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Abdelhamid Ladaycia1 , Adel Belouchrani2 , Karim Abed-Meraim3 , Anissa Mokraoui1

L2TI, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France
Electrical Engineering Department/LDCCP, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Algeria
PRISME, Université d’Orléans, France
{abdelhamid.ladaycia, anissa.mokraoui},,

ABSTRACT in term of the channel parameters to be estimated. Instead of

This paper deals with semi-blind (SB) channel estimation estimating the subcarrier channel coefficients, we estimate di-
of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Orthogonal Frequency- rectly the channel taps so one can obtain a significant gain as
Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) wireless communi- analyzed in [9].
cations system in the uplink transmission. Herein, we propose Furthermore, we propose two EM-based algorithms. The
a new channel estimation approach using the well known EM first one considers the MIMO-OFDM block as one system
technique. More precisely, we derive first the SB EM algo- to estimate one channel vector through the iterative process.
rithm in the MIMO case. Then, a parallelizable version of The second one, important for the case of parallel processing
this algorithm is introduced relying on the decomposition of machine, decomposes the MIMO-OFDM system into parallel
the MIMO system into several MISO systems. Finally, we MISO-OFDM systems to estimate the different vector chan-
propose a reduced cost EM version where only the lattice nel taps independently for each receiver. In the case of un-
points in the neighboring of the pilot-based detected symbols derdetermined system (i.e. number of transmitters is greater
are considered. than the receivers one), where the traditional methods could
not estimate the transmit data, we succeed through the two
Index Terms— MIMO-OFDM, MISO-OFDM, EM algo- proposed EM-based algorithms to estimate the channel taps
rithm, Channel estimation, Cramèr Rao bound. and data properly.
Another originality of this work, consists of a simplified
1. INTRODUCTION EM-based, denoted S-EM, method that allows to reduce the
computational heaviness based on an initial estimation of the
With advances in technology, demand for high-speed Inter- channel and the data using the pilots.
net and mobile communications is becoming increasingly
important. A Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Orthogonal 2. DATA MODEL
Frequency-Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) wireless
communications system provides many advantages as the We consider a MIMO system composed of Nt transmit an-
channel capacity enhancement and the improvement of the tennas and Nr receive antennas. The transmitted signal is
communication reliability. However to achieve good perfor- assumed to be an OFDM one, composed of K samples (sub-
mance, the receiver should have an accurate channel state carriers) and L Cyclic Prefix (CP) samples. The CP length
information (CSI). is assumed to be greater or equal to the maximum multipath
Many channel estimation approaches have been devel- channel delay denoted N (i.e. N ≤ L). After removing the
oped and can be divided into three main classes: blind [1],[2], CP and taking the K-point DFT, the received signal at the k-
pilot-based [3] and semi-blind methods [4]. For the latter th sub-carrier by the r-th receive antenna, denoted yr (k), is
class, it is shown in [5] that the SB approach improves the given by:
throughput by reducing the training sequences up to 95%.
Furthermore, in [6], semi-blind approaches are used to re- Nt N
X X −1
duce the transmitted power (’green communications’). yr (k) = hri (n)wK di (k)+vr (k) 0 ≤ k ≤ K−1,
The objective of this paper is to propose an efficient semi- i=1 n=0
blind channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM system based on (1)
the EM algorithm. Indeed, the latter is a widely used tech- where di (k) is the transmitted data at subcarrier k by the
nique that has been already considered in the literature for i-th transmitter. The noise v is assumed to be additive
the MIMO blind channel estimation. In particular, Our EM- independent
h white
i Circular Complex Gaussian satisfying
based algorithm is distinct from the previous ones ([7], [8]) E v(k)v(i) = σv2 IK δki ; (.)H being the Hermitian op-

978-1-5386-4658-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 3899 ICASSP 2018

erator; σv2 the noise variance; IK the identity matrix of size 3.2. MIMO channel estimation
K × K and δki the Kronecker symbol. hri (n) represents the
Under the data model assumption, the likelihood function is
n-th channel coefficient between the i-th transmitter and the
nk expressed by:
r-th receiver. wK represents the (n, k)-th coefficient of the
K-DFT point matrix. Kp −1 K−1
p (y; θ) = Π p (y (k) ; θ) Π p (y (k) ; θ) , (7)
Equation (1) can be rewritten in the following matrix form: k=0 k=Kp

yr (k) = wT (k)Hr d(k) + vr (k), (2) where p (y (k); θ) ∼ N W(k)Hdp (k), σv2 I , for

where d(k) = [d1 (k), · · · , dNt (k)] , k = 0, · · · , Kp − 1, dp (k) being the pilot vector at the k-th
k (N −1)k
iT sub-carrier, and
and w(k) = 1 wK , · · · , wK . Hr is given by
  X
hr1 (0) ··· hrNt (0) p (y (k) ; θ) = p (y (k)|dξ ; θ) p (dξ ), (8)
Hr =  .. .. .. ξ=1
. (3)
 
