
and the like. Female signs (even signs) can be used for sober activities,
fine arts, making and wearing cloths and ornaments and such other activi-
ties. other characteristics of signs should also be considered e.g., Sirsodaya
(3/5/6/7/8/11) as benefic signs. Pristhodaya as malefic signs or divisions
of signs in to Fiery, Earthy. Airy and watery signs.

To put in brief - nature of sign should match nature of activity

(ii) In a muhurta lagna benefics placed in kendras (1/4/7/10
houses) Trikonas (5/9 houses) and malefics placed in 3/6/11 houses
are considered auspicious
(iii) Strength of Lagna, and strength of the house to which the
activity relates must be ensured.



THIS chapter is aimed at discussing various auspicious and in-

auspicious yogas formed by combination of various components of
Panchanga and some other general considerations to be kept in mind
for selecting a proper moment to start on act.

Combination of Tithi and Day

Siddha Yoga
Nanda Tithi (1,6, II) and Friday; Bhadra Tithi (2, 7, 12) and
Wednesday; Jaya Tithi (3, 8, 13) and Tuesday; Rikta Tiithi (4, 9,
14) and Saturday and Pooma Tithi (5, 10, 15, 30) and Thursday if
found together, a benefic yoga called Siddha Yoga is formed.

Mrityu Yoga
Nanda Tithis Combining with Sunday or Tuesday; Bhadra Tithis
combining with Friday or Monday; Jaya Tithis Combining with
Wednesday; Rikta Tithis Combining with Thursday and Pooma Tithis
combining with Saturday form an inauspicious yoga called Mrita or
Mrityu Yoga which is to be avoided in all good elections and spe-
cially in journey.

Kakracha Yoga
Saturday and 6th tithi; Friday and 7th tithi; Thursday and 8th
tithi; Wednesday and 9th tithi; Tuesday and 10th tithi; Monday and
I ith tithi, Sunday and 12th tithi in combination form a malefic yoga
called Kakracha Yoga. In other words when total of day and tithi is
equal to thirteen, this yoga is formed and it is to be avoided in aus-
picious elections.
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 27
Samvartaka Yoga
1st tithi (Pratipada) on Wednesday and 7th tithi (Saptami) on
Sunday forms a malefic yoga called Samvartaka Yoga.
Dagdha Yoga
Sunday and 12th tithi, Monday and 11th tithi; Tuesday and 5th
tithi; Wednesday and 3rd tithi; Thursday and 6th tithi; Friday and
8th tithi; Saturday and 9th tithi in combination form Dagdha yoga
which is malefic and is to be avoided in all good elections and spe-
cially in journey.
Visha Yoga
Sunday and 4th tithi; Monday and 6th tithi; Tuesday and 7th
tithi; Wednesday and 2nd tithi; Thursday and 8th tithi; Friday and
9th tithi and Saturday and 7th tithi form a malefic Yoga called Visha
(poison) yoga and is to be avoided in all good elections and spe-
cially in journey.
Note: Wednesday and 2nd tithi form both SiddM Yoga (a benefic
yoga) and Visha Yoga (a malefic yoga). When a benefic yoga co-
exists with a malefic yoga the results of benefic yoga will prevail
(Muhurta Chintamanl Ch. 1 Shloka 42)
Hutashana Yoga
Sunday and 12th tithi; Monday and 6th tithi; Tuesday and 7th
tithi; Wednesday and 8th tithi; Thursday and 9th tithi; Friday and
10th tithi and Saturday and 11th tithi form a malefic yoga called
Hutashana yoga and it is to be avoided in all good elections and spe-
cially in journey.
Note: Sunday and 12th tithi also form Kakracha and Dagdha Yoga,
Monday and 6th tithi form Visha Hutashana Yogas, Tuesday and
7th tithi form Visha & Hutashana Yogas, Wednesday and 8th tithi
form Hutashana as well as Mrityu yoga. Thursday and 9th tithi form
both Hutashana and Mrityu yoga.
28 Muhurta
Table 3.1; Yogas formed by Tithi & Day
NP«y Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday
Siddha X X Jaya Bhadra Pooma Nanda Rikta
Yoga (3.8.13) (2.7.12) ( (1,6,11) (4.9.14)
Mrityu Nanda Bhadra Nanda Jaya Rilda Bhadra Pooma
Yoga (1.6.11) (27.12) (1.6,11) (3.8.13) (4,9,14) (2.7.12) (5,10,1530
Kakrach 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
Samvartek 7 X X 1 X X X
Dagdha 12 11 5 3 6 8 9
Visha 4 6 7 2 8 9 7
Hutashana 12 6 7 8 9 10 II

Combination of Day and Nakshatra

Amrita Siddhi Yoga

Sunday and Hasta; Monday and Mrigshira; Tuesday and

Ashwini; Wednesday and Anuradha; Thursday and Pushya; Friday and
Revati and Saturday and Rohini form benefic Yoga and out of the
above Gum-Pushya yoga is specially praised. An act started in these
yogas will lead to success without obstmctions.

Note: Tuesday-Ashwini Combination should be avoided in

Muhurta for entering a house and house constmction. Saturday-Rohim
Combination should be avoided in journey and similarly Thursday-
Pushya Combination should be avoided in marriage.

Moreover if Sunday+Hasta falls on 5th tithi; Monday+Mrigshira falls on

6th tithi; Tuesday+Ashwini falls on 7th tithi Wednesday+Anuradha falls
on 8th tithi; Thursday+Pushya falls on 9th tithi; Friday+Revati falls on
10th tithi and Saturday+Rohini falls on 11th tithi it becomes a malefic
yoga called Madhusarpisha yoga (combination of Honey & Poison) and
should be avoided in all good elections.
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 29
but day and tithi are forming a bad yoga that is why the name
Sarvartha Siddhi Yogas
The following combinations of days and nakshtras form
Sarvartha Siddhi Yogas which are benefic yogas for all purposes and
acts started in their yogas lead to success.

Day Nakshatras
Sunday Hasta, Moola. Uttaraphalguni. Uttarashada. Uttarabhadrapad. Pushya.
Monday Shravana. Rohini, Mrigshira. Pushya. Anuradha
Tuesday Ashwini, Uttarabhadrapad, Kritika, Ashlesha
Wednesday Rohini, Anuradha. Hasta. Kritika. Mrigshira
Thursday Revati, Anuradha, Ashwini. Punarvashu, Pushya
Friday Revati. Anuradha, Ashwini, Punarvashu, Shravana
Saturday Shravana. Rohini, Swati

These include all Amrila Siddhi yogas as described above apart from other
good yogas (p 29)
Dagdha Yoga
Bharani on Sunday; Chitra on Monday; Uttarashada on Tues-
day; Dhanistha on Wednesday; Uttarafalguni on Thursday; Jyestha on
Friday and Revati on Saturday form a malefic yoga called Dagdha
yoga and should be avoided in all good elections specially in jour-
Yamaghanta Yoga
Magha on Sunday; Vishakha on Monday; Ardra on Tuesday;
Moola on Wednesday; Kritika on Thursday; Rohini on Friday and
Hasta on Saturday form malefic yoga called yamaghanta yoga and
should be avoided in all good elections and specially in journey.
30 Muhurta
Table 3.2; Yogas formed by Day-Nakshatra Combination

Day Sunday Monday Tuesday WedMt Thursday Friday Saturday

Yogas day
Siddhi Hast* Mrigshira Ashwini Anuradha Pushya Revati Rohini
Sirvanh Hasta Shravana Ashwini Rohini Revati Revati Shravana
Siddhi Moola Rohini Uttara Anaadha Anuradha Anuradha Rohini
Yoga Three Mrig Bhadrapad Hasta Ashwini Ashwini Swati
Pushya Pushya Kritika Kritika Panarvashu PmpviEttu
Ashlesha Anuradha Ashlesha Mrig Pushya Shravana
Dagdha Bharani China Uttara Dhani Uttara Jyestha Revati
Yoga shada SUM phalguni
Yana Magha Vishakha Ardra Moola Kritika Rohini Hasu
Madhu Hasu Mrig Ashwini Anuradh Pushya Revati Rohini
Sarpish + V + + -»• • +
5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
Tithi Tltiii Tithi Tithi Tithi THhi Tithi

Malefic combination formed by THW & Month (Man Shoonya Tithis)

The following combinations of month and tithi fomr a malefic
yoga and should be avoided in all good elections. These are called
Masa-Shoonya Tithis (Zero Tithis of a month)
Table 3.3;

Moath Malefic Tithis of Malefic Tttht* af

Bricht half Dark half
Chaitra 8/9 8/9
Vaishakha 12 12
Jyestha 13 14
Ashada 7 6
Srawan 3/2 3/2
Bhadrapad 1/2 1/2
Ashwina 10/11 10/11
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 31

Month Malefic Tithis of Malefic Tithis of

Bright half Dark half
Kartika 14 5
Margsheersha 7/8 7/8
Pausha 4/5 4/5
Magha 2 5
Falguna 3 4

Malefic combination formed by Month and Nakshatra

The following combinations of Month and Nakshatra form a
malefic Yoga and if these are chosen for starting an act it will re-
sult in loss of wealth.
Table 3.4: Masa Shoonya nakshatras

Month Malefic nakshatras Month Malefic nakshatras

Chaitra Ashwini. Rohini Ashwina Poorvabhadrapad
Vaishakha Chilra. Swati Kartika Kritika, Magha
Jyestha littarashada, Pushya Margsheersha Chitra. Vishakha
Ashada Poorvafalguni. Dhanistha Pausha Ardra, Ashwini
Srawan littarashada, Shravana Magha Shravana, Moola
Bhadrapad Shatbhisha, Revati Falguna Bharani, Jyestha

These are also called 'Masa-Shoonya' nakshatras

Malefic Combinations formed by Month and Moon sign
In a particular month, moon's transit in a particular rashi will
form a malefic yoga called 'Masa-Shoonya Rashis'. The combina-
tions of month and moon-sign forming this malefic yoga are given
in table 3.5.
32 Muhurta
Table 3.5; 'Masa-Shoonya Rashi'

Month Month's transit in Month Month's transit in

Chaitra Aquarius Ashwina Scoripio
Vaishakha Pisces Kartika Libra
Jyestha Taurus Margsheersha Saggitarius
Ashada Gemini Pausha Cancer
Shravana Aries Magha Capricorn
Bhadrapad Virgo Falguna Leo

All auspicious acts should be avoided in above combinations

otherwise it will adversely affect the wealth and family of the na-
Malefic combination formed by Tithi and Nakshatra
Combination of Pratipada-Uttarashada; Dwitiya-Anuradha;
Tritya-All three Uttaras; Panchami-Magha; Shasthi-Rohini; Saptami-
Hasta or Moola; Ashtami-Poorva-Bhadrapad; Navami-Kritika;
Ekadashi Rohini; Dwadashi-Ashlesha and Triyodashi-Chitra or Swati
are called Tithi-Shoonya Nakshatras" and are considered inauspicious.
Malefic combination formed by Tithi and Lagna
The following combinations ofTithis and Lagnas will be called
'Tithi Shoonya Lagnas' and should be avoided in auspicious elec-
Pratipada - Libra, Capricorn Lagnas
Tritiya - Leo, Capricorn Lagnas
Panchami - Gemini, .Virgo Lagnas
Saptami - Saggitarius, Cancer Lagnas
Navami - Cancer, Leo Lagnas
Ekadashi - Saggitarius, Pisces Lagnas
Triyodoshi - Taurus, Pisces Lagnas
Note: 'Masa Shoonya Tithis' and 'Tithi Shoonya Lagnas' are
malefic only in 'madhya-desha' i.e in all regions falling between
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 33
Himalayas in the North, Vindhyachala in the South, Prayaga in the
East and Saraswati river (Rajasthan) in the West - This will cover
Rajasthan, Delhi, certain areas of Uttar Pradesha falling West of
Prayaga; Punjab, Himanchal and some areas of Madhya Pradesha.
With various combinations of Days and nakshatras twenty eight
yogas are formed. The names and nature of these yogas are given

1. Ananda (benefic)
2. Kaaldanda (malefic)
3. Dhumra (malefic)
4. Dhata (benefic)
5. Saumya (benefic)
6. Dhwansha (malefic)
7. Ketu (benefic)
8. Srivatsa (benefic)
9 Vajra (malefic)
10, Mudgara (Malefic)
II. Chhatra (benefic)
12 Mitra (benefic)
13. Manas (benefic)
14 Padma (malefic)
15. Lumba (malefic)
16 Utpaata (malefic)
17. Mrityu (malefic)
18 Kaana (malefic)
19, Siddhi (benefic)
20. Subha (benefic)
21. Amrita (benefic)
34 Muliirta
22. Mushala (malefic)
23. Gada (malefic)
24. Matanga (malefic)
25. Raksha (malefic)
26. Chara (benefic)
27. Susthira (benefic)
28. Pravardhamana (benefic)

These yogas will be counted in order on different days

Sunday + Ashwni in order
Monday + Mrigshira in order
Tuesday + Ashlesha in order
Wednesday + Hasta & in order
Thursday + Anuradha & in order
Friday + Uttarashada & in order
Saturday + Shatbhisha & in order give yogas from Ananda in
order. For example on Wednesday we have to start with Hasta.
Wednesday + Hasta will give Ananda Yoga, Wednesday + Chitra will
give kaaldanda Yoga; Wednesday & Swati will give Dhumra yogas
& so on in order. To make it simple for the reader various combi-
nations by which these yogas are formed are given in table 3.6.
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 35
Table 3.6: Benefic & Malefic Combinations

No. Yoga Nature Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1. Ana B Ash Mri Ashl Has Anu U.Sha Shat
2. Kal M Bha Ard Milk Chi Jye Abh P-Bha
3. Dim M Kri Pun P.Fal Swa Moo Sra U.Bha
4. Dhala B Roh Pus UttFal Vis P.Sha Dha Rev
5. Sau B Mri Ash Has Anu U5ha Sha Ash
6. Dhw M Ard Milk Chi Jye Abh RBha Bha
7. Ket B Pun P.Fal Swa Moo Sra U-Bha Kri
8. Sri B Pus U.Fal vis P5ha Dha Rev Roh
9. Vaj M Ash Has Anu U.Sha Sha Ash Mri
10. Mud M Milk Chi Jye Abh RBha Bha Ard
11. Chh B P.Fal Swa Moo Sra U.Bha Kri Pun
12. Mil B U.Fal Vis P.Sha Dha Rev Roll Pus
13. Man B Has Anu U.Sha Sha Ash Mri Ash
14. Pad M Chi Jye Abh P-Bha Bha Ard Milk
IS. Lum M Swa Moo Sra U.Bha Kri Pun RFal
16. Dtp M Vis P.Sha Dha Rev Roh Pus U.Fal
17. Mri M Ann U-Sha Sha Ash Mri Ash Has
18 Kaa M Jye Abh P.Bha Bha Ard Milk Chi
19. Sid B Moo Sra U-Bha Kri Pun P.Fal Swa
20. Shu B I'.Sha Dha Rev Roh Pus U.Fal Vis
21. Amr B U-Sha Sha Ash Mri Ash Has Anu
22. Mus M Abh P.Bha Bha Ard Muk Chi Jye
23. Gad M Sra U.Bha Kri Pun P.Fal Swa Moo
24. Mat B Dha Rev Roh Pus U.Fal Vis P-Sha
25. Rak M Sha Ash Mri Ash Has Anu U5ha
26. Cha B P-Bha Bha Ard Milk Chi Jye Abh
27. Sus B U Bha Kri Pun P-Fal Swa Moo Sra
28. 1'i-a B Rev Roh Pus U.Fal Vis P.Sha Dha
36 Muhurta
Yogas formed by combination of Tithi, Vaar and Nakshatra
(a) Tri Pushkara Yoga
If on a Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday there is Bhadra Tithi
(2, 7, 12 tithi) and at the same time any one of Vishakha,
Uttaraphalguni, Poorvabhadrapad, Punarvasu, Kritika and Uttarashada
nakshatras is prevailing it will form Tripushkara Yoga and any good
or bad event taking place in this yoga will have a tendency to re-
peat itself three times. So this yoga should be avoided for all those
occassions when one can't say, "many happy returns of the day".
(b) Dwipushkara Yoga
It is formed by combination of Bhadra Tithi (2, 7, 12), malef-
ic Days (Sunday, Tuesday, and Saturday) and Dwipaad nakshatras
(Dhanistha, Chitra, Mrigshira). Good or bad event taking place in this
yoga will have a tendency to repeat itself two times.
In formation of above yogas two variables are similar i.e.
Bhadra Tithi and Malefic Day. Tripushkara yoga requires the pres-
ence of Tripaad nakshatra (all nakshatras of Sun and Jupiter having
three quarters in one sign and one quarter in another sign) and
Dwipushkara yoga requires the presence of Dwipaad nakshatras (all
nakshatras of Mars having two quarters in one sign and two quar-
ters in another sign)
Yogas formed by Positions of Sun & Moon Individually and
(i) Panchaka
When moon transits through kumbha and Meena (Second half of
Dhanistha, Shatbhisha, P.Bhadrapad U.Bhadrapad and Revati nakshtras)
it is called Panchaka, panchaka should be avoided for cremation. Travel-
ling to South direction, weaving cots, accumulating wood and grass and
thatching of roof.
If a deadbody is cremated in Panchaka proper "Panchaka
Shanti" should be done otherwise it is said to lead to five deaths in
the same family*.

* This has to be tested but we have observed that in such cases some bad
fncidents do take place in the family including death of near relatives in certain cases.
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 37

(ii) Baana
This is also called Panchaka but it is based on longitude of Sun
and there are five types of Baanas or Panchakas called Roga, Agni,
Nripa, Chora and Mrityu. The method of calculation is as follows.
Roga Baana - Add 6 (Six) to Sun's degrees and divide by
nine. If we get the remainder 5 it is Roga Baana.
Agni Baana - Add three to Sun's degrees and divide by nine.lf
we get the remainder 5 it is Agni baana
Nripa Baana - Adding one to Sun's degrees and dividing by
nine if we get the remainder 5 it is called Nripa Baana
Chora Baana - Adding eight to Sun's degrees and dividing by
nine if we get 5 as remainder it is Chora Baana.
Mrityu Baana - Adding four to Sun's degrees and dividing
by nine if we get 5 as remainder it is called Mrityu Baana.
To put it in simple words; If sun is in
8, 17, 26 degrees in any sign it is Roga baana; in
2, 11, 20, 29 degrees in any sign it is Agni baana; in
4, 13, 22 degrees in any sign it is Nripa baana,; in
6, 15, 24 degrees in any sign it is Chora baana in
1, 10, 19, 28 degrees in any sign it is Mrityu baana.
Roga baana should be specifically avoided in thread ceremony
(Upnayana); on Sunday's and at night time. Agni baana should be
avoided in House Construction; on Tuesdays and at all times in the
day, Nripa baana should be avoided for government service; on Sat-
urday and at day time. Chora baana should be avoided in journey;
on Tuesdays and at night times and Mrityu baana should be avoided
in marriage on Wednesdays and at two junctions of day and night.
The above discussion has been summarised in the table below.

Baana Roga Agni Nripa Chora Mrityu

Sun's 8 2 4 6 1
degrees 17 11 13 15 10
26 20 22 24 19
29 28
Time to be Night All Day Night Two Junctions
avoided times of day & night
Day to be Sunday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday
Occassions Upnayana House Service of Journey Marriage
to be avoided Construction the king
38 Muhurta
In Maharastra a different method is followed for calculation of
various baanas at the time of marriage. Adding Tithi and marriage
lagna and dividing it by nine if we get the remainder as eight it is
Roga baana; if the remainder is two it is Agni baana; if the remain-
der is four it is Nripa baana; if the remainder is six it is Chora baana
and if the remainder is one it is mrityu baana; For example if a mar-
riage is to take place on 10th tithi in Dhanu lagna we have to add
10 and 9 we get 19, dividing by 9 we get remainder 1 (one), it is
Mrityu baana and is not good for marriage. This is followed only in
Maharastra and it should not be seen at other places. (Mu. Chi Sh.
72 Ch. 6)
(iii) Holashtaka
For places on the banks of river Vyas, Ravi and Satlaj (all in
Punjab) and in Pushkar Area (Ajmer) eight days before Holika, that
is, from Falguna Shukla Ashtami to Falguna Shukla Poomima, should
be avoided in marriage and other auspicious ceremonies. This is called
(iv) Aada) Yoga
If Moon's nakshatra is 2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th
from Sun's nakshatra on a particular day it is called Aadal Yoga and
is to be avoided for military activities, agricultural works and works
related to stones. This dosha will not be harmful for marriage & other
samskaras. Counting will be done including Abhijit nakshatra.
For example, if Sun is in Rohini then Moon's transit through
Mrigshira (2nd);^^1agha (7th) Uttara falguni (9th), Anuradha (14th),
Moola (16th) Dhanistha (21st), Poorva Bhadrapad (23rd) and Kritika
(28th) will form Aadal Yoga.
(v) Vidal Yoga
Count from Sun's Nakshatra to Moon's nakshatra (including
Abhijit) and divide the number by seven, if the remainder is three
or six it will form a malefic yoga called vidal and gives failure in
the venture undertaken in this yoga.
For example if Sun is in Rohini and Moon in Hasta nakshtra.
Counting from Sun's nakshtra to Moon's nakshtra we get ten, divid-
ing it by seven we get the remainder-3, that means there is Vidal
Yoga on that day.
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 39
To put it in other words if Moon's nakshatra is 3rd, 6th, 10th,
13th, 17th, 20th, 24th, 27th from Sun's nakshatra it will form Vidal
(vi) Ravi Yoga
If Moon's nakshtra is 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 13th and 20th from
Sun's nakshatra it will form Ravi Yoga which is benefic and has the
power to destroy all malefic effects.
If we see carefully, where Moon's nakshtra is 9th from Sun's
nakshtra it is Aadal yoga (malefic) as well as Ravi yoga (benefic).
Similarly if Moon's nakshatra is 6th, 10th, 13th, 20th from Sun's
nakshatra it is Vidal yoga (malefic) as well as Ravi yoga (benefic).
When on a day both malefic and benefic yogas are present the re-
sults of benefic yogas will prevail (Mu. chin, ch. 1 shloka 42)
The nakshatra in which full solar or lunar eclipse occurs should
be avoided for all auspicious acts for a period of six months. The
nakshatra in which half solar or lunar eclipse occurs should be avoid-
ed for three months and the nakshatra in which a quarter solar or
lunar eclipse occurs should be avoided for a period of one month
for all auspicious acts.
If eclipsed Sun or Moon sets, then three days before eclipse
and if echpsed Sun or Moon rises, then three days after eclipse should
be avoided for all auspicious acts.
If eclipse takes place at any other time three days before eclipse
the day of eclipse, and three days after eclipse should be avoided
for all auspicious acts.
Nakshatra through which a malefic planet has transited; the
nakshatra in which a malefic planet is transiting and the nakshatra
in which a malefic planet is about to enter should be avoided for all
auspicious acts. For example, when Mars is transiting in Rohini one
should avoid Kritika, Rohini and Mrigshira nakshatras for auspicious
elections. These nakshatras will get rid of their maleficience when
moon retransits through these nakshatras.
40 Muhurta
Similarly a nakshatra in which a planetary fight takes place; A
nakshatra suffering vedha of malefics in Panchsalaka or Saptasalaka
chakra should also be avoided for auspicious elections (See chapter
on marriage).
When Jupiter and Venus come close to Sun they get combust
and the time is not considered favourable for starting certain activi-
ties. The following acts should be avoided during combustion of Ju-
piter or Venus.
1. Construction of house and entering in to a new house.
2. Digging of wells, ponds. Tanks, Tubewells and the like.
3. Garden laying
4. Starting and ending of fasts or vow.
5. Ten "Maha-danas" (Donations which are considered very
auspicious). According to Koorma Purana Donating Gold, Horse,
(Tilapaatra), Naga, Maid servant. Vehicle, Land, House, Kanya-Dana,
Cow, these ten come under "Maha-danas" and should not be done
when Jupiter or Venus are combust.'
6. 'SomaYagna'
7. "Prana Pratistha"
8. Deeksha (Taking Mantra from Guru)
9. All Samskaras after Annaprasana e.g. Karn-vedha (ear
boaring) Mundana (tonsure), Upnayana (Thread ceremony). Marriage,
Keshantha, (First Shaving), Veda arambh, Samavartana (A holy bath
indicative of completion of education and bachelorhood) etc.
10. Combustion of Jupiter and Venus is not Considered for pre-natal
Samskaras and Samskaras of childhood which are to be performed when
child is of a particular age, like jatkarma, Naam Karana (name giving
ceremony) Niskramana, Anna prasana etc. But if these Sainkaras are not
performed at that particular age which is recommended for these then
Jupiter -Venus Combustion should be avoided for performing these de-
laved samskaras.
11. Coronation
12. First meeting with the king.
13. First visit to a holy place (A place where one has not gone
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 41
14. First visit to a foreign country (A country which one has
not visited earlier)
15. Havana, Yagna
All the above acts should not be performed in Jupiter-Venus
Combustion and in a Kshaya Masa or Adhika Masa.
Moreover before getting combust and after rising, for some days
a planet becomes weak. There are different opinions about the number
of days before combustion and after rising for which a planet re-
mains weak. At least three days before combustion and three days
after rising of Jupiter and Venus should also be avoided for all those
acts which are avoided in Jupiter, Venus Combustion as the planets
are weak like very old man or a just bom child.
Some learned say that all acts which are avoided in Jupier-Ve-
nus Combustion should also be avoided when Jupiter transits Leo or

Jupiter in Leo is considered particularly inauspicious when it is in Magha

nakshatra or first quarter ofPoorvafalguni (4/0a0/ to 4/16o400

Moreover Jupiter in Leo is considered specifically inauspicious

for places falling between Ganga & Godavari Rivers (i.e. South of
Ganga and North of Godavari)
When Sun is transiting in Aries (Mid April to mid May) the
malefic effects of Jupiter in Leo will be nullified.
Jupiter in Leo sign and Leo navamsha (i.e. between II^O' to
16o40' of Leo) should be specifically avoided for marriage and other
auspicious occassions at all places.
Jupiter in Capricorn being its debilitation sign is generally con-
sidered inauspicious. Malefic effects of Jupiter in Capricorn will be
more in Magadha region (Southern Bihar), Konkana (Kanara,
Ratnagir, Kolaba, Bombay, Thana etc.), Gaudha Region (Central
bengal and Orissa) and Modem Bombay. For other places Jupiter in
Capricorn is considered medium.
42 Muhurta
Jupiter in Capricorn is not considered malefic for digging wells,
ponds, tanks and the like.
When Sun enters in to a particulars sign it is called samkranti. When
Sun enters dual signs (i.e. 3/6/9//12 rashis) the samkranti is called
Shadsheetyanan; when Sun enters Aries ar Libra the samkranti is
called 'Vishuva'; when Sun enters Capricorn the samkranti is called
'Saumyayan'; when Sun enters Cancer the Samkranti is called
'Yamyayan' and when Sun enters fixed signs (i.e. 2/5/8/11 rashis)
the samkranti is called "Vishnupada".
When Sun enters in to a new sign, sixteen ghatis (6 hours 24
minutes) before and sixteen ghatis (6 hours 24 minutes) after such
ingress is called "Punya-kala" and should be avoided for all auspi-
cious elections.
Some special rules for "Punya-Kalu"
1. If Sun enters Cancer at night time the "Punya Kala" will
be on second half of previous day
2. If Sun enters Capricorn at night time the 'Punya Kala'
will be on first half of the next day (i.e. the day following)
3. If Sun enters other signs (i.e. 1/2/3/5/6/7/8/9/11/12 rashis)
after Sun-set but before midnight the 'Punya Kala' will be on sec-
ond half of the previous day. if Sun enters these signs after mid-
night but before sun-rise the 'Punya-kala' will be on first half of next
4. If Sun enters a new sign exactly at midnight the
"Punyakala" will be on first half of next day as well as second half
of previous day.
5. Three ghatis (1 hour & 12 minutes) before sunrise and
three ghatis (I H 12 M) after sunset is called "Sandhya Kala". If
Sun enters Cancer sign at three ghatis before sunrise the 'Punya Kala'
will be on next day. If Sun enters Capricorn at three ghatis after Sun-
set (evening Sandhya) the 'Punya Kala' will be on previous day. This
is an exception to rules given in (1) and (2) above.
'Punya kala' is inauspicious and should be avoided for all
elections. It is considered good for donations, prayers, Havanas and
such other rehgious activities.
General Auspicious and Inauspicious Yogas 43
Special Punya-Kala
When Sun enters 2/4/5/8/11 rashis, "Punya Kala" will be be-
fore Samkranti (for 16 ghatis before Samkranti); when Sun enters
1/7 rashis, "Punya kala" will be 8 ghati before and 8 ghatis after
Samkranti and when Sun enters 3/6/9/10/12 rashis the 'Punya Kala'
will be after the Samkranti (for 16 ghatis after samkranti). This rule
is applicable to Samkranti at day time i.e. when rules (1) to (5) giv-
en above are not applicable.


