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iDraw 1.6.

4 iIllustrate Year 1

Paint software (Links); paper/pencils/whiteboards; A selection of illustrated nursery rhymes

Objectives Success Criteria Vocabulary

ë To explore a range of digital ë The children use software to Tools; line; shape; fill; undo
drawing tools create an image of a character
from a nursery rhyme

ë Share with the children some examples of nursery rhymes
ë As a class choose one or two and ask them to describe the main character
ë What do they look like? What clothes are they wearing? Can they describe their face?
What colour are their eyes/hair?
ë Give the children paper or whiteboards and ask them to draw a picture of one of the
ë Ask them to compare their picture to somebody else’s
ë What is the same? What is different?
ë Let the children look through some books or online for images of the same rhyme
ë How have different artists drawn the same characters?

ë Read a nursery rhyme to the class
ë Ask the children what they think the main character looks
ë Load the software you are using
ë Which tools could you use to draw the character?
ë Model starting to create an image of the character
ë Make mistakes and remind the children how to correct
them using the erase or undo tools
ë Tell the children that they will be choosing a nursery rhyme
and making an illustration of the main character and a
scene from it 10
3 Core

ë The children choose a nursery rhyme

ë They use paint software to create an image of the main Easier
ë Some children could draw
simple characters and omit
ë Encourage them to use a range of tools and techniques
drawing a scene
ë When they have drawn the character, they then add
backgrounds and other props/characters as appropriate
ë They save their work
ë Encourage some children to
draw more complex characters
and scenes
ë Challenge them to use a wider
range of tools for particular

4 Plenary

ë Gather back and share examples of the children’s work

ë Which nursery rhyme is their character/scene from?
ë What tools did they use? Why did they choose that
particular tool for that particular effect?
ë How did they correct mistakes?
ë What did they find easy/difficult?
ë Which do they prefer, digital art or art made on paper?


ë The children could use digital tools to illustrate a story they have written
ë They could create a video or screencast explaining how they used the
software to create digital art 11

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