. . . 
hr1 (N − 1) · · · hrNt (N − 1) with p (y (k)|dξ ; θ) ∼ N W(k)Hdξ , σv2 I
When considering all the outputs in a single vector y(k) =
T 3.2.1. E-step
[y1 (k), · · · , yNr (k)] , the previous model can be written in  
the following compact form: After some straightforward derivations, Q θ, θ [i] can be
y (k) = W(k)Hd(k) + v(k), (4) written as:
T  KP p −1
where W(k) = INr ⊗ w (k) (⊗ being the Kronecker prod- 
uct) and H = [HT1 , · · · , HTNr ]T Q θ, θ [i] = log p (y(k)|dp (k); θ)
In the sequel the received OFDM symbols are assumed (9)
P |D|
K−1 P  
to be i.i.d and arranged according to the comb-type scheme + αk,ξ θ log p (y(k)|dξ ; θ),
k=Kp ξ=1
with Kp sub-carriers dedicated to pilots corresponding (upon
appropriate permutation) to k = 0, · · · , Kp − 1 and Kd data where
sub-carriers. Also, we denote by D (respectively |D|) the  
finite set of all possible realizations of the data vector d (re-
  p y (k) |dξ ; θ [i] p (dξ )
αk,ξ θ [i] = . (10)
spectively its cardinal). |D|
P  [i]

p y (k) |dξ0 ; θ p (dξ0 )
ξ 0 =1
In this paper, all the realizations dξ are equi-probable and
In the sequel, the unknown parameters are grouped in θ con- hence the term p (dξ ) can be ignored in equation (10).
taining the channel taps (vec (H) or vec (Hr )) and the noise
power σv 2 (for simplicity, the signal power is assumed to be 3.2.2. M-step
The goal of the M-step is to find θ, i.e. the channel matrix H
and the noise power σv2 that maximizes the auxiliary function:
3.1. EM algorithm  
θ [i+1] = arg max Q θ, θ [i] . (11)
The EM algorithm looks for finding the ML estimate of the θ
unknown parameters using the marginal likelihood of the ob-  
served data y by an iterative optimization process. By setting to zero the derivative of Q θ, θ [i] in (9) w.r.t.
Considering y as the incomplete data and d as the missing H, one obtains:
data, the EM-algorithm is based on the two following steps:  
KPp −1  
[i+1] ∗ H
• Expectation step (E-step): vec H = dp (k) dp (k)T ⊗ W(k) W(k)
Q θ, θ [i] = Ed|y,θ[i] [log p (y|d, θ)]  −1
(5) K−1 |D|  
P P [i] ∗ T
+ αk,ξ θ dξ dξ ⊗ W(k) W(k)
• Maximization step (M-step): "k=Kp ξ=1
KPp −1  
  H H
θ [i+1] = arg max Q θ, θ [i] (6) × vec W(k) yp (k) dp (k)
θ k=0
This process is proven in [10] to increase the ML value, i.e P |D|

αk,ξ θ [i] vec W(k) y (k) dξ H .
p (y|d, θ), and hence leads to the algorithm’s convergence to k=Kp ξ=1
a local maximum point. (12)

Parameters Specifications
y1 (k ) EM H1 ,  12

Number of pilot sub-carriers Kp = 8

. . . .
. . . .

dˆ (k ) Number of data OFDM symbols Nd = 16
Number of data sub-carriers Kd = 56
y Nr (k ) EM H Nr ,  N2 r Pilot signal power σp2 = 13 dBm
Data signal power σ 2d = 10 dBm
Fig. 1: MIMO-OFDM system model using Nr parallel Number of sub-carriers K = 64
MISO-OFDM systems.
Table 1: Simulation parameters.
Similarly, setting to zero the derivative of Q θ, θ [i]
3.4. Simplified EM algorithm
w.r.t. σv 2 leads to:
The computational heaviness in equations (12) and (13) is due
p −1
KP 2
{σv } 2 [i+1]
= 1
yp (k) − W(k)H [i+1]
dp (k) to the summation taking all the possible realizations of the
k=0 data vector d (i.e. |D|). In this subsection we propose a sim-
plifying method to reduce the summation set from |D| (which
P |D|
K−1   2
αk,ξ θ [i] y (k) − W(k)H[i+1] dξ
+ . growth exponentially with the number Nt ) to another reduced
k=Kp ξ=1
summation set of size |D0 | proportional to Nt .
(13) The proposed approach is summarized in Fig. 2, where
The algorithm can be summarized as below: we use the Decision Feedback Equalizer technique (DFE) to

