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(For all sections and faculties,

the I course, the II term)
Choose the correct word.
Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

1. When ……. examines material in order to indentify it he looks at it and

sometimes handles it, tastes it as a non-chemist.

A) a worker
B) a driver
C) a chemist
D) a flower
E) a room

Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

2. If you wish to use the ……… it requires a greater understanding of hardware or


A) computer
B) laboratory
C) blackboard
D) auditorium
E) flat

3. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Cell was by made the first electric the Italian scientist Volta.
B) The by Italian scientist Volta the first electric cell was made.
C) By the Volta cell was made the first Italian scientist electric.
D) Italian the scientist was made first the electric the cell Volta.
E) The first electric cell was made by the Italian scientist Volta.

4. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Metals the uses or physical upon their properties chemical are on based.
B) The uses of metals are based upon their physical or chemical properties.
C) Metals upon based are physical, chemical or properties uses the of their.
D) Properties physical are the uses based metals or chemical of upon their.
E) Or properties metals of based are uses chemical metals physical upon the.

5. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) At a computer school does how elementary act the level?

B) Does how a computer act at the elementary school level?
C) A computer how does act at the elementary school level?
D) How does a computer act at the elementary school level?
E) How a computer does act at the elementary school level?

6. Choose the correct interr

+ogative sentence.
Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) To learn programming is it necessary to user a be computer?

B) Is it necessary to learn programming to be a computer user?
C) Necessary is it to learn programming to be a computer user?
D) To learn programming is it a user to be computer necessary?
E) Is programming it to learn necessary to be a computer user?

7. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

The computer-competent person can use the computer to solve sophisticated

problems in his or her field of expertise.

A) Biliyi olan adam kompyuterdən həll etmək üçün çətin problemləri işlədə
bilərlər kompyuteri.
B) Kompyuteri bilən insan çətin məsələləri həll etmək üçün kompyuter işlədə
C) Kompyuter biliyi olan şəxs bilik sahəsindəki daha mürəkkəb problemləri həll
etmək üçün kompyuterdən istifadə edə bilər.
D) Daha çətin məsələləri həll etmək üçün kompyuteri bilən insan kompyuterdən
yararlana bilər.
E) İstənilən məsələni həll etmək üçün bilikli adan kompyuterdən istifadə edə

A) Человек, который знает компьютер использует компьютер чтобы

решить задачи в своей области.
B) Компьютерно - компетентный человек использует его чтобы решить
задачи в их поле знаний.
C) Человек, знающий компьютер может использовать его для решений
сложенных проблем в его или её области деятельности.
D) Человек компетентный в компьютере использует его для решения задач
в области своего опыта.
E) Человек с компьютером использует его чтобы решить проблемы в
области экспертизы.

8. Translation from English.
Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Automatic controls relieve man of many monotonous activities, so that he can

devote his abilities to another occupation.

A) Avtomatika insanı çox darıxdırıcı işlərdən azad edərək onun üçün başqa işdə
imkan yaradır.
B) Avtomat nəzarətlər insana başqa işdə fəaliyyət etməyə imkan verir.
C) Avtomatlaşma adamı çox darıxdırıcı işlərdən azad edir ki, o, başqa işdə
qabiliyyətini göstərə bilir.
D) Avtomatlaşdırılmış idarəetmələr insanı çoxsaylı yeknəsəq fəaliyyətdən azad
edir, belə ki, o istedadını başqa bir işə həsr edə bilir.
E) İnsanı çoxsaylı yeknəsəq fəaliyyətdən azad edir avtomatlaşdırılmış
idarəetmələr insanı, o istedadını o biri işdə göstərə bilər.

A) Автоматический контроль отпускает человека от монотонной

активности и он может заняться другим делом.
B) Автоматический контроль освобождает человека от монотонной работы
и он может посвятить свою деятельность другой работе
C) Автоматическое управление даёт возможность человеку не выполнять
монотонную работу а заняться другим делом.
D) Автоматическое управление освобождает человека от большого
количества монотонной деятельности, так, что он может посвятить
свои способности другому занятию.
E) Автоматический контроль заменяет монотонную работу активной и
человек может выполнять другую работу.

9. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümlənin məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

Computers retrieve information instantly, make mathematical computations in

much less time ……. .

A) than an animal can

B) than a mixer
C) than a baby can
D) than a grinder
E) than a person can

10. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümlənin məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

In medicine ultrasonic waves can reach inaccessible places and be focused on

tiny spots in the brain or other parts ......... .

A) of the human body
B) of the table
C) of the room
D) of the country
E) of the forest

11. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) Not be one of the methods safest methods without radio, to travel would be
by air.
B) By the air not would be of one methods safest of transportation without radio.
C) Without radio, to travel by air would not be one of the safest methods of
D) Without radio not be to travel by air would one of the safest methods of
E) Not without radio, to travel by air would not be one safest of methods of

12. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) Experiments with ultrasonic haven’t been carried out for a long time.
B) Experiments not with ultrasonic have been carried out for a long time.
C) Experiments with not ultrasonic have been carried out for a long time.
D) Experiments with ultrasonic have been carried out for a long not time.
E) Experiments with ultrasonic have been carried not out for a long time.

13. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

The 1st Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Fatali Khan Khoyski was killed by
Arakelyan in Tbilisi, in May, 1920.

A) Arakelyan is killed by Fatali Khan Khoyski in Tbilisi, in May 1920.

B) The 1st Prime Minister of Azerbaijan killed Fatali Khan Khoyski by
Arakelyan in May 1920, in Tbilisi.
C) Arakelyan has killed the 1st Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Fatali Khan
Khoyski in Tbilisi, in May 1920.
D) Fatali Khan Khoyski killed Arakelyan in Tbilisi, 1920, in May.
E) Arakelyan killed the 1st Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Fatali Khan Khoyski in
Tbilisi, in May 1920.

14. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.
Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

The children were looked after well after their mother’s death.

A) He looked after the children well after their mother’s death.

B) The children looked after well after their mother’s death.
C) He was looked the children well after their mother’s death.
D) The children were looking after well after their mother’s death.
E) He was looking well the children after their mother’s death.

15. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümləni məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

When the manager arrived the thieves had stolen the computers.

A) When the manager arrived thieves had been stolen the computers.
B) When the manager arrived the computers have been stolen.
C) When the manager arrived the computers were stolen by thieves.
D) When the manager arrived the computers was being already stolen by
E) When the manager arrived, the computers had already been stolen by the

16. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümlənin məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

Our mechanics will repair the crashed car in ten days.

A) The crashed car will be repaired in ten days by our mechanics.

B) The crashed car would repaired in ten days by our mechanics.
C) The crashed car repaired our mechanics in ten days.
D) The crashed car have been repaired in ten days by our mechanics.
E) Our mechanics will be repaired in ten days by our mechanics.

17. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Probably the best known computerized diagnostic tool is computerized axial

B) Punched cards represent a machine language as does punched paper tape.
C) The handling of goods in fractories is being rapidly mechanized.
D) Mechanization has been going on steadily since long before the Industrial

E) Doctors may now be assisted in diagnoses and treatment by software
packages called expert systems.

18. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Von Neumann is remembered for adding the stored program concept to the
B) The characteristic qualities of a material that describe and identify it are
called its properties.
C) The radio beacon and radio compass help to locate positions in air and on sea
in fog and storms.
D) The Europeans took the word for the name of the animal and it came to stay.
E) Synthetic plastics will often take the place of metals in machine-building and
in many respects their properties are higher than those of metals.

19. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

Discoveries made ........... scientists ........... the nineteenth century laid a firm
foundation ........... future generations.

A) by, in, for

B) at, under, of
C) on, in, into
D) above, at, on
E) to, onto, in

20. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

Treatment ........... diseases is being improved ........... the use ...........

microprocessor-controlled smart machines.

A) in, at, on
B) of, for, on
C) of, through, of
D) into, at, under
E) above, under, in

21. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. There were two children in the family.

2. Mrs Brown was expecting her third baby.
3. The Brown family lived in the village of Bestwood in a house built by the
mining company for its employees.
4. William, a boy of seven, and Annie, who was only five.

5. Gertrude Brown was thirty-one years old and had been married for eight
6. Her husband, Walter, was a coalminer.

A) 2,4,6,1,3,5
B) 3,5,1,4,2,6
C) 1,3,5,2,4,6
D) 6,2,4,3,5,1
E) 3,5,6,1,4,2

22. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. Soon everybody was enjoying this exciting new meal.

2. In the past it was a tradition.
3. They started offering their visitors sandwiches and cakes too.
4. Afternoon tea is a small meal, not a drink.
5. Now most ordinary British families do not have time for afternoon tea at
6. It became popular about a hundred and fifty years ago, when rich ladies
invited their friends to their houses for an afternoon cup of tea.

A) 4,5,6,1,3,2
B) 4,5,2,6,3,1
C) 3,1,5,2,4,6
D) 1,3,5,2,4,6
E) 2,4,6,5,1,3

23. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. of the 2. electronic 3. brain 4. computers 5. human

6. replace 7. the judgement 8. cannot

A) 2,4,3,1,6,8,7,5
B) 1,3,5,7,2,4,6,8
C) 7,1,5,3,8,6,2,4
D) 5,3,1,7,6,8,4,2
E) 2,4,8,6,7,1,5,3

24. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. being replaced 2. computer 3. or enhanced 4. all these

5. to some extent 6. tools are 7. by the

A) 4,5,7,1,2,6,3
B) 4,6,5,7,1,3,2
C) 4,6,5,1,3,7,2

D) 1,7,3,5,4,2,6
E) 7,2,1,5,4,6,3

25. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

It was about one hundred years ago that the first useful tools for ultrasonic
experiments ……...... .

A) were invented
B) is inventing
C) was invented
D) has invented
E) has been invented

26. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

During the past years significant gains ………… in the fields of science,
industry and engineering.

A) has been make

B) has been made
C) have been make
D) had been make
E) have been made

27. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Sue: And if you made a nice lot of money, what would you do?
2. Nick: I don’t know. I feel restless. I shall not go for long, while my mother’s
3. Nick: Live in a pretty house near London with my mother.
4. Sue: Will you always stay at Jordan’s?
5. Sue: Go abroad? What for?
6. Nick: No, I shall leave Nottingham soon and go abroad.

A) 4,6,2,1,5,3
B) 1,3,5,2,4,6
C) 4,6,5,2,1,3
D) 3,5,1,4,6,2
E) 5,3,1,2,6,4

28. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Bill: Yes …. Oh, oh! There’s a bus now. We’ll have to run to catch it.