ONE of the important considerations in muhurta is the consid-

eration of various benefic and malefic transit positions of planets. This
transit is generally seen from natal moon sign or Janma Rashi of an
individual. In this Chapter various benefic transit positions of plan-
ets are discussed with their vedha positions or obstruction points.
Benefic transit positions and vedha positions of Sun:
Sun is considered auspicious while transiting in 3/6/10/11 houses
from natal moon provided it is not obstructed by any planet, except
Saturn, from 9/12/4/5 houses respectively counted from natal moon

Benefic Positions 3 6 10 1
Vedha Positions 9 12 4 5
Note: No vedha between Sun - Saturn.
Transit of Sun is considered in all muhurtas involving authori-
ty or king e.g. coronation, oath taking, meeting the king and such
other occasions. Sun's transit is also considered in marriage.
Sun transiting in other houses which are not auspicious will
have malefic effects only when it is debihtated, placed in inimical
signs or weak in Ashtaka varga. These variables should also be giv-
en importance while considering the strength of any planet in tran-
Benefic Transit positions of Moon and its Vedha positions
Moon gives benefic results while transiting in 3/6/10/11/1/7
houses from natal moon provided no planet, except mercury, is placed
in 9/12/4/8/5/2 houses respectively when counted from natal moon.

Benefic Positions 3 6 10 11 1 7
Vedha Positions 9 12 4 8 5 2
Transit of Planets 45
Note: No vedha between Moon - Mercury.
In bright half Moon will give auspicious results even if it is
transiting in 2/5/9 houses provided it is not suffering vedha from 6/
4/8 houses respectively from planets other than Mercury.

Additional Benefic Positions 2 5 9

in Bright half
Vedha Position 6 4 8

Other variables like placement in exaltation, own house, friends

house and strength in Ashtakvarga should also be considered.
Transit of moon is most important and is considered in all elec-
Note: From now onwards wherever the word Chandra Suddhi
is used it means ensuring strength of moon in transit.
A related aspect with 'chandra Shuddhi' is called "Tara
Shuddhi". Tara shuddhi has been discussed in detail in Chapter-2.
Proper Chandra and Tara Shuddhi is highly important for all
muhurtas. When moon is full or for days near full-moon day more
importance is given to Chandra Shuddhi. Similarly for days near new-
moon day more importance is given to 'Tara Shuddhi'. If one can
ensure both Chandra-bala and Tara bala it is the best.
In ail muhurtas relating to pregnancy (i.e. pre-natal samskaras),
marriage, menstruation etc. the Chandra-bala of female should be
seen. In other cases for couples living together, the Chandra-bala of
husband is to be considered. In all other cases the Chandra-Bala of
'Karta' (one who does) has to be seen. In house construction and
entering in to new house Chandra-bala of owner is must, but prefer-
ably one should see the Chandra-bala of all family members.
Benefic Transit Positions of Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and
their Vedha - positions.
Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu give auspicious results while
transiting in 3/6/11 houses from natal moon provided they are not
obstructed by planets transiting in 12/9/5 houses respectively.

Benefic Positions 3 6 11
Vedha Positions 12 9 5
46 Muhurta
Note; There will be no vedha between Sun and Saturn.
Placement in exaltation, own house, friends house, strong
navamsha and strength in Ashtakvarga will also give strength to the
planet concerned.
For all acts involving use of force e.g. war, dispute, court cas-
es and the like, strength of Mars is considered necessary. In taking
'Deeksha' (taking-mantra from the Guru) strength of Saturn is nec-
essary. For acts relating to the significations of these planets, strength
of these planets should be ensured.
Benefic Transit positions of Mercury A its Vedha positions
Mercury will give auspicious results while transiting in 2/4/6/
8/10/11 houses from natal moon provided it is not obstructed from
5/3/9/1/8/12 houses respectively by any planet except moon.

Benefic Position 2 4 6 8 10 11
Vedha Positions 5 3 9 1 8 12

Placement in exaltation, own house, friend's house, strong

navamsha and strength in Ashtakvarga will add to the strength.
Transit of Mercury should be considered in all educational
muhurtas and muhurtas relating to writing, architecture etc.
Benefic transit positions of Jupiter and its Vedha positions
Jupiter is considered auspicious while transiting in 2/5/7/9/11
houses from natal moon provided it is not suffering Vedha from any
planet transiting in 12/4/3/10/8 houses respectively.

Benefic Positions 2 5 7 9 11

Vedha Positions 12 4 3 10 8

Strength in Ashtakvarga or placement in exaltation, own house

friend's house and in strong navamsha will also contribute to the
strength of Jupiter.
Transit of Jupiter is considered in marriage, Upnayana',
Vedarambha and all educational samskaras.
Transit of Planets 47
Benefic Transit positions of Venus and its Vedha positions
Venus is auspicious while transiting in 1/2/3/4/5/8/9/11/12 hous-
es from natal moon provided it is not suffering Vedha from any plan-
et transiting in 8/7/1/10/9/5/11/3/6 houses respectively.

Benefic Positions 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 11 12

Vedha Position 8 7 1 10 9 5 11 3 6

Strength by placement in exaltation, own house, friends house,

strong navamsha and strength in Ashtakararga should also be con-
Transit of Venus is to be specifically seen for Journey. It can also be seen
for all muhurtas related to music, dance, drama, wearing clothes and or-
naments and the like.
If a planet is transiting in malefic positions from natal moon
but in otherwise strong by placement in exaltation, own house, friend-
ly house, strong navamsha or 'strong in Ashtakvarga its malefic ef-
fects will be reduced or even removed. Similarly if a planet is
transiting in a benefic place from natal moon but is otherwise weak
e.g. debilitated, placed in enemy's house, weak in navamsha and weak
in Ashtakvarga its beneficence will be reduced or even removed de-
pending on the degree of affliction.
A planet afflicted by malefics and/or hemmed between malefics
will also give adverse results. All these points must also be given
due importance for deciding the favourable or unfavourable nature
of transit of a particular planet.


SAMSKARA means a religious process of purification of human

being. It includes all those religious acts and processes which lead
to physical, psychological and intellectual refinement of an individu-
al so as to convert a crude animal in to a refined and developed hu-
man member of society.
In Hindu religion there are a number of samskaras prescribed
for an individual from conception to death and cremation. The most
popular sixteen samskaras are following:
Pre-natal samskaras
1. Garbhadhana on Conception
2. Punsavana
3. Seemanta - Unnayan
Samskaras of childhood
4. Jaat Karma
5. Naamkarana or name giving ceremony.
6. Niskramana or first coming out of house
7. Annaprasana or first feeding of child
8. Chudakarana or Tonsure
9. Karnavedha or ear boring
Educational samskaras
!0. a arambha or starting educatio
11. a or Thread ceremon
12. Vedaarambha or leamina Veda
Prc-Marriage Samskaras 49
13. Keshantha or First shaving after completing education
14. Samavartana or holy bath signifying completion of educa-
Other samskaras
In this Chapter all samskaras before marriage are discussed.
(i) Garbhadhana or Conception
This samskara ensures that conception, instead of being an ac-
cident, should be a pre-planned affair at an auspicious time with re-
ligious purity when a husband and wife meet for a definite object
of getting good progeny. This samskara is said to do away with all
impurities related to conception and reproductive system of female
so as to ensure the birth of a lucky and healthy child.
Muhurta for Conception
Time: Conception should be done between fourth and sixteenth
night fiom the day of menstruation. Conception on even nights
(i.e. 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, nights) is said to give male child*
conception on odd nights fiom menstruation is said to give female
child. Conceptions on 8th, 9th, I Oth, 12th, 14th, 15th and 16th nights
fiom the day of menstruation are specifically considered auspicious.
Nakshatras: Best nakshatras for conception are; all fixed
nakshatras (i.e. Uttarafalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and
Rohini), Mrigshira, Anuradha, Hasta, Swati, Shravana, Dhanistha and
Nakshatras to be specifically avoided are; all aggressive
nakshatras (i.e. Poorvafalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani
and Magha),all teekshna nakshatras (i.e. Moola, Jyestha, Ardra and
Ashlesha), Revati and kritika. Other nakshatras are medium.
Tithis: 1/2/3/5/7/10/12/13 tithis are good. Rikta tithis (4/9/14
tithis) 6th, 8th, 11th tithis, Amavashya and poomima are avoided. One
should also avoid Bhadra.
SO Muhurta
Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are good. Monday is me-
Lagna: Conception lagna should have benefics in Kendras and
Trikonas (1/4/7/10/5/9 houses) and malefics in 3/6/11 houses. Lagna
should be aspected by male planets (Sun Mars and Jupiter) and Moon
should be placed in odd navamsha.
To be avoided: Avoid Vyatipaat, Vaidhriti, first half of Parigha
yogas. Avoid Bhadra, malefic days, Tithi, Nakshatra and Lagna
Gandanthas. Ending one ghati (24 minutes) of pooma tithis (5/10/
15/30 tithis) and starting one ghati (24 minutes) of Nanda tithis (1/
6/11 tithis) are called tithi gandanthas. Ending half ghati (12 min-
utes) of 4/8/12 lagnas and starting half ghati (12 minutes) of 1/5/9
lagnas are called lagna gandanthas. Ending two ghatis (48 minutes)
of Jyestha, Revati and Ashlesha and starting two ghatis (48 minutes)
of Ashwini, Magha and Moola are called nakshatra gandanthas. Avoid
solar and lunar eclipse days, day time, Janma and Vadha Tara
(i.e. 1st, 10th, 19th, 7th, 16th and 25th nakshatras from Janma
nakshatra) of both male and female. Birth day of female, movable
signs as lagnas and lagnas occupied by malefics should be avoided.
Chandra and /or Tara baia: Proper Chandra and Tara shuddhi
for both male and female should be done.
A related sub ceremony is 'Nisheka' or first coitus. It should be done on
benefic days, benefic tithis, in Rohini, Mrigshira, Pushya, Hasta,
Uttarabhadrapad and Revati Nakshatras avoiding first three hours of night
in cheerful mood and friendly disposition.
(2) Punsavana or making potent
Punsavana means samskara performed with the objective of get-
ting male progeny and with the objective of preventing abortions.
Generally it is performed in the 2nd or 3rd month of the pregnancy.
Following considerations are necessary for deciding a proper time to
perform this samskara.
(a) Lord of Month of Pregnancy; The lord of month of preg-
nancy should be strong in transit (by placement in exaltation sign,
own sign, friend's sign or strong navamsha). Lords of various
months of conception are; first month -Venus; second month-Mars;
Third month-' p-ter; fourth month-Sun; fifth month-Moon; sixth
month-Satum; seventh month-Mercury; eighth month- lord of concep-
Pre-M am age Samskaras 51
tion lagna; ninth month-Moon and of tenth month is Sun.
(b) Nakshatras: Mrigshira, Pushya, Moola, Shravana,
Punarvasu, Hasta and all fixed nakshatras (i.e., Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini) are considered good.
(c) Tithis: 1/2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithis of both dark and bright half.
(d) Days: Male days, i.e., Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
(e) Lagna: Lagnas and navamshas of male signs (i.e., 1/3/5/7/
9/11 signs) with benefics in kendras and Trikonas (1/4/7/10/5/9 hous-
es) and malefics in 3/6/11 houses are considered auspicious.
(f) Proper Chandra Tara Shuddi for the pregnant woman is
an important requirement.
(3) Seemanta - Unnayan Samskara
It is a Samskara aimed at protecting the pregnant woman from
evil forces. The purpose is to emphasize the need to keep the preg-
nant woman happy (like by an act where the husband has to comb
the hair of his wife) as it will have a favourable impact on the child
in the womb. Certain other religious acts performed in this samskara
emphasize the need of proper care in the last two or three months
of pregnancy.
Seemanta samskara is performed in the sixth or eighth month
of pregnancy, when the lord of month of pregnancy is powerful in
transit, in same nakshatras, tithis, days and lagnas as are prescribed
for Punsavana samskara.
A related sub ceremony in Vishnu puja In the eighth month
of pregnancy, in Shravana, Rohini, Pushya nakshatras ; in 2/3/4/6/7/
9/12 rashis as lagnas with benefics occupying lagna and with no plan-
et positioned in eighth house, Vishnu-puja should be performed for
the safety of the child in the womb.
There is controversy about the above three pre-natal samskaras,
that is, whether these samskaras are 'Kshetra samskaras' (samskaras
of reproductive system of female) or whether these are 'Garbha
samskaras'(samskaras of child in the womb). Those who support the
former view prescribe that conception, Punsavana and Seemanta
samskaras should be performed at the time of first pregnancy only
because the Kshetra or the reproductive system of female will need
52 Muhurta
these samskaras only once. Those who support the latter view pre-
scribe performance of these samskaras at each pregnancy.
(1) Jaat Karma Samskara
Jaat Karma Samskara is performed before cutting the naval-
chord(i.e. before separating the child from the mother) and as such
needs no muhurta. Only when this samskara is not performed at the
time of 'Nabhi-bandhana' (cutting naval-chord) the need for chosing
the muhurta will arise and in that case it is generally performed with
Naamkarana (name giving ceremony).
First act in this samskara is 'Medha Janana' (literally means
producing intelligence) in which the father feeds the new bom child
honey and ghee with his 'anamika finger' and recites the following

3S 1^3: ^|: ^ Ctfftl crfr | |

(I give you all that is in this Earth or Space) Even at this

time father pronounces a name in the child's ear and this name is
kept secret.
In the second act the father pronounces the names of various
long living objects, thereby blessing the child with long life. After
that the father prays for long, valourus and pure life for the child.
Ultimately the naval-chord in cut and child is separated from moth-
er and is given mother's milk.
Breast feeding If breast feeding is started after Jaat karma no
specific muhurta is needed. If due to certain reasons breast feeding
is not done at the time of Jaat karma it can be started on 5th day or
in benefic tithis, days, avoiding Vyatipaat, Vaidhriti, Bhadra and Rikta
tithis. Best nakshatras are Punarvasu, Pushya, Mrigshira, Hasta,
Shravana and Revati.
(2) Naamkarma Samskara (name giving cermony)
If Jaat Karma is not performed in time it should be performed
with Naamkarma.
Pre-Marriage Samskaras 53
Both Jaat karma and Naam karana should be performed on 11 th
or 12th day of birth or according to family traditions. If this is done
no specific muhurta is needed.
If the above two samskaras are not performed in time follow-
ing considerations are necessary for chosing a proper muhurta.
Nakshatras All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, and Rohini), all movabile nakshatras
(Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all freindly
nakshatras ( i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha) and all short
nakshatras ( i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit) are considered
good for both Jaatkarma and Naamkarma.
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are good.
Tithis: 1/2/3/5/7/10/11/12/13 tithis.
To be avoided: Vyatipaat, Vaidhriti, Bhadra, Samkranti day and
Rikta tithis.
Lagnas: Lagnas and navamshas of 2/5/8/11/3/6/7/9 rashis
aspected or occupied by benefics, unaspected by malefics are con-
sidered good.
Proper chsndra and/or Tara bala for the child has to be
Five types of names are to be given to the child.
First name relating to family deity ( Kula- Deva)
Second name according to the deity of the month in which the
birth took place. For Margsheersha - Krishna; for Pausha - Ananta;
for Magha - Achyuta; for Vaishakha- Janardhana; for Jyestha -
Upendra; for Ashadha - Yagna-Purusha; for Srawana - Vasudeva; for
Bhadrapada - Hari; for Aswina - Yogisha and for Kartika- Pundari
kaksha are the deities of the month.
Third name according to the nakshatra quarter in which the
child is bom.
Fourth name is popular name, i.e. the name by which a per-
son will be known. For males the name should have.two or four
words and the name of females should consist of three or five words.
The name should be easy to pronounce, pleasant to hear; should
diffemtiate between sexes and should have good meaning. The name
54 Muhurta
of female child should not be given after a nakshatra, river, tree, bird,
mounlain, serpant and should not be feroceous.
Fifth name is family name or nick-name.
Generally mother and child are given bath at the time of name
giving ceremony. If name giving ceremony is delayed due to una-
voidable reasons then 'Sootika-Snana' (mother taking bath to get rid
of the impurities related to child birth) can be performed in a prop-
erly chosen muhurta taking following factors into consideration:
All fixed nakshatras(i.e. Uttarashada, Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), Mrigshira, Revati, Anuradha, Ashwini,
Hasta, and Swati nakshatras and Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are
the best for 'Sootika-Snana'.
Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Ashlesha,
Jyestha and Danistha nakshatras and Monday and Friday are medi-
um. Remaining nakshatras and days should be avoided. One should
avoid Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis) 6th, 8th and 12th tithis.
Proper Chandra and Tara Shuddi for the female should be done.
(3) Niskramana Samskara
This Samskara is related to the time when the child first comes
out of house in the open. The time for performance of this samskara
varies from 12th day to the fourth month after birth. It is a com-
mon practice to perform this samskara with name giving cermony.
If it is not performed at that time it can be done in 3rd or 4th month
after birth avoiding Tuesday, Saturday, Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis),
Bhadra, Amavashya (new moon day) and malefic yogas. Shravana,
Mrigshira, Hasta, Anuradha, Pushya, Punarvasu, Ashwini, Revati and
Dhanistha nakshatras are considered auspicious. As it is the first jour-
ney of child all considerations relating to muhurta for journey are
also applicable here.
Some other sub-ceremonies
Craddling or Dola-arohana: It is to be performed on 1 Oth, 12th,
16th, 18th or 32nd day^ from birth or on a bencfic day (i.e, Wednes-
day, Monday, Thursday and friday) in fixed nakshatras (i.e,
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhabrapad and Rohini ), friendly
nakshatras (i.e, Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha) and in short
nakshatras (i.e, Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhjit).
Pre-Mamage Samskaras 55
Five nakshatras ahead and seven nakshatras behind from the
nakshatra occupied by Sun are considered auspicious.
"Shasthi - Pujana"
This is performed on 6th day after birth to please the 6th Durga
(6th out of 'Nava-Durgas' is Katyayani) for well being of the child.
(4) Annaprasana or First feeding of child
This samskara is related to the time when the child is to be
given solid food apart from the mother's milk. This emphasizes the
importance of proper health care and nutrition for the child.
Time for performance; In the 6th,8th or 1 Ofli month for the
male child and 5th,7th,9th or 11th month for the female child.
Nakshatras; All fixed (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all movable nakshatras ( i.e. Swati,
Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all friendly
nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira.Revati.Chitra and Anuradha ) and all short
nakshatras ( i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit ) are consid-
ered auspicious.
Tithis; Avoiding Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis) Nanda tithis (1/6/
11 tithis) Ashtami, Amavashya and Dwadashi ( 8/12/30th tithis) all
other tithis are good. In other words 2/3/5/7/10/13/15 tithis are good.
Days; Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are auspicious
for Annaprasana.
Lagna; Avoid Aries, Scorpio and Pisces as lagna. Also avoid
lagna of eighth rashi from natal moon sign. All other lagnas with
benefics in 1/3/4/5/7/9 houses, malefics in 3/6/11 houses are consid-
ered auspicious. There should be no planet in the 10th house and
Moon should not be placed in 1/6/8 houses.
Proper Chandra and Tara Shuddhi for the child is necessary.
'Bhumi-Upve$hana, (First seating on earth)
This is related to the time when the child is first seated on
earth. This is performed in 5th month after birth when Mars is strong
in transit, avoiding Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis) and maiific days, in
fixed nakshatras "(i e Uttarafalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and
Rohini), short nakshatras (i.e Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Abhijit),
56 Muhurta
Mrigshira, Anuradha and Jyestha nakshtras. Lord Varaha
(an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) and Mother Earth are worshipped
and a cotton thread is tied around the waist of the child and he is
seated on eath. This samskara is also called Kati-Sootra-dharana (i.e
Wearing cotton thread around the waist). A number of articles like
cloths, books, tools, pen, toys etc are put before the child and which-
ever of these articles he picks up, that is supposed to decide the
means through which he will earn his livelihood.
Note: For all samskaras up to this point (i.e Annaprasana) there
is no need to consider combustion of Jupiter and Venus, Bala and
Vriddha avasthas of Jupiter and Venus, Jupiter in Leo, Dakshinayana
(Southemly course of Sun), Kshaya Masa and Adhika Masa. That
is even when these malefic yogas are there, samskaras up to
Annaprasana can be performed, but in all samskaras after
Annaprasana the above malefic combinations should be avoided.
(5) Kama-Vedha (Ear boring)
Kama Vedha or ear boaring is done to facilitate wearing of or-
naments. Moreover Kama-Vedha is said to prevent the child from
diseases relating to intenstines and from swelling of testicles.

Time: Kama Vedha should be done either on 10th, 12th or Itith

day; or in 6th,7th or 8th month or in odd years (3rd,5th etc.) from
child birth (Now a days generally done with Chudakarana or
Nakshatras: All friendly nakshatras (i.e Mrigshira, Revati,
Chitra and Anuradha), all short nakshatras (i.e Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya
and Abhijit). Shravana, Dhanistha and Punarvasu nakshatras are con-
sidered good.
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Tithis: All tithis except Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis) and
Amavashya (new-moon -day)
To be Avoided: Khara-masa (i.e Sun in 9/12 rashis), Tithi
Kshaya, Harishayana ( Fran Ashadha Shukla 11 to Kartika Shukla 11)
Pre-Marriage Samskaras 57
Janma masa (Lunar month of birth), Janma Tara and even years (2nd,
4th etc.) should be avoided.
Lagna: Kamavedha lagna should have benefics in Kendras,
Trikonas, 3rd and I 1th houses, malefics in 3/6/11 houses with 8th
house not occupied by any planet. The lagna sign should prefera-
bly belong to Jupiter or Venus (i.e 2/7/9/12 rashis) with Jupiter in
Proper Chandra and Tara Shuddhi for the Child is a necessary require-
ment like it is in all cases.
For male child Kama-Vedha should start with right ear first and
then left ear. For female child it starts with left ear first and then
right ear.
(6) Chudakarana or Tonsure
This is also called 'Choula', 'Mundana' etc. The basic aim
of this samskara is to cut the hair for the first time for getting pleas-
ant personality, good fortune and long life.
"tftfecfi I

After cutting, the hair are either mixed with cow-dung and
hurried in 'Goshala' ( a place where cows, buffaloes and other such
animals are kept) or are thrown in river as these hair are prone to
'Abhichara' or black magic by any person with ill will. A small
bunch of hair in left out at the centre of the head and is called
'Shikha'. " At the centre of the head there is a very sensitive place
and if a person is hit at that place it can cause immediate death.
Shikha is kept at that place to act as protective guard" - Sushrutha"

RKIftdRftPriMldl I

TCfi* I
Tiac: "Mundana" is considered auspicious in 3rd or 5th year,
but it can also be performed in 7th year or with upnayana samskara.
Some learned also consider Chudakarana or Mundana in first year
as auspicious. Even years (2nd, 4th, 6th etc.) should be avoided.
58 Muhurta
Chudakarana of eldest son or daughter should not be done when
Sun is in Taurus. If mother is having pregnancy of more than five
months then mundana of a child of less than five years age should
not be done.
For Chudakarana Solar months of Makara, Kumbha, Mesha,
Vrishabha and Mithuna are considered auspicious.
Nakshatras; All movable nakshatras (i.e Swati, Punarvasu,
Shravana. Dhanistha and Shatbhisha ) all short nakshatras (Hasta,
Ashwini and Pushya), Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Jyestha nakshatras
are considered auspicious.
Tithis: 2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithis are auspicious. __
Days; Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are consid-
ered good.
Lagna; Avoid lagna of Janma Rashi and 8th rashi from Janma
Rashi. Take lagnas and navamshas belonging to benefic planets with
benefics in Rendras and Trikonas (1/4/7/10/5/9 houses) and malefics
in 3/6/11 houses. There should be no planet in 8th house.
Proper Chandra and Tara Shuddhi is necessary: With more
importance here is given to Chandra Shuddhi.
The tithis, nakshatras etc. prescribed for Chudakarana are also
auspicious for hair cutting, shaving and nail cutting. But there is
no need of muhurta for these things for persons engaged in govern-
ment service, for models, actors, actresses and the like and on spe-
cial occasions like marriage, yagna, death of relatives, on coming out
of prison and with the permission of King or Brahmina.
(1) Akshararambha (Introducing the child to alphabets)

'Akshara' literally means one not liable to depletion or depreciation and

as such becomes a medium through which if knowledge is transferred it
becomes immortal. To introduce the child to these 'Aksharas' (alphabets)
is therefore an important samskara. (p.
After worshipping Lord Ganesha, Guru, Sarswati and family-
Deity the child is introduced to alpha-bets. The Gum (teacher or
preceptor ) sits facing the east and the child sits facing the west.
Pre-Marriage Samskaras 59
Ultimately Gum is presented with clothes ornaments and such other ar-
ticles and he blesses the child.

Time ; Akshararambha can be done in 5th vear and in Uttarayana.

Nakshatras: All short nakshatras (Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and

Abhijit). Swati , Punarvasu, Shravana, Revati, Chitra,Anuradha and
Jyestha nakshatras are considered auspicious.
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis.
Days; Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lagnas: Lagnas of 2/3/6/9/12 rashis (i.e., Lagnas ofbenefics
leaving movable rashis) with benefics strongly placed in 7th or 10th
house and 8th house not having any planet.
Proper Chandra and Tara Shuddhi is an important require-
(2) Upanayana Samskara or Thread Ceremony
It is also called "Yagyopavita Samskara". In this Samskara the
bachelor is given "Gayatri Updesha" (A mantra which is considered
one of the most auspicious mantras for individual) by the Acharya
(Preceptor) and the Guru or Acharya teaches the bachelor about
' Vedas'and also about the behavioural code of conduct and disciphnes
of "Bhramacharya-Ashrama" (bachelorhood). After Upnayana the
person is called 'dwija' or reborn . He is said to have taken rebirth
from the womb of Acharya as a responsible and disciplined member
of the society. After this Samskara the person wears a sacred thread
. It contains three threads reminding the person that he has to pay
his three debts i.e. (1) Pitri Rina (debt of parents) (2) Rishi Rina(debt
of those who gave him knowledge) and (3) Deva-Rina (debt of God).
Three more threads are contained which show the 'pravaras' relating
to a particular 'Kula' or family. This Samskara also signifies a new
phase of life as student.

Time: Counting the age from birth or from conception , the

age prescribed is 5th or 8th year for Brahmins; 6th or 11th year for
Kshatriyas and 8th or 12th year for 'Vaishyas'. The maximum age
limit is 16 years for Brahmins , 22 years for Kshatriyas and 24 years
for Vaishyas.
60 Muhurta
Solar months of Makara, Kumbha, Meena, Mesha, Vrishabha,
and Mithuna avoiding Harishayana (i.e. the period from Ashada
Shukla 11 to Kartika Shukla 11) are considered good Upnayana
of eldest son should not be done when Sun is in Tarus. Sun in Gemi-
ni is good only for Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. Solar month of chaitra
(Sun in Pisces) is very auspicious in Upnayana.
Nakshatras; All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras
(i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha), all short nakshatras,
(i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit) and all movable nakshatras
(i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha) are con-
sidered auspicious. Punarvasu is not considered favourable for
Nakshatras for various Veda branches or Shakhas
For 'Rig-vedis' Mrigshira, Ardra, Ashlesha, Hasta. Chitra, Swati,
Moola, Poorvafalguni, Poorvashada and Poorvabhadrapad are auspi-
For 'Yajur-vedis' Revati, Hasta, Anuradha, Mirgshira,
Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarshada, Uttarabhadrapad and
Rohini are considered auspicious.
For 'Saam-vedis' Ashwini, Dhanistha, Pushya, Hasta,
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada Uttarabhadrapad, Ardra and Shravana are
considered auspicious.
For 'Atharva -vedis' Mrigshira, Revati, Hasta, Ashwini,
Pushya, Anuradha, Dhanistha and Punarvasu nakshatras are consid-
ered auspicious.
Tithis; 2/3/5/10/11/12 tithis of bright half and 2/3/5 tithis of
dark half are considered auspicious for Upnayana Samskara. Avoid
Ashada Shukla-10, Jyestha Shukla-2, Pausa Shukla 11, Magha Shukla
12 and samkranti day. All Rikta tithis (4/9/14) and Galgraha tithis
(13/14/15/30/1/4/7/8/9) are avoided.
Days; All days except Tuesday and Saturday are good. For
Saamvedis even Tuesday is auspicious.
Part of the day; Divide the length of day in three parts.
Upnayana is considered auspicious in first part of the day and in-
auspicious in ^hird part of the day.
Prc-Marriage Samskaras 61
Lagna; In Upnayana Lagna, benefics placed in Kendras and
Trikonas and Malefics placed in 3/6/11 houses are considered good.
Avoid Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Lagna Lord in 6th or 8th
house, avoid Venus and Moon in 12th house and avoid malefics in
5th or 8th house.
Full Moon, exalted or in its own house is considered very aus-
picious in Lagna.
Upnayana Lagna and moon should be in the navamsha of Mer-
cury, Jupiter or Venus. Moon in its own navamsha is not considered
auspicious except when it is placed in 4th quarter of Shravana or
Punarvasu nakshatras
Moreover Jupiter, Venus and Moon should not be conjoined
with malefics
Importance of 'Varna Swami' and 'Shakha Swami'
Vama Swamis are; Jupiter and Venus for Brahmins; Sun and
Mars for Kshatriyas; Moon for Vaishyas, Mercury for Shudras and
Saturn for out-casts. In Upnayana, days and lagnas belonging to the
Vama-Swami are considered auspicious. Moreover strength of Vama
Swami should also be ensured. Like for Brahmins- Thursday and Fri-
day; lagnas of 2/7/9/12 rashis are good as these belong to Vama swa-
mis and similarly strength of Jupiter and Venus at the time of
Upnayana is necessary.
Shakha-Swamis are; For Rig-Vedis Jupiter; for Yajurvedis-Ve-
nus; for Saamvedis-Mars and for Atharva-Vedis-Mercury. Strong
'Shakha-Swami', day of 'Shakha Swami' and lagna of 'Shakha Swa-
mi' are considered auspicious in Upnayana. Moreover the 'Shakha
Swami' should be strong in transit at the time of Upnayana. Like
for 'Yajur vedis' strong Venus in transit., Friday and Lagnas of 2/7
rashis are considered auspicious in Upnayana.
Strength of Moon and Jupiter
From natal moon Jupiter placed in 2/5/7/9/U houses is con-
sidered strong and Jupiter placed in 4/8/12 houses is considered weak.
Other positions are medium. Strength of Jupiter is an important con-
sideration in Upnayana. Strength by way of placement in exaltation,
own sign, friend's sign and strength in navamsha should also be con-
62 Muhurta
sidered. Moreover if Jupiter is strong in Ashtakavarga, it will remove
many of its weaknesses.
Moon is considered strong when it is placed in 3/6/10/11/1/7
houses from natal moon position. It is worse if placed in 4/8/12 plac-
es from natal moon. Strength by way of placement in own sign, ex-
altation, friend's sign, exaltation or own navamsha and strength in
Ashtakvarga should also be considered. Proper Chandra and Gum
'Shuddhi' as explained above is a necessary requirement in Upnayana.
Special: Solar Chaitra (i.e. Sun in Pisces) and Janma Nakshatra
(i.e. birth constellation) are specially considered auspicious in
(3) Vedarambha (Starting learning Vedas)
This samskara is performed when a person starts learning
Vedas. It can be performed with Upnayana or separately depending
upon the age at which Upnayana samskara is performed.
Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all movable nakshatras (i.e.
Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all short
nakshatras(i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), all friendly
nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha) and Ardra
are considered auspicious.
Moreover for learning specific veda the nakshatras recommend-
ed for Upnayana of that specific vedic branch or 'Shakha' are con-
sidered auspicious.
Tithis; 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days; Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Lagna; Lagna should have benefics in kendras and Trikonas and
malefics in 3/6/11 houses. 8th house should not have any planet.
Proper Chandra and/or Tara 'Shuddhi' is an important require-
(4) Keshanta Samskara or first shaving.
This samskara is also called Godaana (donating a cow). This
samaskara is performed at the age of sixteen years and is indicative
of entry in to adulthood. After shaving, the hair are disposed off in
Pre-Marriage Samskaras 63
the same manner in which it is done at the time of Chudakarana
samskara. On this ocassion a cow is donated to the Gum (precep-
Keshantha samskara can be perfomred in the same nakshatras.
tithis, days and lagnas as are recommended for Chudakarana
(5) Samavartana samskara or returning home after completing
Samavartana means return of student to his home from
'Gurukula' (Gum's place) after completing education. This samskara
is indicative of completion of education and bachelorhood and is like
a 'No-objection certificate' for marriage. In this samskara the student
after taking bath and giving 'Guru-Dakshina' (preceptor's fees) is in-
troduced to all materialistic articles, and all the symbols of
brahmacharya (bachelorhood) are disposed off in water.
Now-a-days people do not perform these samskaras at proper
time and in proper manner prescribed. Even where these samskaras
are perfomred it is done just to complete the formality without un-
derstanding the real meaning and purpose behind the samskara (like
perform iong Upnayana just a day before marriage).


