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Q1: How can we start a PHP session:?

a session()

b session_start()

c startSession()

d sessionStart()

e start_session()

f startS()

Q2: The WHERE clause is mandatory when using the SELECT command?

a None

b False

c None

d True

e None

f None

Q3: Which keyword is used with the ALTER command to delete a column??




d None

e None


Q4: The most common way to display the network settings of network interfaces on a Linux
system is by using which command??
a show ipv4

b ifconfig

c ipconfig/all

d None

e ipconfig

f None

Q5: What are the Namespaces in Docker??

a None

b None

c Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of images in Docker.

d Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of containers in Docker.

e None

f None

Q6: What language was Kubernetes written in??

a None

b Go

c None


e C++

f Java

Q7: How to write an IF statement for executing some code if "i" is NOT equal to 5??

a None

b if i <> 5
c None

d if (i != 5)

e if (i <> 5)

f if i =! 5 then

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