2. Bill: Never mind. There’ll be another one in ten minutes.
3. Joyce: Shall we take a taxi or a bus to the meeting?
4. Bill: We’d better take a bus. It’s almost impossible to find a taxi during rush
5. Joyce: Isn’t that a bus stop over there?
6. Joyce: O.K. ….. Oh, no! We just missed it.

A) 3,4,2,6,1,5
B) 1,5,3,6,4,2
C) 2,4,6,1,3,5
D) 3,4,5,1,6,2
E) 5,3,1,6,2,4

29. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

How many religious holidays are celebrated in our country?

A) Only Novruz Bayrami in celebrated in our country.

B) There are four religious holidays in our country that are celebrated every year.
C) There are two religious holidays in our country: Gurban Bayrami and Orujluq
(Ramadan) Bayrami.
D) We celebrate one of the religious holidays Independence Day in our country.
E) Religious holidays are celebrated twice a year in our country.

30. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

What are ultra-sonic waves?

A) They are waves like music waves with sweet words.

B) They are waves like sound waves, but they are beyond the range of sound,
beyond the normal range of human hearing.
C) Ultra-sonic waves are waves of birds’ singing in the forest.
D) They are waves like waves of singers’ songs.
E) Ultra-sonic waves like sound waves that men hear them immideatly.

31. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

Only very thorough and repeated mechanical cleaning plus special solvents ……
….. a good job.

A) could do
B) has to do
C) must be
D) is to do
E) was to do

32. Choose the correct modal verb.
Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

If you ........ to apply for this job, you have ......... type 60 words a minute.

A) wants, to be able to
B) want, can
C) want, to be able to
D) want, to be able
E) want, to have

33. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

The computer is a very high speed adding and subtracting machine. However, it is
not the thinking machine as it is sometimes called. Everything it does other than
adding and subtracting is the result of man’s ingenuity.

A) Computer
B) Automation
C) Adding and Subtracting Machine
D) Automation and Automatic Control
E) Automatic Control

34. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

A mainframe is a very large expensive computer that requires a special support

staff and a special physical environment (for example, air conditioning).
Mainframes are usually housed in a computer centre.

A) Types of Computers
B) Computers
C) Computer centre
D) Mainframes
E) Special Support Staff

35. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Avtomatlaşdırılmış nəzarətlər insanı külli miqdarda darıxdırıcı və ağır əməkdən

azad edir.

Автоматическое управление освобождает человека от большого
количества монотонного и тяжелого труда.
A) Controls automations relieve people many monotonous and hard work.
B) Automation relieve people much monotonous and hard workings.
C) Controls automatically relieves men a lot of hard and monotonous jobs.
D) Controlling automation relieve people hard and monotonous labour.
E) Automatic controls relieve man of great deal of monotonous and hard labour.

36. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Onlar anlaya bilməmişlər ki, onların kəşfləri bir gün bizim böyük
sənayelərimizin özülü olacaq.

Они не могли понять, что их открытия когда-нибудь станут базой нашей

большой промышленности.

A) They didn’t understand their discoveries would be the basis of our large
industries one day.
B) They could not realize that their discoveries would some day be the basis of our
large industries.
C) They not realize that their discoveries will be one day the basis of large
industry ours.
D) Their discoveries will be a very large basis of industries one day.
E) One day they did not understand that discoveries would basis be of our large.

37. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

Maxwell wrote his first scientific ……… when he was fifteen. Since that time he
……… a great number of works which were the results of these experiments and
……… .

A) poems, lectures, notes

B) plays, cooked, math
C) paintings, made, calculations
D) physical, formed, lectures
E) work, wrote, calculations

38. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

These discoveries are still important for the modern ……… . He had always been
interested in the problems of ……… . Many people saw colours of ……… but
only he showed by experiments, that white light consists of these colours.

A) space, heavy, snow
B) rainbow, scientists, ball
C) field, dark, fog
D) science, light, rainbow
E) day, mining, colour

39. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

It is polite to rise and to give a seat to the old.

A) to raise
B) to leave for
C) to stand up
D) to get on
E) to receive

40. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

They were too surprised at the news they heard on the radio.

A) harmed
B) astonished
C) attractive
D) negative
E) published

41. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

“………. somebody who wants to see you, father”

“Who …….?”
“I think, ……. your friend”.

A) there are, is it, it is

B) there was, is it, it was
C) there is, is it, it is
D) there were, it is, is it
E) there is, there are, it was

42. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.

Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

My friend has just said that there ……. an official meeting with our president the
following day.

A) are
B) is
C) were
D) would be
E) will be

43. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

……… the students believed that the exam results would be released so early.

A) Every
B) None of
C) No
D) Some
E) Any

44. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

Was there ……… traffic at 4:00 a.m yesterday or there was …….. wrong with
your car?

A) a few, something
B) too many, anything
C) much, something
D) few, nothing
E) a lot, everything

45. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

It was impolite of you to sit down when the old entered the room.

A) to receive
B) to raise
C) to get by
D) to get on
E) to rise
46. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.
Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

Please come in time. I shall wait for you at the entrance of the Technical

A) final
B) end
C) in front of
D) exit
E) before

47. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) Automatic controls harden man in monotonous activities.

B) The computer is a very high speed adding and subtracting machine.
C) In the middle of any street mainframe computers are also used to cook
D) As you know Electronics was born in the 21st century.
E) Deaf people use computers to dance by displaying a message on the screen.

48. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) The computer has also been extremely useful in making handicapped

individuals more independent.
B) In 2002 the electric arc was discovered, a form of the gas discharge.
C) Radio is a composite radio-electronic apparatus to be used for detecting and
locating objects and targets.
D) Light consists of water of the same sort as radio water, infrared rays, ultra-
violet water.
E) The uses of metals are based upon their psychological properties.

49. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) A little over three centuries ago a man adopted the scientific method of
studying his environment.
B) Physics and mathematics are the basic foundations of engineering.
C) Most of famous scientists were studying more than one field of knowledge.
D) The atoms speeded up by a cyclotron impart their velocity to other atoms.
E) Technology have changed people and their lives.

50. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) Electronic appliances are indispensable for planning and controlling our

national economy.
B) Magnesium, iron and zinc are able to take the oxygen from water.

C) Maxwell are the founder of the electromagnetic field and the electromagnetic
theory of gases and electricity.
D) These “monster computers” are in heavy demand for military and
meteorological applications.
E)There are many good examples of highly automatic machinery today.

Bölmə 2.

51. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

A machine language of some sort is the ……… of every higher form of


A) mechanization
B) information
C) translation
D) station
E) motivation

52. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

The nearest future of the world may be described in this short word “……”.

A) dollar
B) bread
C) computer
D) automation
E) bank

53. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) At much attention being is paid present to the development of automatic

control equipment.
B) Much attention at present is being paid to the development of automatic control
C) Much attention is being at present paid to the development of automatic control
D) Attention is much being at present paid to the development of automatic
control equipment.
E) At present much attention is being paid to the development of automatic
control equipment.

54. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Engineers often become proficient end users as they use computers in their
B) Often engineers become proficient end users as they use computers in their
C) Engineers become often proficient end users as they use computers in their
D) Engineers often become their work in computers proficient end users as they
E) As users end often engineers their work in computers proficient become, as

55. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) What computer language is for most program the popular personal

B) What is the most popular computer language program for personal
C) What popular is the most computer language program personal computers?
D) What computer is popular most language program for personal computers?
E) What personal is most computer the language popular program for

56. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) How determine can computers the student’s level of understanding?

B) How determine computers can the student’s level of understanding?
C) How can computers determine the student’s level of understanding?
D) How computers can determine the student’s level of understanding?
E) How computers determine the student’s can level of understanding?

57. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Electronic computers cannot replace the judgement of the human brain, but they
will release it from mechanical functions.

A) Elektron kompyuterlər insan kimi mexaniki işləyə bilərlər, onlar insanı işdən
azad edə bilərlər.
B) Elektron kompyuterlər insan kimi düşünə bilməzlər, lakin onun kimi
mexaniki işləyə bilərlər.
C) Elektron kompyuterlər insanın beynini əvəz edə bilməz, ancaq onları işdən
uzaqlaşdıra bilər.
D) Elektron kompyuterlər insan beyninin düşüncəsini əvəz edə bilməzlər, onu

ancaq mexaniki işlərdən azad edə bilərlər.
E) Elektron kompyuterlər insan beyni kimi düşüncəlidir, onu ancaq mexaniki
işlərdə əvəz edə bilərlər.
A) Компьютер не может заменить мысли человека, но он может
освободить его от механических функций.
B) Электрические компьютеры могут заменить человека и освободить его
от механического труда.
C) Электронный компьютер не может думать как человек, но он может
делать его работу.
D) Электронные компьютеры не могут заменить человеческий мозг, но они
освободят его от механической работы.
E) Электронные компьютеры не могут заменить мнение человека, но они
могут освободить его от тяжелого труда.

58. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

The invention of incandescent lamp by scientists was the beginning of rapid

development in electricity.

A) Közərmə lampasının alimlər tərəfindən kəşfi elektrikdə sürətli inkişafın

başlanğıcı oldu.
B) Alimlərin kəşfi olan közərmə lapması elektrikdə sürətlə inkişaf oldu.
C) Alimlərin közərmə lampasını kəşf etmə olmuşdur elektrikdə sürətli inkişafın
E) Alimlər közərmə lampasını kəşf edərək elektrik sahəsində inkişafa başlanğıc
E) Elektrikdə olan inkişaf alimlərin ixtirası közərmə lampası sürətli olmuşdur.

A) Изобретение лампы-накаливания учёными было началом быстрого

развития в области электричества.
B) Изобретение накалённой лампы и было быстрого продвижения в
C) Открытие лампы накала будет началом быстрого развития
D) С изобретением лампы началось быстрое развитие электричества.
E) Изобретение лампы накаливания привело к быстрому развитию

59. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümlənin məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

With the disintegration of the Soviet system in 1990’s Azerbaijan became ......... .

A) large country
B) an independent country
C) a big forest

D) a small village
E) a large region

60. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümlənin məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

On the country, if combined with synthetic materials, they might become even
………... .

A) more comfortable
B) more political
C) more intelligent
D) more valuable
E) more convenient

61. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) This does not mean that natural materials should lose their importance.
B) This not mean that natural materials should lose their importance.
C) This does mean that not natural materials should lose their importance.
D) This natural materials does mean that not their importance should lose.
E) Not this mean that should natural materials lose their importance.

62. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) The hardness of metals do not depends upon the presence of other substances
in them.
B) The hardness not of metals do depends upon the presence of other substances
in them.
C) The hardness of metals doesn’t depend upon the presence of other substances
in them.
D) The hardness of metals doesn’t depends upon the presence of other
substances in them.
E) Not the hardness of metals does depend upon the presence of other
in them.

63. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

Sophisticated problems in his or her field of expertise are often solved by

modern computers.

A) Modern computers solve often sophisticated in his or her problems of field


B) In order to solve sophisticated problem modern computers often in his or her
field expertise.
C) Modern computers solve sophisticated often problems in field of expertise.
D) Modern computers in sophisticated problems solve often his or her expertise
E) Modern computers often solve sophisticated problems in his or her field of

64. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

My brother is sometimes sent to London on business by his director.

A) My brother’s director sometimes sends him to London on business.

B) Director of my brother sends sometimes him to London on business.
C) His director sends sometimes my brother to London on business.
D) Sometimes brother’s director sends him London to business.
E) My brother sometimes sents his director to London on business.

65. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümlənin məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

The general director has bought several computers of the best design.

A) The general director has been bought several computers of the best design.
B) The best several computers has been bought by the general director.
C) Several best computers has been bought by the general director.
D) Several computers of the best design have been bought by the general
E) The general director have been bought several computers of best design.

66. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümlənin məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

I gave to my girl friend a personal computer for her birthday last week.

A) My girl friend were given a personal computer.

B) A personal computer was given to my girl friend for her birthday last week.
C) I was given to my girl friend a personal computer for her birthday last week.
D) A personal computer are given to my girl friend for her birthday last week.
E) My girl friend will given a personal computer for her birthday last week.

67. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Microwaves alone offer unparalleled opportunities for communications and
B) However, workstation differ from PCs in that they can carry out multiple
tasks concurrently.
C) A subset of mainframes is super computers, or “monsters” which are the
biggest and fastest computers in use today.
D) Computer terminals are usually composed of a keyboard and a display
E) A solid-state device is made of minerals so that it can be instructed to allow
or not to allow a flow of current.

68. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Today, all students must be prepared to function in a society in which

computers are widely in use.
B) Computer is used as a mind tool to solve problems and accomplish tasks.
C) Computers can actually be used to develop the professional-typeset-quality
documents ready for publication.
D) Governments have found the computer to be an important tool in efficiently
serving their citizenry.
E) Another development involves the use of a computer chip in a card.

69. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

……… fact computers are a critical element …….. most US armed forces
defense systems …… use today.

A) at, on, into

B) in, of, in
C) of, of, in
D) under, in, to
E) above, under, in

70. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

Computers are designed ……. repetitive projects …… processing and storing a

large amount …… data.

A) in, on, at
B) under, in, on
C) out of, at, onto
D) of, at, for
E) for, for, of

71. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.

Составьте рассказ.

1. There are programmes like Animal Hospital about sick animals and the
working lives of animal doctors.
2. The British are traditionally a nation of animal lovers.
3. All these programmes are very popular.
4. This is clear from the large number of animal programmes on TV.
5. There are programmes about wildlife in Britain and other countries, and about
pets at home.
6. Some programmes try to find new homes for unwanted or homeless animals.

B) 1,3,5,2,4,6
C) 2,4,5,1,6,3
D) 3,5,1,6,2,4
E) 5,2,3,6,4,1

72. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. This year 25,000 dogs are taking part in Crufts.

2. For many years it was held in London.
3. Over 100,000 people visit Crufts each year.
4. Crufts is a very popular dog show that takes place in Britain every March.
5. In 1991 it moved to Birmingham.
6. It was started by Charles Cruft in 1891 as a way of selling a kind of dog food!

A) 4,1,2,5,6,3
B) 2,4,6,1,3,5
C) 1,3,5,2,4,6
D) 4,6,2,5,1,3
E) 3,5,1,6,4,2

73. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. calculations 2. and 3. a computer 4. can easily

5. simple 6. perform 7. complex

A) 3,1,5,7,6,4,2
B) 3,4,6,5,2,7,1
C) 1,7,5,3,6,4,2
D) 5,7,1,3,4,6,2
E) 7,1,5,3,4,2,6

74. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. and magnetism 2. had noticed 3. electricity 4. by 1730
5. a close 6. scientists 7. interaction 8. between

A) 4,6,1,8,2,7,5,3
B) 5,3,7,1,6,2,4,8
C) 3,7,1,5,6,8,4,2
D) 4,3,1,7,5,2,6,8
E) 4,6,2,5,7,8,3,1

75. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

A kettle half full of water ……… to the boiling point in half the time required
for a full one.

A) will be transferred
B) can be brought
C) can be read
D) had to bring
E) must be written

76. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

……… difficult articles from English into Russian was impossible without
……… dictionaries.

A) Writing, selling
B) Translating, used
C) Translating, using
D) Translated, using
E) Written, sold

77. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Manager: Then I think the Rose Room would be the most appropriate. I
suggest one long table, nine on each side, with one at each end.
2. Mr Dedov: Good afternoon. This is Dedov from the “Centre”. We would like
to make arrangements with you for a small dinner party for
tomorrow night.
3. Mr Dedov: That sounds fine.
4. Manager: Hello. Savoy Restaurant.
5. Mr Dedov: We’ll have 20 persons.
6. Manager: Very good, sir. How many people do you expect?

A) 2,4,6,1,3,5
B) 4,2,3,5,6,1
C) 1,3,5,2,4,6

D) 3,5,1,6,4,2
E) 4,2,6,5,1,3

78. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Secretary: Who’s calling, please?

2. Secretary: Hello, Mr Stock. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. I’m putting Mr
Baturin on the line now.
3. Mr Stock: I’ll wait, thank you.
4. Secretary: Hello.
5. Mr Stock: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr Baturin.
6. Mr Stock: This is Mr Stock from Satre Ltd.
7. Secretary: Will you hold the line, please? I’ll see if Mr Baturin’s available. Mr
Stock, Mr Baturin is on the other phone. Will you wait or call back?

A) 4,2,6,7,1,5,3
B) 6,4,2,5,3,1,7
C) 2,6,4,1,5,7,3
D) 4,5,1,6,7,3,2
E) 3,5,1,7,6,4,2

79. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

What does a mainframe require?

A) A mainframe requires a large country with large cities, towns and villages.
B) A mainframe requires a special support staff and a special physical
C) It requires large seas with enormous ships, boats and salt-water fishes.
D) It requires a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a classroom, desks and a table for the
E) A mainframe requires salt, as construction materials, such as aluminium.

80. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

Whom was the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic founded on 28 May 1918 by?

A) The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was founded on 28 May 1918 by the

Prime Minister Fataly Khan Khoysky.
B) The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was founded on 28 May 1918 by Haydar
C) The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was founded on 28 May 1918 by the
president of the State Oil Company.
D) The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was founded on 28 May 1918 by the
colonel of the Russian Army Mirza Fatali.

E) The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was founded on 28 May 1918 by

81. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

Remember! You ……… wear a helmet before driving the motorcycle.

A) can
B) would
C) shall
D) are able
E) must

82. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

Children, you ……… go out to play with your friends, but you ……… stay so
long outdoors in the cold weather.

A) are able to, could

B) are allowed to, must
C) may, don’t
D) may, mustn’t
E) mayn’t, must

83. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

At the elementary school level, the greatest current uses are in computer-aided
instruction, in which the computer acts as a tutor to the student, and in computer-
managed instruction, which frees teachers from many administrative chores.

A) Medical, Educational, and Sport Applications of Computer

B) Computer As a Tutor
C) Computer in Education
D) Elementary School
E) Computer at Elementary School

84. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

Radio energy is broadcast in any desired direction. In striking an object or target,

a minute portion of the radio energy is reflected and returns to the radar within a
few thousands of a second.

A) Principles of Modern Radar

B) Antenna System
C) Radio Energy
D) Radar
E) Radio
85. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)
Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Tələbələr avtomobil idarəetmə nəzəriyyəsini qısa bir zamanda dərindən


В короткий срок студенты овладели теорией вождения автомобиля.

A) Driving in a short time the students mastered theory.

B) In a short time the students mastered the theory of driving.
C) The theory of driving mastered the students in a short time.
D) The mastered students in a short time the theory of driving.
E) The car theory students in a short time mastered.

86. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Bu gün milyonlarla amerikalı yeniliklər haqqında demək olar ki, məhz televiziya
və ya radiodan öyrənirlər.

В наши дни миллионы американцев узнают о новостях почти

исключительно по телевидению или радио.

A) News their Americans millions today get almost exculsively from television
and radio.
B) Millions American today get their news almost exclusively from television and
C) Today millions of Americans get their news almost exclusively from television
and radio.
D) Millions of today Americans get their news almost exclusively from television
and radio.
E) Millions Americans gets their news almost exculsively from television and
radio today.

87. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

Like a ………, the computer can perform ……… . But the real power of the
……… is its capability to allow the user to determine the effect of changes in the

A) doctor, treatment, medicine

B) mainframe, comfort, addition
C) translator, article, tutor
D) computer, PCs, note-book
E) calculator, calculations, computer

88. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

The early……… of the ……… involves three individuals, or group individuals,

and the ……… they built. One pair of individuals were John V. and his graduate

A) history, computer, machines

B) years, mainframe, computer
C) literature, chemistry, history
D) years, months, weeks
E) machines, history, computer

89. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

The students were busy with something when their teacher entered the computer

A) to be engaged their study

B) to go in for
C) to be engaged with
D) to engaged with
E) to be interested in

90. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

The students of the automation faculty walked about 10 miles to reach the
computer centre.

A) go on foot
B) drove
C) swam
D) run
E) went on foot

91. Sentences with “there”.
“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

……… a lot of computers in the computer centre, and ……… allowed to enter it

A) there are, it was

B) there is, it is
C) there will be, it will be
D) there were, it wasn’t
E) there were, isn’t

92. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

“Why are you so ill?”

“……… not any glass in the windows ……… very cold in the room where I
stayed yesterday”.

A) there was, there was

B) there were, there were
C) it is, it is
D) it has, it is
E) there was, it was

93. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

They are our friends ……… invited us to their daughter’s wedding, but ………
couldn’t go.

A) whom, he
B) whose, she
C) who, we
D) what, our
E) which, my

94. Choose the correct pronoun.
Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

We couldn’t buy ……… that we wanted, because ……… didn’t have enough
money with ……… .
A) anything, we, you
B) everything, we, us
C) something, we, him
D) everything, us, we
E) anything, we, our

95. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

Mainframe is a very large expensive computer that requires a special support


A) different
B) dear
C) high
D) cheap
E) various

96. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

My elder brother kept some domestic animals on his farm for many years.