MARRIAGE is considered as one of the most important samskaras

and is itself considered as a 'yagna' without which a person cannot
get fulfilment in 'Dharma' or right conduct; Artha or financial con-
dition; 'Kaama' or sexual fulfilment and 'Moksha' or final salvation.
Marriage is the only means through which one can pay one's 'pitri-
rina' (debt of parents) by giving birth to children and bringing them
up. Marriage is considered necessary not only for sexual satisfaction
but more importantly for progeny, for promoting higher human val-
ues of self control and self sacrifice, for proper development of per-
sonality and for preventing corruption in personal life.
In Hindu 'Dharma Shastras' eight kinds of marriages are giv-
en which are explained below:
(i) 'Paishacha' - Fraudulent rape of a girl when she is sleep-
ing or unconscious is called Paishacha. it is most condemnable type
of marriage.
(ii) 'Rakshasha' - Forced kidnapping of a girl against her wish-
es and against the wishes of her relatives is called 'Rakshasha'. This
type of marriage also lacks natural attraction between male and fe-
male and is not considered good.
A modified verson of 'Rakshasha' is 'Harana'. In 'Harana' the
girl is kidnapped with her consent while her relatives are not will-
ing. In Mahabharata kidnapping of Rukmini and Shubhadra are ex-
amples of this type. According to Manu this type of marriage is per-
missible for Kshatriyas.
(iii) 'Gandharva' - Modem name of this is love-marriage.
When a male and female get sexually attracted towards each other
and get married with consent it is called 'Gandharva'. The main de-
Marriage 65
ciding factor in this type of marriage is sexual attraction and hence
stability of such marriages is doubtful. Moreover, this type of mar-
riage is devoid of religious rites.
(iv) 'Aashura' - Marrying a girl after paying money to the fa-
ther or relatives of the girl is called 'Aashura'. this is equivalent to
selling of girl and hence condemnable. According to 'Baudhayana
Dharma Sutra ; "A person who sells her daughter for money com-
mits a great sin and destroys the 'Punyas' or good deeds of seven
generations before and after him".
(v) "Prajapatya" - In this type the male requests to the fe-
male's father and expresses his wish to get in .(t time bound agree-
ment with his daughter for giving birth to children and for bringing
them up so as to pay their debt towards 'Prajapati' (Lord of Crea-
(vi) 'Arsha' - Female's father after getting one or two 'cow
donations' (Godanas) from male permitting him to get married with
his daughter is called 'Arsha' The cows-donations are taken for per-
formance of yagna. In this type also something is taken in consider-
ation for marriage but that is not the price of the girl.
(vii) 'Daiva' - In this type the father of the girl donates the girl to the
Purohita who has performed 'Yagna* for him. The girl is given as
"Dakshina". This is not popular now-a-days.
(viii) 'Brahma1 - This is the most popular form in which the
bride's father invites the bridegroom at his place and gets his daughter
married with the bridegroom with religious ceremonies and without
accepting anything from the bridegroom. It is in this case only it is
pure 'Kanya-Daha' (donating the daughter).
Out of the above eight types, 'Brahma' and 'Gandharva' are
more popular now-a-days.
Our 'Dharma Shastras' also prescribe various qualifications and
disqualifications for bride and bridegroom as given below.
Qualifications of bride - Good looking, blancea ooay, son speech, freedom
from physical defects, sweet and sober name, virginity, competent to be
mother, should be younger than the bridegrom and should belong to a
good family.
66 Muhurta
Disqualifications of bride - A girl having brown hair, exces-
sive body parts, excessive hair on the body, yellow eyes and suffer-
ing from disease is not considered auspicious. A female having hard
voice, speaking in insulting tone, with disproportionate or defective
limbs, excessively tall or short should be avoided.
According to many "A female having her name similar to a
tree, mountain, river, constellation, bird, snake or servant or having
a ferocious name should not be chosen for marriage". A female hav-
ing no brothers, belonging to the same gotra or belonging to a dif-
ferent caste was not preferred.
Note; The relevance and imkportance of above factors have changed with
time. Moreover the consideration of "Desha" (Country) 'Kaala' (time)
and 'Patra' (the Individual) will also decide what is good and bad at a
particular time & place.
Qualifications of bridegroom - Bachelor, has completed edu-
cation, with Upnayana and Samavartana samskaras performed, of
Marriageable age, intelligent, wealthy, handsome and of good char-
acter. He should be potent and should belong to a good family.

Disqualifications of bridegroom - A boy belonging to the same gotra, to a

different caste should be avoided. One who is weak, impotent, suffering
from epilepsy, paralysis, leprosy, weak eyesight, impaired hearing is not
considered good. According to Vashistha "A person living very near or at
a very distant place, excessively weak or excessively strong; mentally re-
tarded; very old; ugly looking, with a big belly and not having any source
of income should not be chosen for marriage".


The choice of proper time for marriage is a complex process.
Here it is discussed in five stages.
Stage-! Ten malefic combinations to be avoided in marriage.
Stage-2 Other 'doshas' or malefic combinations which should
be avoided as far as possible.
Stage-3 Months, days, nakshatras, tithis, lagnas and lagna-
shuddhi' for marriage.
Marriage 67
State-4 Tri-bala Shuddhi' or 'ensuring the transit strength of
Sun Moon and Jupiter'.
Stage-5 Miscellaneous considerations
'Dasa-Doshas' or ten malefic combinations to be avoided in
marriage are ; (i) Latta (ii) Paata (iii) Yuti (iv) Vedha (v) Jamitra
(vi) Mrityu Panchaka (vii) Ekargala (viii) Upgraha (ix) Kranti Samya
and (x) Dagdha tithi in order. These are explained below.
(i) Latta or Kick
From the nakshatra occupied by them. Mercury, Rahu, Full Moon and
Venus Kick 7th, 9th, 22nd and 5th nakshatra respectively counted in back-
ward direction, e.g. Mercury in Punarvasu will kick Ashwini (7th from
Pnnarvasu counted backwards).
From the nakshatra occupied by them. Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and
Mars Kick 12th, 8th 6th and 3rd nakshatra counted in forward di-
rection e.g. Jupiter in Ashwini will Kick Ardra (6th from Ashwini
counted forwards)
If the nakshatra of marriage is kicked by any planet it is called
'Latta' dosha and should be avoided in marriage.
Table 6.1: Latta Dosha

Planets Sun Full Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

Nakshatra 12th 22nd 3rd 7th 6th 5th 8th 9th
Direction For- Back- For- Back- For- Back- For- n.ivi ■
of Kick ward ward ward ward ward ward ward War.' |
Results Loss of Fear Death Fear Loss of Failure Loss of Death J
Wealth Relative in work family

The malefic effects will be more if the planet kicking and planet
kicked (moon) are in the same quarter. For example Sun placed in
Ashwini will kick Uttaraphalguni (Moon placed in Uttaraphalguni).
If Sun is placed in 1st quarter of Ashwini and Moon in 1st quarter
of Uttaraphalguni the latta dosha is more malefic as it is from 'quarter
to quarter'.
68 Muhurta
(ii) Paata
Those nakshatras in which Harshana, Vaidhriti, Sadhya,
Vyatipaat, Ganda and shoola yogas end are said to suffer from Paata
dosha. As these yogas are formed by relative positions of Sun and
Moon the Paata dosha can also be expressed in terms of nakshatras
occupied by Sun and Moon at the time of marriage as given in Ta-
ble 6.2
Table 6.2: Paata-Dosha Combinations

Nakshatras of Marriage Nakshatras Occupied by Sun

Rohini Ardra, Punarvasu, Shatbhisha, PoorVaphalguni Chitra and
Mrigdiira Mrigshira, Ardra, Jyestha, Dhanistha Magha and Hasta
Magha Ashwini, Mrigshira, Jyestha, Pushya, Hasta and Revali
Uttaraphalguni Kritika, Ardra, Vishakha, Poorvaphalguni Uttaraphalguni,
Hasu Bharani, Mrigshira, Shatbhisha, Poorvabhadrapad Swali
and Magha
Swati Kritika, Shravana, Dhanistha, Pushya, Hasta, Revali
Anuradha Ashwini, Ardra, Uttarashada, Poorvaphalguni
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad
Moola Rohini, Jyestha, Dhanistha, Ashlesha, Moola, Uttara
Uttarashada Bharani, Punarvasu, Shatbhisha, Vishakha Anuradha.
Uttarabhadrapad Bharani, Shatbhisha, Vishakha, Uttaraphalguni, Moola,
Revali Ashwini, Magha, Dhanishta, Jyestha, Swati, Poorva

Note; If Sun is placed in nakshatras given on right hand side

then the corresponding marriage nakshatra on left hand side will suf-
fer from Paata dosha.
If the planets causing 'Paata dosha (i.e Sun & Moon) are placed
in same quarter of the respective nakshatras occupied by them, the
dosha will be more severe.
Marriage 69
(iii) Yuti
If a planet is posited in the nakshatra of marriage it is called
Yuti dosha. Malefic effects will be more if the planets causing yuti
are Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Venus.
Melefic effects of yuti-dosha will be reduced in following con-
(a) Moon is exalted, in own house or in friend's house
(b) Moon aspected by a vargottama Jupiter or by Jupiter placed
in Kendra.
(c) Moon and malefic planet though posited in same nakshatra
are placed in different signs.
Moreover, Yuti-dosha is considered malefic in North Bengal
(iv) Vedha
For marriage and all ceremonies related to marriage vedha is
seen on Panchasalaka chakra.
If a planet is placed in a particular nakshatra it will cause vedha
to the nakshatra falling on other side of the straight line in
Panchsalaka chakra.
Panchasalaka Chakra
Kri. Roh. Mrig. Ard. Pun. Push Ash.

tl. &
? Br

Shr Abhijit U. Shad P Shad Moola Jyl Anu

70 Muhurta
For example a planet placed in Shravana will cause vedha to Magha am
Magha should not be chosen for marriage. So the various marriagi
nakshatras suffer vedhas like;
Rohini from Abhijit; Mrigshira from Uttarashada; Magha from
Shravana; Uttaraphalguni from Revati; Hasta from Uttarabhadrapad;
Swati from Shatbhisha; Anuradha from Bharani, Moola from
Punarvasu; Uttarashada from Mrigshira; Uttarabhadrapad from Hasta
and Revati from Uttaraphalguni.
A planet placed in 4th quarter causes vedha in 1st quarter and
vice versa. A planet placed in 2nd quarter causes-vedha in 3rd quar-
ter and vice versa. If there is a 'Charana Vedha' i.e. quarter to quarter
vedha it is considered more malefic and to be specifically avoided.
The malefic effects of Vedha dosha will be minimised if (i) a
benefic is placed in marriage lagna, (ii) Marriage lagna lord is placed
in eleventh house and conjoined with or aspected by benefics, (iii)
marriage takes place in benefic hora and (iv) Moon is strong.
Moreover, Vedha-dosha is considered more malefic for places
falling near 'Vindhyanchal' and not for other places. Vedha by
malefics is particularly considered bad.
For all other purposes (i.e. except marriage and marriage relat-
ed ceremonies) Vedha is to be seen on "Sapta-Salaka Chakra". The
rules are similar (i.e. a planet causes vedha in straight line to
nakshatra falling in opposite direction).
Sapta Salaka Chakra
Kri Roh. Mrig. A ixl. Pun Push Ash

Bharani . Magha
Ashwini > P. Fal
Revati .- U. Fal
II Bhadra«» Flasta
P Bhadra *- Chitra 1
Shatbhisha ._ Swati
Dha- Vishakha

Shr Abhijit U Shad P. Shad Moola Jyl Anu

Marriage 71
e.g. A planet placed in Bharani will cause vedha to Magha.
(v) Jamitra
If a planet is placed in seventh house from marriage Lagna or
Moon it is called Jamitra-dosha. Minute or more malefic Jamitra
dosha will be caused if a planet is placed in 55th navamsha from
the navamsha of marriage Lagna or Moon. e.g. marriage lagna in 3rd
navamsha of Mithuna and a planet posited in 3rd navamsha of Dhanu.
Jamitra-dosha caused by malefics is specially inauspicious.
The malefic effects of Jamitra dosha will be reduced if (i) Moon
is strong and (ii) Planet causing Jamitra dosha is aspected by benefics.
Moreover Moon and Jupiter placed powerfully in seventh house' from
marriage lagna do not produce malefic effects. Similarly Mercury
placed in seventh house from moon gives benefic results
Jamitra dosha will give malefic effects specially in places fall-
ing on the banks of river Yamuna.
(vi) Mrityu Panchaka or Baana
This has been discussed in detail in Chapter 3. To put it in
brief here. Sun placed in 1/10/19/28 degrees in any sign causes
Mrityu Panchaka dosha and it should be avoided in marriage.
(vii) Ekargala or Kharjura dosha
If at a particular time one of the malefic yogas i.e. Vyaghata,
Can da. Vyatipaat. Vishkumbha, Shoola, Vaidhriti, Vajra, Parigha and
Atiganda is prevailing and at the same time Moon's nakshatra is in
odd positions (1/3/5/7 etc.) from Sun's nakshatra it is called Ekargala
dosha. The counting is to be done including Abhijit.
(viii) Upgraha-dosha
Count from Sun's nakshatra to Moon's nakshatra including
Abhijit. If Moon's nakashatra is 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 14th 15th, 18th,
19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th from Sun's nakshatra at any
time it is called Upgraha dosa.
(ix) Kranti-Samya
Note the following pairs of signs (a) Leo - Aries (b) Taurus -
Capricorn (c) virgo - Pisces (d) Cancer - Scorpio and (e) Saggitarius
Gemini. If Sun is placed in one sign and Moon in another sign of
72 Muhurta
the same pah- it is called Kraiiti-Samya. For example Sun in Virgo.
Moon in Pisces or Moon in Virgo Sun in Pisces will give rise to
Kranti-Samya dosha. This can also be found out with the help of
Kranti Smya Chakra
Kranti Samya Chakra.
If Sun and Moon are 12 11
placed in signs falling in a
straight line it is called -10
Kranti-Samya dosha.
Kranti Samya is highly . 8
malefic combination and is
avoided in marriage. 5 6 7
(x) Dagdha tithi
The following combination of tithis and solar months cause this
(a) 2nd tithi when Sun is in Dhanu or Meena
(b) 4th tithi when Sun is in Vrishabha or Kumbha
(c) 6lh tithi when Sun is in Karkat or Mesha
(d) 8th tithi when Sun is in Mithuna on Kanya
(e) I Oh tithi when Sun is in Simha or Virschika
(0 12th tithi when Sun is in Makara or Tula
Out of the ten malefic combinations discussed above Yuti,
Vedha by malefics, Mrityu Panchaka, Kranti-Samya and Dagdha tithis
are Considered more Malefic than the other's.


Apat fiom the ten major doshas to be avoided in mariage one
should also try to avoid the following as fa as possible
(i) Malefic combinations formed by Tithis-Days-nakshatras as
discussed in Chapter 3.
(ii) Period when Jupiter or Venus is Combust as discussed in
Chapter-3. This is an important consideration and is generally fol-
Marriage 73
(iii) Tithi Kshaya, Tithi Vriddhi, Nakshatra, Lagna and Tithi
(iv) Samkranti day
(v) Bhadra
(vi) Combustion of lagna lord or navamsha lord of muhurta
(vii) 'Shadvargas' (Six divisions) of malefics in muhurta lagna
(viii) Kartari; Lagna or seventh house in marriage lagna chart
should not be hemmed between malefics. This 'kartari dosha' will
be more malefic if the planet in 2nd house is retrograde and planet
in 12th house is in direct motion.
(ix) Malefic Ardha-yama of day (malefic l/8th part of the
day); Divide the length of day i.e. 'dina-mana' by eight we get eight
parts of the day. Avoid 4th part on Sunday; 7th part on Monday.
2nd part on Tuesday; 5th part on Wednesday; 8th part on Thursday;
3rd part on Friday and 6th part on Saturday.
Table 6.3; Malefic Ardha yamas

Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Ardhayamas 4 7 2 5 8 3 6
to be

(x) Kulika-dosha or Kulika muhurtas: Divide the length of

the day by fifteen we get fifteen muhurtas of day. Similarly divide
the length of night by fifteen we get frfleen muhurtas of night.
At day time 14/12/10/8/6/4/2 muhurtas on Sunday onwards are
Kulika muhurtas i.e. 14th on Sunday; 12th on Monday; 10th on Tues-
day and so on.
At night time 13/11/9/7/5/3/1 muhurtas on Sunday onwards are
Kulika muhurtas i.e. 13h on Sunday; 11th on Monday; 9th on Tues-
day and so on.
74 Muhurta
Table 6.4; Kulika Muhurtas

Day Sun Mon Tue Wed liiu Fri Sat

Day Kulika 14th I2th 10th 8th 6th 4th 2nd
Night Kulika 13th nth 9th 7th 5th 3rd !st
—— _—_
(xi) Nakshatra occupied by malefic and the nakshatra prior to
and after that nakshatra should be avoided, e.g. If Mars transits
Poorvaphalguni one should avoid Poorvaphalguni, Magha and
Uttaraphalguni, these three nakshatras for marriage.
(xii) Nakshatra in which solar or lunar eclipse has taken place
should be avoided for marriage and all auspicious acts for six months.
(xiii) Any other malefic combination which is generally considered inaus-
Important: If one tries to avoid all these malefic effects one
should forget about getting married in this birth. One should go for
majority. Even out of ten important doshas all can't be avoided and
marriages are permitted when six or more out of ten doshas are
Moreover, proper 'lagna shuddhi is said to do away with many
of the malefic effects. Benefics powerfully placed in 1/4/5/9/10 houses
in marriage lagna remove many malefic effects caused by Ayana,
tithi, month, nakshatras etc. Similarly marriage lagna lord, marriage
navamsha lord. Sun or Moon placed in eleventh house in marriage
lagna also mitigate many of the malefic effects caused by other fac-
Months; Avoiding Harishayana (i.e. time when Lord Vishnu
goes for a sleep from Ashada Shukla 11 to Kartika Shukla 11) and
avoiding Khara Masa (Sun in Saggitarius and Pisces), other time is
good for marriage. Thus marriages can be performed in Solar months
of Vrischika (mid November to mid-December), Makara (Mid-Jan.
Marriage 75
to mid Feb.). Kumbha (mid-Feb to mid-March), Mesha (mid-April
to mid May), Vrishabha (mid may to Mid June) and Mithuna before
Harishayana (mid June to harishayana). Marriage of eldest boy and
eldest girl should not be performed when Sun is in Taurus.
Some learned say mat only Sun in Saggitarius and Pisces should
be avoided and rest of the year is suitable for marriage. Due to this,
in Punjab marriages also take place in solar months of karicat, Simha
and Kanya, and in hilly regions, marriages also take place in solar,
month of Tula. If there is such a tradition it should be followed.
Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini) Mrigshira, Revati,
Anuradha, Moola, Swati, Magha and Hasta are considered auspicious
for marriage.
In emergency and for Yajur Vedis Ashwini, Chitra, Shravana
and Dhanistha are also permitted.
Tithis 2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithis are best
Days: Days of benefics are best, others are medium.
Yogas: Malefic period of malefic yogas as discussed in Chap-
ter-2 should be avoided.
Karana: Avoid Bhadra and fixed karanas. Some learned also
treat 'bav' Karana as malefic in marriage*
Lagna: In marriage muhurta maximum importance is given to
'lagna shuddhi' and certain benefic and malefic positions are given
for planets. One should try to avoid the placement of planets in ma-
lefic positions and also to ensure their placement in benefic positions.
Where a planet should not be: In the marriage lagna Sun in
1/7 houses; moon in 1/6/7/8 houses; Mars in 1/7/8/10 houses; Mer-
cury in 7/8 houses; Jupiter in 7/8 houses; Venus in 3/6/7/8 houses;
Saturn in 1/7/12 houses; Rahu-Ketu in 1/7 houses and marriage lagna
lord in 6/8 houses should be avoided.

*Kalidasa, Jyotir Vidabharanam. Ch. 13 Sh. 21

76 Muhurta
Table 6.5 Planetary Positions to be avoided

b Ea

u cc
c s M 2
Planets WS s s a, w □s JlM
s .a > !A

1 i i 7 7 3 1 1 6
Houses 7 6 7 8 8 6 7 7 8
7 8 7 12
8 10 8

Where a planet should be

There are certain positions in which the placement of planets
will contribute to the strength of lagna. The strength is measured in
'Vishwa-bala' and the total strength is 20. The benefic positions of
planets and their 'Vishwa-bala' contributions are given in table 6.6.
Table 6.6: Benefic Position for planets

Planet Houses Vishwabala

Sun 3/6/8/11 3 'A
Moon 2/3/11 5
Mars 3/6/11 I'/j
Mere 1/2/3/4/5/6/9/10/11 2
Jup 1/2/3/4/5/6/9/10/11 3
Ven 1/2/4/5/9/10/11 2
Sat 3/6/8/11 1 'A
Rahu/Ketu 3/6/8/11 1A

See how many planets are contributing to the strength by place-

ment in benefic houses recommended for each planet. Adding the
strength contributed by all planets we get the total Vishwa-bala of
marriage lagna. If it is between 15 to 20 it is best; between 10 to
15 is good; between 5 to 10 is medium and below this should be
Marriage 77
Considering the Navamsha
Last navamsha of a sign should be avoided except where it is
Vargottama navamsha. Movable lagna, movable navamsha should be
avoided when moon is placed in Libra or Capricorn. In any sign as
lagna, the navamsha of 7/9/3/6 rashis are considered auspicious.
The strength of marriage lagna and navamsha of marriage lagna
is auspicious for bridegroom and strength of seventh house and
navamsha of seventh house is auspicious for bride.
Miscellaneous Considerations for lagna
Lagnas & navamshas of 8th and 12th rashis from the Janma
Rashi (natal moon sign) should be avoided specifically when such
natal Lagna lord or natal moon sign lord and their 8th lords are in-
imical to each other. This will happen with a person having even
lagna or even Janma Rashi. For such persons lagnas and navamshas
of 8th rashi from Janma Lagna or Janma rashi should be specifical-
ly avoided.
Tribala Shuddhi or considering the tripple transit of Sun, Moon
and Jupiter is an important requirement to make the general marriage
muhurta applicable to a particular individual. For a boy the transit
strength of Sun and Moon is considered and for a girl the transit
strength of Moon and Jupiter is considered.
From natal Moon, Sun in 3/6/10/11 houses is considered aus-
picious; in 1/2/5/7/9 houses can be made auspicious by propitation
and in 4/8/12 houses is considered malefic.
From natal Moon, Moon in 1/3/6/7/10/11 houses is considered
auspicious; in 2/5/9 houses it can be made auspicious by propitation
and in 4/8/12 houses it is considered malefic.
From natal moon, Jupiter is considered auspicious in 2/5/7/9/
11 houses, is medium (i.e. needing propitation) in 1/3/6/10 houses
and is malefic in 4/8/12 houses.
78 Muhurta
Table 6.7; Tribala-Shuddhi

Positions Sun Moon Jupiter

Benefic 3/6/10/11 1/3/6/7/10/11 2/5/7/9/11
Poojya 1/2/5/7/9 2/5/9 1/3/6/10
Malefic 4/8/12 4/8/12 4/8/12

Even where the planets are transiting in 4/8/12 places from natal
moon these will be auspicious if they are strong by placement in ex-
altation sign, in own house, in friendly house; in strong navamsha
and strong in Ashtakvarga Strength in Ashtakvarga is considered very
This also means that where a planet is transiting in benefic po-
sitions from natal moon but is otherwise debilitated, in inimical house;
in weak navamsha or weak in Ashtakvarga will lose its beneficience.
(1) Sagotra (between persons of same gotra) and sapindya (in
seven generations of father and, five generations of mother) marriages
should be avoided. Even researches on Genetics do not approve of
these marriages. Unfortunately our government has legahsed 'Sagotra
In Andhra Pradesh persons can marry the daughters of their ma-
ternal uncles.
(2) Two real sisters should not get married to two real
(3) Marriage of two real-coboms should not be celebrated on
the same day in same muhurta. But where they are twins it can be
(4) Marriage of the eldest boy with the eldest girl should not
be performed in Jyestha month (i.e. Sun in Taurus).
(5) After marriage of a boy, no girl within three generations
of the family should be married for six months or till the Samvatsara
changes, whichever is earlier.
(6) After marriage of a boy or girl no Chudakarana. or
Marriage 79
Upnayana samskara should take place in three generations of the fam-
ily for six months or till the change of Samvatsara whichever is ear-
(7) If after fixation of marriage some one in the three genera-
tions dies, marriage should not be performed till one month passes
after the death.
Godhooli lagna or Muhurta
If it is difficult to fix a proper lagna for marriage one can resort to Godhooli
muhurta which is said to remove many of the malefic effects caused by
tithi, nakshatra, Karana, day, lagna, navamsha etc. Godhooli is the time
when the cows return home after grazing. There are divergent view re-
garding the time for which Godhooli muhurta prevails. We take it here as
half ghati (12 minutes) before and half ghati (12 minutes) after sunset*

But one should not remain under illusion about Godhooli

muhurta. It has to be chosen only when it is not possible to find
favourable time otherwise.
Godhooli muhurta will not remove the maleficience of follow-
ing malefic combinations.
(i) Kulika dosha, Kranti Samya, Placement of Moon in 1/6/8
(ii) Nakshatra afflicted by malefics and malefic effects of Sat-
Oii) Mars in 1/7/8
(iv) Godhooli on Thursday before sunset and on Saturday af-
ter sunset is malefic as it will have kulika or Ardhayama dosha
So Godhooh muhurta is a muhurta to be used in emergency
Muhurtas related to marriage
'Vara-Varana' muhurta (Accepting the bridegroom for marriage)
This can be done on benefic days, benefic tithis, benefic yogas
and in Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttara bhadrapad, Rohini, Kritika;

