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The rabbit and the turtle

Once upon a time there was a rabbit walked to the park and got ________. At that time, the
rabbit saw the turtle walked so __________. Then the rabbit went to the turtle and said ________
to the turtle. “Hello, Mr. Turtle. Why you walk so slowly?” “Actually, I am not ________ now,
but I am ________ you know” “Hahahaha, what did you say? Are you kidding?” “Hey… look at
me, running is like this. How funny you are”

The rabbit _________ so fast and made the turtle shocked and got angry at the same time. “Mr.
Rabbit, you are so arrogant. Let’s have a _________” “Hahahaha have a race? With you?
Hahahaha you are a dirty, dull, and slow turtle.” “Okay. Let’s have a race tomorrow. And I will
be the ________ and you will be the _________. Yuu huuu.”

The next day, they had already prepared to take a race. The referee was ready to _________ the
racing. The referee said “One... Two... Three... go...” and the game started. And then they ran,
the rabbit ran so _________ and left the turtle behind. On the other hand, the turtle ran so slowly.
“Hahahaha catch me if you can, slow turtle”

Because of running so fast, the rabbit got _________, tired, and sleepy. Then, the rabbit ate
much and he felt asleep soon. “Hmmm... this food is so __________. I can’t stop eating” “it’s
OK.. The turtle is still far. I feel so sleepy now. Let me ________ for a minute”.

Then the rabbit felt asleep soundly soon.

On the other hand, the turtle keep __________. He ran and ran. He saw the rabbit sleeping
soundly. “Hmm... the rabbit is still sleeping. I am sure I will be the _________.” “Yes... I nearly
get the finish line”

Suddenly the rabbit woke up. He jumped up, and then he ran faster than before. But he was too
late. “Horray.. I get the ________ line. I am the winner!!” “Oh my god! What a shame! I’m a
loser” “yes. Because you are so ________ that’s make you failed”

Realizing that being the loser, the rabbit ran away from the turtle.

Moral Value:

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