A) clever
B) weak
C) boring
D) dead
E) wild

97. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) Isaak Newton wrote his famous Scientific work at the beginning of the XX
B) Isaak Newton made his three great discoveries. One of them is the law of
C) American inventor Thomas Edison improved the theory of carpentry.
D) Metals occur most commonly as oxides or sulphides in water.
E) White bread is the best insulator of electricity and provides the best heat

98. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.

Выберите правильную информацию.

A) The Azerbaijan Republic is the smallest of the three Trans-Caucasian

B) The United States of America is an important strategic gateway between
Europe and Asia.
C) Our republic borders on Turkey, Iran, Georgia, aggressor Armenia and Russia.
D) One of the holidays of the Russian people is Novruz Bayrami.
E) The United Kingdom is situated in the south coast of Asia.

99. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) The first electric cell were made in 1800 by the Italian scientist Volta.
B) The discovery provide that chemical energy could be changed to electrical
C) The first storage battery was made in 1803.
D) The first powerful electromagnet was made by Henry in 1829.
E) Then Michael Faradey found that with the aid of a bar magnet could get a
current of electricity in the coil.

100. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) You may have heard the sudden sharp bang.

B) How do the bang arise?
C) The speed of sound is about 750 miles an hour.
D) So long as an airplane is flying well below the speed of sound, the particles
of air move out of the way fast enough.
E) The plane nearing the speed of sound, the air cannot move out of the way
fast enough.

Bölmə 3.

101. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

……… is playing an ever increasing part in human life on land, on sea and in the

A) forest
B) chalk
C) Radio
E) tape-recorder

102. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

The Dalton whistle has been proved to produce sound ways beyond ……… .

A) human activity
B) human hearing
C) human brain
D) human body
E) human voice

103. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Ultrasonic appear to drill holes through materials which withstand any other
attempts at penetration.
B) Ultrasonic hole appear drill through materials which withstand any other
attempts at penetration.
C) Ultrasonic appear drill holes through materials which withstand any other
attempts at penetration.
D) Ultrasonic to drill appears hole through materials which withstand any other
attempts at penetration.
E) Ultrasonic appears to drill holes through materials which withstand any other
attempts at penetration.

104. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Heating a substance increases the motion and the hotter it become, the more
rapidly the molecules move.
B) Heating a substance increase the motion and the hotter it become, the more
rapidly the molecules move.
C) Heating the motion increases a substance and the hotter it becomes, the more
rapidly the molecules move.
D) Heating a substance increases the motion and the hotter it becomes, the more
rapidly the molecules move.
E) Heat a substance increases the motion the hotter it become, the more
rapid the molecules move.

105. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) Why does sound travel faster through solids than liquids and faster through
liquids than gasses?
B) Why do sound travels faster through solids than liquids and faster through
liquids than gasses?
C) Why does sound travels faster through solids than liquids and faster through
liquids than gasses?
D) Why sound travels faster through solids than liquids and faster through

liquids than gasses?
E) Why do sound travelled faster through solids than liquids and faster through
liquids than gasses?

106. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) How it possible to determine the exact location of a target?

B) How it is possible to determine the exact location of a target?
C) How is it possible to determine the exact location of a target?
D) How it possibles to determine the exact location of a target?
E) How possible it is to determine the exact location of a target?

107. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

An elaborate automatic control system operates the engine of a modern jet

airplane with only a minimum amount of the pilot’s attention, so that he is free
to fly his airplane.

A) Mürəkkəb idarəetmə reaktiv təyyarəni işə salır və təyyarəçi ən az diqqət edir,

təyyarəni sürür.
B) Mürəkkəb avtomatlaşdırılmış idarəetmə sistemi reaktiv təyyarənin
mühərrikini işə salır və pilot minimum diqqət yetirərək təyyarəni sərbəst
idarə edir.
C) Avtomat idarəetmə reaktiv təyyarənin motorunu işlədir, təyyarəçi təyyarəni
uçurur azca diqqətlə.
D) Mürəkkəb idarəetmə təyyarəni işə qoşur, pilot diqqət etmədən təyyarəni
E) Mexaniki idarəetmə reaktiv mühərriki işlədir, pilot isə sərbəst olur.

A) Современная система управления приводит в движение реактивный

самолёт с минимальным вниманием пилота и он может свободно
управлять им.
B) Усовершенствованная система автоматического управления управляет
двигателем современного реактивного самолёта только с минимумом
внимания со стороны пилота, так что он свободно пилотирует
C) Автоматическая система контроля работает с двигателем современного
самолёта с минимальным вниманием пилота поэтому он свободно
D) Разработанная система контроля заставляет работать двигатель
современного самолёта с минимальным вниманием пилота, поэтому он
свободен и может управлять самолётом.
E) Продуманная система управления операторами двигателей
современного реактивного самолёта требует минимальным внимание
пилота и он свободно летит в самолёте.

108. Translation from English.
Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

In recent years automatic systems have been rapidly advancing in importance in

all fields of engineering.

A) Axır illərdə avtomat sistemlər bütün sahələrdə sürətlə inkişaf edir.

B) Axır vaxtlarda avtomatika texnikada çox geniş inkişaf edib.
C) Son ildə avtomatik sistemlər elmin bütün sahələrində inkişaf edib.
D) Son illərdə avtomatlaşdırılmış sistemlər texnikanın bütün sahələrində
əhəmiyyətli dərəcədə sürətlə inkişaf etdirilir.
E) Son vaxtlar avtomat sistem texnikada, bütün sahədə inkişafdadır.

A) За недавние годы автоматическая система быстро стала важной во всех

областях техники.
B) В последнее время автоматическая система стала увеличивать
важность во всех областях техники.
C) Недавно автоматические системы быстро достигли прогресса во всех
областях техники.
D) За последние годы автоматические системы быстро продвигаются
вперёд по важности во всех областях техники.
E) В последние годы автоматическая система приобретёт важность во всех
областях техники.

109. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümləni məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

Our gas and electricity have been cut off, because ……… .

A) we pay the bill in time every month

B) we’ll not pay the bill next month
C) there was a terrible storm during the night
D) we shan’t use them in the future
E) we had a lot of guests last week

110. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümləni məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

Last night I was obliged to drive more slowly than usual ........... .

A) as I was in a hurry to the meeting

B) because I had many time

C) because I had plenty of petrol
D) as the Sun shines brightly
E) as it was too much foggy

111. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) I was told that neither Mary or her husband was at home.

B) I was told that both Mary or her husband wasn’t at home.
C) I was told that neither Mary nor her husband was at home.
D) I was told that neither Mary nor her husband were at home.
E) I was told that neither Mary nor her husband weren’t at home.

112. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) Though I had enough money, I didn’t buy no computer.

B) Though I had enough money, I did buy no computer.
C) Though I had enough money, I buy no computer.
D) Though I had enough money, I bought no computer.
E) Though I had enough money, I didn’t buy no a computer.

113. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

The teacher was being listened to much more attentively.

A) The students being listened to the teacher much attenively.

B) The students has listened to the teacher much more attenively.
C) The students were listening to the teacher much more attenively.
D) The students was listening to the teacher more attenively.
E) The students were listened to much more attenively.

114. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

The articles in the newspapers are often translated into foreign languages by

A) Translators are often translated the articles in the newspapers into foreign
B) Translators often translate the articles in the newspapers into foreign
C) Translators are often translating the articles in the newspapers into foreign
D) Translators often translated the articles in the newspapers into foreign

E) Translators were often translated the articles in the newspapers into foreign

115. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümləni məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

Nowadays automatic controls operate the engines of modern jet planes.

A) Nowadays the engines of modern jet planes are operated by automatic

B) Nowadays automatic controls are operated the engines of modern jet planes.
C) Automatic controls was operated by the engines of modern jet planes.
D) Automatic controls were operated by the engines of modern jet planes.
E) Nowadays automatic controls are operating the engines of modern jet planes.

116. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümləni məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

Our scientists and inventors have enriched science and technology with many
outstanding achievements.

A) Our scientists and inventors have been enriched science and technology with
many outstanding achievements.
B) Our scientists and inventors having enriching science and technology with
many outstanding achievements.
C) Science and technology has been enriched with many outstanding
achievements by our scientists and inventors.
D) Science and technology have been enriched with many outstanding
achievements by our scientists and inventors.
E) Science and technology have been enriching with many outstanding
achievements by our scientists and inventors.

117. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Why are personal computers sometimes called as desktop computers?

B) Over the past 20 years computers have become faster and smaller while also
becoming much less expensive.
C) The personal computer is able to accomplish one or multiple tasks.
D) These tasks are normally handled by individuals who achieved computer
E) You must increase your computer knowledge to meet your requirements.

118. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Retarded, learning disabled and handicapped have been taught successfully
with the computer.
B) Computers analyze large amounts of data to help coaches scout opponents
and prospective players.
C) These robots are not the walking, talking variety seen in various sciene
fiction movies.
D) Airlines and national hotel chains depend on large mainframe computers to
handle reservation systems.
E) In a sense, he teaches the computer to do the work by writing a program.

119. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

Computers are an obvious part ............ technology that reach ............

lives ............ most people.

A) on, at, in
B) under, into, at
C) of, into, of
D) above, before, at
E) at, in, at

120. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

The story ............ man’s civilization is the story ............ his study ............ nature
and application ............ his knowledge.

A) in, on, at, in

B) under, on, of, at
C) at, at, at, at
D) of, of, of, of
E) in, in, in, in

121. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. The weather in England changes very often.

2. In England it is never too hot or too cold.
3. They never have the same kind of weather for a long time.
4. This is because of the sea.
5. The sea keeps the island warm in winter and makes the air cool in summer.
6. In summer it is not so hot as on the continent.

A) 2,5,3,1,6,4
B) 2,4,5,1,3,6
C) 1,3,5,4,2,6
D) 6,3,1,2,4,5

E) 4,6,5,1,3,2

122. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. He was hard of hearing, so he never listened to the radio.

2. He ordered more meat and got himself a bigger and a better stove.
3. There is a story about a man who sold hotdogs by the road side.
4. But enthusiastically, he sold lots of hotdogs.
5. He was illitrate, so he never read newspapers.
6. His eyes were weak, so he never watched television.

A) 1,3,5,4,6,2
B) 3,5,4,6,2,1
C) 3,5,1,6,4,2
D) 5,1,3,2,4,6
E) 4,6,2,3,1,5

123. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. save 2. by using 3. large 4. computers 5. amount

6. people 7. of time 8. in business

A) 7,5,3,8,6,4,2,1
B) 2,1,3,6,8,5,4,7
C) 3,7,1,5,2,4,6,8
D) 5,1,3,7,8,6,2,4
E) 2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7

124. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. storage 2. is called 3. storage 4. this 5. unit 6.external

7. secondary

A) 4,2,7,5,3,6,1
B) 1,7,5,3,6,2,4
C) 5,7,3,1,6,4,2
D) 4,6,1,5,2,7,3
E) 2,4,6,5,7,3,1

125. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

Three years later Jenny …….. from University and …….. for New-York to work
there as an interpreter.

