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Bullying comes from English which means oppression or disturbance. Bullying is an act of violence or
oppression against someone intentionally by an individual or group with the aim of hurting the victim
and making the victim afraid, and is carried out continuously. Bullying can be classified into six types,
namely direct contact bullying, direct verbal bullying, direct non-verbal bullying, indirect non-verbal
bullying, cyber bullying, and sexual harassment. Children who are bullied during their growing years
tend to be mentally quieter, more timid, and rarely express their desires. Therefore, we as adults must
educate children so that they do not become bullies or victims of bullying. This research aims to find out
how bullying behavior influences the self-concept of teenagers. The research method used is
quantitative with a comparative causal approach. Research results shows that there is an influence of
bullying on self-concept in adolescents.

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