2 [0]
re-estimate the channel using the EM-based algorithm. The
Step 1 : Initialization θ = vec H , {σv } which first step consists of estimating the data d̂d using only pilots
represent the standard pilot-based channel and noise es- to estimate ĥop followed by Zero Forcing Equalizer (ZF) and
timates; hard decision. Using d̂d , the summation in equations (12) and
(13) is done on a reduced size set |D0 | corresponding to the
Step 2 : Estimate H[i+1] using H[i] and {σv2 }[i] according to
neighborhood of d̂d defined here as the points differing from
equation (12);
d̂d by at most one entry.
Step 3 : Estimate {σv2 }[i+1] using H[i+1] , H[i] and {σv2 }[i]
according to equation (13); dp
[i+1] y hˆ op dˆ d
hˆ SSB− EM
Step 4 : repeat from step 1 using θ ; LS Equalization + Simplified EM
Channel Estimation Decision Algorithm

Remark: In the case of blind channel estimation, either in the

MIMO or MISO approaches, one can ignore the pilot’s terms
in equations (12) and (13) and take into account only the data Fig. 2: Simplified EM algorithm.
OFDM symbols.
In the sequel, the MIMO system is sub-divided into Nr
parallel MISO systems, for which the EM is applied in a par- 4. SIMULATIONS RESULTS
allel scheme.
Herein, we analyze the performance of the EM blind and
semi-blind channel estimators in terms of the normalized
3.3. MISO channel estimation Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) for the two system
Equations (2) and (3), allow the parallel decomposition of configurations presented in this paper i.e MIMO system
the MIMO system into Nr MISO-OFDM systems, as illus- (hEM EM
SB (M IM O) and hB (M IM O)) and parallel MISO
trated in Fig. 1. The estimation of the global parameters of the systems (hSB (M ISO//) and hEM
B (M ISO//)).
MIMO-OFDM system is done by concatenating the parame- A (2 × 2) MIMO-OFDM communications system with
ters of the Nr parallel MISO-OFDM system. The parameters BPSK data is considered. The IEEE 802.11n training se-
of the r-th MISO-OFDM system are denoted as: quence and channel model are used in this paper as pilots [11].
h i Simulation parameters are summarized in Table 1, where the
θ r = vec (Hr ) , σv2 r (14) used IEEE 802.11n channel model is of type B with path de-
lay [0 10 20 30] µs and an average path gains of [0 -4 -8 -12]
The computation of Hr and σv2 r , using the EM algorithm, dB.
leads to the same expressions as in the MIMO case given in Fig. 3 provides a comparison between the two algorithms
the previous subsection where H and W are substituted by presented in this paper and the performance limits defined
Hr and w, respectively. by the Cramèr Rao bound CRB, detailed in [5] versus the

SN R. The curves show clearly that both blind and semi- −1
Nd=16, (4×2) MIMO
blind channel estimation algorithms give better results than CRBSB
the case where only pilots are used to estimate the channel, hLS

i.e the least square estimator (hLS

OP ). Also, the semi-blind so-

lutions show the best results (close to the CRB) with a slight hEM

advantage in favor of the MIMO version. −3 hEM

Fig. 4 represents the simulation results in the case of 4×2 hEM(MISO//)


underdetermined MIMO system, where we can see that, even −4

in this configuration the EM-based algorithms perform well.
For a given SN R = 10 dB (around the operating mode
of the IEEE 802.11n), Fig. 5 presents the behavior of EM 10

algorithms when increasing the number of data OFDM sym-

bols (Nd ). The analysis of the curve confirms that when the −6
number of data OFDM symbols increases, the performance −5 0 5 10 15 20
SNR (dB)
of the EM algorithm in the blind and semi-blind approaches
improves. One can see that in the MISO case one has taken Fig. 4: NRMSE of the EM algorithms versus SNR in the un-
advantage of the parallel computational architecture but at the derdetermined case (Nt > Nr ).
cost of a reduced channel estimation quality as compared to
the MIMO case. SNR=10 dB, (2×2) MIMO
In Fig. 6, we present the effect of the used approximation
on the performance of the S-EM algorithm. We can see that
the degradation is relatively minor for a computational gain
that is significant.


This paper introduced the EM based blind and semi-blind −5
channel identification in MIMO-OFDM wireless communica- hEM
tions system. Through the simulation results, we have shown hEM
that the EM (blind or semi-blind) performs better than the pi- hEM

lot based channel estimation method. The decomposition of −6

the MIMO system into Nr parallel MISO systems gives good 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Nd number of OFDM symbols
results and is suitable for parallel machine processing allow-
ing reduction of the EM execution time. The latter, is further Fig. 5: NRMSE versus the number of OFDM symbols (Nd ).
reduced by a simplifying method employing a first estimation
of the channel and transmitted data using the pilots.
Nd=16, (4×4) MIMO
Nd=16, (2×2) MIMO
−3 hLS
hLS 10


(MIMO) −4 SB
−3 10
hEM (MISO//)


−4 −5
10 10

−5 0 5 10 15 20
SNR (dB)
−5 0 5 10 15 20
SNR (dB)
Fig. 6: S-EM-algorithm performance
Fig. 3: NRMSE of the EM algorithms versus SNR .


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