A) graduates, is leaving
B) graduated, left
C) graduated, was leaving
D) has graduated, is leaving
E) graduated, leaves

126. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

The old man …….. the trees in his garden when his elder son …….. from the

A) was watered, returns

B) was watering, returns
C) has been watering, returned
D) was watering, returned
E) had watered, returns

127. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Gloria: All right. I’ll take them.

2. Saleslady: Can I help you?
3. Saleslady: Five dollars.
4. Gloria: Yes, I’m looking for a pair of white gloves. I think I wear size six.
5. Saleslady: That’ll be five-twenty with the tax.
6. Saleslady: The white gloves are on this counter. Let’s see …. here’s a size six.
These are very nice.
7. Gloria: Oh, I’ll try them on. Hmmm ….. they seen to fit. How much are they?

A) 2,7,4,5,6,1,3
B) 3,7,5,2,6,4,1
C) 1,7,5,3,4,6,2
D) 4,2,6,7,1,5,3
E) 2,4,6,7,3,1,5

128. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Dean: Yes, that’s fine.

2. Carol: Oh, I have some. We don’t need to go all the way to the post office.
3. Carol: Here you are. Are you sure that’s enough?
4. Dean: Do you mind if we stop by the post office? I have to mail these letters
and I don’t have any stamps.
5. Dean: That would save time. Can you let me have two airmail stamps and one
regular one?

A) 4,5,3,1,2
B) 1,3,5,4,2

C) 4,2,5,3,1
D) 5,3,1,2,4
E) 3,1,5,2,4

129. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

Who invented incandescent lamps in the United States of America?

A) Faraday
B) Thomson
C) Newton
D) Edison
E) Lodygin

130. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

What is the best diagnostic tool?

A) It is doctor’s expensive medicine.

B) The best diagnostic tool is doing morning exercises.
C) The best diagnostic tool is X-ray photography.
D) The best diagnostic tool is a computer.
E) The best diagnostic tool is the computerized axial tomography

131. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

My brother ………. do his homework, that’s why I ………. post my

grandmother’s letter.

A) have to, will have

B) has to, shall have to
C) has to, shall have
D) doesn’t have to, will have to
E) had to, shall have to

132. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

Though the ways were snowy and slippery she ………. visit her old parents in the
far village.

A) have to
B) must
C) may
D) had to
E) were able to

133. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

Seeing an atom has been however, impossible, not even under the most powerful
microscopes; but one can get very near to seeing them by photographing the traces
where atoms have been. Atoms are electrically neutral, having no electric charge
in their normal state.

A) Atoms
B) Electricity
C) The Electron
D) The Microscopes
E) Electric Charge

134. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

Metals are widely used as construction materials. The uses of metals are based
upon their physical or chemical properties. Metals vary in density, hardness, heat
and electrical conductivity and weight. The lightest metal is lithium and the
heaviest one is osmium.

A) Metals
B) Osmium
C) Lithium
D) Properties of Metals
E) Properties of Engineering Materials

135. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Hazırda, bir çox illər ərzində olduğu kimi ABŞ-da üç əsas teleradio sistem

В настоящее время, как и на протяжении многих лет, в США работают три

основных теле-и радиосистемы.

A) Now, there are as there have been for many years, three major TV and radio
networks in the USA.
B) There is now, as there have been for many years, three major TV and radio

networks in the USA.
C) Now there is as there have been for many years, three major TV and radio
networks in the USA.
D) TV and radio networks there are as there have been for many years in the
E) TV and radio networks there is as there have been for many years in the USA.

136. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.
Jurnalist peşəsində bəzi işə yenicə başlayanlardan tez-tez bu sualı eşitmək olar:
intervyunu necə aparmaq olar?

Нередко от начинающих журналистов можно услышать такой вопрос: а как

надо брать интервью?

A) You may not seldom hear from some journalists such kind of asking: how can
I take an interview from people?
B) Somebody from journalists can ask question how to ask about interview?
C) Some reporters can ask, as the beginners often: how to conduct my interview?
D) Not very often somebody from journalists can ask: how can I conduct an
E) One can often hear some reporters who have just started their career in
journalism asking this question: how to conduct an interview?

137. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

An electron is very ………. . It has a very small mass, many times smaller than
the ………. it came from; its most ………. property is that, it is electrically

A) small, atom, important

B) huge, atom, important
C) big, bomb, important
D) small, bomb, important
E) large, atom, important

138. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

Today ………. has started a new era. ………. devices are doing simple, but
human-like thinking. Some industries, planes, space-ships, etc. are ……….

A) electronics, electronic, electronically

B) electronically, electron, atom
C) electronic, electronically, electronics
D) electrically, electrical, current
E) electricity, electronics, atom

139. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

Jessie gained five hundred pounds at the competition, because she answered all
the questions correctly.

A) repeated
B) respond
C) replied to
D) renamed
E) returned

140. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

At last it was declared that Philip was not guilty and he was allowed to go.

A) innocent
B) free
C) aristocrat
D) courageous
E) poor
141. Sentences with “there”.
“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

………. a lot of rain in Scotland and ………. usually floods in the mountains.

A) It is, there is
B) There are, there are
C) There are, there is
D) There is, there are
E) There were, there are

142. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.

Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

The historian: ‘………. Azerbaijan banner, ………. three colours on it’.

A) There is, they are

B) It is, there is
C) There is, it is
D) It is, there are
E) It is, they are

143. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

The service wasn’t good enough, that’s why there were only ………. people in
this restaurant.

A) a little
B) some
C) many
D) a few
E) very few

144. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

………. Mike ………. Sara is lazy, ………. of them are hard-working students.

A) both, and, either

B) neither, nor, all
C) not only, but also, both
D) either, or, both
E) neither, nor, both

145. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

Isaak Newton made his three well known discoveries.

A) well
B) lovely
C) good
D) famous
E) former

146. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

Now every Azeri Turk understands that Armenians were and are our enemies.

A) mates
B) classmates
C) neighbours
D) relatives
E) friends

147. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) In 1873 Maxwell published his famous work on electricity and magnetism.

B) James Clerk Maxwell published his famous work on electricity and magnetism
in 1973.
C) James Clerk Maxwell published his famous work on modern electronics in
D) James Clerk Maxwell opened the law of gravitation in 1873.
E) In 1999 Maxwell published his well known work on electricity and magnetism.

148. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) Azerbaijan’s main task is not to solve Dagliq Karabakh problem peacefully.

B) The population of the United Kingdom is nearly five million people.
C) Dagliq Karabakh is the integral part of the Azerbaijan Republic.
D) Azerbaijan is rich and two varieties of the world’s thirteen climatic zones,
make it possible to cultivate cotton, etc.
E) There are many modern monuments in Baku, like the Palace of Shirvan-shahs,
Ichery Sheher etc.

149. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) The subsequent development of computers is describes as occurring in

B) The first generation is considered to span the period 1946-1959.
C) This generation of computers is characterized by the use of vacuum tubes in
the CPU.
D) The first commercial computer was the UNIVAC1.
E) In the second generation of computers, 1959-1964, the vacuum tube was
replaced by the transistor.

150. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) Like hydrolysis or chemistry electronics has come into its own only recently.

B) Electronics first established itself, in wireless telegraphy.
C) Today electronics has started a new era.
D) But in a large field electronics leads to automatic control of large-scale
industrial operations.
E) Industrial applications of electronics is including control gauging, counting,
heating, etc.

Bölmə 4.

151. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

Any ……… may be a form of automation provided it helps people work more
easily, better, or more quickly.

A) chance
B) meeting
C) reading
D) tool
E) device

152. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

New applications for automatic ……… are continually being discovered.

A) controls
B) machines
C) computers
D) mainframe
E) PCs

153. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Personal computers does not require a special environment or special user

B) Personal computers do not require a special environment or special user
C) Personal computer do not require a special environment or special user
D) Personal computers not require a special environment or special user
E) Personal computer does not requires a special environment or special user

154. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) The first large technological innovation were the radio-frequency introduction

of energy.
B) The first radio technological frequency innovation was the large introduction.
C) The first large technological innovation was the introduction of radio-
frequency energy.
D) Innovation was the first radio-frequency introduction of technological energy.
E) The first innovation large radio was frequency energy of introduction .

155. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) Which relatively is computer inexpensive one among other types of

computers today?
B) Which computer are relatively inexpensive one among other types of
computers today?
C) Which computers was relatively inexpensive one among other types of
computers today?
D) Which computer is relatively inexpensive one among other types of
computers today?
E) Which is computers relatively inexpensive one among other types of
computers today?

156. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) What engineers shall know in to order avoid destruction of structures?

B) What will engineers to know in order to avoid destruction of structures?
C) What has engineers know in order to avoid destruction of structures?
D) What are the engineers know in order to avoid destruction of structures?
E) What should engineers know in order to avoid destruction of structures?

157. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Higher educational institutions are composed of departments which train

undergraduate and graduate students in one or several related specialisations.

A) Ali məktəblər qohum ixtisaslar üzrə tələbələr və aspirantlar hazırlayan

B) Ali təhsil muəssisələri bir və ya bir neçə qohum ixtisaslar üzrə tələbə və
aspirantlar hazırlayan fakültələrdən ibarətdir.
C) İnstitutlar bir neçə bir-birilə əlaqəli ixtisaslarda tələbə və aspirant
hazırlayan fakültələrdən ibarətdir.

D) Ali məktəb tələbə və aspirantları bir və bir neçə ixtisas üzrə hazırlayır.
E) Ali məktəb fakültələri tələbə və aspirantları bir və ya bir neçə ixtisaslarda
hazırlayan idarədir.

A) Факультетов которые вузы состоят, которые осуществляют подготовку

студентов и аспирантов по нескольким специальностям.
B) Вузы состоят из факультетов, которые осуществляют подготовку
студентов и аспирантов по одной или нескольким родственным
C) Вузы состоят из факультетов, они осуществляют подготовку студентов.
D) Подготовку студентов которые осуществляют вузы состоят из
E) Вузы осуществляют подготовку студентов и аспирантов по одной или
нескольким родственным специальностям.

158. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

It is not easy to learn a foreign language quickly, especially one as difficult as


A) Xüsusilə rus dili kimi çətin bir xarici dil tez öyrənilə bilməz.
B) Xarici dili, xüsusilə rus dili çətin bir dili tez öyrənmək asan deyil.
C) Xarici dili, xüsusilə rus dili kimi çətin bir dili tez öyrənmək asan deyil.
D) Rus dili kimi çətin bir xarici dili öyrənmək tez başa gəlmir.
E) Xarici bir dili, çətin rus dili kimi tezliklə öyrənmək olmaz.

A) Иностранный язык быстро выучить трудный такой особенно нелегко,

каким является русский язык.
B) Быстро нелегко выучить трудный иностранный язык, такой особенно
русский язык.
C) Быстро выучить иностранный язык нелегко, особенно такой трудный,
каким является русский язык.
D) Иностранный язык, каким является русский язык особенно такой
трудный нелегко выучить быстро.
E) Нелегко быстро выучить иностранный язык такой особенно трудный,
каким является русский язык.

159. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümləni məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

Alex has got much more information about the world, as ……… .

A) he listened to the last news on the radio

B) he always comes to school
C) his father works in the central bank
D) he reads newspapers and listens to the radio

E) he went to the museum last week

160. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümləni məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

In America everybody knows that to get a good education means ……… .

A) to get a bad salary in the future

B) to get a good job and life in the future
C) to immigrate to their country
D) to study only law
E) to be dependent on others

161. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) Manufacturers don’t make use of the penetrating power of ultrasonic waves.

B) Manufacturers doesn’t make use of the penetrating power of ultrasonic
C) Manufacturer don’t make use of the penetrating power of ultrasonic waves.
D) Manufacturers not make use of the penetrating power of ultrasonic waves.
E) Manufacturers make not use of the penetrating power of ultrasonic waves.

162. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) My brother don’t have breakfast.

B) His son doesn’t have no car.
C) Why didn’t you not invite Judy to the party?
D) Modern students don’t like to read newspapers.
E) There not will be any meetings at our University tomorrow.

163. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

A lot of progress have been made since the XIX century by American scientists.

A) A lot of progress have make during century by American scientists.

B) American scientists have made a lot of progress since the XIX century.
C) American scientists have been made a lot of progress since the XIX century.
D) American scientists having made a lot of progress since the XIX century.
E) During the last century have made a lot progress.

164. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.

Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

Television is watched by millions of people every day.

A) Television watched millions of people every day.
B) Television watched by millions of people every day.
C) Millions of people watch television every day.
D) Television is watching by millions of people every day.
E) Millions of people every day watching television.

165. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümləni məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

They will take these computers to their Ministry tomorrow morning.

A) They will be taken these computers to their Ministry tomorrow morning.

B) These computers will be taken to their Ministry to tomorrow morning.
C) These computers will taken to their Ministry tomorrow morning.
D) They will taken these computers to their Ministry tomorrow morning.
E) To their Ministry these computers taken tomorrow morning.

166. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümləni məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

The earthquake has destroyed a lot of towns and villages in Haiti.

A) A lot of towns and villages have been destroyed by the earthquake in Haiti.
B) A lot of towns and villages has been destroyed by the earthquake in Haiti.
C) A lot of town and villages had been destroyed by the earthquake in Haiti.
D) A lot of towns and villages have destroyed by the earthquake in Haiti.
E) The earthquake has been destroyed by a lot of towns and villages in Haiti.

167. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Personal computers are used to help students to use software packages and
computer programming.
B) Now computers are used in medicine to diagnose and treat all types of
C) What can computers do in the field of sports?
D) In education, the computer is being used at all levels, from kindergarden to
E) Computer packages contain commercial software.

168. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) The importance of computer literacy was once hotly debated.
B) Automation is a process in which work is done with a minimum human
C) Modern complex controls can perform functions man would not be able to
D) The engineers design and develop electronic machines to serve people.
E) Before the computer chip became widely available, we lived in an analog

169. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

This means that a mainframe can ……… example, do a statistical analysis

……… one user, print a report ……… a second user.

A) at, under, on
B) above, onto, in
C) for, for, for
D) at, into, to
E) on, on, on

170. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

Computers also differ ……… their speed ……… slowest ……… fastest.

A) to, at, in
B) into, onto, at
C) from, at, in
D) for, from, to
E) on, in, at

171. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. The car will overheat and break down.

2. It will never go full speed because the breaks offer resistance.
3. What would happen if we drove our car with the breaks on?
4. What would happen to our car?
5. It wouldn’t be smart, would it?
6. If it doesn’t break down, the resistance will strain the engine.

A) 1,3,5,2,4,6
B) 3,1,4,5,2,6
C) 2,4,1,3,5,6,
D) 4,2,3,1,5,6
E) 3,5,4,2,1,6

172. Make up a story.
Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. It is the biggest ice-breaker in the world.

2. In the former Soviet Union, for the first time an atom-driven ice-breaker was
3. This giant vessel is 134 meters long, 27 meters wide and as high as a six-
storey building.
4. Nuclear energy must be used to light and heat our homes, drive our machines
and power our factories.
5. There is practically no sphere of man’s life where it cannot be applied.
6. She is the most powerful vessel in the world.

A) 4,6,2,1,3,5
B) 1,3,5,2,4,6
C) 4,5,1,3,2,6
D) 4,5,2,1,3,6
E) 2,6,4,5,1,3

173. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. of computation 2. classified 3. and the speed 4. general purpose

5. can be 6. computers 7. according to 8. further 9. size

A) 4,1,7,3,8,5,2,6,9
B) 4,6,5,8,2,7,9,3,1
C) 2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9
D) 3,5,1,7,2,6,9,8,4
E) 7,3,5,1,8,9,4,6,2

174. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. needed 2. over 21 3. as switchboard 4. operators 5. all woman

6. years of age 7. in the USA 8. would be

A) 5,3,2,4,7,8,1,6
B) 5,3,1,7,2,4,6,8
C) 5,7,2,6,8,1,3,4
D) 7,2,5,8,6,1,4,3
E) 3,8,5,6,4,7,1,2

175. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.

Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

The advances …….. about by the use of information technology …….. very
visible in many fields.
A) brought, are
B) sold, are
C) had, is
D) brought, can
E) read, wrote

176. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçni.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

What …….. you think, …….. your father …….. you go out with us?

A) did, did, let

B) do, will, lets
C) do, will, let
D) did, will, lets
E) does, will, let

177. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Cathy: Well, I had the flu for a couple of weeks, but I’m fine now.
2. Cathy: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that!
3. Jane: They say that you’ve been ill.
4. Jane: She had such a bad case of the flu that they had to take her to the
5. Jane: You are looking well. By the way, did you hear about Mrs. Jackson?
6. Cathy: No. What about her?

A) 2,4,6,3,5,1
B) 3,6,4,5,1,2
C) 3,5,4,2,1,6
D) 2,5,4,6,1,3
E) 3,1,5,6,4,2

178. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Ann: And so do I. Well, you are simply a book-warm, you are. What are you
2. Ann: Good afternoon, Mary! What! Are you reading?
3. Marry: “Jane Eyre” by Bronte.
4. Ann: Whenever I come I always find you sitting deep in a book.
5. Marry: Well, I take great delight in books, you know.
6. Marry: Oh you, Ann! I didn’t hear you knock. Come in, please.

A) 2,3,6,5,1,4
B) 2,1,5,4,6,3
C) 6,3,1,4,2,5
D) 2,6,4,5,1,3
E) 1,3,5,6,2,4

179. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

Where can you see radio waves and heat rays?

A) Radio waves and heat rays are not visible because they are too long.
B) We can see them everywhere, as a beautiful scenery.
C) Radio waves and heat rays are at our University, our homes, that’s why we see
them continuously.
D) As we need them, we see them everywhere.
E) We listen to the radio every day, so we see it at home.

180. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

What would business world do without computers?

A) Business world would continue working silently.

B) Business world would stop working without computers.
C) Business world would find another device.
D) Business world would make machines like computers.
E) Business world would look for machines like computers.

181. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

Dear Mary, I’m afraid I …….. come to your party tomorrow evening. I …….. go
to Canada on a business trip.

A) can’t, shall have to

B) can’t, had to
C) can, had to
D) can, shall have to
E) could, will have

182. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

“Why did you come home late?”

“I …….. come in time because I …….. help the old woman on my way home.”

A) can, must

B) could, must
C) must, must
D) couldn’t, had to
E) couldn’t, have to
183. Choose the correct title.
Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

A little over three centuries ago a man adopted the scientific method of studying
his environment. After this the development of civilization has become
increasingly rapid. The advance of all the natural sciences has been almost

A) Uses of Physics
B) Method of Studying
C) Civilization
D) Natural Sciences
E) The Fields and Uses of Physics

184. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

Common sources of electricity are batteries and power plants. Energy is

converted into electricity, and the chief energy source is heat from fuel. But the
heat is not directly converted into electricity; it is first used to generate steam.

A) Direct Conversion of Energy to Electricity

B) Conversion of Energy to Electricity
C) Source of Energy
D) Electricity
E) Power Plants

185. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Biz bilirik ki, qədim yunanlar baxmayaraq ki, civənin nə olduğunu başa
düşməmişlər, ondan tibbdə istifadə etmişlər.

Мы знаем, что древние греки применяли в медицине ртуть, хотя они не

знали, что она представляет собой.

A) We knew the Greeks having use mercury in medicine and they didn’t
understand that.
B) We know the Greeks has used mercury in medicine and they didn’t
realize it.
C) The Greeks we knew having mercury, though they didn’t understand it.
D) The ancient Greeks has used mercury in the field of medicine.

E) We know of the ancient Greeks having used mercury in medicine though
they did not realize what is was.

186. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Konkurs imtahanları çox çətin idi və ərizə verilənlərin yarısı kəsildi.

Конкурсные экзамены были очень трудными, и половина их тех, кто подал

заявления, не прошли.

A) The competitive examinations were very stiff indeed and half those who had
applied for enrolment were disqualified.
B) Competitive exams very stiff indeed and half had applied for enrolment were
C) Examinations of competition was very stiff indeed and who had applied were
D) Competitive-examination were very difficult and half of people was
E) Competitive-examination were very stiff that’s why half of people failed.

187. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

Our life is revolving around …….. and its many uses. Much has been written on
the progress achieved in producing ……... . Most cases have dealt-with direct
conversion of energy to …….. .

A) the world, the world, the world

B) energy, energy, energy
C) computers, computers, computers
D) electricity, electricity, electricity
E) energy, computers, electricity

188. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

The electrical nature of …….. is only seen when one starts breaking them into
pieces, electrons and others. These are dozens of ways of liberating …….. from
…….. .