* Readers may refer to Muhurta Parijata for various views on Godhooli time.
80 Muhurta
Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, and Poorvabhadrapad nakshatras or
nakshatras prescribed for marriage. Persons from bride's side go to
the bridegroom's place and present him with auspicious articles (e.g.
cloths, fruits, money, coconut, garlic et.) and accept him for mar-
riage with the bride
Kanya-Varana Muhurta (Accepting the bride for marriage)
This can be done in Uttarashada, Swati, Shravana,
Poorvaphalguni, Poorvabhadrapad, Poorvashada, Anuradha, Dhanishtha
and Kritika nakshatras or in nakshatras recommended for marriage.
In this the bride is presented with auspicious articles from bride-
grooms side.
Muhurta for Love Marriage
For love marriage no consideration about tithi, nakshatra, lagna
etc. are recommended. One should only consider 'Tripadi chakra
shuddhi' that is from the nakshatra occupied by Sun, 5th, 6th, 1 0th,
12th 13th, 14th, 15th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th and 28th nakshatra
is considered auspicious for love marriage.
Other preparations for marriage
Arrangements for marriage like white washing, decoration, buy-
ing and wearing ornaments, preparing 'mandapa' and all other pre-
paratory works should not start on 3/6/9 days before marriage. These
acts can be started on 2/4/5/7/8/10 days before marriage after con-
sidering the 'Chandra Shuddhi' for boy and girl.
Vadhu-Rravesha (Bride's first entry in bridegroom's house)
2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/14/16/17/19/21/23/25/27/29 days after mar-
riage are suitable for Vadhu-Pravesha. After one month up to one
year Vadhu Pravesha can take place in odd months (3rd, 5th, etc.).
After one year till five years it can take place in 3rd or 5h year.
After 5 years it can take place at any time.
This muhurta becomes relevant for those cases where there is
a tradition of delaying Vadhu-Pravesha after marriage or where the
Vadhu-Pravesha is delayed due to unavoidable reasons.
Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, utarabhadrapad and Rohini); all friendly nakshatras .<i.e.,
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha); all short nakshatras (Hasta,
Marriage 81
Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), Shravana, Dhanistha, Moola, Magha
and Swati Nakshatras are Considered auspicious. Avoid Rikta tithis
(4/9/14 tithi) Tuesday and Sunday.
'Dwiragamana' (Second entry in to bridegroom's house)
This muhurta is related to the time, when the bride after visit-
ing her parents house after marriage, returns to the bridegrooms house
second time (First entry is called Vadhu-Pravesha)
Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras (i.e Uttaraphalguni
Uttarashada, Uttara Bhadrapad, and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras
(i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha), all short nakshatras (i.e.
Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), all movable nakshatras (Swati,
Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisa) and Moola are con-
sidered good.
Tithis: Benefic tithis (1/2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithi)
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lagnas: Lagnas of 2/3/6/7/12 rashis
Time; After marriage (and after Vadhu Pravesha) in 1/3/5/7
years when Sun is posited in 1/8/11 rashis and Sun and Jupiter are
strong in transit 'Dwiragamana' is considered auspicious.
At the time of starting journey for 'Dwiragamana' Venus should
not fall in front (This can happen only for travel to either eastern or
western directions).
KOOTA MILAN or matching based on natal moon positions of
boy and girl.
Generally for marriage matching eight Kootas are considered
these are (i) Vama (ii) Vashya (iii) Tara (iv) Yoni (v) Gratia maitri
or friendship of rashi lords (vi) Gana (vii) Bhakoota and (viii) Nadi
and these are given 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,and 8 points or 'Gunas' respective-
ly (e.g. 1 for vama 2 for Vashya and so on). Total 'Gunas' or points
are 36. At least 18 'Gunas' are necessary for proper matching. A
brief discussion of these Kootas and certain other factors is given in
the following pages.
(i) Varna
4/8/12 rashis are Vipra or 'Brahmins'; 1/5/9 rashis are
Kshatriyas; 2/6/10 rashis are Vaishyas and 3/7/11 rashis are Shudras.
82 Muhurta
Brahmina is highest Varna and Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras are
inferior in order. Varna of bridegroom should be superior to varna
of bride for proper vama matching and one point is given for this.
Where vama of bride is superior no point is given. For same vama
also one point is given. See table 6.8
Vama matching is necessary for Kshatriyas.
Table 6.8: Varna-Matching CGunas')

Bridegroom's moon sign

4/8/12 1/5/9 2/6/10 3/7/11

00 4/8/12 1 0 0 0
o 1/5/9 1 1 0 0
V) 1 1
"u 2/6/10 1 0
CO 3/7/11 1 1 1 1

(ii) Vashya
Vashya means within control. In this Koota the nature of vari-
ous Zodiac signs is considered to see which sign is controllable to
.which sign
Gemini, Virgo, Libra and first 15° of Saggitarius and Aquarius
are human signs; Aries, Taurus, 15° to 30° of saggitarius and 0° to
15° of Capricorn are Chautuspada or quadruped; Cancer, Capricorn
(15° to 30°), and Pisces are Jalachara or watery signs and Leo and
Scorpio are not allotted any groups.
Bride and bridegroom belonging to the same group is best
matching and two points are given for that, where bride's rashi is
Vashya (Controllable) to bridegroom's rashi one point is given, where
bride's rashi is 'Bhakshya (eatable) to bridegroom's rashi 1/2 point
is given. In other cases no point is given. Vashya and Bhakshya will
be decided on the basis of nature of signs e.g. for human signs all
other signs except Leo are 'Vashya' but all Jalachara are 'Bhakshya'
For proper understanding and allotment of points see Table 6.9
Marriage 83
Table 6.9: Vashya-Matching
1 Bridegroom's moon sign
Human Chatuspad Jalachara Leo Scorpio

Human 2 0 0 '/a 0
C Chatuspad 1 2 1 '4 1
Jalachara 14 1 2 1 1
¥ Leo 0 0 0 2 0
X Scorpio 1 1 1 0 2

(iii) Tara
Count from bridegroom's nakshatra to bride's nakshatra and di-
vide it by nine, if the remainder is 3/5/7 the tara is malefic, other-
wise the Tara is benefic. Give 114 point for benefic tara.
Now Count from bride's nakshatra to bridegroom's nakshatra
and divide it by nine, if the remainder is 3/5/7 it is malefic, other-
wise it is benefic tara. Give VA point for benefic tara.
Thus if on both countings we get a benefic tara full 3 points
are given; if one counting gives benefic and other counting gives
malefic tara VA point is given. In other cases no points are given.
(iv) Yoni
In this Koota nakshatras are allotted ' Yonis' of animals. Yonis of bri de
and bridegroom should not be inimical to each other. Given below are the
yopis alloted to various'nakshatras and the enimity between various yonis.

Nakshatras Yoni Bitter Enemy Yoni

1. Ashwini, Shatbhisha riorse Bufallo
2. Swati, Hasta Buffalo Horse
3. Dhanistha, P. Bhadra Lion Elephant
4. Bharani. Revati Elephant Lion
5. Pushya, Kritika Ram Monkey
6 Shravana. P Shada Monkey Ram
84 Muhurta
7. U. Shada, Abhijit Nakula Serpant
8. Rohini. Mrigshira Serpant Nakula
9. Jyestha. Anuradha Deer Dog
10. Moola. Ardra Dog Dear
11. Punarvasu. Ashlesha Cat Rat
12. Magha, P. Falguni Rat Cat
13. Vishakha Chitra Tiger Cow
14. Utara bhadrapad Cow Tiger

If yonis are same 4 points; if they are friendly 3 points; if they

are neutral 2 points; if they are inimical 1 point and if they are
highly inimical no point is given. The allotment of points can be seen
from table 6.10.
Table 6.10 Yoni-matching

\ Bride io Tt
I m
N^room 3 £ T 05 IS
t t 1 0
\ J ffl I ■a l 1 6 O
Sride u s si
Horse 4 0 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 3
Buff allow 0 4 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3
Lion 1 1 4 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1
Elephant 2 2 0 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2
Ram 3 3 1 2 4 0 3 1 3 2 3 2 1 3
Monkey 2 2 2 2 0 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2
Nakula 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 0 2 1 2 2 2 2
Serpant 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 4 1 1 1 1 2 1
Deer 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 4 0 2 2 1 2
Dog 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 4 1 1 1 1
Cat 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 4 0 2 2
Rat 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 0 4 2 2
Tiger i 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 0
Cow 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 4
Yoni matching is necessary for Shudras.
Marriage 85
(v) Graha-Maitri (Friendship of Rashi Lords)
Friends, neutrals and enemies of various planets are given be-
low in the table 611.
Table 6.11: Friendship of planets

Planets Friends Neutsals Enemies

Sun Moon, Mars, Jup Mercury Venus, Satum
Moon Mercury Sun Mar, Sat, Jup, Ven -
Mars Moon, Sun, Jup Venus, Satum Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Jup, Sat, Mars Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Satum Mer, Ven
Venus Merc, Sat Jupiter, Mars Sun, Moon
Satum Merc, Ven Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars

Take the natal moon sign of bride and bridegroom and note
their lords. If the two rashi lords are two way friends or two rashi
lords are same full '5' points are given. If one is friendly other is
neutral (e.g. Mercury and Saturn) give 4 points. Both rashi lords neu-
tral to each other will get '3' points (e.g. Jupiter and Saturn) One
friendly to other while other is inimical give T point (e.g. Moon
and Mercury). One neutral to other while other is inimical give '1/
2' point In other cases no point is given. For ready reference see
table 6.12.
Table 6.12: Graha-Maitri

Rashi Lord of Bridegroom

Sun Moon Mars Merc Op Ven Sat
Sun 5 5 5 4 5 0 0
Moon S 5 4 1 4 'A V4
Mare 5 4 5 •/, 5 Vi
Mer 4 1 ■A 5 A s 4
Op 5 4 5 •A 5 3
Ven 0 '/t 3 5 Vi i S
Satum 0 >A 4 3 s S
86 Muhurta
Note; The navamsha lords of rashis of both bride and bride-
groom should also be considered for proper matching.
(vi) Gana
Nakshatras are divided in to three groups (1) Deva (2) Nara
(or human) and (3) Rakshasha
Anuradha, Punarvasu. Mrigshira, Shravana Revati, Swati, Hasta,
Ashwini and Pushya these nine nakshatras have *Deva gana'.
Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorva bhadrapad. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini, Bharani and Ardra these nine have
'Nara Gana'.

Magha, Ashlesha, Dhanishtha, Jyestha, Moola, Shatbhisha, Vishakha,

Kritika and Chitra are 'Rakshasha gana'.
If bride and bridegroom both have same gana (based on their
Janma Nakshatra) full '6' points; If bridegroom is 'Deva' bride is
'Nara' '6' points; If bride in 'Deva' and bridegroom is Nara '5'
points; If bridegroom is 'Rakshasha' bride is Deva T point and in
the remaining cases no point is given. See table 6.13
Table 6.13: Gana Matching
k ■ ■
\ Bride- Daiva Nara Rakshasha
Bride XX
Daiva 6 5 1
Nara 6 6 0
Rakshasha 0 0 6

I there is a proper Rashi-Maitri, Yoni-matching and Bhakoota

matching marriage can take place even without 'Gana' matching.
Gana matching is Considered necessary for 'Vaishyas'.
Where Rashi Lords or navamsha lords of rashis of both bride
and bridegroom are same, 'Gana-dosha' will lose its maleficence.
(vii) Bhakoota
Bhakoota matching considers the relative positions of Janma
Rashis (natal moon signs) of bride and bridegroom. If the Janma
Marriage 87
Rashis are in 2/12; 5/9 or 6/8 positions from each other it is consid-
ered malefic and no point is given. In other cases full '7' points are
But apart from considering the points or 'Gunas' following fac-
tors should also be taken in to consideration.
(a) Regarding same Janma Rashi: Where bride and bride,"oom
have same Janma Rashi it is considered benefic provided they have
different nakshatras or if they are having same nakshatra they should
not have same quarter or 'charana' of that nakshatra.
(b) Regarding 2/12 position: This is called 'Dwirdwadasha' dosha
and should be avoided.
Note-1: Where bride's rashi is second from bridegroom's rashi
it is considered malefic, otherwise it is not malefic i.e. when bride's
rasi is 12th from bridegroom's rashi.
Note-2; For Tauras-Gemini; Cancer-Leo; Virgo-Libra; Scorpio
Saggitarius; Capricorn-Aquarius; and Pisces-Aries these couples, 2/12
positions are not malefic because 'Rashi-Lords are Mends.
For other pairs 2/12 position is malefic.
(c) 3/11 position of Janma Rashis
This is considered benefic in all situations.
(d) 4/10 position of Janma Rashis
This is considered benefic and full '7' points are given for this
relationship but in the following pairs due to enimity of 'Rashi Lords'
the beneficience is lost. Taurus - Leo; Cancer - Libra; Virgo -
Saggitraius; Scorpio - Aquarius, Capricorn - Aries and Pisces - Gemi-
ni are malefic pairs. It is said to cause poverty.
(e) 5/9 positions
Although the Rashi-Lords will always be friends in mis posi-
tion but it is considered malefic and is called 'nava-panchama' dosha
and no point is given. But all 5/9 positions are not similar. Where
bride's Janma-Rashi is 5th from that of bridegroom it is considered
more malefic as compared to the situation where bride's janma Rashi
is 9th from that of the bridegroom. It is said to cause problems re-
lating to progeny.
88 Muhurta
(0 6/8 positions
This is called 'Shad Ashtaka' and is considered highly malefic. Malefi-
cence will be more where Rashi Lords are enemies. Where Rashi Lords
are friends or are same like in Aries-Scorpio; Gemini-Capricorn; Leo -
Pisces; Libra - Taurus; Saggitarias - Cancer and Aquarious - Virgo,
'Shadashtaka dosha' will lose its maleficence.
Malefic, Shadashtaka is said to cause disease and death,
(g) 1/7 positions
These are always considered benefic and full '7' points are giv-
en. Even where Rashi Lords are enemies, sama-saptama i.e. 1/7 po-
sitions are considered benefic except for Cancer - Capricorn and Leo
- Aquarius.
The malefic 'BhakMta' or dushta-Bhakoota' as it is called will lose its
maleficence if any of the following condition are satisfied
(i) Rashi-Lords are friends
(ii) There is proper Nadi-matching
(iii) Navamsha-Lords of Rashis are friends
(iv) Bride and bridegroom both have benefic 'Tara' and there
is proper nadi-Matching.
(v) Vashya and Nadi-matching both are present
(viii) Nadi
There are three 'nadis' - (i) Aadi (ii) Madhya and (iii) Antya.
Birth in a particular nakshatra will decide which nadi a person is hav-
ing. The nakshatras and nadi's represented by them are given in ta-
ble 6.14.
Bride and bridegroom should not have the same nadi (e.g.
"bride having Bharani and bridegroom having Chitra nakshatra will
have same nadi i.e. Madhya nadi and it is called nadi-dosha). If both
have different nadis '8' points are given otherwise (where they have
same nadi) no point is given.
Marriage 89
Table 6.14: Nakshatras & Nadis

Nadis Nakshatras
Aadi Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, U.Falguni, Hasta, Jyestha Moola,
Shatbhisha, P.Bhadrapad
Madhya Bharani. Mrigshira, Pushya, P.Falguni, Chitra, Anuradha,
P.Shada. Dhanistha, U.Bhadrapad
Antya Kritika, Rohini, Ashlcsha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, U.Shada,
Shravana, Revati.

(i) Where bride and bridegroom have same Janma-Rashr but
different nakshatras it will not amount to nadi-dosha (e.g. both hav-
ing Gemini moon sign and one having Ardra and other having
Punarvasu nakshatra thus having same Aadi-nadi will not have nadi-
(ii) Where both have same nakshatra but different Janma-Rashis
(e.g. both having Kritika nakshatra but one having Aries and other
having Taurus Janma-Rashi) will not have nadi-dosha.
(iii) Both having same nakshatra but having different 'Charana'
or quarter will not have nadi-dosha.
If bridegroom's nakshatra is immediately after the bride's nakshatra it is
considered highly inauspicious (e.g. bride having Punarvasu and bride-
groom having Pushya is malefic). If in the above Kootas one gets 18 or
more points the marriage is permissible. The more the 'points' or 'Gunas'
the better is the matching. '
Note: 'Guna' matching or 'Koota' matching is only one of the
several other factors which are to be considered for proper matching
for marriage. A step by-step procedure for matching is given in brief
later on in this chapter.
90 Muhurta
Other lectors.
Varga: This is based on the initial Hindi alphabet from which
the name starts. There are eight vargas or divisions which fall in the
fallowing order.
Initial alphabet of the name - Varga
1. A, Aa, I, Ee, U, Oo, E, Ei, O, Au, An, Ah, - Sarpa

31, an. ^ ^,ah. arr, aL at

2. K, Kh, G, Gh - Mooshaka

3>, M, V.
3. Ch, Chh, J, Jh, - Mriga

% F, xiT, H
4. T, Th, D, Dh, N - Mesha

5. T, Th, Th, Th, N - Gamda

cl, 2T, <£T, ^
6. P. F, B, Bh, M - Vidaala
q, % w. T. q
7. Y, R, L, V - Simha

q, ?, 3, q
8. S. Sh, Sh, H - Shwana

Each Varga has 5m from it as its inimical varga. Bride and

bridegroom should not belong to inimical varga. If they have same
varga it is considered very auspicious.
Relative nakshatra positions or 'StH-Doora'
Count from bride's nakshatra to bridegroom's nakshatra - Up
Marriage 91
to nine is considered malefic, 10 to 18 is considered medium and
rest of the positions arc considered auspicious. To put it in other
words the farther the b: legroom's nakshatra from bride's nakshatra-
the better it is.
The following step-by-step approach can be followed for a
proper matching of horoscopes of boy and girl.
Step-1 Analyse the longevity of both boy and girl from their resepective

Step- 2 Analyse the longevity of boy from the girl's chart (i.e. see if there
is any combination of widowhood in the girl's chart) and analyse the lon-
gevity of girl from the boy's chart (i.e. see if there is any combination of
widower hood in the boy's chart).

Step- 3 Analyse 7th house for married life and all aspects related to mar-
riage; 4th house for domestic comforts; 12th house for comforts of the
bed; 5th house for progeny; 2nd house for 'Kutumba' or family and other-
houses as well for both boy and girl from their respective charts and note
which houses are afflicted.

Step- 4 Now analyse the above aspects for the boy from girl's chart taking
7th house as lagna and for the girl from the boy's chart taking 7th house as
lagna (i.e., analyse 7th from 7th, 5th from 7th, 4th from 7th, 2nd from 7th
and all other houses) and see whether afflictions which were found in
step-3 are aggravated or reduced.

Step- 5 Analyse the coming 'dashas' of both boy and girl and analyse their
effects for both boy and girl from their- respective charts and from each-
other's chart. 1

Step-6 After taking the above steps one can go for 'koota
matching', and such other matchings as are based on 'moon-signs or
Some Important Points
I. Match a person having combinations for widowhood with a person hav-
ing combinations for widower-hood.
92 Muhurta
2. Match a person with a particular house afflicted with that
person who is having similar afflictions in that house. For example
a person with Mars placed in 7th house should be matched with an-
other having preferably Mars in 7th house or any other malefic in
7th house. Similar rule should be followed for other houses as far
as possible. A hint to this respect is given by Vaidyanatha in 'Jataka

cTT^Sfl zfTTuT ^cf: sMct |

That is, where malefics are placed in 2nd and '7th' house it
will cause separation from spouse and miseries, but if such person
gets a spouse with similar afflictions he will have good progeny,
wealth and married life.
3. Where there are combinations of widow hood, widower hood or mul-
tiple marriages the remedies prescribed in 'Shastras' can be made use of.
Like one can have 'Pratima-Vivaha' (i.e. symbolic marriage) before actu-
ally getting married to a particular person.
Thus one can see that matching for marriage is not as simple
as people think it to be. Moreover, stability of marriages is not only
related to quality of matching, it is also related to ' Desha-kaala-Patra'
(i.e. The place where one is living, the time and also the person with
his samskaras behind him).


In Hindu Religion death is not treated as the end of life rather it is treated
as a moment when the 'Atma' or 'Soul' after leaving the present body will
start its journey either for reincarnation in some new form or for 'moksha'
(final emancipation) This is the reason behind the samskaras after death.
To give 'gati' (motion) to the departed soul, 'gati-kriya' (process of put-
ting in motion) or cremation is done. The concept of death is beautifully
explained in one of the poems of famous female Hindi Poet Mahadevi'

A rough translation can be like this

"The day when 1 will cross the boundaries of my limited ex-
istence to meet that 'Limitless', O! God! You will see Immortality
playing the game of death"
Cremation is of two types;
(i) When dead body is available
(ii) When dead body is not available
When dead body is available. There is no need to chose a
muhurta for cremation. Only when a body is to be cremated in
nakshatra panchaka (i.e. in 2nd half of Dhanistha, Shatbhisha,
Poorvabharapad. Uttarabhadrapad and Revati) proper Panchaka shanti'
is to be done.
94 Muhurta
One way of Panchaka 'Shanti' is to donate 'pancha-ratnas' or
(five precious gems) to a Brahmina or to have five symbolic crema-
When dead body is not available. This will happen in cases
of unnatural deaths where dead body is either destroyed or is
untraceable. In such cases cremation of 'Puttala' (efigee) made of
'Kusha' (a kind of grass) Palasha and rice flour etc. is done. For
'Puttala-daha' or 'cremation of efigee' the following process of
chosing muhurta should be adopted.
(a) When the information about death is received during
Sootaka (impurity) is said to last for ten to sixteen days after death de-
pending on tradition of a particular place, li the information about death
is received during this period 'puttala-daha' can be done at any time ex-
cept in nakshatra panchaka.
(b) When the information of death is received after
'Sootaka' within one year.
When information is received within one year the following considerations
are necessary for choosing a proper muhurta for 'puttaladaha'

(1) Nakshatras: Shravana, Hasta, Swati, Ashwini and Pushya

are best
Uttarphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini, Anuradha,
• Poorvaphalguni, Punarvasu, Vishakha, Mrigshira, Qiitra and Dhanistha
are of medium category for 'puttala-daha'
(2) Days: Sunday, Monday, Thursday
(3) To be avoided: Avoid Bhadra, Avoid Janma and Pratyari
Tara of the person doing cremation (i.e. 1st 5th, 10th, 14th, 19th
and 23rd nakshatra from Janma nakshatra) and also avoid Moon
placed in 4/8/12 positions from the natal moon sign of person doing
cremation. Also,avoid Friday, Tuesday, Saturday, 1/6/11/13/14 tithis;
Tripushkara Yogas, 'Adhika masa', Kshaya-fmasa, Parigha, Vyatipaat
Vaidhriti,' Combustion of Jupiter and Venus and bright half (Shukla
All aggressive nakshatras (i.e., Poorva-Phalguni, Poorvashada,
Cremation 95
Poorvabhadrapad. Bharani and makha), all ferocious nakshatras (Moola,
Jyestha, Ardra and Ashlesha) and Revati should also be avoided.

(c) When the information of death is received after one year

When information of the death is received after one year
puttala daha' should be performed in Uttarayana, and all other vari-
ables mentioned in case (b) discussed above for chosing muhurta
should be considered.


IN this Chapter muhurta for starting education in general and

muhurtas for starting education in certain specialized branches are dis-
cussed. The considerations which are applicable to education in gen-
eral can also be applied to speciahzed education unless a differenis
intention is expressed.
Muhurta for Starting Education • General
Time: Sun in Uttarayana is considered auspicious. Some
Learned say that except 'Harishayana' (i.e. Ashada Shukla 11 to
Kartika Shukla 11) whole year is good. Combustion of Jupiter and
Venus should be avoided.
Nakshatras: All movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu,
Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta,
Ashwini and Pushya) Moola, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada,
Poorvabhadrapad, Mrigshira, Chitra, Ardra and Ashlesha are consid-
ered good.
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis are good.
Days; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are best; Sunday and
Monday medium and rest (i.e. Saturday and Tuesday) should be
Lagna: Lagna of movable rashis (1/4/7/10 rashis) with benefics
in kendras and Trikonas (i.e. 1/4/7/10/5/9 houses) and malefics in 3/
6/10/11 are considered good. 8th house should not have any planet.
Age: It is good to start education in odd years from birth (i.c
3rd or 5th year). First three months and last three months of even
years are also good.
Chandra/Tara-Shuddhi; Proper Chandra shuddhi (avoiding
4/8/12 positions of Moon from natal Moon) and Tara Shuddhi (i.e.
avoiding 3/5/7 Taras) should be done for the child.
Educational Muhurtas 97
Now we come to education in certain specialized areas.
(a) For starting Education in Mathematics
For starting education in mathematics or any such area where
mathematics predominates the following considerations are necessary.
Nakshatras: All aggressive nakshatras (i.e. Poorvaphalguni,
Poorvashada, Poorva bhadrapad, Bharani and Magha), all movable
nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu. Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha)
all short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), Moola,
Kritika, Ardra, Mrigshira and Revati are auspicious.
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days: Sunday and Wednesday and day time is best
Avoid Bhadra and Malefic Yogas. Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi
is Compulsory.
(b) Education in Vedas, Granuner etc.
Nakshatras: All movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu,
Shravana, Dhanishtha and Shatbhisha), all short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta,
Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira,
Revati, Chitra and Anuradha) and Ardra.
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are preferred
Avoid Bhadra, Malefic Yogas. Chose lagna with benefics in 1/
4/5/7/9/10 house, and malefics in 3/6/11 houses and 8th house un-
occupied. strength of 5/9 houses has to be ensured.
Proper 'Chandra/Tara Shuddhi' is an important consideration.
(c) Education in 'Dharma Shastra' and Philosophy
Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras (i.e.
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha) all short nakshatras (i.e.
Hasta, Ashwini Pushya and Abhijit), Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada,
Poorvabhadrapad, Shravana, Dhanistha and Ardra are considered aus-
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis are good
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
98 Muhurta
Avoid Bhadra and malefic Yogas. Same 'lagna shuddhi' as rec-
ommended in (b) above is to be done.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is necessary.
(d) 'Dhanur Vidya' or starting education in Arms and Am-
Nakshatras: All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya
and Abhijit), Mrigshira, Chitra, Anuradha, Ardra, Jyestha, Moola,
Vishakha, Swati, Shravana, Shatbhisha, Poorvashada, Poorvaphalguni
and Rohini nakshatras are Considered auspicious for learning the use
of arms and ammunition. Sunday, Tuesday and Friday are good, other
consideration are similar to muhurta for education in general.
Proper Chandra/Tara shuddhi is a necessary requirement.
(e) Medical Education or education that helps in detecting
defects or impurities
Nakshatras: Ail friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati,
Chitra and Anuradha), all short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini,
Pushya and Abhijit), all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu,
Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha) Moola, Ardra and Ashlesha
nakshatras are auspicious
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Proper Lagna Shuddhi. Chandra/Tara Shuddhi should be done.
(f) Music, Dance, Drama
Nakshatras: Mrigshira, Revati, Anuradha, Hasta, Pushya, Swati,
Shravana, Dhanishtha, Shatbhisha, Poorvaphalguni, Jyestha and
Uttarashada are considered good for learning music, dance and the
like. Ram Daivagna in Muhurta Chintamani adds Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini nakshatras to the above list of favoura-
ble nakshatras particularly for learning dance.
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lagna: Strong lagna with preferably Mercury posited in lagna
and Moon in the signs of Mercury.
Educational Muhurtas 99
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi for the person concerned is com-
(g) Education in Jainism
Nakshatras: AH aggressive nakshatras (Poorvaphalguni,
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad. Bharani and Magha), Ashwini,
Vishakha and Revati nakshatras are considered auspicious.
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days: Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. Afternoon time is consid-
ered good.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is necessary.
(h) Yavana Vidya' (Le. education in Urdu, Persian, Arabi-
an languages)
Nakshatras: All aggressive nakshatras (i.e. Poorvaphalguni,
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha). all ferocious
nakshatras (i.e. Moola, Jyestha, Ardra, Ashlesha), all mixed nakshatras
(i.e. Vishakha and Kritika) and Revati are considered good for learn-
ing Urdu, Arabian or Persian.
Tithis: From Shukla Dwitiya, 1st, 2nd 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, 12th,
14th, 20th, 22nd 25th lunar days are considered good.
Days: All days except Thursday are good.
Lagna: Fixed Lagnas with Moon in lagna are preferred.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi must be done.
(i) "Shilpa-Vidya" (Sculpture, Architecture and the like)
Nakshatras: Fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati,
Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all friendly
nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha) and all short
nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit) are considered
Tithis: 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday.
Lagnas: Strong lagna in the vargas of Jupiter or Mercury is
100 Muhurta
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi must be done.
(J) Legal-Education
Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all movable nakshatras (i.e.
Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), Ashwini and
Pushya are considered good for starting legal education.
Tithis; 2/3/5/6/10/11/12
Days: Thursday, Friday and Wednesday.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is necessary.
(h) 'Vyayama' or for Learning Athelatic skills, sports skills
and the like
Nakshatras: All aggressive nakshatras (i.e. Poorvaphalguni,
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha), Jyestha, Moola
and Ashlesha are considered auspicious.
Tithis: 3/5/8/10/13/15 tithis
Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Benefics should be placed in Kendras and Trikonas and malefics
in 3/6/11 houses from muhurta lagna.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is necessary.
(g) Painting
Nakshatras: All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya
and Abhijit), Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Anuradha, Chitra and Revati
nakshatras are considered good for starting education in painting.
Tithis; 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is necessary.
In todays world the variety and complexity in education has
increased tremendously. It is very difficult to list each and every type
of education and specify muhurta for that. But as we have seen in
various muhurtas discussed in this chapter that it is basically match-
ing the nature of nakshatras and days with the type of education and
chosing the benefic tithis. Yogas and lagnas to give a good start to
education. In educational muhurtas in addition to considering strength
of Moon in transit, strength of Mercury should also be considered.


