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Upper-Intermediate A

Unit 3 Quiz
Name: ___________________________
Date: __________________ Scor

A Listen to a conversation between two tourists, Kathy and Tomás. Then check (✓) true or false.
True False
1. Tomás arrived in Chile less than a month ago.  
2. Kathy plans to begin her trip in Patagonia and finish in Santiago.  
3. Most people avoid visiting Patagonia in January and February.  
4. Tomás is excited about working in Torres del Paine National Park.  

B Combine the sentences using defining or non-defining relative clauses. More than one answer is
possible. [2 POINTS]
Example: Bulgaria is a small country. Bulgaria is cheap to travel in by bus.
Bulgaria is a small country that is cheap to travel in by bus.

1. Florence was once the capital of Italy. Florence is a historic city.

2. My hometown is a popular tourist destination. My hometown gets crowded in the summer.

C Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses in the correct order. [2 POINTS]

1. I enjoy shopping in ___________________________________________. (antique / unusual / stores)

2. Most _________________________________________ intimidate me. (big / with skyscrapers / cities)
3. My parents live in a _____________________________________________. (neighborhood /
quiet / suburban)
4. I’ve always loved ________________________________________________. (college / towns / little)

D Choose the type of town from the box that best matches each sentence. You don’t need to use all the
options. [2 POINTS]

border town industrial town port town

coastal town mountain town rural town
1. You can ski in the winter and hike in the summer. ___________________________
2. There is a harbor and a lot of warehouses. ___________________________
3. There is another state or country nearby. ___________________________
4. There are many farms and fields in the area. ___________________________
E Read the travel brochure. Then check (✓) true or false. [2 POINTS]

Welcome to Chiang Mai, one of Thailand’s largest cities. Here you can explore ancient
temples, shop at colorful markets, and appreciate the city’s historic architecture. Even
though Chiang Mai has the charm of an old mountain town, it still has all the conveniences
of a modern cultural center. There is great nightlife, and there are hotels for every budget.
Chiang Mai, which is located on the Ping River and near the mountains, is also a wonderful
place for outdoor adventure. You can trek through the mountains, where you will see
breathtaking scenery and interact with local hill-tribe people. Or you can go on a tour of the
area’s Mae Klang Waterfall not far outside the city.
The cool season of December to February is when many people choose to visit Chiang Mai.
February is when the famous flower festival is held, and the whole city is lined with flower
boxes. It is not to be missed!
There is something for everyone in Chiang Mai. Plan your trip today!

True False
1. Chiang Mai has cheap and expensive places to stay.  
2. Chiang Mai is a rural town near the mountains.  
3. The area around Chiang Mai is ugly and industrial.  
4. The Mae Klang Waterfall is far from the city.  
5. The flower festival takes place during the cool season.  

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