A) atoms, electrons, atoms

B) computers, energy, PCs
C) electrons, atoms, atoms
D) electricity, atoms, energy

E) electrons, computers, phones

189. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

James Clerk famous physicist and mathematician wrote his first scientific work
when he was 15.

A) clever
B) great
C) unattractive
D) ugly
E) outstanding

190. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

Mainframes are usually used in large business, government, or academic


A) computers
B) telephones
C) table lamps
D) standard lamps
E) televisions

191. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

…….. all sort of books in our University library and …….. on the third floor.

A) it, is
B) there is, there is
C) there are, it is
D) it is, there is
E) there is, there are

192. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

Students, …….. a conference about the pollution on the environment, …….. very
important to participate it.

A) there will be, it is

B) there will be, it was
C) there will, it will be
D) it is, there will be
E) there won’t be, it is

193. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

…….. students think that Maths is difficult. But …….. of them think it is useful.

A) any, some
B) some, most
C) some, all
D) many, some
E) no, none

194. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

-Would you like …….. orange juice?

-…….. more, thank you. I have had …….. .

A) no, no, some

B) any, some, some
C) some, no, some
D) some, any, no
E) any, no, some

195. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

Washington was born in New York in a wealthy merchant family.

A) rich
B) poor
C) hopeless
D) friendly
E) qualified

196. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

Some people played a very important role in the independence of India.

A) sovereignty
B) demonstration
C) defence
D) dependence
E) industry

197. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) James Clerk Maxwell was an engineer of a large factory.

B) Isaak Newton worked as a general manager at our company.
C) Dr John Kemeny was the president of Dartmouth College and co-inventor of
D) John Kemeny was the president of the United States of America.
E) Isaak Newton was the president of Dartmouth College and co-inventor of

198. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) Modern physics deals with electronics, atomic phenomena, photo-electricity,

X-rays, radio-activity, etc.
B) Modern physics deals with literature, art, cookery, etc.
C) Primitive man was born, studied electronics, used computers, did a lot of
scientific research experiments.
D) Almost all branches of engineering are closely related with one or more
sections of art.
E) Albert Einstein was the president of the United States of America in 1991.

199. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) Many remarkable things were discovered.

B) The first powerful electromagnet is made by Henry 1829.
C) Faraday found that with the aid of a bar magnet could get a current of
electricity in the coil.
D) This is the basic principle of the dynamo and motor.
E) By 1830 he had built a small dynamo which changed mechanical energy into
electrical energy.

200. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) We all understand what electricity are and the common means by which it is
B) We define electricity using the atomic theory.
C) Atoms contain electrons which are negatively charged.
D) The electrons are in the outer part of the atom.

E) They are free to move from one atom to another.

Bölmə 5.

201. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

Actually only about 40 per cent of the ……… in the fuel including nuclear
……… is converted into ……… .

A) computer, mainframe, PCs

B) heat, fuel, energy
C) electricity, computer, motor
D) heat, energy, electricity
E) mainframe, energy, electricity

202. Choose the correct word.

Düzgün sözü seçin.
Выберите соответствующее слово.

The ……… nature of ……… is only seen when one starts breaking them into
pieces, ……… and others.

A) electrical, atoms, electrons

B) natural, electrical, atoms
C) electrons, atom, electricity
D) construction, destruction, engine
E) atoms, electrons, metals

203. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Necessary that an engineer should know the properties of engineering

B) An engineer is necessary that should know the properties engineering
C) It is necessary that an engineer should know the properties of engineering
D) Necessary an engineer should know the properties of engineer materials.
E) An engineer should know necessary of materials engineerings.

204. Choose the correct sentence.

Düzgün cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное предложение.

A) Ordinary polymers are better insulators of electricity, and some of them

provide the best heat insulation.
B) Better insulators ordinary polymers of some electricity and of them provide

the heat best insulation.
C) Better insulators of electricity, ordinary polymers and some of them are
provide the best heat insulation.
D) Ordinary best insulators of some polymers, some of them provide are the
best insulation.
E) The best insulators of some polymers, of electricity and some of them
provide the best heat insulation.

205. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) What the advantages are of over other ultrasonic methods in cleaning?

B) What are the advantages of ultrasonic over other methods in cleaning?
C) What in cleaning the advantages of ultrasonic over other methods are?
D) What over other are methods the advantages of ultrasonic in cleaning?
E) What in cleaning methods are over ultrasonic advantages are methods other?

206. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Düzgün sual cümləsini seçin.
Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение.

A) Who developing materials for the construction of machines, structures and

B) Who develops materials for the construction of machines, structures and
C) Who be developed materials for the construction of machines, structures and
D) Who would be developed materials for the construction of machines,
structures and products?
E) Whom be developed materials for the construction of machines, structures
and products?

207. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

He was a master of his trade and his opinion was sought by everybody.

A) O, işini biləndə onunla hamı fikri ilə hesablaşardı.

B) Öz işinin ustası olanda hamı onun məsləhətinə qulaq asır.
C) O, öz sənətinin ustası idi və hamı onun fikri ilə hesablaşırdı.
D) Sənətinin ustası olanın fikri ilə hamı hesablaşır.
E) O, öz işində usta olmuşdur ki, hamı onun məsləhətinə qulaq assın.

A) Мастером был он своего дела и считались с его мнением.

B) Был мастером он своего дела и считались с его мнением.
C) Он был мастером своего дела и все считались с его мнением.
D) Он мастером своего дела был и все считались с его мнением.

E) Все считались с его мнением, потому что он был мастером своего дела.

208. Translation from English.

Ingilis dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с английского языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

My mother baked me a birthday cake with my initials and the figure 30 on it in


A) Anam mənim üçün üstündə inisialları olan və 30 rəqəmi olan tort bişirdi.
B) Ad günüm münasibəti ilə üstündə inisial olan, 30 rəqəmli bir ad günü üçün
tortu anam bişirdi.
C) Ad günümdə anam tort bişirdi, üstündə hərflər və 30 rəqəmi və şirəli idi.
D) Ad günüm münasibəti ilə anam mənim üçün üstündə inisiallarım və şirədən
30 rəqəmi olan tort bişirdi.
E) Ad günüm münasibəti ilə mənim üçün tort bişirdi anam, üstündə inisiallarım,
30 rəqəmi və şirə var idi.

A) Мама испекла мне торт с инициалами и цифрой 30 из глазури по

случаю моего дня рождения.
B) Инициалами и цифрой 30 из глазури торт испекла моя мама дня моего
C) Торт цифрой 30 из глазури моя мама испекла мне по случаю моего дня
D) По случаю моего дня рождения мама испекла мне торт с моими
инициалами и цифрой 30 из глазури.
E) Торт с моими инициалами и цифрой 30 из глазури мама испекла мне по
случаю дня моего рождения.

209. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümləni məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

Experiments with ultrasonic have been carried out ......... .

A) for a long time

B) for a long distance
C) for a short time
D) for a bad reason
E) for a tall man

210. Choose the sentence logically correct.

Cümləni məntiqi davamını seçin.
Выберите логическое завершение предложения.

The versatile and fantastic genius of man invented one of the first useful tools
for ......... .

A) ultra-sonic operations

B) ultra-sonic experiments
C) ultra-sonic hometasks
D) ultra-sonic convesations
E) ultra-sonic dancing

211. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) The chemist usually doesn’t discussed properties of a homegeneous material.

B) The chemist not usually discuss properties of a homegeneous material.
C) The chemist doesn’t usually discuss properties of a homegeneous material.
D) The chemist doesn’t usually discusses properties of a homegeneous material.
E) The chemist don’t usually discusses properties of a homegeneous material.

212. Choose the correct negative sentence.

Düzgün inkar cümləni seçin.
Выберите правильное отрицательное предложение.

A) The pictures of our daily newspapers are not transmitted by wireless.

B) The pictures our not daily newspapers are transmitted by wireless.
C) The pictures of our daily newspapers are transmitted by wireless not.
D) The pictures of our daily not newspapers are transmitted by wireless.
E) The pictures of not our daily newspaper are transmitted by wireless.

213. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

Roger and I were always chosen to go on business by our company.

A) Our company were always choose Roger and me to go on business.

B) Our company always chose Roger and me to go on business.
C) Our company always chossed me and Roger to go on business.
D) Roger and I are always to go on business.
E) Our company always chosen Roger and me to go on business.

214. Choose the correct sentence in the Active Voice.

Cümlənin məlum növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
действительном залоге.

They had been invited to the theatre by a famous actor.

A) A famous actor had been invited to the theatre.

B) They had invited a famous actor.
C) A famous actor have been invited by them.
D) A famous actor had invited them to the theatre.
E) A famous actor had invited by them to the theatre.

215. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
Cümləni məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

They often send him to search the archive documents.

A) He is often sent to search the archive documents.

B) He is often sending them to search the archive documents.
C) He was often sent to search the archive documents.
D) They were often sent him to search the documents.
E) They are often send him to search the documents.

216. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Cümləni məchul növdə düzgün variantını seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения в
страдательном залоге.

We give women some flowers on the 8th of March.

A) We are given some flowers on the 8th of March.

B) Women are given some flowers on the 8th of March.
C) Some flowers is given on the 8th of March.
D) We give some flowers to women on the 8th of March.
E) Women is given some flowers on the 8th of March.

217. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) Modern radar has advanced far beyond the heavy equipment of short range.
B) These materials, developed by chemists in the past few decades.
C) The new alloy must be thoroughly tested that we may use it in our design.
D) Is it important to get information about the properties of construction
E) Metals vary in density, hardness, heat and electrical conductivity and weight.

218. Choose the sentence only with irregular verbs.

Yalnız qaydasız fellər olan cümləni seçin.
Выберите предложение только с не правильными глаголами.

A) They must contain therefore as many protons as electrons.

B) Tremendous energy is liberated when the atom is split.
C) The progress of television since 1929 up to the present time has been rapid.
D) Most of the branches of engineering are closely related.
E) For retarded, handicapped students the computer can be a very interesting

219. Choose the correct preposition.
Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

The growing demands ........ instant data have resulted ........ the invention ........
the electronic computer system.

A) at, under, into

B) for, in, of
C) above, at, in
D) onto, on, at
E) in, into, on

220. Choose the correct preposition.

Düzgün sözönü seçin.
Выберите соответствующий предлог.

In recent years automatic systems have been rapidly advancing ........

importance ........ all fields ........ engineering.

A) at, on, to
B) in, in, in
C) under, into, onto
D) for, at, on
E) in, in, of

221. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. A house called new plays.