THIS chapter is aimed at discussing various muhurtas related to

those activities by which people earn their livehhood.
Note: In all the muhurtas discussed in this chapter proper
'Chandra Shuddhi' and/or 'Tara Shuddhi' (considering the strength
of moon in transit) is a must.
Muhurta for selling goods
For Selling, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad,
Vishkha, Kritika, Ashlesha and Bharani nakshatras are considered
good. One should chose benefic tithis (1/2/3/5/7/10/11/13) and benefic
yogas. The Selling lagna should not be Aquarius. It should have
benefics in 1/4/7/10/5/9/2 houses and malefics in 3/6/11 houses.
Opening a Shop
Avoid Rikta Tithis (4/9/14), Tuesday and Aquarius Ascendent.
All other tithis, days and ascendents are good. All fixed nakshatras
(i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini) all Mridu
nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha) and all Laghu
or short nakshatras (Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit) are consid-
ered auspicious for starting a shop. The Lagna should have benefics
in 2/10/11 houses; Venus and Moon are preferred in lagna; and
8/12 houses should not have malefics.
Sale, Purchase, Training, Riding of Horses
Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Revati, Dhanistha, Mrigshira, Swati,
Shatbhisha and Punarvasu nakshatras; all tithis except Rikta tithis
(4/9/14); all days except Tuesday are considered auspicious for sale
and purchase of horses, for their training and riding.
For training horses and other animals Saturday and Teekshna
nakshatras (i.e. Jyestha, Moola, Ardra and Ashlesha) are considered
102 Muhurta
specially auspicious. 'Jyotir Nibandha' suggests that the time for start-
ing education will also be good for training horses.
For horse riding, count from the nakshatra occupied by Sun to
the nakshatra occupied by Moon. First fifteen nakshatras from the
nakshatra occupied by Sun are considered good.
Sale, Purchase etc. of Elephants
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya,
Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha nakshatras are
considered good for sale-purchase of elephants. Here also Rikta Tithis
(4/9/14) and Tuesday should be avoided.
Sale-Purchase of Goats, Buffalows etc.
Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Vishakha,
Revati, Moola, Mrigshira* Pushya, Dhanistha, Punarvasu, Shatbhisha,
Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit nakshatras; benefic tithis; and
Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday are considered auspicious for
sale-purchase of goats, buffalows and the like.
For Pet Animals
Lagna of benefic planets (2/3/4/6/7/9/12) with 8th house not
occupied by any planet; in Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha,
Shatbhisha nakshatras and "Yoni-nakshatras1" of that specific animal
are considered good for keeping pets.
Rikta Tithis (4/9/14), Ashtami (8th tithi) and Amavashya (30th
tithi); Tuesday; Shravana, Chitra and Fixed nakshatras (uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini are to be avoided for entry
of animals into the house or for taking animafk from one place to
Sale-Purchase of Land
Punarvasu, Mrigshira, Revati, Anuradha, Magha, Moola,
Ashlesha, Vishakha, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada and
Poorvabhadrapad nakshatras; Nanda and Pooma Tithis (i.e. 1/6/11/5/
10/15 tithis) and benefic days, particularly Thursday and Friday, are
considered auspicious for sale and purchase of land.

1. Different nakshatras are allotted different Yonis like Ashwini and Shatbhisha
have Horse Yoni; Revati-Bhasani have elephant Yoni and so on. For details see the
chapter on marriage.
Occupational Muhurtas 103
Monetary Transactions
Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha Shatbhisha, Mrigshira,
Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Ashwini, Pushya and Vishkha nakshatras;
movable lagnas (i.e. lagnas of 1/4/7/10 rashis) with 5/8/9 houses un-
occupied are considered good for monetary transactions e.g. taking
and giving money, depositing money in bank, taking Insurance Poli-
cy and the like.
To be avoided in taking loan and giving loan
Avoid Tuesday; Vriddhi Yoga (11th Yoga), Samkranti day (day
when Sun Changes sign) and Amrit Siddhi Yoga formed by Sunday
and Hasta nakshatra for taking loan as it will create difficulty in re-
Avoid Wednesday for giving loan. Wednesday is good for de-
positing money.
The days which are to be avoided for taking loan are good for
repayment of loan.
Starting Government Service
For starting government service, all Laghu nakshatras (i.e. Hasta,
Ashwini, Pushya, Abhijit) all Mridu or Friendly nakshtras
(i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha) and all Fixed nakshatras
(Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini) are con-
sidered auspicious. Shravana and Dhanistha are also permitted. Sun-
day1, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Monday are good. Jupiter in
7th house, Saturn in 6th house. Sun and/or Mars in 3rd, 10th, or 11th
house and Venus and/or Moon in 4th house or Lagna are Consid-
ered auspicious for starting government service. Avoid Rikta Tithis
(4/9/14 tithi) and Tuesday.
The above muhurta can also be used for keeping servant or
starting service of a master. It is good if there is friendship between
Rashi-lords of Servant and Master and proper Yoni-matching as was
discussed in chapter - 6 (Yoni-matching should be based on their pop-
ular names).

1. Although, Sunday is a holiday but if one wants to chose Sun's Hora on

any other day that will also be suitable.
104 Miiuirta
Nakshatra of Master should not be before the nakshatra of Serv-
ant, e.g. Master having Punarvasu nakshatra and Servant having
Pushya nakshatra is not considered good.
One should see the strength of I Oth house and Lagna at the
time of joining any service. Proper Chandra Shuddhi (i.e. avoiding
Moon's placement in 4/8/12 positions from natal Moon) and Tara
Shuddhi (Avoiding 3/5/7 Taras) should be done.
Some learned are of the view that in all acts concerning busi-
ness, profession or service one should avoid Poorvaphalguni,
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani, Kritika, Ardra, Ashlesha and
Jyestha nakshatras; Malefic Yogas (i.e Vyatipaat, Vaidriti etc.) ma-
lefic Tithis (i.e. Rikta Tithis, 6/8/12/14/30 tithis) Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Saturday'
Land Cultivation
Moola, Vishakha, Magha, Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha, Shatbhisha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad,
Rohini, Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta, Ashwini and
Pushya nakshatras; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
day; All tithis except Rikta Tithis (4/9/14 tithis), 6th tithi and
Amavashya (30th tithi) are considered good for starting cultivation
of land. Avoid Bhadra and also avoid ascendents of 1/4/5/7/10/11
signs. At the time of Cultivation if malefics are weak, Venus and
Moon are strong, Moon is placed in watery navamsha i.e. navamsha
of (4/8/10/12 signs) and Jupiter is placed in lagna it is considered
highly auspicious - Proper Chandra Shuddhi for the fanner is a must
It is better to start cultivation from north direction.
Sowing Seeds
Moola, Magha, Swati, Dhanistha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini, Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta,
Ashwini, and Pushya nakshtras; Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, and 1/2/3/5/7/8/10/11/12/13/15 tithis are good for sowing
seeds. Bhadra should be avoided.
Cutting Crops
Moola, Jyestha, Ardra, Ashlesha, Poorvabhadrapad, Hasta,

1. Kalidasa. Jyotis vidabharanam Ch. 19 Sh. 50

Occupational Muhurlas 105
Kritika, Dhanistha, Shravana, Mrigshira, Swati, Magha,
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Poorvashada, Bharani,
Chitra and Pushya nakshatras; All days except Tuesday and Satur-
day; 1/2/3/5/6/7/8/10/11/12/13/15 tithis and Ascendents of fixed rashis
(i.e. 2/5/8/11 rashis) are considered good for cutting crops.
Thrashing-manual and mechanical
Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Shravana, Magha, Jyestha,
Rohini, Moola, Anuradha and Revati nakshatras are good for thrash-
ing, use of mechanical instruments (thrashers etc.) for separating
Pollutry Farming
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta, Swati, Punarvasu,
Jyestha, Ashwini, Ardra, Pushya, Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatbhisha,
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini Nakshatras
and all days except Saturday and Tuesday are considered good for
starting Pollutry farming. Avoid Bhadra, Rikta Tithis and malefic
Fish Farming
Shatbhisha, Swati, Rohini, Poorvashada Bharani and Hasta
nakshatras; Tuesday, Sunday and Friday are good for starting fish
farming i.e. to put fish seed into fish Pond. Avoid Bhadra, Rikta
Tithis and malefic yogas.
For Keeping Monkeys and Deers as Pets
Ardra, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada. Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini,
Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Mrigshira nakshtras and all benefic days
(i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) are considered good
for keeping monkeys and deers as pets. Avoid Bhadra, Rikta Tithis
and malefic yogas.
For Keeping Violent Animals as Pets
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya
Abhijit, Ardra, Rohini, Jyestha, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada and
Poorvabhadrapad nakshatras; Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day are good for keeping violent animals (e.g. Hons tigers etc.) as
106 Muhurta
Business relating to Cows or Cow-milk
Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatbhisha, Hasta,
Ashwini, Pushya, Mrighshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha,
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini nakshatras
are good for starting business relating to cows or Cow-milk. One
should chose benefic tithis and benefic days.
Business relating to buffallows, Sheeps, Goats etc.
Moola, Punarvasu, Pushya, Shatbhisha, Revati, Poorvaphalguni,
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Mrigshira,
Dhanistha and Vishakha nakshatras; and Sunday, Monday, Friday and
Saturday are considered good for starting business relating to
bufallows, goats and sheeps.
Business relating to Camels, Horses, Donkeys and Birds
Hasta, Jyestha, Ashwini, Swati, Anuradha and Punarvasu
nakshatras and Sunday, Friday and Saturday are good for starting
business relating to Camels, Horses, Donkeys and Birds.
Tree PalnUtion
Vishakha, Moola, Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha,
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini, Shatbhisha,
Hasta, Ashwini and Pushya nakshatras and Sunday, Thursday and Fri-
day are considered good for tree plantation.
Count from Sun's nakshatra to Moon's nakshatra at the time
of starting tree plantation. First three nakshatras from Sun's nakshatra
are malefic; next three benefic; next six malefic; next three benefic,
next six malefic and next six benefic. To put it in other words if
we count from Sun's nakshatra, 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 22th,
23rd, 24th, 2fth, 26th, and 27th nakshatras are good for tree planta-
Storing of fruits, flowers, foodgrains and other agricultural
All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad & Rohini), all short nakshtras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini,
Pushya and Abhijit), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati,
Chitra and Anuradha) and all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati,
Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatbhisha) are good for storing ag-
Occupational Muhurtas 107
r(cultural products, fruits, flowers, medicinals plants and juices. Avoid
Bhadra, Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithi), Amavashya (New Moon day) and
malefic yogas. Sunday, Thursday and Friday are good.
For all agricultural acts in general
All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit),
all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha)
and Lagna of male rashis (i.e. 1/3/5/7/9/11 rashis) with benefics in
4th and 10th house is good for all agricultural activities in general
Jupiter in Kendras, Mercury in second house, benefics in elev-
enth house and malefics in sixth house ensure success in agricultur-
al activities.
For all commercial activities in general
All short nakshatras (Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Abhijit), all
friendly nakshatras (Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, and Anuradha),
Shravana, Dhanistha and Punarvasu nakshatras, benefic days (Mon-
day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and benefic tithis (1/2/3/5/7/
10/11/13/15 tithis) are considered good for all commercial activities.
Strong Lagna, tenth house, second house and eleventh house will en-
sure success.
For acts relating to vehicles (i.e. manufacturing trading etc)
All short nakshatras (Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), ail
movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and
Shatbhisha), all friendly nakshatras (Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and
Anuradha), Rohini, Jyestha and Vishakha nakshatras; Nanda, Jaya and
Pooma tithis (i.e. 1/6/11/3/8/13/5/10/15 tithis), Sunday and ascend-
ent of 2/3/6/7/9/12 rashis are good for all acts or businesses relating
to vehicle.
Acts relating to precious stones (cutting, polishing)
Bharani, Kritika, Dhanistha, Jyestha, Swati, Rohini, Chitra,
Ardra, Moola and Vishakha nakshatras; Tuesday, Saturday and Sun-
day and ascendent ,oJ fixed signs (2/5/8/11 signs) are good for cut-
ting and polishing precious stones.
Acts relating to gold, gold ornaments
AH movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all ordinary nakshatras (i.e. Vishakha and
Kritika), all short nakshatras (Hasta. Ashwini. Pushya and Abhijit)
10S Muhurta
Mrigshira and Chitra nakshatras; Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri-
day; ascendents of 1/2/5/7/8/9/12 rashis with Jupiter and Moon strong-
ly placed in lagna are considered good for all acts relating to gold.
The above muhurta can also be used for starting a business re-
lating to manufacturing/trading in silver ornaments, artificial jewel-
lery and the like because basically it is meant for acts of goldsmith
For Writers
All movable nakshatras (i.e Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), Moola, Hasta, Chitra, Mrigshira and Ardra
nakshatras; 2/3/5/6/10/11/12 tithis; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
and all male rashis as ascendents (i.e. 1/3/5/7/9/11 rashis) are good
for writing purpose. Jupiter placed in Kendras (1/4/7/10 houses), Mer-
cury in second house, benefics in eleventh house and malefics in sixth
house are considered good to start writing.
For Barbers
All movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini,
Pushya and Abhijit), Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Jyestha nakshatras
are good for barbers to start their business. Proper Tara Shuddhi (i.e.
avoiding 3/5/7 taras) should be done. Avoid malefic tithis, yogas and
early morning times.
For Gardners
All movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), Poorvashada, Ashwini, Pushya, Magha,
Chitra and Mrigshira nakshatras; Monday, Thursday and Friday and
male rashis as lagnas with benefics placed in Kendras are consid-
ered good to start all acts relating to gardening.
For Potters
All friendly nakshatras (Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, and
Anuradha), Punarvasu, Hasta, Jyestha, Shravana, Swati and Rohini
Nakshatras; Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday;
Lagnas of movable rashis (i.e. 1/4/7/10 rashis) with Saturn placed in
watery signs and benefics placed in Kendras are considered good for
potters to start their activities.
Occupational Muhurtas 109
For Cloth manufactures (Spinning, Weaving etc.)
All movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira,
Revati, Chitra and Anuradha), Rohini and Jyestha nakshatras; Sun-
day, Monday, Thursday and Friday; all tithis except Rikta Tithis are
considered good for spinning, weaving and all other acts relating to
cloth industry.
For Painting
All short nakshatras (Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), all
movable nakshatras (Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and
Shatbhisha), Mrigshira, Chitra, Anuradha and Poorvashada nakshatras
and Sunday, Monday and Friday are considered good to start paint-
For acts involving use of leather
Mrigshira, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad,
Revati, Vishakha, Jyestha, Ardra, Moola, Dhanistha, Hasta and Chitra
nakshatras; and Sunday, Friday and Saturday are good for starting
all acts involving use of leather.
For acts involving killing animals, birds (eg. opening a meat-shop
and the like)
All ferocious nakshatras (Jyestha, Moola, Ardra, Ashlesha)
Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Swati, Vishkha,
Shatbhisha and Bharani nakshatras; Days of malefic planets (Sunday,
Tuesday and Saturday); Lagnas of malefic planets (lagnas of 1/5/8/
10/11 rashis) with malefics in eleventh house are considered good
for "Vyadha Karma" (Killing animals, birds etc.).
For acts involving use of stones, bricks etc.
All fixed nakshatras (Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad & Rohini), all short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini,
Pushya and Abhijit), Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Jyestha, Shravana,
Vishakha and Kritika nakshatras and Sunday, Thursday and Friday
are considered good for acts involving use of stones, bricks and the
For Theft, Robbery and the like
Poorvabhadrapad, Uttarabhadrapad, all ferocious nakshatras (i.e.
Jyestha, Moola, Ardra and Ashlesha), all aggressive nakshatras ex-
110 Muhurta
cept Magha (i.e. Three Poorvas and Bharani), Chitra and Vishakha
nakshatras and Rikta and Jaya tithis (i.e. 4/9/14/3/8/13 tithis) are con-
sidered good for starting "ehora Karma" (i.e. theft, robbary etc.).
For manufacturing and selling wine
All ferocious nakshatras (i.e. Jyestha, Moola, Ardra, aad
Ashlesha), all aggressive nakshatras (i.e. Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada,
Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha) and Shatbhisha these
nakshatras are considered good for manufacturing and selling wine.
For manufacturing and selling arms and ammunition
All ferocious nakshatras (Moola, Jyestha, Ardra and Ashlesha),
all aggressive nakshatras (Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada,
Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha), Ashwini, Mrigshira, Vishakha
and Kritika naksharas are considered good for manufacturing and sell-
ing arms and ammunition.
Nritya Karma (To learn dancing or to give dance performances)
All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), Mrigshira, Revati, Anuradha, Hasta,
Dhanishta, Shatbhisha, Jyestha and Pushya nakshatras are considered
good for learning dances and giving dance performances. Lagna of
Mercury (i.e. 3/6 rashis) with Moon, Mercury in lagna and fourth
house occupied by benefics in considered good.
To test people on lie-detectors
Hasta, Shravana, Punarvasu, Jyestha and Shatbhisha nakshatras
avoiding 1st, 1 Oth, 16th, 18th, 23rd and 25th (these six) nakshatras
from Janma nakshatra (birth constellation), are considered good for
testing criminals, thiefs etc. on lie-detectors or for interrogation of
such persons. Avoid Bhadra, 8th and 14th tithis, Saturday, Tuesday,
Month of birth and Sun and Moon placed in 8th house from natal
Moon. One should chose lagna and navamsha of movable or dual
rashis (i.e. 1/4/7/10/3/6/9/12 rashis). Transit strength of Moon and
Jupiter is to be ensured and proper Tara Shuddhi has to be done.



THE problem of House construction is a bit complex and it is

proposed to be discussed in the following sequence;
(i) Benefic and malefic nature of a house
(ii) Selecting a proper time for digging foundation and starting
This is a complex area and discussed here in brief. Most of
the calculations here are based on size of land or area of land called
Pinda. Take the following measures;
6 Akshatas (unspoiled piece of rice) form one Angula (Finger).
24 Angulas are equal to one Hasta (Hand). Generally one hand
is taken equal to 18 inches.
4 Hastas are equal to One Dhanusha.
Measure the length and width in Dhanushas and Angulas and
Calculate the area of the piece of land where one wants to construct
a house.
Area = Length x Width
This is called Pinda and it forms the basis for other calcula-
tions. To illustrate we take a Pinda of 1350 Dhanusha (i.e. a piece
of land of 45 x 30 Dhanusha).
(i) Calculation of Aaya (Income)
Multiply the Pinda by nine and divide it by eight the remain-
der will give the Aaya. The names of various Aayas are (1) Dhwaja
112 Muhurta
(Flag) (2) Dhumra (3) Simha (4) Swana (5) Vrishabha (6) Gardhapa
(7) Gaja (8) Dhwansha.
Out of above (1) Dhwaja (3) Simha (5) Vrishabha and (7) Gaja
Aayas are benefic and others are malefic.
The beneficence will also be decided on the basis of direction
of the door. Dhwaja Aaya is good for all directions, Simha Aaya is
good for all but west, Gaja Aaya is benefic when door faces west
and Vrishabha Aaya is good when door faces east.
Moreover Dhwaja for Brahmins; Simha for Kshatriyas; Gaja for
Vaishyas and Vrishabha for Shudras is considered auspicious.
Illustration: Taking the Pinda of 1350 Dhanusha
Aaya= 1350 x 9/8= 12150/8= 1518 remainder 6
Hence the Aaya is Gardhapa Aaya which is malefic Aaya
(ii) Nakshatra of House
Multiply the Pinda by eight and divide by 27, the remainder
when counted from Ashwini will give the nakshatra of house.
Taking the above illustration
Nakshatra of House = 1350 x g / 27 = 10,800 / 27 = 400 remain-
der '0' or '27'
The nakshatra of house is 27th nakshatra i.e. Revati
Note: I. If the nakshatra of house and nakshatra of owner is
same it is highly malefic.
2. The nakshatra of house should not be before the nakshatra
of owner, e.g. if the nakshatra of house is mrigshira and nakshatra
of owner is Ardra it is highly malefic
3. The nakshatra of owner and the house will be matched like
marriage except for Nadi. In this case same nadi will be considered
House Construction and cntenng in to a new house 113
(iii) Vyaya
Divide the nakshatra of house as calculated above by eight, the
remainder will give Vyaya of house. Vyaya should be less than Aaya.
In our illustration the nakshatra of house is 27, dividing it by eight
we get the remainder as 3. So Vyaya is 3. Aaya is 6 as calculated
above. Aaya is more than Vyaya which is good.
(iv) Dravya and Rina (Wealth and Loan)
Multiply the Pinda by eight and divide it by twelve it will give
Dravya (Wealth).
Multiply the Pinda by three and divide by seven it will g've
Rina (Loan).
Dravya should be more than Rina.
Illustration: 1350 * 8 / 12= 10,800/12 = 900 remainder '0' or 12'
So Dravya is 12
Rina = 1350 x3/7 = 4050 / 7 = 578 remainder 4
So Rina is 4
Dravya is more than Rina hence auspicious
(v) Age of House
Multiply the Pinda by eight and divide by 120, remainder will
give the age of the house. The more the age the better it is.
Illustration: Age = 1350 * 8/120= 10,800/ 120 = 90 remainder 120
120 years so very good.
(vi) Vaar, Tithi, Yoga
Multiply the Pinda by nine and divide it by seven. The remain-
der when counted from Sunday will give the Vaar or day.
Multiply the Pinda by eight and divide u by fifteen, the re-
mainder will give the tithi.
Multiply the Pinda by Four and divide it by Twenty Seven, the
remainder when counted from Vishkumbha onwards will give the
If the day, tithi and yoga ate benefic it is considered auspicious.
114 Muhurta
Illustration: Vaar = 1350 x 9/7 = 12,150/7 = 1735 remainder 5 so
Tithi = 1350 x 8 / 15 = 10,800 / 15 = 720 remainder 15. So
Pooma Tithi.
Yoga = 1350 4/27 = 5,400/27 = 200 remainder 0. So
Vaidhriti Yoga.
Vaar and Tithi are benefic and Yoga is malefic.
After making all the above calculations one should see wheth-
er more benefic or malefic influences are there. If there is majority
of malefic influences the Pinda should be rejected and other Pinda
(size of land) should be considered.
Some other considerations
Divide the village or locality, where a person wants to live, in
to nine parts i.e. eight directions and central portion. A person hav-
ing Taurus, Leo, Capricorn and Gemini rashi (natal moon sign) should
not reside in central part of the village or locality. Similarly East di-
rection for Scorpio, South East for Pises; South for Virgo; South-
west for Cancer; West for Saggitarius; North West for Libra; North
for Aries and North East part of village or locality for Aquarious
bom natives should be avoided.
Construction of House
Constmction of house involves a series of activities like dig-
ging for the purpose of foundation laying; laying the foundation, start-
ing actual construction; laying roof, door fittings and so on An at-
tempt has-been made here to discuss the procedure for selecting the
muhurta for each of these activities one by one.
It is only concerned with digging of earth and is different from
actual foundation laying. The following considerations are necessary.
(i) When Sun is in Leo, Virgo and Libra digging should be
started from Agni Comer (South-East); When Sun is passing over
Scorpio, Saggitarius and Capricorn signs digging should start from
Ishan Comer (North-East); when Sun is passing through Aquarius,
Pisces and Aries digging should start firm Vayavya Comer (North-
west) and when Sun occupies Taums Gemini and Cancer digging
House Construction and entering in to a new house 115
should start from Nairitya Comer (South West). This is called con-
sideration of "Rahu Mukha" or 'Shesha Naaga". See the chakra



When Sun is in 5/6/7 signs, Rahu Mukha lies in N-E, Rahu-Pristha in N-

W and Rahu Puchha (Tail) in S-W so digging should start from South
East which is free from Rahu. Similarly we can put Rahu Mukha in differ-
ent directions depending on Sun's transit through a particular sign and
find out the direction which is fre* from Rahu.
(ii) One should not start digging when eartn is sleeping, caiin
is said to sleep on 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 21st and 24th day from Solar
ingress day or Samkranti day.
Alternatively, Earth is said to sleep if Moon's nakshatra is 5th,
7th. 9th, 12th, 19th or 26th from Sun's nakshatra on a particular day.
(hi) For digging (Khata) purpose, downward looking nakshatras
i.e. Moola. Ashlesha, Vishakha, Kritika, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada.
Poorvabhadrapad Bharani and Magha, and nakshatras recommended
for construction i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad,
Rohini (All Fixed nakshatras), Mrigshira, Revati. Chitra. Anuradha
(All Mridu nakshatras). Shatbhisha. Swati. Dhanistha. Hasta and
Pushya are considered good. Benefic tithis. benefic yogas and mov-
able lagnas (Lagna of 14 7 10 rashis) are considered good. The
nakshatra Chosen should not bo conjoined with Mars on Saturn.
116 Muhurta
Laying foundation is different from digging. Most of the clas-
sics prescribe North East (Ishan) or South East (Agni) direction for
laying foundation stone.
chiul "cfpn ^311 fer<5i |

(^cl ^1%cTT
Maharashi Garga says

For laying foundation Fixed nakshatras i.e. (Uttaraphalguni,

Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini) are best. Other nakshatras
recommended for construction i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra Anuradha,
'Shatbhisha, Swati, Dhanistha, Hasta and Pushya are also good. One
should select benefic tithis. Yogas and Fixed rashis as lagnas. All
days except Tuesday are good.
For Stambha Ropana (Fixing Pillars), Upward looking
nakshatras i.e. Ardra, Pushya. Shravana, Dhanistha. Shatbhisha,
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, UUarabiiadrarn'J and Rohini are Consid-
ered auspicious.
(1) Months: Lunar months of Falguna, Shravana, Margsheersha,
Pausa and Vaishakha are good provided Sun is not transiting in dual
rashis (i.e. 3/6/9/12 rashis).
Some Learned (Acharyas) like Kalidasa are of the view that lu-
nar month may be from New Moon to New Moon or from Full
Moon to Full Moon depending upon the tradition of the area.(l*)
while Ram Daivagna in Muhurta Chintamani specially recommends
month beginning from dark half i.e. 'Full Moon to Full Moon (2*).
Some Learned (Acharyas) are of the view that Lunar Month
of Chaitra when Sun is in Aries; Lunar month of Jyestha when Sun
is in Taurus: Lunar month of Ashada when Sun is in Cancer; Lunar
House Construction and entering in to a new house 117
month of Bhadrapada when Sun is in Leo; Lunar month of Ashwin
with Sun in Libra; Lunar month of Kartika when Sun is in Scorpio;
Lunar month of Pausa when Sun is in Capricorn and; Lunar month
of Magha when Sun is in Capricorn or Aquarius are auspicious to
start construction of house. Here again the emphasis is on avoiding
those periods when Sun transits dual signs i.e. Gemini, Virgo,
Saggitarius and Pisces.
(ii) Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, uttarabhadrapad, Rohini). All Mridu Nakshatras (i.e.
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha); Shatbhisha, Swati Dhanistha,
Hasta and Pushya are considered good for starting construction of a
house. The nakshatra selected should not be occupied by a malefic
and should not suffer vedha from a malefic in Saptasalaka Chakra
(as discussed in Ch. 6).
Vastu Chakra
Counting from Sun's nakshatra first 7 nak -hatras are malefic,
next 11 nakshatras are benefic and next 10 nakshatras are malefic.
In other words nakshatra chosen for starting construction should be
8th, 9th, 10th 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th. or 18th when
counted from nakshatra occupied by Sun to get benefic results. This
is also called Vastu Chakra Shuddhi.
(hi) Tithis Yoga etc.
Avoid Rikta (4/9/14 tithis), Amavshya (New Moon day) and
Ashtami,All other tithis are good.
Avoid Bhadra and malefic Yogas. Tuesday is highly malefic.
Other days are good. Even Sunday, being a fixed (Dhruvaj Vaar and
Saturday - day of a slow moving planet, are considered good.
(iv) Lagna-Shuddhi
Avoid movable rashi as Lagna (i.e. 1/4/7/10 rashis). Benefics
should be powerfully placed in any house except 8th and 12th house.
Malefics should be placed in 3/6/11 houses.
Recommended months, nakshatras, Tithis etc. depending upon the
direction of the door
Depending upon the direction of the door, certain tithis,
nakshatras, months etc. become more favourable or unfavourable. The
following points need consideration.
118 Muhurta
If door faces East or West, Solar months of Kumbha, Karkat,
Simha and Capricorn with lunar months of Falguna, Shravana and
Pausa are preferred. For door facing North or South, solar month of
Aries, Tauras, Fibra and Scorpio with Funar months of Vaishakha
and Margsheersha are considered auspicious.
For door facing East or West avoid 1 nakshatras startrg On
Kritika and 7 nakshatras starting from Anuradha as they will ftll ei-
ther in front of the door (called Purastha nakshatras) or back of the
door (called Pristhastha nakshatras). Similarly for door facing South
or North avoid 7 nakshatras from Magha onwards and 7 nakshatras
from Dhanistha onwards i.e. nakshatras falling in the. direction of the
door and those falling in the direction just opposite to the door should
be avoided.

