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Área personal / Mis cursos / Cme ing A2 / Quiz 7 & 8 / INTERCHANGE 2 - QUIZ UNITS 7 & 8

Comenzado el viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023, 17:53

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023, 18:25
Tiempo 31 minutos 28 segundos
Calificación Sin calificar aún

Pregunta 1 Listen to the conversations. Check the correct answers.


Se puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Rebecca says Brian is

Seleccione una:
A. a monitor

B. a hacker

C. a geek 

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 2 Leo asks Emily how to


Se puntúa 1.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. back up files 

B. browse websites

C. shop online

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 3 According to Monica


Se puntúa 1.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. her roommates use her computer a lot 

B. her computer isn’t working properly

C. she uses her computer to create song playlists

Respuesta correcta
Pregunta 4 Abby shows Tomas how to use his new computer to

Se puntúa 1.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. drag and drop

B. highlight text 

C. cut and paste

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 5
Select the correct word or phrase.

Se puntúa 4.00 1. GPS systems are used for getting  directions.

sobre 4.00

2. When you go to the beach, try not to get  the video camera wet.

3. You can use my smartphone to send  a text.

4. Don’t forget to take  your ATM card with you.

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 6
Parcialmente Look for the mistake in each sentence or pair of sentences.
Then write the correct word in the blanks.
Se puntúa 1.00
sobre 5.00
1. I want to move some text. How do I drag and drive?
2. When I need to find some information, I create websites.
3. My father knows a lot about computers. He’s a hacker.
computer technicia
4. Open this file to cut a new slideshow.
5. The screen is too hard to read. I think I need a new keyboard.

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Pregunta 7 Match the sentences with the correct information.


Se puntúa 4.00 New Year’s Eve is a night when some people stay up all night. 
sobre 4.00

Autumn is the season when children often go back to school. 

February 14 is the day when people celebrate Valentine’s Day. 

July and August are the months when many families take summer vacations. 

Respuesta correcta
Pregunta 8 Match the phrases with the most appropriate information.

Se puntúa 4.00 Before a young man and woman speak, they might text each other on smart phones. 
sobre 4.00

Before they meet for the first time, they usually video chat on the Internet. 

When they have their first date, they often meet in a public place, such as a coffee shop. 

After they meet for the first time, they sometimes arrange another date. 

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 9 Read the article. Then, check (4) four true statements. (Para visualizar mejor la imagen, da click derecho sobre la
Correcta misma y ábrela en una nueva pestaña).
Se puntúa 4.00
sobre 4.00

Seleccione una o más de una:

A. The Festival of the Flowers was first celebrated in 1957. 

B. The horse parade is over three hours long. 

C. The first Festival of the Flowers parade had over 7,000 people.

D. The horse parade holds the Guinness World Record as the most colorful parade in the world.

E. The Festival of the Flowers lasts for about ten days. 

F. Summer is the season when Colombians celebrate their independence from Spain. 

Respuesta correcta
Pregunta 10
Paso 1. Escribe tu nombre completo y código de estudiante.
Paso 2. Da click en finalizar intento.
Puntúa como
25.00 Paso 3. El docente a cargo del espacio de examen te evaluará la producción oral y procederá a finalizar la calificación de
tu examen.

Paso 4. Puedes revisar tu calificación total en la plataforma.




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