2. After Shakespear’s death, Mr Gastell, got so angry, because a lot of people
came to see the house, that he pulled it down in 1758.
3. Shakespear became successful in London.
4. He bought the biggest house in Straford.
5. Here he wrote his last plays “The Winters Tales and the Tempest” and here
6. I wanted to see that house, but there is nothing left of it.

A) 3,6,4,1,5,2
B) 3,4,1,5,6,2
C) 4,2,6,5,1,3
D) 1,6,5,3,4,2
E) 5,3,6,4,1,2

222. Make up a story.

Mətn qurun.
Составьте рассказ.

1. Westminister is the centre of administration.

2. The City is called the commercial heart of London.
3. WestministerAbbey is opposite the houses of Parliament.

4. St.Paul’s Cathedral is very large and fine.
5. The famous English architect Chistapher planned and built St. Paul’s
6. It was completed in 1710.

A) 4,1,6,2,5,3
B) 1,5,4,3,2,6
C) 4,6,5,2,1,3
D) 3,5,4,2,6,1
E) 1,6,2,5,4,3

223. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. imagine 2. Computers 3. it is 4. without 5. impossible 6. To

7. human 8. activity

A) 3,2,5,7,6,8,1,4
B) 8,4,2,5,3,7,6,1
C) 3,7,5,1,4,8,2,6
D) 1,8,7,6,4,2,5,3
E) 3,5,6,1,7,8,4,2

224. Make up a sentence.

Cümlə düzəldin.
Составьте предложение.

1. machine-tools 2. automatically 3. it is 4. operation

5. a series of 6. each 7. doing 8. one

A) 4,8,6,2,7,3,5,1
B) 3,8,5,4,7,2,1,6
C) 7,1,3,8,5,6,4,2
D) 3,5,1,6,7,8,4,2
E) 8,6,5,7,3,2,4,1

225. Choose the correct tense form.

Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

His little son ……. on the ice and ……. his right leg.

A) slipped, broke
B) slipped, breaks
C) slips, break
D) slipped, has broken
E) has slipped, had broken

226. Choose the correct tense form.
Müvafiq zaman formasını seçin.
Выберите соответствующую временную форму.

My mother ……. me not to come into the kitchen as she ……. the floor.

A) tells, was washing

B) told, is washing
C) told, have been washed
D) tells, had washed
E) told, was washing

227. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. Mr. Nelson: We were in session at 12.30.

2. Mr. Rice: And what about the resolution?
3. Mr. Rice: Hello, Mr. Nelson. I’m sorry I missed this session and I would like
to know about it.
4. Mr. Nelson: Yes, It was adjourned.
5. Mr. Nelson: Well, I’ll tell you. The chairman of the meeting was Mr. Cook. His
introductory speech created a pleasant atmosphere.
6. Mr. Rice: Did the meeting last long?
7. Mr. Nelson: Oh, the resolution was the matter of arguing.
8. Mr. Rice: And when did the meeting begin?

A) 3,1,7,8,4,2,5,6
B) 4,1,7,5,8,6,3,2
C) 8,1,4,6,3,5,2,7
D) 6,8,4,2,1,3,5,7
E) 3,5,2,7,6,4,8,1

228. Make up а dialogue.

Dialoq tərtib edin.
Составьте диалог.

1. M: Thank you.
2. R: If you walk, it’ll take you ten minutes or a quarter of an hour.
3. R: There’s sure to be. But you’d better ask the policeman over there. He’ll
give you all the information you want.
4. M: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?
5. M: Thank you very much. How far is it from here?
6. R: Certainly. Go down Regent Street to Piccadilly Circus, and then go down
the Haymarket.
7. M: Is there a bus?

A) 4,7,3,5,6,1,2
B) 4,1,7,6,2,5,3
C) 4,6,5,2,7,3,1
D) 7,4,6,1,5,3,2
E) 5,1,7,3,2,4,6

229. Choose the correct answer.
Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

Who was the President of Dartmouth College and co-inventor of BASIC?

A) Albert Einstein
B) Isaak Newton
C) John Kennedy
D) John Kemeny
E) James Clerk Maxwell

230. Choose the correct answer.

Düzgün cavabı seçin.
Выберите правильный вариант.

When did the first electronic computers appear?

A) The first electronic computers appeared in 1990.

B) They appeared before the Great Patriotic War.
C) The first electronic computers appeared before the Revolution.
D) The appeared during the Great Patriotic War.
E) The first electronic computers appeared in 1945.

231. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

I …….. earn enough money at my last work, so I …….. leave it.

A) could, have to
B) must, could
C) couldn’t, had to
D) couldn’t, hadn’t to
E) can, will have to

232. Choose the correct modal verb.

Müvafiq modal feli seçin.
Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол.

I …….. settle my problem by myself, and I …….. ask my father for help.

A) couldn’t, had to
B) couldn’t, didn’t have
C) had to, could
D) will be able, can
E) will be able to, had to

233. Choose the correct title.
Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

How is this tool to be used in industry? Let us first look into why it is such a
powerful tool. The molecules of even the hardest steels are separated by enormous
distances compared to the size of the molecules. And in this space the molecules
are in constant motion.

A) Tools
B) Molecules
C) Tools in Industry
D) Ultrasonic
E) Constant Motion

234. Choose the correct title.

Mətnə müvafiq adı seçin.
Выберите соответствующее называние для текста.

There a few fundamental principles which are the basis of all the electrical means
of communication. To know those fundamentals is to understand the system of
communication which at first seem as having nothing in common.

A) Communication
B) Radar
C) Communication System
D) Means of Communication
E) Radio

235. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)

Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Bu vəziyyətdə onun proqramistlərin konkursunda iştirak etməsindən söhbət ola


При сложившихся обстоятельствах не может быть и речи о его участии в

конкурсе программистов.

A) There can be under the circumstances no questions of his taking part in the
programmers’ contest.
B) No questions of his circumstances taking part in the programmers’ contest
there can be.
C) Under the circumstances there can be no question of his taking part in the
programmers’ contest.
D) Taking part under the circumstances be no question of his can in the
programmers’ contest.
E) His taking part can no be question under the circumstances in the
programmers’ contest.

236. Translation from Azerbaijan.(Russian)
Azərbaycan (rus) dilindən tərcümə.
Перевод с азербайджанского (русского) языка.
Choose the correct translation.
Düzgün tərcüməni seçin.
Выберите правильный перевод.

Mən qərara aldım ki, əgər doğma şəhərimi tərk etsəm, yalnız Londona gedərəm.

Я решил, что если уж уезжать из родного города, так только в Лондон.

A) I decide that if I left my hometown it would be London only.

B) I decided that if I left my hometown it would be only for London.
C) I left my hometown if, that I decided for only London.
D) I decided the only for London I would leave my hometown.
E) Only for my hometown I decided to leave London I left.

237. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

As we move down the scale of …….. lengths from very long ones, like ……..
waves, to the very short ones, like …….. and gamma rays, we find that they
become more and more powerful.

A) radar, radio, computer

B) molecules, light, energy
C) light, wave, energy
D) TV, PCs, mainframe
E) wave, radio, X-rays

238. Read the text and fill the gaps.

Mətni oxuyun və boş yerləri doldurun.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенные места.

The most widely used …….. are: iron, copper, zinc, tin, lead mercury, silver and
gold. The most important …….. is iron. …….. occur most commonly as oxides
or sulphydes in ores.

A) tin, lead, iron

B) copper, copper, copper
C) silver, gold, zinc
D) metals, metal, metals
E) iron, metal, steel

239. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

The president: “Our army is powerful enough to return the occupied lands, but we
want peace”

A) mighty
B) private
C) great
D) wise
E) outstanding

240. Choose the synonym of the underlined word

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün sinonimini seçin.
Выберите синоним подчеркнутого слова.

Jack was so talkative that everyone liked the interesting parties he took part in.

A) dull
B) sad
C) handsome
D) communicative
E) gloomy

241. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

…….. a small smart telephone but …….. a lot of buttons and a wide screen on it.

A) it was, there were

B) it was, there was
C) there was, it was
D) it is, they were
E) there is, there is

242. Sentences with “there”.

“There” ilə başlanan cümlələr.
Предложения, начинающиеся с “there”.
Choose the correct variant.
Müvafiq variantı seçin.
Выберите соответствующий вариант.

…….. possible to hear the speaker very well because …….. too much noise in
the hall.

A) it is, there are

B) it wasn’t, there is
C) it was, there was
D) there is, it is
E) it wasn’t, there was

243. Choose the correct pronoun.
Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

Mr. Smith: “…….. students don’t take …….. books to school, because …….. has
a laptop which has got all information in it.”

A) no, any, everybody

B) any, any, every
C) our, any, each
D) my, any, nobody
E) their, some, everybody

244. Choose the correct pronoun.

Müvafiq əvəzliyi seçin.
Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

The two sisters were quite different, one of them was blue-eyed, …….. had dark-
brown eyes and black hair.

A) each-other
B) some
C) other
D) another’s
E) the other

245. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

“To collect cans is not so easy as you think,” said John.

A) difficult
B) interesting
C) boring
D) unforgettable
E) various

246. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.

Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözün antonimini seçin.
Выберите антоним подчеркнутого слова.

Ayaz was very tired and he couldn’t continue reading the newspaper.

A) go, on
B) teach
C) begin
D) forget
E) stop

247. Choose the correct statement.
Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) A machine language of some sort is speaking of every automation.

B) There are no any good examples of electronic devices today.
C) A modern manufacturing plant uses 10000 kilowatt hours of electrical energy,
on the average, a year.
D) Deaf people are using computers to answer birds call by displaying a message
on the screen.
E) Teachers find that older software can hold the interest of even the easily
distracted student.

248. Choose the correct statement.

Düzgün məlumatı seçin.
Выберите правильную информацию.

A) Isaak Newton died at the age of 18 and was buried in Westminister Abbey.
B) Isaak Newton’s monument is in the United States of America.
C) We should not forget that electricity is not important source of energy in
D) Steven Jobs is a co-founder of Apple Computers which are widely in use
E) Supercomputers are used exclusively for music.

249. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) Although light shows many of the properties of waves.

B) It also behave sometimes as it is consisted of little particles.
C) They are not made of any substance but energy.
D) These little packets of energy are called “protons”.
E) The amount of energy in each is called “quantum’.

250. Find the wrong sentence.

Səhv cümləni tapın.
Найдите не правильное предложение.

A) I’m a first year student of Azerbaijan Technical University.

B) We learn different subject at our University.
C) We also learn a lot of special subjects and three foreign languages-English,
French and German.
D) Mary and Helen have arrived but we are still waiting for John.
E) I understands the importance of a foreign language.

Tərtib edən: Məmmədzadə P.D.


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