Kri. Roh. Mrig. Ard. Pun. Push Ash.

Bharani . niagna
Ashwim P, Fal
Revati - y. £- U. Fal
U. Bhadra - Z ^ -Hasta
P. Bhadra, Cbitra
Shatbhisha • Swsti
Dhanistha * Vishakha
Shra Abhijit U. Shad P. Shad Moola Jyl. Anu
For door facing East tithis from Krishna Navami to Shukla
Chaturdashi; for door facing South tithis from Amavashya to Krishna
Ashtami; for door facing West tithis from Shukla Navami to Krishna
Chaturdashi and for door facing North tithis from Poomima to Shukla
Ashtami are considered good and rest should be avoided.
Considering the transit of planets from natal moon of the owner
Strength of moon in transit is a must. Moon placed in 3/6/10/
11/1/7 houses from natal Moon, exalted or placed in own house or
a friends house is considered auspicious. Ashtakvarga points can also
be considered.
House Construction and entering in to a new house 119
If at the time of starting construction Moon is weak, combust,
debihtated or placed in malefic positions from natal moon (ie. 4/8/
12 from natal moon) it is considered inauspicious for owner's wife,
if at the time of starting construction Sun is weak or dehbitated it is
not good for the owner. Similarly, weak Jupiter at the time of start-
ing construction is not good for owner's son. Weakness of Venus at
the ti^je of starting construction will cause loss of wealth. Thus one
must tonsider the strength of Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter at the
time of starting construction of house.
Some other benefic and malefic yogas related to construction
1. Age of Home
If construction lagna has ' niter in lag«a, Sua in sixth house.
Mercury in seventh house, Venus in fourth house and Saturn in third
house that house has a long life.
Similarly, Venus in lagna. Sun in third house. Mars in sixth
house and Jupiter in fifth house in Construction lagna is good for
the longevity of the house.
Venus in lagna. Mercury in tenth house. Sun in eleventh house
and Jupiter in Rendra will increase the life of the house.
Jupiter in fourth house. Moon in tenth house. Mars and Saturn
in eleventh house are also good for longevity of the house.
2. Wealth giving combinations
Venus exalted in construction lagna
Jupiter exalted in fourth house of the construction lagna
Saturn exalted in eleventh house of the construction lagna.
The above three yogas will give wealth to the native.
3. If a planet is placed in seventh or tenth house in inimical
navamsha at the time of starting construction and "Vama Swami"
(lord of Varna) is weak, the owner will lose possession of the house
within one year. For Brahmins-Venus and Jupiter; for Kshatriyas-Sun
and Mars; for Vaishyas - Moon, for Shudras Mercury and for
Outcastes Saturn will be treated as "Vama Swami"(3*).
4. If Jupiter is placed in Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
120 Muhurta
Uttarabhadrapao, Rohini, Pushya, Mrigshira, Shravana, Ashlesha or
Poorvashada nakshatras and if the construction is started on Thurs-
day such yoga will give the native power and progeny.
5. If Venus is placed in Ashwini, Chitra, Vishakha, Ardra,
Dhanistha or Shatbhisha nakshatras and construction is started on Fri-
day. such yoga will give wealth and prosperity to the owner of the
6. If Mars is placed in Hasta, Pushya, Revati, Magha,
Poorvashada or Moola nakshatras and construction is started on Tues-
day, such yoga will cause troubles to owner's children and such house
will be prone to fire hazards.
Tuesday itself is considered malefic for starting construction, if
Mars is also placed in above nakshatras it will add to the malefic
7. If Mercury is placed in Ashwini, Rohini, Uttaraphalguni,
Chitra or Hasta nakshatras and construction is started on Wednesday
such yoga will give the owner happiness and progeny.
8. If Saturn is placed in Poorvabhadrapad, Uttarabhadrapad,
Jycstha, Anuradha, Swati or Bharani nakshatras and construction is
started on Saturday such yoga will give fear from evil spirits.
All considerations here are more or less similar to starting con-
struction. Nakshatra Panchaka has to be specifically avoided for roof
laying i.e. one should avoid last two quarters of Dhanistha, and fiill
Shatbhisha. Poorvabhadrapad, Uttarabhadrapad and Revati nakshatras.
Direction of door or main gate
For person bom in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces rashis door in
Eastern direction; for person bom, in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
rashis door in Southern direction ; for persons bom in Gemini, Li-
bra and Aquarius rashis door in Western direction and for persons
bom in Aries, Leo and Saggitarius rashis door in Northern direction
is considered auspicious. Here door means main gate.
Some learned consider East for person bom in 5/8/12 rashis;
South for persons bdm in 4/6/10 rashis; West for persons bom in 3/
House Construction and entering in to a new house 121
7/9 rashis and North for persons bom in 1/2/11 rashis as direction
where main gate is auspicious(4*).
Time for door fitting
All friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and
Anuradha), all short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and
Abhijit), Jyestha, Swati and Punarvasu nakshatras; benefic days (i.e.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and lagnas of 3/6/2/5/8/
11 rashis with benefics in Kendras are considered auspicious.
Miscellaneous Considerations
After selecting proper direction for the door, it is better to have
bathroom in eastern part, kitchen in south-east direction, bed room
in south-west direction, dining room in West direction, room for stor-
ing food grains in north-west direction, store in north direction and
temple in north-east direction of the land.
Between East and South-East one should have room for stor-
ing milk-curd; between South East and South room for storing Ghee;
between South and South-West toilet; between South West and West
Study room; between West and North West room for weeping or re-
leasing tension; between North West and North bed room; between
North and North east medicinal room and between North East and
East-store is considered auspicious.
If one is having scarcity of land and money one can construct
house as per one's capacity

For making and fitting doors

Counting from Sun's nakshatra - first four are benefic, next two
malefic, next four benefic, next two malefic, next four benefic, next
two malefic, next four benefic and remaining five are considered
malefic for making and fitting doors. In other words 1/2/3/4/7/8/9/
10/13/14/15/16/19/20/21/22 nakshatras counted from nakshatra occu-
pied by Sun are considered auspicious.
Now-a-days most of the houses are multi-storied. To start con-
122 Muhurta
stmction above ground floor, Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatbhisha, Hasta,
Ardra, Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, uttarabhadrapad, Rohini, Pushya, Swati and Kritika
nakshatras; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and benefic yogas are
considered auspicious. Lagnas of 3/6/9/12/2/5/8/11 rash 15. with benefics
in Kendras and malefics in 3/6/10/11 houses are considered auspi-
cious. Proper Chandra Shuddhi and/or Tara Shuddhi is compulsory
for the owner.
Favourable locations for various rooms

Temple Store Bath Room to Kitehen

General Room Store
Milk, Curd
Medicinal Room to
Room Store
X Ghee ^
SJ Store Bed H
General Room X
Bed toilet
Store- Room for Dining Study Store-
Food grains Weeping Room Room Arm &


If one wants to have a well or hand pump in one's plot the

better directions are East, North-East, North and West. Well or hand
pump in other directions will not be suitable. Divide the day in to
four parts. The shadows of the house should not fall in to the well
in second or third part of the day in any season.
For entering in to a new house the following considerations are
1. Before entering in to a new house proper "Vastu-Pujan" and
"Havana" should be done in Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha
House Construction and entering in to a new house 123
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini, Swati,
Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha naksbatras. Proper
religious ceremonies should be performed first and then only one
should enter in to a new house.
2. Griha-Pravesha or entering in to a new house is considered
auspicious when Sun is in Uttarayana (From Capricorn to Gemini)
and lunar months of Magha, Falguna, Vaishakha and Jyestha are pre-
vailing. One should avoid combustion of Jupiter and Venus, Jupiter
in Leo & Capricorn and Sun in Pisces.
3. All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttrabhadrapad and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras (Mrigshira, Revati,
Chitra and Anuradha) and all nakshatras falling in the direction of
door (main gate) are considered auspicious. Nakshatras from Kritika
to Ashlesha have East; from Magha to Vishakha have South; from
Anuradha to Shravana have West and from Dhanistha to Bharani have
North direction and hence these nakshatras will be suitable for en-
tering in to a house which has its door in the same direction. For
example for a house having its door facing West, nakshatras from
Anuradha to Shravana will be called "digdwara nakshatras" and will
be suitable for 'Griha -Pravesha' or entering in to a house.
4. 2/3/5/6/7/8/10/11/12/13/15 tithis are considered good; All
days except Tuesday & Sunday are favourable. Avoid Bhadra and
5. Lagna of fixed or dual rashis (2/5/8/11/3/6/9/12 rashis) or
lagna of rashis falling in 3/6/10/11 houses from natal moon sign or
natal lagna of the native are considered auspicious-Griha Pravesha
Lagna should have benefics in 1/7/10/5/9/2/3/11 houses; malefics in
3/6/11 houses and no planet in 4/8 houses; Lagna rashi should not
be 8th rashi from the Natal Moon or Natal lagna.
6. When natal lagna lord, natal nakshatra lord and dasha lord
are weak in transit one should avoid Griha-Pravesha. Moon afflicted
by malefics in transit is also unfavourable.
7. Proper Chandra and Tara-bala of the owner is a necessaiy
Condition. It is better if one considers the Chandra and Tara baia
for all the family members.
124 Muhurta
Some other considerations
From the nakshatra occupied by Sun 6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/22/23/
24/25/26/27th nakshatras are considered auspicious and others should
be avoided. This is also called "Kumbha Chakra Shuddhi".
For a house with door facing East, Sun in 8/9/10/11/12 hous-
es; for a house facing South, Sun in 5/6/7/8/9 houses; for a house
facing West, Sun in 2/3/4/5/6 houses and for a house facing North,
Sun in 11 /12/1 /2/3 houses from Griha-Pravesha Lagna is considered
Pooma tithis (5/10/15) are considered good for entering in to
a house facing East; Nanda tithis (1/6/11) are considered good for
entering in to a house facing South; Bhadra tithis (2/7/12) are con-
sidered good for entering in to a house facing West and Jaya tithis
(3/8/13) are considered good for entering in to a house facing North.

East South West North

Ensure Sun's 8/9/10/11/12 5/6/7/8/9 2/3/4/5/6 11/12/1/2/3

Placement in houses houses houses houses

Chose following 5/10/15 1/6/11 2/7/12 3/8/13

tithis tithis tithis tithis tithis


For entering in to a old house (i.e. purchased house, rented
house or repaired house) Vaishakh, Jyestha, Magha, Falguna,
Margsheersha, Kartika and Shravana months (lunar) are considered
auspicious. There is no need to consider combustor of Jupiter and
Venus and Jupiter's placement in LEO or CAPRICORN.
All other considerations regarding tithi, nakshatra, lagna etc. are
similar to those of entering in to a new house. In addition to the
nakshatras stated for entry in to new house. Shatbhisha, Pushya, Swati
and Dhanistha nakshatras can also be chosen for entry in to an old
House Construction and entering in to a new house 125
1. Jyotirvidabharanam by Kalidasa Ch. 16 Sh. 5.
2. Ram Devagna, Muhurta Chintamani Ch. 12 Sh 16.
3. Ram Devagna, Muhurta Chntamani. Ch. 5 Sh. 43.
4. Kahdasa. Jvotirvidabharanam. Ch. 16. Sh. 4.


Journi.ys can be of many types depending on distance travelled,

purpose of the journeys or route chosen for journey. On the basis of
distance we can classify journey in to long distance journeys and
short distance journeys. Similarly, Journeys can be for war purpose,
for trade purpose, for visiting a holy place (pilgrimage) or routine
journeys. On the basis of route, journeys can be classified as jour-
ney by land, sea or air routes. For routine journeys there is no need
for a muhurta.
In this chapter first the general considerations for selecting a
proper time to start a journey is discussed and these are applicable
to all types of journeys. After that a brief account of other consider-
ations which are applicable to specific types of journeys are given.
This basically involves selection of a proper nakshatra, tithi,
yoga, day and karana for journey.
(i) Nakshatras
Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Mrigashira, Revati, Anuradha,
Shravana, Dhanistha and Punarvasu these nine are considered best.
All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini) are medium. Others should be avoided.
If it is Urgent to travel in other nakshatras then avoid first '16'
ghatis (6 hours 24 minutes) of Three Poorvas; first '7' ghaties (2
hours 48 minutes) of Bharani; first 21 ghatis (8 hours 24 minutes)
of Kritika; first 11 ghatis (4 hours 24 minutes) of Magha and first
14 ghatis (5 hours 36 minutes) of Swati, Vishakha, Jyestha and
Journey 127
Ashlesha. Remain in^nakshatras are fuUy avoided. This view is giv-
en by Ram Daivagna in 'Muhurta Chintamani'
Table 11.1: Nakshatras for Journey

Benefic Hasta. Ashwini, Pushya.Mngshy'Q Revati, Anuraduo. Punarvasu,

Nakshatras Shravana, Dhanistha

Medium Uttarafalgani. Uttarashada. Uttarabhadrapad. Rohini


Other Three Kritika Magha Bharani Swali. Vishakha*

Nakshatras Poorvas Jyestha. Ashlesha

Ghatis (Hours) Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid

to be 16 ghatis 21 ghatis II ghatis 7 ghalis 14 ghatis
avoided (6H 24 M) (8H 24 M) (4H 24 M) (2H 48 M) (5H. 36 M)

Ardra, Shatbhisha, Chitta and Nfcda are tillK avoided1

'Nakshatra Shoola' or Nakshatras to be avoided for jour-
ney in a particular direction: Avoid Jyestha for journey to the East;
Poorvabhadrapad for journey to the South; Rohini for journey to the
West and Uttaraphalguni for journey to the North directions. The di-
rection is decided from the place one is starting. For example, for
one who wants to go from Delhi to Bombay it is journey to South
and for one who wants to go from Bombay to Delhi it is journey to
Nakshatras to be avoided for undertaking journey in a par-
ticular one third portion of day and night: Divide the length of
day in to three parts and similarly divide the length of night in to
three parts and follow the mles given below.
(a) Avoid fixed nakshatras and ordinary nakshatras (i.e.
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Rohini, Vishkha and
Kritika) for undertaking journey in first part of the day.
(b) Avoid ferocious nakshatras (i.e. Moola, Jyestha, Ardra and
Ashlesha) for undertaking journey in second part of the day.

I. Kalidasa in Jyotirvidabharanam treats Shatbhisha as medium and thus

permissible for journey.
128 Muhurta
(c) Avoid short nakshatras (Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit)
for undertaking journey in third part of the day.
(d) Avoid friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and
Anuradha) for undertaking journey in first part of the night.
(e) Avoid all aggressive nakshatras (i.e. Poorvaphalguni,
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha) for undertaking
journey in second part of the night.
(0 Avoid all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu.
Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatabhisha) for undertaking journey in third
part of the night.
An overriding rule is that in Shravana, Hasta, Pushya and
Mrigshira journey is good at all times.
(ii) Tithis
2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithis of both bright half and dark half and 1st
tithi of dark half (i.e. Krishna Pratipada) are considered good.
To put it in other words. Avoid Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis),
Amavashya (New Moon day), Poomima (Full Moon day), Shukla
Pratipada (1st tithi of bright half) and 6/8/12 tithis.
(iii) Karana
Avoid Bhadra (or Vishti Karana)
(iv) Vaar or Day
Thursday and Friday are best, Sunday Monday and Wednes-
day are medium, rest (i.e. Saturday, Tuesday) should be avoided.
Malefic days for specific directions or 'Vaar-Shoola'
Avoid Monday and Saturday for journey to East; Monday and
Thursday for South-East; Thursday for South; Sunday and Friday for
South-West; Sunday and Friday for West; Tuesday for North-West;
Tuesday and Wednesday for North and Saturday and Wednesday for
North-East direction. The direction is to be seen from the place from
where one is starting journey. The days and nakshatras to be avoid-
ed in journey towards a particular direction are summarised in
table 11.2.
Journey r29
Table 11.2: Dik-Shoola'

Directions East SE South S W West N.W North n f:

Days lo be Mon Mon Thu Sun Sun Tue Tue Wed

avoided Sat Thu Fri Fri Wed Sal
Nakshatras Jyestha • Purva - Rohini - Uttara -
to be avoided Bhadra phalguni

(v) Yoga
Avoid malefic yogas particularly Vyatipaat, Vaidhriti and first
half of Parigha.
Malefic yogas formed by combination of day, tithi, nakshatra
etc., as discussed in Chapter - 3 should be avoided in journey, that
is,avoid Mrityu yoga, Dagdha yoga, Kakrach Yoga, Smvartak yoga,
Dagdha, Visha, Hutashana and Yamghant yogas and the like
Moon in Aries, Leo and Saggitarius resides in East, Moon in
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn resides in South, Moon in Gemini, Li-
bra and Aquarius resides in West and Moon in Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces resides in North. In a journey Moon in front and on right hand
side is considered auspicious, and Moon on back side or left hand
side is considered inauspicious.
For one who wants to
travel to East Moon in 1/5/9
rashis will fall in front; Moon 1/5/9 rashis
in 2/6/10 rashis will fall on
right hand side. Moon in 3/7/
11 rashis will fall on back side
and Moon in 4/8/12 rashis will N-
4/8/12 rashis 2/6/10 rashis
fall on left hand side. Similar-
ly it can be worked out for
other directions. For benefic
and malefic positions of moon [3/7/11 rashis
for journey to different direc- W
tion refer to table 11.3.
130 Muhurta
Table 11.3: 'Chandra-Nivasa
Benefic and malefic position of Moon

Direction Benefic positions Malefic Positions

of Journey of Moon and Lagna of moon and Lagna
Fast 1/5/9/2/6/10 rashis 3/7/11/4/8/12 rashis
South 2/6/10/3/7/11 rashis 4/8/12/1/5/9 rashis
West 3/7/11/4/8/12 rashis 1/5/9/2/6/10 rashis
North 4/8/12/1/5/9 rashis 2/6/10/3/7/11 rashis

Note: The rashis in which Moon is considered benefic for a

particular direction, lagnas of those rashis are also benefic for those
Venus rises in East when its longitude is less than that of the
Sun (i.e. when it rises in retrograde motion). Venus rises in West
when its longitude is more than that of the Sun (i.e. when it rises in
direct motion). In Journey Venus in front should be avoided that is
when Venus rises in east journey towards East and When Venus ris-
es in West journey towards West should be avoided.
Another method is based on transit of Venus in nakshatras.
Nakshatras from Kritika to Ashlesha fall in East; from Magha to
Vishakha fall in South, from Anuradha to Shravana fall in West and
from Dhanistha to Bharani fall in North, Venus posited in nakshatras
representing a particular direction should be avoided for journey to-
wards that direction. Venus will remain in one direction for roughly
three-months or even for a longer period when it gets retrograde.
Hence this consideration of Venus in Front is not required in urgen-
Note- In urgency one should start journey after doing
Panchanga Shuddhi (i.e. Chosing proper nakshatra, tithi, yoga, day
and karana), Dik-shuddhi (avoiding malefic days and nakshatra for a
particular direction) 'Lagna shuddhi' and proper 'Chandra/Tara-
shuddhi'. Other considerations can be ignored.
Journey 131
An obstruction or a
Danda' is said to lie joining Kritika to Ashlesha
NW to SE as shown in the ~7\
chart When Moon is placed on
one side of 'Parigha-danda' it is x: I
good for journey to only those 23 JZ
a N ■g
directions. One should not cross a >
this obstructing force in journey.
To put it in simple words when I s Z
moon is transiting in nakshatras g w
starting from Dhanistha to S
Ashlesha it is good for journey ^ ^Anuradha to Srawan
to East or North and not good
for journey to South or West. Similarly Moon transiting in nakshatras
starting Irom Magha to Shravana it is good for journey to South or
West but not good for journey to East or North.
Yogini is said to reside in East on I A) tithis; in South-East on
3/11 tithis, in South on 5/13 tithis, in South West on 4/12 tithis, in
West on 6/14 tithis, in North-West on 7/15 tithis, in North on 2/10
tithis and in North-East on 8/30 tithis.
Injoumey yogini in front and on left hand side should be avoided. Actu-
ally, it is avoiding certain tithis for journey in a particular direction and
can be understood easily with the help of the table 11.4.

Table 11.4: Yogini (i.e. Benefic-malefic tithis for Journey to a par-

ticular direction)

Yogini East SE South SW West NW North NE


In Tithis \B 3/11 5/13 4/12 6/14 7/15 2/10 8/30

Benefic West NW North NE East SE South SW

directions for North NE East SE South SW West NW

Direction to East SE South SW West NW North NE

be avoided South sw West NW NOrth NE East SE
for journey
132 Muhurta
Nakshatra occupied by Rahu at any particular time is called
'Kartari', 15th nakshatra from Kartari is called 'Grasta,; thirteen
nakshatras ahead of nakshatra occupied by Rahu are called 'Jeeva
Paksha' (i.e. those 13 nakshatras which are already transited by Rahu
in retrograde motion). Thirteen nakshatras behind the nakshatra oc-
cupied by Rahu are called 'Mrita Paksha' (i.e. Those 13 nakshatras
which are to be transited by Rahu). For example if Rahu is placed
in 'Moola' then Moola is Kartari; Poorvashada to Rohini is called
'Jeeva Paksha'; Mrigshira is called 'Grasta' and Ardra to Jyestha is
called 'Mrita Paksha'. In Journey Moon should not be placed in
'Mrita Paksha' nakshatras. Even 'Grasta' and 'Kartari' nakshatras
should be avoided
Specific use for War and dispute: In War related journeys or
disputes the attacker or plaintiff is represented by Moon. The attacked
or defendent is represented by Sun.
If Sun and Moon both are in Jeeva Paksha at the time of start-
ing a journey for war or dispute, there will be a compromise or trea-
If Sun is in 'Jeeva Paksha' and Moon in 'Mrita Paksha', the
attacked or defendant will win. Similarly when Moon is in 'Jeeva
Paksha' and Sun is in 'Mrita Paksha', the attacker or plaintiff will
win. Where both Sun and Moon are in 'Mrita Paksha' both the at-
tacker and attacked will be destroyed.
This is again related to avoiding a particular weak day for a
particular direction. The residence of 'Kaala and Pasha' at day and
night time on different week days is given in Table 11.5,
Journey 133
Table 11.5; Kaala-Pasha-Nivasa
(Directions to be avoided on Week days)

Week days Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SM

3ay Kaala North NW Weal SW South SE East


Pasha South SE Bm NE North NW West

Might Kaala South SB Em NE North NW West

Pasha North NW West SW South SE East

Journey in those directions where Kaala and Pasha reside on a

particular day should be avoided on those days. e.g. Avoid North and
South on Sunday, N.W. and S.E. on Monday and so on.
When Sun and Moon both are placed in Uttarayana (i.e. in
signs from Capricorn to Genfrni) it is good for journey to North or
East directions. When Sun and Moon both are placed in
Dakshinayana (i.e. in signs from Cancer to saggitarius) it is good for
journey to South or West directions. When Sun is in Dakshinayana
and Moon is in Uttarayana it is better to undertake journey to South
or West at daytime and to North or East at night time. Similarly,
When Sun is in Uttarayana and Moon is in Dakshinayana it is bet-
ter to undertake journey to North or East at day time and to South
or West at night time.
(a) 'Tara': One should avoid 'Janma' 'Vipat', Pratyari' and
'Vadha' Taras for journey. To put it in other words 1st, 3rd, 5th,
7th, 10th 12th, 14th, 16th, 19th, 21st, 23rd and 25th nakshatra from
one's Janma nakshatra should be avoided in journey. This is an im-
portant consideration
(b) Chandra Shuddhi: From natal Moon the Moon at the time
of journey should be in 3/6/10/11/1/7 positions. Moon at the time of
134 Muhurta
journey in 4/8/12 position from natal Moon should be specifically
avoided. Other positions are medium. Moon strong in Ashtakvarga
will remove all the malefic effects.
(c) 'Ghaata' or malefic months, days, nakshatras, tithis etc. for a person
based on his natal moon sign; Malefic months, nakshatras, tithis, days
lagnas and rashis for a person with a specific janma Rashi or natal moon
sign are given in table 11.6. These are called 'Ghaata' (a position causing
harm) and should be avoided in Journey.
Ghaata should also be avoided in gambling, meeting the king
and migration. 'Ghata' is not considered in marriage.
The table is to be read like this. For person having Aries Janma
Rashi or natal Moon sign; Kartika month. Moon in Aries, Sunday
Magha nakshatra in full, 1st quarter of Kritika nakshatra, Nanda tithis
(1/6/11 tithis) and Aries Lagna should be avoided in journey. Simi-
larly it can be seen for other Janma Rashis.
Following factors must be considered to fix a proper lagna for
(a) Always avoid Aquarius lagna and navamsha of Aquarius in
any sign. Lagna and navamsha of Pisces is also considered inauspi-
(b) For journey towards a particular direction, Lagnas of signs
representing those directions are considered auspicious e.g. lagnas of
1/5/9 rashis for East; lagnas of 2/6/10 rashis for South; Lagnas of 3/
7 rashis (11 avoided) for West and Lagnas of 4/8/12 rashis for North
are considered auspicious.
(c) Where natal lagna lord and natal moon sign lord are benefic
planets, their lagnas and their placement in lagna is considered aus-
picious for journey. For example a person having Taurus Lagna and
Gemini Rashi (natal moon sign) should chose lagnas of Mercury or
Venus for journey and similarly Mercury/Venus placed in Journey
lagna will be considered auspicious
(d) Vargottama lagna and Vargottama Moon is considered very
auspicious in journey, benefics placed in Kendras and Trikonas and
malefics placed in 3/6/10/11 houses are considered good.
135 Journey
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136 Muhurta
(e) Avoid Lagna of 8th rashi from janma Lagna or Janma rashi.
Avoid Moon in 1/6/8/12 houses; Saturn in I Oh house; Venus in '^th'
house; Lagna lord in 6/7/8/12 houses in journey lagna.
If one considers all the factors discussed above only journey
one can afford is the 'Last Journey'. One must fix priorities and de-
cide on the basis of majority of benefic influences.
Out of the above, the considerations regarding Chandra/Tara
Shuddhi,; Sarnmukha Chandra (Moon in front). Avoiding 'Vaar and
Nakshatra Shoola' and proper Lagna Shuddhi' should be given more
Considerations for specific Types of Journeys
Apart from the general considerations discussed above which
are applicable to all types of journeys, following considerations are
necessary for specific journeys.
Distance - Long, medium and short journeys
1. Avoid Ashada, Shravana and Bhadrapad months, combus-
tion of Jupiter and Venus and Harishayana (Ashadha Shukla 11 to
Kartika Shukla II) for long distance journeys.
2. Holanta Paksha (i.e. Phalguna Shukla Paksha) should be
avoided for all types of journeys
3. Avoid 'Kshaya and Adhika masa' and period when Moon
is weak (From Krishna 10 to Shukla 5) for long journey.
Long journey by land route should not be undertaken when
Sun is placed in dual rashis (i.e. 3/6/9/12 rashis)
Long Journey by sea route should not be undertaken when
Sun is placed in Taurus, Leo or Scorpio.
Foreign travel Avoid combustion of Jupiter, Venus, Kshaya
and Adhika Masa' for first journey to a particular foreign country.
Pilgrimage Avoid combustion of Jupiter, Venus, Jupiter in
Leo, Retrograde Jupiter, debilitated Jupiter for Pilgrimage. This dosha
(malefic effect) will not be there for journey to Haridwar and Gaya.
For trade journey One should ensure the strength of 2nd, 10th
and 11 th house.
Journey 137
Journey for War, Disputes etc.
In old days this type of journey was very common as most of
the battles were used to be fought on land and the Army used to
travel for many days before reaching the battle field. The considera-
tions which were important at that time have lost their significance
in the modem context because the decisions regarding army move-
ments are to be taken at short notice.
So this aspect is discussed in brief here and the factors dis-
cussed here can be used not only to decide "when to attack"? but
also for filing a suit in a Court of law or any other type of dispute.
1. 'Kuia' • 'Akula' - 'Kulakula' nakshatras, tithis and days
Swati, Bharani, Ashlesha, Dhanistha, Revati, Hasta, Anuradha,
Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttara bhadrapad and Rohini,
these twelve nakshatras; odd tithis (i.e. 1/3/5/7/9/11/13/15 tithis) and
Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Saturday these four days are called
'Akula'. If a war or dispute starts in 'Akula' nakshatras, tithis and
days the attacker or the plaintiff will win. That means these
nakshatras tithis and days are good for attacking and filing a suit in
a court of law.
Moola, Shatbhisha, Ardra and Abhijit these four nakshatras; 2/
6/10 tithis and Wednesday are 'Kulakula' and any war or dispute in
these nakshatras, tithis and days will lead to a compromise.
Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Ashwini,
Pushya, Magha, Mrigshira, Shravana, Kritika, Vishakha, Jyestha and
Chitra these twelve nakshatras; 4/8/12/14 tithis and Tuesday and Fri-
day are called 'Kula' and any war or dispute in these tithis,
nakshatras and days will lead to the victory of the attacked or de-
fendant. These should be avoided while chosing a muhurta for at-
tacking or for filing a suit in a court of law. See Table 11.7.
Consideration of 'Jeeva Paksha' and Mrita Paksha' is impor-
tant This has already been discussed earher in this Chapter.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is an important consideration like
in all other cases.
138 Muhurta
Table 11.7: Nakshatras tithis. Days and Their results in a war or dis-

