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Date: March 21, 2024

Reported By: Orlando A. Bautista Jr LIAISON/PROPERTY CUSTODIAN

Location: IT OFFICE

Subject: Misbehavior of IT Officer

Description of Incident:

On March 21, 2024, at approximately 12:48 pm, a significant incident of misbehavior involving IT
Officer's occurred within the premises of IT office. The incident was witnessed by several employees and
has raised concerns regarding the conduct and professionalism of the IT officer.

The incident began when I need to follow up the Purchase requisition located in the IT office. According
to eyewitness accounts, arrived at the workstation and immediately began exhibiting aggressive
behavior towards the BFC staff team member who had reported the issue. This behavior caused distress
and discomfort not only to the employee but also to other staff members in the vicinity.

Despite attempts by colleagues to intervene and calm the situation, continued to display unprofessional
conduct, further escalating the conflict. Witnesses reported that the IT officer refused to listen to the
employee's explanation of the issue and instead insisted on his own assessment, disregarding the
employee's expertise in the matter.

Furthermore, it was observed that displayed a dismissive attitude towards established company
protocols and guidelines for communication and conflict resolution. This behavior not only violated the
company's code of conduct but also undermined the collaborative and respectful work environment we
strive to maintain.

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