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Michael Gabra Marbun_SMP Swasta Pembangun

Squirrel and Parrot

The afternoon towards the end of the rainy season which will be replaced by the dry season.
The Squirrel family is seen gathering food into the nest in preparation for the dry season.
Then came a beautiful Parrot, and sang sweet songs, but she looked very tired and hungry.
And the Parrot saw what the Squirrel family was doing.
The Parrot came to the Squirrel and she said, “what are you doing guys?”. Then the Squirrel
replied, “can’t you see we are busy gethering food for the upcoming season!”. Then the
Parrot came to one of the Squirrels and said, “may I ask for some of your food?”. Then the
Squirrel replied “why don’t you collect food for the dry season?”. The Parrot replied, “Ah, I
haven’t thought about that all this time, because I’m bussy with singing practice. The Squirrel
said, “what?!. Practicing singing you say?. Okay now go, and continue your singing practice!.
Then the Parrot realized what the Squirrel had said and he began to regret that he had wasted
his time not collecting food for the dry season. Even though the dry season is adifficult
season to get food. And he started looking for food, but even if he collected it,it would not to
be enough for the dry season.

Moral Message
Sometimes you forget about what you need, so make the most of your time.

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