Name Nakshatras Tithis Days Result

Akula Swati. Bharani, Ashlesha 1/3/5/7 Sunday Victory
Dhanistha. Revati. Hasta, 9/11/13/15 Monday of the
Anuradha. Punarvasu. Thursday attacker
Three Uttaras, Rohini. (12) Saturday Victory
kulakula Moola, Ardra. Abhijit, 2/6/10 Wednes- Compro-
Shatbhisha (4) day mise
Kula Three-Poorvas, Ashvini, Pushya, 4/8/12/14 Tuesday Victory
Magha, Mrigshira Shravana, Friday of the
Kritika, Vishakha, Jyestha. attacked
Chitra. (12) or defend-

Combinations for victory of the attacker or plaintiff in Muhurta

The following combinations when present in muhurta lagna will
lead to victory of the attacker or plaintiff.
1. Sun in 3rd; Moon in 10th; Saturn and Mars in 6th; Venus
in 5th; Mercury in 4th and Jupiter in lagna.
2. Jupiter in Lagna; Moon in 8th and Sun in 6th house.
3. Jup. in Lagna, Saturn in 3rd, Mars in 6th and Sun in 11th
4. Jupiter in Lagna and all other planets placed in 2nd or 11th
5. Sun in Lagna, Moon in 7th and Jupiter Venus and Mercu-
ry in second house
6. Venus in Lagna; Mercury in 2nd and Sun in 3rd house.
7. Sun in Lagna; Saturn in 6th and Moon in 10th house.
8. Saturn and Mars in Lagna, Mercury in 11th and Venus in
10th house.
Journey 139
9. Mars, Saturn in 3/6/11 houses and Mercury. Jupiter and
Venus strong.
10. Jupiter in Lagna; Moon in 7th; Mercury and Venus in 4th
all malefics in 3rd house.
11. Jupiter in Lagna, Moon in 7th, Mercury and Venus in I Oth
and Saturn and Mars in 3rd House.
12. Jupiter and Moon in Lagna; Sun in 6th, Mercury in 5th,
Saturn in I 0(h and Venus in 4th house.
13. Powerful Mercury in Lagna; Jupiter in Kendras and Weak
moon in 3/6/9/12 houses.
14. Malefics in houses other than 7/8/9 houses and Venus in
4/3/11 houses aspected by Jupiter placed is Kendra will give the at-
tacker or plaintiff victory and wealth.
15. Mercury in 4/6/10 houses aspected by benefics and
malefics paced in houses other than 1/7/12 houses.
16. Jupiter in Lagna and malefics in 10/11 houses give the
attacker victory in kingdom.
17. Mercury, Venus in 7th house and Moon in 4th house will
give results similar to (16) above.
18. Jupiter in Lagna, Venus in 6th and Moon in 8th house.
19. Mercury, Venus in 4th and Moon is 7th house.
20. Moon in 4th house in Shubha Kartari of Mercury and
21. Venus in Lagna, Jupiter in 7th, Mars in 6th, Mercury in
4th and Saturn in 3rd house.
22. On Thursday if all planets are placed in 1/4/3/6/10/11
23. Mars in 3rd, Venus in 8th, Mercury in 7th, Sun in 6th
and Jupiter in Lagna; and
24. Jupiter, Venus and Sun in 3rd or 4th houses and Saturn
and Mars in 6th house.
140 Muhurta
These 24 yogas give victory to the attacker or plaintiff. These
are taken here from Muhurta Chintamani of Ram Daivagna.
'Prasthana' or Symbolic start of journey
When after chosing a proper muhurta for journey one finds that
there can be some delay or the time chosen cannot be followed due
to unavoidable reasons one can put one's luggage or certain articles
which are dear to him at some distance outside his house in the fixed
muhurta and then start journey at convenient time. The luggage or
articles should be put in the same direction in which the journey is
to be undertaken. This is called 'prasthana' and the distance recom-
mended for it by various Acharyas ranges from 10 Dhanusha (one
Dhanusha is equal to 6 feet) to 500 Dhanusha.
Thus we can see that the conditions to be fulfilled are many.
One should make a proper choice based on majority of benefic in-
fluences. To end this chapter a summary table of nakshatras, days,
tithis, lagnas. rashis and planetary placements to be avoided for jour-
ney towards a particular direction is given for ready reference. See
table 11.8.
Journey 141

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Coronation and/or Oath taking ceremony

FOR coronation or oath taking ceremony. Sun in Uttarayana (i.e
Sun in rashis from Capricorn to Gemini roughly from mid January
to mid July); Jupiter Venus and Mars rising, and strong Sun, Mars
Natal Lagna lord, muhurta lagna lord, present dasha lord (i.e. all these
are strong by transiting in exaltation, moo! trikona, own house,
friend's house, strong navamsha, benefic shad-varga or strong in
Ashtakvarga) are considered auspicious.
One should avoid Sun in Pisces; Rikta Tithis (4/9/14 tithis);
Tuesday, night time and Sun in Dakshinayana (from Cancer to
Saggitarius signs).
Nakshatras: For coronation or oath taking ceremony-all short
nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit); all friendly
nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha); all fixed
nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and
Rohini) Jyestha and Shravana are considered auspicious.
Days: Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday are best.
Tithis; All except Rikta Tithis (4/9/14).
Lagna: Lagnas of Sirsodaya rashis (i.e. Gemini, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius lagnas) or lagnas of rashis falling in 3/
6/10/11 places from natal moon sign or natal lagna are considered
good. In coronation lagna benefics placed in Kendras (1/4/7/10 hous-
es), Trikonas (5/9 houses), 2/3/11 houses are considered good
Malefics placed in 3/6/11 houses give auspicious results.
Malefics placed in lagna will cause disease to the king, malefic
placed in eighth house may cause trouble to the son, malefics place
Coronation and Related Muhurtas 143
in 2/12 houses may cause financial crisis, malefics placed in 4/7 hous-
es may cause loss of authority or chair and malefics placed in tenth
house make the king lethargic. In other words total analysis of all
the .houses and their effects on specific functional areas has to be
studied properly before chosing a particular moment for taking oath
as King, Prime Minister or as a Minister. Moon placed in 6/8/12
houses in muhurta lagna will not be good for the longevity of the
king. Benefics placed in kendras will always give good results.
Chandra-Tara Shuddhi Proper Chandra Shuddhi (strength of moon
in transit considered from natal moon sign of the king) and/or Tara
Shuddhi is a necessary condition.
To meet the kings or senior officials
All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira,
Revati, Chitra and Anuradha), all short nakshatras (Hasta, Ashwini,
Pushya and Abhijit) and Dhanistha and Sunday, Thursday and Fri-
day are considered auspicious for meeting kings, ministers, senior of-
ficials and the like. One should chose benefic tithis & yogas.
For printing currency notes, minting coins and the like
All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira,
Revati, Chitra and Anuradha), all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati,
Punarvasu, Shravana, Dhanistha and Shatbhisha) and all short
nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit); Sunday, Tues-
day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; Pooma (5/10/15 tithis) and
Jaya tithis (3/8/13 tithis) avoiding Bhadra are considered auspicious
for printing currency notes, minting coins and such other acts relat-
ed to circulation of money. One should avoid the time when Jupiter
and Venus are combust, in 'Bala Avastha' and 'Vriddha Avastha'.
For punishing enemies and opponents
All aggressive nakshatras (i.e. Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada,
Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha) and all ferocious nakshatras (i.e.
Moola, Jyestha, Ardra and Ashlesha); days of malefic planets (i.e. Sim-
day, Tuesday and Saturday); Jaya and Rikta tithis (i.e. 3/8/13/4/9/14 tithis)
and lagnas of malefic planets (1/5/8/10/11 rashis as lagnas) are consid-
ered favourable.
144 Muhurta
For wearing 'Kavacha' (in modern context for wearing bullet-
proof jackets, to start using bullet-proof vehicles or to have per-
sonal security guards
Chitra, Punarvasu, Shravana, Anuradha, Revati, Ashwini and all
fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and
Rohini) and Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are considered
good for wearing bullet-proof jackets and for starting use of bullet-
proof cars. One should chose benefic tithis, benefic yogas and benefic
karanas. Proper Chandra Shuddhi and/or Tara Shuddhi is an impor-
tant requirement.
The same muhurta can be used for all acts which a king, min-
ister or any other person does for his/her personal security, like ap-
pointing persona! security guards.
Benefics in 4/7/10 houses and malefics in 6/11 houses from
moon are considered good at the time of wearing "Kavacha".
For camping of army
All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira,
Revati, Chitra and Anuradha), Shravana and Dhanistha nakshatras;
benefic days (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and all
tithis except Rikta Tithis (i.e. 4/9/14 tithis) are considered good for
camping of army and all related muhurtas.
For Induction of missiles in the army and for keeping them ready
for use
Shravana, Hasta, Ardra, Jyestha, Poorvashada, Pushya,
Dhanistha, all fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini) and all friendly nakshatras (i.e.
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha) are considered auspicious
Revati, Chitra, Pushya, Hasta and Shravana nakshatras; days of ma-
lefic planets (i.e. Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday); Jaya and Rikta tithis
(3/8/13/4/9/14 tithis) and lagnas of fixed rashis (i.e. 2/5/8/11 rashis)
with malefics placed in 3/6/10/11 houses are considered auspicious
for inducting fiery arms and for keeping them ready for use.
To plan Army movements
Bharani, Rohini, Pushya, Ashlesha, Uttaraphalguni. Hasta, Swati,
Anuradha, Uttarashada, Dhanistha, Uttarabhadrapad and Revati
Coronation and related Muhurtas 145
nakshatras; Jaya tithis (i.e. 3/8/13 tithis) and Sunday and Tuesday are
considered auspicious for all plannings relating to army movements.
For muhurtas relating to "Vijaya yatra" (i.e. to start journey for
attacking enemies) refer to chapter on Journey.


in this chapter certain other important muhurtas are given which were not
covered under earlier chapters like wearing of clothes ornaments, taking
medicine, digging of wells and such other activities.
Nakshatras; All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all short nakshatras (i.e.
Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit), Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Swati,
Punarvasu, Dhanistha and Vishakha nakshatras.
Tithis; Avoid Rikta tithis and Amavasya.
Days: Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday are considered
Yogas: Avoid Vyatipaat and Vaidhriti yogas.
One should also avoid Bhadra and malefic yogas formed by
tith i-vaar-nakshatra.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is necessary.
A married women should not wear new clothes or ornaments
on Sunday and in Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad
Rohini, Punarvasu and Pushya nakshatras.
Nakshatras: All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya
and Abhijit), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and
Anuradha) all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha and Shatbhisha) and Moola nakshatras are considered aus-
picious for taking medicines.
Tithis: 1/2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithis.
Miscellaneous Muhurlas 147
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lagnas: Lagnas of dual signs (3/6/9/12 rashis) occupied by
benefics with no planet placed in 7th, 8th and 12th house. Combi-
nations of long life if present will be an additional advantage.
Always avoid Janma nakshatra for taking medicine.
'Roga-mukta Snana' or taking bath after recovering from illness
Nakshatras: Ashwini, Bharani, Kritika, Mrigshira, Ardra,
Punarvasu, Pushya, Poorvaphalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyestha,
Moola, Poorvashada, Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatbhisha and
Poorvabhadrapad nakshatras.
Tithis: Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis) are considered auspicious.
Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday are
Lagnas: Lagnas of movable rashis (1/4/7/10 rashis) with
malefics {Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) in Kendras and Trikonas,
and Mars weak in transit is considered auspicious for a person to
take bath after recovering from illness.
Result of onset or start of disease in various nakshatras
The time when disease starts also decides the time for which
it lasts. Table 13.1 gives the nakshatras in which the disease starts
and the days a person will take to recover (This needs research).
Table 13.1: 'Rogotpatti' or Onset of diseases

If disease starts in the following nakshatras Time taken to recover

Swati, Jyestha, Three Poorvas, Ardra Ashlesha Deafli (no recovery)
Revati, Anuradha Delayed recovery
Bharani, Shravana. Shatbhisha, Chitra ! 1 Days
Vishakha, Hasta, Dhanistha 15 Days
Moola, Kritika, Ashwini 9 Days
Magha 20 Days
Uttaraphalguni, Uttarabhadrapad, Pushya,
Punarvasu, Rohini • 7 Days
14K Muhurta

If disease starts in the following nakshatras Time taken to recover

Mrigshira. Uttarushada 30 Days
liharani. Ashtcsha, Moola. Kritika. II a person is bitten by
Vishakha. Ardra. Magha a snake - he will die.
If the disease starts in Ardra, Ashlesha, Jyestha, Shatbhisha,
Bharani. Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Vishakha,
Kritika nakshatras: in malefic days (Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday)
and in 4/6/9/12/14 tithis. the person concerned will not survive or
the disease will be serious.
'SHANTI KARMA' or religious processes to do away with the
malefic effects of malefic combinations
Nakshatras: All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta. Ashwini, Pushya
and Abhijit) all fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati,
Punarvasu, Shravana. Dhanistha and Shatbhisha), Anuradha and
Magha nakshatras are considered auspicious for 'Shanti Karma' or
religious processes to minimise the evil effects.
One should chose benefic tithis and yogas. Lagna should have
Sun in 1 Olh. Moon in 4th. Jupiter favourably in lagna. One' should
avoid Jupiter-Venus combustion. This shanti is applicable to all per-
sons bom in Gandantha and other doshas.
According to Ram Daivagna 'Shanti' should be done for a child
bom in nakshatra. tithi or lagna gandantha: Jyestha. Moola nakshatras:
Shoola, Vyatipaat, Vyaghata, Vajra, Ganda and Vaidhriti yogas; in
tithi Kshaya. Samkranti day birth, Amavashya and Krishna
Chaturdashi birth, Dagdha and Mrityu yogas (explained in chapter 3)
and Bhadra. A child bom in above yogas will suffer from 'Arista'
(some inauspicious happenings) unless proper 'Shanti' (rehgious pac-
ification of malefic effects) is done.
Moreover, a child having hisher Janma Nakshatra similar to
his/her parents or co-horns also needs 'shanti'.
Pushya, Anuradha and Poorvaphalguni nakshatras, 8th, 12th tithi and
'taitiT karana' Monday' Thursday' Friday and Wednesday are considered
good for entering in to a compromise agreement or Treaty.
Miscellaneous Muhurtas 149
Lagna having the aspect of Venus is considered auspicious.
For filing a suit in a court of law - see the muhurta for 'vijay yatra'
in chapter 11.
Nakshatras; All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta Ashwini, Pushya
and Abhijit) all fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira,
Revati, Chitra, Anuradha) Punarvasu and Shravana nakshatras are con-
sidered auspicious for starting correspondence or starting work relat-
ing to Accountancy and book-keeping.
Tithis: 1/2/3/5/7/10/11/13
Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lagna: Lagna of benefic planets with benefics occupying
Kendras and Trikonas and no planet posited in 8th or 12th house.
Nakshatras: Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha,
Anuradha and Dhanistha.
Tithis: 1/2/3/5/7/10/11/13
Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Proper lagna shuddhi should be done. Lagna of benefics with
strong 5th, 9th and 10th house should be chosen for adopting a child.
To divide property among co-boms the following considerations
are necessary.
Nakshatras; All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini and Pushya), all
fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalgani, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and
Rohini), all movable nakshatras (i.e. Swati, Punarvasu, Shravana,
Dhanistha and Shatbhisha) Mrigshira, Chitra and Revati nakshatras.

Tithis: 2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithis.

Days; Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lagna of benefics with proper lagna shuddhi should be chosen.
ISO Muhurta
TO APPLY (For a job, for party ticket etc.)
To apply for a job or party ticket following considerations are
Nakshatras; All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta Ashwini,, Pushya
and Abhijit) all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and
Anuradha) all fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini) and all friendly nakshatras (i.e.
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and Anuradha).
Tithis; 2/3/5/7/10/11/13/15
Days; Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is an important requirement.
Nakshatras; All short nakshatras (i.e. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushya and Abhijit),
all fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada Uttarabhadrapad
and Rohini), all friendly nakshatras (i.e. Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra and
Anuradha) Shravana and Dhanistha nakshatras.
Tithis; 2/3/5/7/10/11/13 tithis.
Days; Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lagna should preferably be vargottama with benefics in 1/4/7/
10/5/9 houses and malefics in 3/6/11 houses.
Proper Chandra/Tara Shuddhi is necessary.
For digging Wells, Tubewells, Tanks and the like
Nakshatras; All fixed nakshatras (i.e. Uttaraphalguni,
Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini), Anuradha, Hasta,
Dhanistha, Shatbhisha, Magha, Poorvashada, Revati, Pushya and
Mrigshira nakshatras.
Benefic tithis and benefic days should be chosen. When ma-
lefic planets are weak in transit and lagna has Jupiter and/or Mercu-
ry in it. Venus in 10th house and Moon is placed in watery signs it
is good for digging and construction of wells, tanks etc.
'Agnihotra' or 'Havana', Yagna and the like
In Hindu rehgion fire is considered the carrier of 'Ahuti' (sacrifices^
Miscellaneous Muhurtas 131
given by individuals to the God. The process of so doing is called
'Havana'. 'Agnihotra' is considered good in Uttarayana and in Mixed
(Vishakha, Kritika), fixed (i.e. Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada,
Uttarahhadrapad and Rohini), Revati, Mrigshira, Jyestha and Pushya
One should avoid Rikta tithis (4/9/14 tithis) and the time when
Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are debilitated, combust, placed in
enemy's sign or defeated in planetary war.
Lagna and navamsha of Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pis-
ces with Mars in Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter preferably in
1/3/4/5/6/7/9/10/11 houses and malefics in 3/6/10/11 houses are con-
sidered auspicious. 8th house should not he occupied by any planet.
Moreover, Jupiter in Saggjtarius Lagna; Mars in Aries Lagna. Mars
placed in 7th or 10th house; Moon placed in 3/6/11 houses or Sun
placed in 3/6/11 houses - these yogas are considered good for



there are certain variables which have proven uses in natal

horoscopy or annual horoscopy. Relevance for muhurta of such ar-
eas, like Ashtakvarga, dasha and tajik yogas, can be established by
thorough research. In this chapter certain possible uses of these var-
iables in muhurta are given which can act as starting points for those
who want to conduct research in these areas.

Ashtakvarga is the study of benefic/malefic positions of planets from eight

different points. For example, when we say Ashtakvarga of Sun, it actu-
ally means a study of benefic positions of Sun from its original position,
from lagna and from six other planets (i.e. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn). Ashtakvarga tells us whether planet 'A' is in a
favourable position from planet 'B' and whether planet 'A' is in favourable
position from majority of other planets. Here lies the clue for use in muhurta
Ashtakvarga is already used to judge the strength of planets in transit
taking natal horoscope as base. Classical writers even go to the extent of
saying that even if a planet is placed in an unfovourable position from
natal moon it will give benefic results if it is strong in Ashtakvarga. This
is because Ashtakvarga will take in to account not only the favourable
position from natal moon but from eight points in the natal horoscope.
This use of Ashtakvarga is already praised by classical writers and this is
not a new introduction to muhuna.

In this chapter it is proposed to highlight the use of Ashtakvarga

in the muhurta horoscope. To put it in other words the base of
Ashtakvarga is the muhurta horoscope itself and not the natal chart.
Use of Dasha Ashtakvarga and Tajik Yogas 153
For muhurta purpose one can prepare 'Bhinnashtkavarga' and
' Sarvastakvarga' from muhurta horoscope and then follow the rales
given below.
(1) The muhurta lagna and the house to which the activity
relates should be strong in 'Sarvastakavarga' . For example in mar-
riage muhurta one should ensure strength of lagna and seventh house
in Sarvastakvarga. For starting a business one should ensure the
strength of lagna, 10th , I 1 th and 2nd house in Sarvastakavarga and
eleventh house should have more points than tenth house. Similar-
ly, we can extend the rule for other muhurtas.
(2) In the Bhinnashtkavarga (BAY) one should specifically see
the 'bindu' or benefic dots of lagna lord, concerned house lord and
moon in their respective Ashtakvarga. That is, these planets should
be placed in benefic position from majority of other planets and
lagna. Like for marriage we can see the B.A.V strength of lagna
lord , 7th lord and Moon.
(3) In the lagna lord's B.A.V. if the concerned house lord is
contributing a 'bindu' or benefic dot it is a positive sign because it
actually means that lagna lord is placed in benefic position from con-
cerned house lord. Like in oath taking muhurta lagna lord placed
in benefic positions from tenth lord is a positive factor. Similarly
tenth lord posited in favourable position form lagna lord is also a
positive point. It can be put like this " In the concerned house lords
BAY , lagna lord should contribute a 'bindu' or benefic dot". Simi-
larly in lagna lord's BAY, the concerned house lord should contrib-
ute a 'bindu' or benefic dot.
(4) The strongest rashi in Sarvastaka Varga in natal horoscope
can also be chosen as Muhurta Lagna or such Muhurta lagna can be
chosen where such strongest rashi falls in the relevant house to which
the activity relates.
Vunsottari dasha has most commonly been used in natal horoscope and in
a modified form with limited reference period it has also been used in
Annual Horoscopy or ' Varsha-Chart'. When a child is bom the Dasha and
Antara (sub period) in which he takes birth is one of the deciding factors
to predict the dangers to his life or ' Arishta' Moreover, the dashas follow-
ing decide the direction in which a particular person will go and the aus-
134 Miiuirta

picious or inauspicious moments which he will face. In muhurta we can

always make use of the beginning Dasha and Antardasha without taking
into account the period (because Vimsottari Dasha is 120 year Dasha and
for muhurta this time has to be reduced considerably) Opening Dasha is
calculated on the basis of longitude of moon in the muhurta horoscope
without taking into account the oeriod for which it will orevail.


Calculate Dasha/Antara from Moon's longitude in muhurta hor-
oscope. Ignore the time for which it will last Take only Dasha
lord and Antardasha lord into account and ensure that such dasha/
Antara is a benefic dasha for lagria and for the concerned house. Fa-
example marriage dasha/Antara should relate to favourable houses for
marriage. Rules for interpretation will be similar to natal horoscopy.
Where we can identify the time for which a muhurta is valid
we can make use of the Dashas following. For example in oath tak-
ing muhurtas we know that maximum period fa* which a Prime Min-
ister or a Chief Minister can remain in power is five years. We can
divide this five years period among various planets in proportion of
period allotted to them in Vimsottari Dasha and study the favoura-
ble or unfavourable events in store on the basis of Dashas follow-
ing. But in most of the cases we will not be in a position to do this.
Thus, more important use of dasha in muhurta is to the extent of making
opening dasha/antardasha favourable for the activity concerned because it
will be one of the deciding factors in analysing the muhurta horoscope fa-
arishta for a particular activity.
Tajik yogas basically deal with the relationship of 'lagnesha'
(i.e.. lagna fond ) and 'karyesha' ( i.e. la d of bouse representing the
activity concerned) leading to favourable or unfavourable results.
Particularly the Tthashala' (i.e. two planets in Tajik aspect and slower
moving planet ahead in degrees than faster moving planet) between
lagna fond and concerned house la d can be an added advantage in
a muhurta kundali. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss
these yogas in detail. Fa- muhurta purpose presence of a benefic
Use of Dasha Ashtakvarga and Tajik Yogas 155
'Ithashala' between ' lagnesha' and 'karyesha' of muhurta horoscope
is a plus point. Similarly, presence of malefic yogas can also lead
to negative results.
Let us take certain examples of oath taking muhurtas and see
how Dasha and Tajik yogas can be used.
For detailed study of Tajik yogas one can go through Dr.
K.S. Charak's book on 'Varshaphala'.
Chart I
Oath taking muhurta of V.P. Singh
Date 2-12-1989 Time 12:25 hours. Place Delhi.

Ven, Moon/ Jup

11 V Rah / (R)
12/ 10 s

Sun X Ket
Mac \
7 Mar
\ Sat Sun Mar
N Merc

Lagna ll® 23* Mercury 28° 12' Rah 25° 8'

Sun 16° 22' Jupiter 15° 16' Ketu 25° 8'
Moon 0° 37' Venus 0° 49'
Mars 25° 18' Saturn 18° 30"
Opening Dasha Sun-Rahu (ignoring period) As we see in above chart
lagna lord Saturn and tenth lord Mars are forming 'Ishrafa yoga' (separting
aspect) and moreover, lagna lord is in closest aspect (degree wise) with a
retrograde planet Jupiter and it is called 'Radda yoga' in Tajik. Thus in
this chart lagna lord is not forming a favourable Tajik yoga with tenth lord
neigher it is in a favourable 'ithashala' with any benefic.
156 Muhurta
Now see the dasha-opening. It is Sun mahadasha and Rahu antara. The
" MD of 7th lord Sun placed in 10th house in Vargottama navamsha is good
but placement of MD lord with 8th lord in 'Papa Kartari' is a negative
point. See the Antara dasha (AD) lord Rahu. it is posited in 12th house
closely aspected by Mars.(p. 156)
It left to the readers to prepare navamasha and dashamasha charts and see
the-conditions of MD and AD lords in those charts, (p. 156)
The government of V.P.Singh formed in Abhijit nakshatra, Rikta
tithi, Vishti Karana and Vriddhi yoga failed to complete its term.
The Lagna chosen was of 8th rashi from natal lagna and moon was
transiting in fourth house from natal moon position, again a nega-
tive position. One has to see the majority of influences, which in
this case were malefic.
Now let us consider Ashtakavarga to analyise the same chart.
The Sarvastakavarga and BAY points of different planets are given
Planets BAY points 30 34 27 27
Sun 5
Moon 4 25 29
Mars 2
Merc 6 23 28
Jup 4
Yen 4 23 35 26 30
Sat 4
Lagna having 25 SAY points is of medium strength and tenth
house with 35 S.A.V. points is strong. The points of 11th house
are less than points of 10th house which is a negative point. Con-
sidering the B.A.V points we see that 10th lord Mars is having only
'2' benefic points. So in Ashtakvarga we can see a mixed situation
with both strong and weak points.
Use of Dasha Ashtakvarga and Tajik Yogas 157
Chart n
Oath taking muhurta of Mulayam Singh Yadav
Date; 4.12.1993 Time; II: 34 hours Place; Lucknow

\ 12/
IV Sat
\ X /Sat Moon
Mar \ Lag
Ketu Merc 0 /
'/ 5 Ven /
\ v Rah /
X / V/ Jup
Sun Rah
' tX 7 Met Mar
Moon Ven
\/' \

Lagna 3° 2' Merc 2° 16 Rahu 9° 12'

Sun 18° 20' Jup 11° 7 Ket 9° 12/

Moon 17° 38' Ven 7° 48

Mars 24° IT Sat 1° T
Opening Darsha Merc - Merc
Day Saturday Tithi -Vaar fcam
Tithi Panchami Mrityu yoga
Nakshatra Ashlesha
Yoga Indra
Karana Taitla
Lagna lord Saturn and 10th lord Mars are not forming any fa-
vourable Tajik yoga. The closest aspect (degree ) of Saturn is with
8th lord Mercury.
Opening MD/AD of mercury which is 5L and 8L placed in 10th house
in inimical vargas cannot be considered favourable. Mercury in Mars-
Rashi^oon's hora. Mars Deskona. Venus-Samamamsha, Moon's
158 Miiuirta
Navamsha, Mars Dvvadashainsha and Venus Trimshamsha is having ma-
jority of vargas as malefic. Moreover, the MD/AD lord mercury is in
Papkartari in 10th hcuse.
This muhurta has a good fixed lagna with Saturn powerfully posited in it
aspected by a weak Jupiter (debilitated in D-9 and D-10). The govern-
ment after serviving many critical moments ultimately succumbed to pres-
sure. It lasted only for one and a half year.
The malefic nakshatra Ashlesha, the benefic tithi Panchami
forming a malefic yoga with Saturday. A lagna with all the malefics
placed in kendras and all the benefics weak (Jupiter and Venus are
debilitated in D-9 and D-10 and Mercury is placed in inimical rashi
in D-9 and D-10 ) could not have promised a long term for the CM.
Now let us see the same from Ashtakavarga. SAV and BAV
of planets are given below.
Planets BAV Points 26 30 32 23
Sun 4
Moon 6 25 30
Mars 3 SAV
Merc 5 20 33
Jup 2
Ven 3 31 25 20 42

Sat 3
In SAV lagna has got '25' points and it is of medium
strength and 10th house has got '25' points again medium strength .
10th fond is weak in BAV having only '3' benefic points. The rela-
tionship of 10th and 11th is good as 11th house is having more SAV
points than 10th house. In this chart strongest house is the eighth
house which again is a negative point
Use of Dasha Ashtakvarga and Tajik Yogas 159
Chart m
Oath taking muhurta of Lai Bahadur S^astri, Date: 9-6-1964
11.20 Hrs Delhi.

Moon Yen
Jup Mars Rah
X I Merc

Moon Sat
Merc x
X Sm /
/ '/.
Ketu Sat dp
iO X Ketu

Lagna 12° 3' Merc 5 58' Rahu 8° 45'

Sun 25° 4' Jup 20° 10' Ketu 8° 45'
Moon 11° 42' Ven(R) IT 12'
Mars 0° 44' Sat 11° 39'
Opening Dasha Moon - Mars
Nakshatra - Rohini (benefic)
Tithi - Krishna chaturdashi (Rikta tithi)
Yoga Atiganda (malefic)
Day - Tuesday (malefic)
Karana - Shakuni (malefic)
Lagna lord Sun and 10th lord Venus are not forming any as-
pect or Tajika yoga. Lagna lord Sun is in closest Tajik aspect with
12lh lord Moon. 10th lord in R-K axis in 11th house is retrograde
and has got a close degree aspect with 6L and 7L Saturn forming a
'Radda yoga' (because venus is retrograde) which is a malefic yoga.
The MD lord Moon is 12lh lord and is in weak position (near
new moon day) though exalted. Tlrf AD lord Mars is powerfully
160 Muliirta
placed and is a yogakaraka for this horoscope. But the combination
of Moon and Mars in one house and their dashas cannot be expect-
ed to give very favourable results for health.
Moreover, see the panchanga variables. Except a benefic
nakshatra Rohini, all other variables are highly malefic. A highly
malefic tithi, malefic yoga, malefic karana, malefic day proved in-
Lai Bhadur Shastri died on 11-1-1966 and thus remained PM
for roughly one and a half year.
Now let us analyse the muhurta from Ashtakvarga. Given be-
low are the BAY points of planets and Sarvastaka varga.
Planets BAY Points
39 22 26 26
Sun 5
Moon 3 34 25
Mars 4
Mer 4 28 24
Jup 4
Yen 4 25 28 27
Satu 4 33

The lagna has '24 ' points in SAY and hence weak and MHh
house with '26' points is again below average. One can see the
strongest house here is eighth house and it is not a good indication.
1 Oth ford venus with '4' points in BAY is of medium strength. Thus
there are many weak points.
In all the three charts we discussed, the muhurta lagna was weak in SA\
1 Oth house was weak in two cases (In VP. Singh's case it was strong) i
SAV. The tenth lord was in all the cases having below average strength i


If a person tries to find a moment which satisfies all the conditions laid
down in classical books he well fail like a blind man who is searching in a
dark room for a black cat which is not there. It has never been the inten-
tion of those Acharyas that is why they have given alternatives and that is
why at certain places they have commented on the relative importance of
different variables of Muhurta. This chapter will give a step by step ap-
proach to be used for fixing Muhurta when one has sufficient time and
also when there is urgency.

Fixing Muhurta when one has sufficient time

Step-1: Ask your client about the time range within which he
wants a Muhurta to be fixed by you. He may give you certain
months, weeks or days.
Step-2: Suppose he gives you a month, say month of Febru-
ary. Second step is to avoid all days in February in which the moon
is placed in 4/8/12 positions from the natal moon of the person and
also the days when 'tara' is malefic. You will find almost half of
the days in February eliminated.
Step-3: Now in the remaining days find out which days\ are
having proper nakshatra, tithi, day, yoga, karana combination recom-
mended for that specific activity for which your client wants you to
fix a Muhurta . If all are not favourable go for majority of favour-
able factors giving more importance to nakshatras and tithis. If
benefic yoga like 'Amrita Sidhi' yoga or 'Sarvartha Sidhi' yoga is
present it will be an additional advantage .
Step-4: Once you have identified the day you have twelve
lagnas at your disposal. Your choice may be restricted if your client
asks for a Muhurta in particular part of the day. Within the restric-
tions apply the lagna 'Shuddhi' recommended for that particular ac-
162 Muhurta
tivity. It is always advantageous to see that proper navamsha is
chosen and dasha in the beginning (ignoring time) is favourable for
lagna and concerned house.
Moreover one should also ensure that Muhurta lagna lord is in
favourable tajik aspect with the concerned house lord as explained
in chapter 14.
Fixing muhurta when one does not have sufficient time
Where the time span within which one has to fix muhurta is
limited and one cannot find a proper nakshatra, tithi or day in that
time period following procedure is recommended.
Step-1 : In place of the nakshatra use the part of the day ruled
by that nakshatra. If we divide the day into fifteen parts and simi-
larly night into fifteen parts we can find out which part(s) of the
day and night are ruled by nakshatras suitable for our muhurta. The
rulers of muhurtas are given in table 15.1 below.
Table 15.1: Muhurta Lords

Part of the Muhurta Part of the Muhurta Lord

day lords night
1 Ardra 1 Ardra
2 Ashlesha 2 Poorvabhadrapad
3 Anuradha 3 Uttarabhadrapad
4 Magha 4 Revati
5 Dhanistha 5 Ashwini
6 Poorvashada 6 Bharani
7 Uttarashada 7 Kritika
8 Abhijit 8 Rohini
9 Rohini 9 Mrigshira
10 Jyestha 10 Punarvasu
n Vishaka 11 Pushya
12 Moola 12 Shravana
13 Shatbhisha 13 Hasta
11 Utlarafalguni 14 Chilra
15 Pooivafalguni 15 Swali
How to Fix a Muhurta 163
Thus, when one wants to start a particular act in a fixed
nakshatra and such nakshatra is not available in near future he can
chose those parts of the day which are ruled by fixed nakshatras,
that is, 7th, 9th, 14th, part of the day or 3rd or 8th part of the night
Note: If the nakshatra is avoidable for journey towards a par-
ticular direction that nakshatra's Muhurta in a particular day should
also be avoided.
Step- 2; Make use of'Hora'in place of day. The concept has already been
explained in c hapter 2. That is, if one wants to start a particular act on
Thursday one can also start it on any day in the hora of Jupiter. The day
lord's hora will also be avoidable for journey towards the particular direc-
tion where a dav is avoidable, (n. 1631
Step- 3; Apply at least one of the Chandra Shuddhi or Tara Shuddhi or
ensure strength of Moon in transit by placement in own sign, friendly
sign, strong navamsha or strong in Ashtakvarga.

Step- 4; Proper Lagna Shuddhi as recommended for particular action should

be done as far as possible.
In addition one can ensure proper opening dasha, benefic tajika
aspect between Lagna Lord and concerned house lord and strength
of house concerned in Sarvastaka.
Instant Muhurta
Some times the day is also fixed and one is asked to ch'' a
proper muhurta in the given day. In such cases one should chose
that lagna in which the lagna and the house relevant for that partic-
ular activity are strong in 'Sarvastakvarga' and one should ensure a
benefic Tajika aspect and benefic opening dasha as explained in chap-
ter 14.
What is emphasized here is that in case of need, only go f"
Lagna Shuddhi and in Lagna Shuddhi in addition to considerations
given in classical books also take into account the factors given
above. One should go for majority of favourable effects.
Note; 'Instant Muhurta' is like 'Instant Food', excessive use of
which leads to digestive disorders. Instant Muhurta is to be used
only when there is no other choice.
164 Muhurta
Eighth muhurta of the day is called Abhijit muhurta. It will last for fourty
eight minutes starting from 24 minutes before local noon and ending at 24
minutes after local noon.
Abhijit muhurta is considered very auspicious and is said to re-
move the malefic effects created by other components of muhurta.
In those situations in which one cannot wait one can chose Abhijit
muhurta. This is also an option available to modem man and can be
used in urgency.
*The exact time for which Abhijit will last will depend upon
'Dina-mana' or length of the day. e.g.. Where length of the day is
less than twelve hours the length of Abhijit muhurta (or any other
muhurta of the day) will be less than 48 minutes.
The rales of Astrology given is various books arc to be applied to
practical cases to see their validity and relative importance. Here we would
like to discuss some practical cases to see how time of commencement of a
particular activity (i.e., muhurta) decides the fate of that activity. The cases
will highlight not only the importance of panchanga variables and lagna
but also of echpse, yuti, vedha, dasha and so many other variables.


Aadhana or conception muhurta given in the book can be applied
in modem conditions to the time of embroy transfer in case of test tube
babies i.e., the time when egg fertilised outside is planted or transferred to
the uteras of female. Here we are giving the time of embroy transfer
which resulted in the birth of a male child
Date 12-6-1995
Time 11.05
Place Mumbai
Tithi Shrrkla Chaturdashi (up to 1.26 p.m.)
Day Monday
Nakshatra Anuradha (Up to 3.53 p.m.)
Yoga Saadhya
Karana Vanija Lagna Kundah
LAG 4° 53 rr 7X 71
SUN 27° 01 \ " Ivlar x y
MON 13° 36
MAR 14° 38 /
MER(R) 16° 56 Jup(R) Mcr(R) 2
JUP(R) 15*22
YEN 8°06 Ke!
SAT 0028 u

Panchanga Variables :- Tithi is malefic being Rikta Tithi. Nakshatra

(i.e., Anuradha) is one of the most favourable nakshatras for Aadhana
Muhurta. Yoga, karana and day are also highly benefrc. Thus, except a
malefic thithi all panchanga variables are benefic. Moreover, day and
nakshatra are forming "Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga" which is a benefic Yoga
166 Muhurta

Lagna ; - Sirnha Lagna 4053 is rising. It is a fixed lagna in fixed navamsh;

which makes it highly favourable for Aadhana. Thus Lagna is matchin]
the nature of activity. Moreover, lagna is occupied by a male planet whicl
is a yogakaraka for this lagna and is placed in vargottama navamsha
Lagna lord in 10th house aspected by 5th lord Jupiter. Both lagna lord am
fifth lord are strong. In this lagna. Mars, Moon, anu Jupiter are vargottama
Venus is exalted in navamsha thus making it highly favourable time fo
embroy transfer.
A male child was born in this case on 17-2-1996 at 10.55 Hours at Mumba
Here we are giving the details of an unsuccessful case of embro;
transfer. Janma Rashi of Male in this case was Mithuna and Janma Rash
of Female was Makara.
Date 2-10-1995
Time 11:13 a.m.
Place Mumbai
Day Monday (benefic day)
Tithi Navami (started from 7.00) am)
Nakshatra Poorvashada (malefic nakshatra)
Yoga Atiganda (started from 9.20 a.m.)
Karana Balav (benefic Karana)
LAG 18039 Lagna Kundali
SUN 14046
MON 23»06 \ Mb TK
23 05 JllD Sun
MER(R) 20 44 o
X -W
JUP(R) 16051 / Sat(R)
YEN 26°08
SAT(R) 26'' 13 XX
RAH 204 9 2
KET 2049 "\

Panchanga Variables The muhurta was having highly malefic tithi (i.e
Rikta Tithi), a highly malefic nakshatra poorvashada which is not consid
ered favourable for Aadhana muhurta.
1. Starting 10 hours of Navami are highly inauspicious (See Page 5 of thi

2. Starting 2 hours 24 minutes of Atiganda are highly inauspicious (See

Page 19 of the book)
A highly unfavourable Yoga. Day and Karana were benefic. Monday and
Poorvashada together form Utpaata yoga which is considered malefic. (See
Page 33,34,35 of the book) Thus panchanga variables were not at all
Fixed lagna occupied by 5th lord jupiter is a good choice. But
Lagna lord Mars placed in 12th house in R/k axis in a 2/12 relationship
with 5th Lord cannot be called favourable Moreover, Papakartari on the
5th house and affliction to the 12th house (i.e., 8th from 5th indicating
longevity of child) is a negative factor. So we have a lagna with mixed
On that day the Moon was transiting in 12th place from the Natal
Moon of female which is an unfavourable position for Moon in transit. As
most of the muhurta variables were negative, favourable result connot be
This is the case of a person who joined service in a college as
lecturer in Hindi on ad-hoc basis which proved to be the most humiliating
experience of his life.
Date of Joining - 19-10-1993
Time 10:00 A.M.
Place Delhi
Tithi Panchami (Ashwina Shukla)
Day Tuesday
Nakshatra Jyestha
Yoga Shobhana
Karana Bav Lagna Kundali
LAG 17°31 Sun Jup
SUN 202 Sat Mn 7/
MON Kan Yen
MAR 21 22 v
MLR 26° 10
JUP 1026
YEN 10o10 kit
SAT 29 55
RAH 9046
168 Muhurta
Panchanga Variables ; Tithi, Yoga and Karana are benefic. Day is ma-
lefic Nakshatra Jyestha, though it belongs to a malefic catagory, is consid-
ered favourable for joining service as it is ruled by Lord Indra. Individu-
ally the panchanga variables were favaurable.. Now look at the following;
(1) Tuesday and panchami together form Dagdha yoga which is a malefic
(2) Tuesday and Jyestha together firm Mudgara yoga which is a malefic
(3) In Ashwina month, Scorpio is a Masa Shonya Rashi and here Moon
and Lagna are falling in Scorpio.
(4) On 4-6-1993 a total lunar eclipse took place in Jyestha nakshatra and
any nakshatra in which such total eclipse takes place should be avoided
for six months in muhurta.
Thus it can be seen that apparently auspicious panchanga variables were
suffering from some serious defects and one cannot afford ignorance of
these subtler points.

Lagna was of fixed and Sirsodaya rashi which is considered good for join-
ing service. Placement of Lagna Lord and 1 Oth Lord in 12th House, Place-
ment of no benefics in Kendras and Trikonas, afflicted Lagna and Moon
and weak benefics (debilitated venus and combust Jupiter) make this
muhurta weak. 10th Lord and dispositor of 10th Lord both are debili-
tated. Moreover. 10th Lord is debilitated in Dl, D9 and D10 making the
Karma Sthana weak.
The native was having Pushya as Janma Nakshatra and was having proper
Chandra and Tara shuddhi on the day of joining service. But a weak lagna
and some of the highly malefic yogas present on the day of joining service
made it the most humiliating experience of his life.


This is a case of disturbed marriage in which the tension started immedi-
ately after marriage leading to separation. The combinations for distur-
bance were present in the natal horoscopes and time of marriage added
fuel to the fire
Date ofMarriage- 11/12 - 12-1993
Time - Around 1: 00 A.M.
Place - Delhi
Day - Saturday

Tithi - Krishna Chaturdashi

Nakshatra - Anuradha
Yoga * Sukarma
Karana - Vishti (Bhadra)

Planets Nak Lagna Kundali

SUN Jyestha - III
MON Anuradha - I
MAR Moola -1
MER Anuradha - IV
JUP Swati - II
YEN Jyestha -I
SAT Dhanista - III
RAH Anuradha - IV
KET Rohini - II
Panchanga Variables ; Tithi and day are highly malefic but together they
form benefic yoga called Siddhi Yoga. Nakshatra Anuradha is a good
nakshatra for marriage but it is suffering from two serious defects in this
case ; (i) It is suffering from yuti dosha due to placement of Rahu and
Merc also in the same nakshatra and (ii) 15th nakshatra from Anuradha is
occupied by ketu thus causing Jaamitra dosha. Yuti and Jaamitra dosha
caused by malefics are specifically considered inauspicious in marriage.
Moreover, Bhadra was prevailing at the time of marriage.

In marriage lagna Venus placed in third house in not considered
auspicious There were no benefics in Kendras and Trikonas. 7th house
aspected by Mars and 7th Lord Jupiter placed in debilitated navamsha
made the relevant house weak. Muhurta Lagna Lord is placed in close
degrees with Rahu in third house.

Taking longitude of Moon at the time of marriage the opening
dasha was Saturn MD and Saturn AD. Saturn which is 5th and 6th lord
placed in 6th House in the nakshatra of 8th Lord Mars cannot be expected
to give good results.
Tribala Shuddhi
170 Muhurta

In marriage we have to ensure the transit strength of Moon, Sun

and Jupiter. Janma Rashi of Male in this case was Mithuna and that of
Female was Kumbha. Thus, Moon was transiting in favourable position.
[6th from natal moon of male and 10th from natal moon of female]. Al-
though, Moon otherwise is debilitated and is placed very close to Sun.
Sun was placed in 6th position from natal Moon of Male which is
a favourable position.
Jupiter was placed in 9th position from natal Moon of female
which is again a favourable position for Jupiter in transit. But here Jupiter
is transiting in its neecha navamsha and interestingly Jupiter was 7th Lord
for both Male and Female in their Birth Horoscopes and was also the 7th
Lord of Muhurta Lagna.
Dominance of unfavourable influences led to unfavourable re-


This is a case in which the father of bridegroom died on the night
of marriage and marriage was celebrated in 'Sootaka' period.
Date of Marriage - 13-11-1994
Time - Between 10.30 & 11.00 P.M.
Place Delhi
Day Sunday
Tithi Ekadashi (Nanda Tithi)
Nakshatra Uttara Bhadarpada
Yoga Harshana
Karana Bhadra
Planets Nak.
SUN Vishakha - III Lagna Kundali
MON U. Bhadra -II
MAR Ashlesha - III
MER Swati -1
JUP Vishakha - IV
VEN(R) Swati - II
SAT Shatbhisha - II
RAH Vishakha - I
KET Bharani - III

Panchanga Variables ; Individually all panchanga variables except Karana

were good. Sunday and Ekadashi (Nanda Tithi) together form Mrityu Yoga
which is inauspicious. Nakshatra and yoga were benefic but any nakshatra
in which Harshana yoga ends suffers from Paata dosha which is to be
avoided in marriage. Here Uttara Bhadrapada is suffering from this dosha.
Overall there were mixed influences.

Cancer Lagna occupied by debilitated Mars, Malefics in Kendras,
7th Lord in 8th house aspected by Mars which is also aspecting the 7th
house are not at all positive indications. Muhurta lagna Lord Moon is
placed in 9th house in Papakartari aspected by Jupiter was under mixed
influence. The point to be noted is the Karaka for father i.e.. Sun is in
close conjunction with Rahu and is closely aspected by Mars. 9th house in
papakartari and 9th Lord combust proved unfavourable.

Dasha was Sat MD and Ketu AD Saturn placed in 8th house and
Ketu in 1 Oth house forming papakartari on 9th house
Overall, the muhurta does not indicate the commencement of an enjoyable
event. The father of bridegroom suffered heart attack at the time of dinner
party and died on the same right.


The Third Channel of Doordarshan (Popularly known as
DD-3) started its preview transmission on 3-9-1995 at 6.00 P.M. and was
formally inaugrated on 14-11-1995 at 6.00 P.M. Till now, by no standard,
the performance of this channel can be called satisfactory. In this case
study we will see how this failure was well evident in the time of its com-
Preview Service
Date of starting transmission - 3-9-1995
Time 6.00 P.M. Place ; Delhi
Day Sunday
Tithi Navami (Rikta Tithi)
Nakshatra - Moola (Lerocious Nakshatra)
Yoga Preeti (benefic)
Karana Kaulav (benefic)
172 Muhurta

LAG - 4o50' Lagna Kundali

SUN - 16045'
MON - 1054'
MAR - 3°43'
MER - 13o0r
JUP - n-H1
YEN - 20l,27,
SAT(R) - 28023,
RAH - 3046'

Panchanga Variables : Tithi and Nakshatra were highly malefic. Yoga

and Karana were benefic. The Maleficience of Tithi and Nakshatra got
reduced to some extent because Sunday and Moola Nakshatra together
form a benefic Yoga called Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga.

The relevant houses here will be Lagna, 1 Oth house and 3rd house.
Here we have a fixed lagna in fixed navamsha occupied by retrograde
lagna lord and aspected by Sun and Yogakaraka Venus. Thus, Lagna was
strong. 10th house was occupied by 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter. The biggest
setback to this muhurta comes from affliction to 3id and 10th Lord Mars
by Rahu / Ketu. (see the closeness of Rahu and Mars in degrees) But this
10th Lord is again in shubha Kartari. So despite weaknesses some strong
points are also there which prevented its closing down for some time.
Das ha
Moon is Dhanu 1054 gives the MD of Ketu, AD of Ven and PD of
Rahu. MD & PD lords are afflicting 10th Lord, AD lord venus is a
yogakaraka but is combust and afflicted
Overall, it cannot be called a very good muhurta but the case is
not totally hopeless. There are some strong factors also.
Similar results can be seen from the time of formal inaugration
of DD-3 which was on 14-11-1995 at 6.00 P.M. was Tuesday - a malefic
day; Saptami a benefic tithi otherwise but with Tuesday it forms malefic
Yogas called Visha and Hutashana Yogas; Ashlesha Nakshatra - a malefic
nakshatra though forming a Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga with Tuesday; Shukla
Yoga - benefic yoga and a benefic Karana. Interested readers can make the
horoscope of that time and analyze it to see why DD-3 till now has not
been a successful channel.
1. Note ; DD-3 was ultimately closed on 16-1-1998 at 0012 hours.


We have included this oath taking muhurta here because when
P.V.N. Rao became the Prime Minister no body was expecting him to com-
plete his term of five years. But despite all obstacles he managed to com-
plete full term. The muhurta clearly explains how he achieved what he
was not expected to achieve.
Date of Swearing in 21-6-1991
Time - 12.56 Hours
Place - Delhi
Tithi - Shukla Dasami (Pooma Tithi)
Day - Friday (benefic day)
Nakshatra - Chitra (Mridu Maitra Nakshatra)
Yoga -' Parigha (Malefic Yoga)
Karana - Gar (Benefic) Lagna Kundali
LAG - 13o01
SUN - 5042 Ven
MON - l 07 Mar
MAR - 21033 Sun
MER - 10»45 Rah Mcr
JUP - 18°46 Ket
YEN - 20° 15 Sat(R)
SAT(R) - 12o09
RAH - 25022
Navamsha (D-9) Dasamsha (D-10)
K Ket rs \ Mon,M;^XX Rah
X2/ Mcrr X^X Sun
Sal X Jup
Mcr Ven
Mar 10 J
Ven .Xq
X XXMon Sat
8 \
Rah Sun X Kc

Panchanga Variables ; It was a highly benefic pooma Tithi; a friendly

nakshatra Chitra; a benefic day Friday; and malefic yoga and a benefic
Karana. Overall, individually the panchanga Variables were highly auspi-
cious. The minor blemishes were a malefic yoga formed by combination
of day and tithi (Hutashana Yoga).
174 Muhurta

The main strength of this muhurta lies in the strong horoscope.
Now we will explain these strengths one by one.
(i) In Oath taking muhurta Lagna represents the person; 10th house, the
Karma; 4th house represents Simhasana' or Chair and 7th house repre-
sents image. In this chart Lagna Lord and 10th Lord Mercury is placed in
its own sign in 1 Ofli House. It is placed in friendly Navamsha and exalted
in Dasamsha. 10th House is occupied by a strong Sun and also by malefic
Ketu. Similarly, if we see the 4th and 7th lord, it is exalted in 11th house
and placed in its own navamsha and in the nakshatra of LL and 10L Mer-
cury. Lords of all Kendras were extremely powerful. Coincidently Virgo is
also the Janma Lagna of the native and we can see here that the Lagna
Lord, 4th Lord, 7th Lord and 10th Lord of the Janma Lagna of the native
were strong in transit at the time of his joining as Prime Minister (ii) In D-
1, D-9 and D-10 there was connection between Lagna and 10th house. In
D-1, Lagna Lord and 10th Lord Mercury is strongly placed in lagna. In
D-9 Lagna Lord and and 10th Lord are in exchange. In D-iO Lagna Lord
and 10th Lord mercury is placed in Lagna in its exaltation sign
(iii) See three benefics occupying the Dasamsha Lagna, all Lords of good
(iv) Moon in libra 107'gives the MD of Mars, AD of Merc, PD ofRahu.
Md Lord was 3L and 8L placed in 11 th House exalted in navamsha and
placed in the nakshatra ofLL and 10L Mercury was in a Neecha Bhanga
Yoga. Everyone knows that the native became P.M. under most unpleas-
ant circumstances. This is also reflected by the transit of Moon in 8th
house from his natal Moon at the time of oath taking. 8th house represents
wind fall gains or sudden rise & fall.
The AD lord Merc was LL and 10L and powerfully placed in 10th house.
PD was ofRahu placed in 'Simhasana Sthana' or 4th house indicating the
period for coronation.
Thus we can see here the strength of lagna is such as is rarely
seen and the results were as good as can be expected from a good rfiuhurta.
A relevant question in politics, now a days, is, "How bad a
muhurta should be to make a record of being Prime Minister for the short-
est term?". The answer is provided by the first BJP government at the
centre. The details of the Oath taking muhurta of A.B. Vajpayee are given

Date - 16-5-1996
Time - 12.05 Hours
Place - Delhi
Day - Thursday
Tithi - Krishna Chaturdashi (Rikta Tithi)
Nakshatra - Bharani (one of the most malefic nakshatras)
Yoga - Saubhagya
Karama - Shakuni Lagna Kundali
LAG - 1837
Rfih 7
SUN - 1° 52
MON - 17 31 3 vCr
MAR - I6016
0 Sun
MERC(R) - 29 58
JUP(R) - 23 39 \ /Mon
YEN - 4011 Jup(R| X/iM'r
SAT .- 10o25
RAH - 22055 Ket, Sat X
Navamsha (D-9) Dasamasha (D-10)
\ 2 X ^Mon, Mat/' \ ju~ yen/
7 i X 12/
3 Ket
Ket X
\ 4 Rah Sun !V
v X
Sat x. X9 Rah /i
Mar 7 X7 Mer
57 6^ hX 8 x Sat
yS Mon \/ Jup. Ven \ Sun.Mer

Panchanga Variables ; It was one of the most malefic Rikta Tithis form-
ing Mrityu Yoga in combination with Thursday. A highly malefic nakshatra
which is called "Ugra-Kroora' and 'Jaghanya' nakshatra and is ruled by
Lord Yama (Lord of Death). On the day of oath taking Bharani was occu-
pied by a malefic Mars which adds to its disqualifications-Moreover, Thurs-
day and Bharani together also form a malefic yoga called "Padma Yoga".
As the native's Janma Nakshatra is Jyestha, Bharani is a Vipat Tara for
the native. Out of other panchanga variables Yoga was benefic and karana
was malefic. It was a bad day imposed by destiny on a good person.
176 Muhurta
(i) Lagna is fixed; sirsodaya; of a rashi falling in 1 Oth house from
natal Lagna and natal Moon of the native. These are positive factors. But
lagna here is placed in 'gandanta' and is suffering vedha from Mars and
Moon is "Sapta Shalaka Chakra" (see page 70 of the book). Lagna Lord is
strongly placed in 1 Oth house but is aspected by Saturn (6L&7L) from 8th
house. Moreover, Lagna Lord is placed in inimical signs in Dl, D9 and
D10 charts.
(ii) There is affliction to 1 Oth House by Saturn from 8th house
and 1 Ofli Lord has no connection with Lagna or Lagna Lord.
(iii) 4L representing 'Simhasana' or Chair is placed with 12L
Moon in 9th house in Papakartari and is under the influence of two retro-
grade planets.
With no benefics in Kendra; two malefics in 8th house and badly afflicted
Moon the shadow of events to come in future was clear.
(iv) Dasha was Yen MD, Mar AD, Jup PD. The MD of 10L was
good, AD of afflicted Mars was not favourable and The PD of 5L and 8L
Jup retrograde in 5th house cannot be called favourable.
Similarly one can analyze the D-9 and D-10 horoscopes which
also do not give a favourable indication for the activity commencing at
that time.

In the eight cases we have discussed here, we have tried to show
that choice of a muhurta is not an easy task because there is always a
chance of overlooking important details and often the time available with
the native restricts his choice. But one thing is very clear, that is, whether
the muhurta is selected by the person or imposed on him by destiny, it
always reflects the fate of any activity commencing in that muhurta.


AN attempt has been made in this book to present informa-

tion relating to muhurta in a manner in which it can be easily un-
derstood by a student of astrology. The extent to which we have been
successful in this attempt is for the readers to decide. Main empha-
sis of the book has been
(a) to introduce the student to various inputs for fixing a proper
time to commence an activity;
(b) to combine these inputs to get a muhurta for a specific ac-
tivity; and
(c) to make the muhurta suitable for a particular activity suita-
ble for a particular person.
As it is very difficult to find everything favourable, we have
also tried to explain the relative importance to be given to different
Variables of muhurta.
To practically test a muhurta is very difficult, if not impossi-
ble. For example, if one wants to test whether a muhurta fixed for
marriage has given favourable or unfavourable results one has to ac-
tually observe the married life of a person to verify the effects of
the time of marriage on married life. This process has to be repeat-
ed on a number of cases to make it a reliable research. This type of
verification is tedious and time consuming. For this reason we have
not been able to give examples of practically verified muhurtas ex-
cept some oath taking muhurtas.
Moreover, in an attempt to make the book easily understanda-
ble by a beginner in astrology certain complicated areas of muhurta
have either been fully left out or have been discussed in brief. In-
terested students can refer to Muhurta-Chintamani by Ram Daivagna,
178 Muhurta |
Jyotirvidabharanam by Kalidasa. Vrihat Samhita by Varaha Mihira
and such other classics for a detailed study of the subject.
What one should not forget
Birth horoscope is like a bank pass book which contains de-
tails about the balance of fruits of one's 'karmas' in past lives.
Muhurta horoscope is like a deposit made. If one has overdrawn by
say Rs. 1,00,000 from one's bank account a deposit of Rs. 5,000 will
not remove one's indebtedness. Same is true with one's major desti-
ny (birth horoscope) and self created short term destiny (i.e. Muhurta).
Thus where on the basis of one's past karmas one is destined to suf-
fer problems relating to marriage, a properly chosen marriage muhurta
can only make miner modifications. But it is certainly one step in
favourable direction and hence is relevant. It is like paying an in-
stalment of the loan which you have taken in past. It may be the
first instalment or the last instalment or any of the in-between in-
stalments, but is certainly a step in the right direction. Thus, one
should make an attempt to commence activities in properly selected
muhurtas without bothering about the question "How much improve-
ment can it make?"

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