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In context of overall testing of HRM Module, we can conclude that 90-95 percent of the fields available

are Alpha-numeric. very a smaller number of fields do not save the data in Both syntaxes.

Scenario based testing conducted with respect system's current functionality. though we were unable to
conduct regression testing due to constraint of time.

Followings are the from which testing results has been extracted

Human Resource Record:

Roster Management:

Duty Adjustment Form has the capacity to make the roster for staff having not more than 3 shifts. after
testing whatever is available to us regardless of the functionality, it reveals no hurdle while we are
making the Rota for employee. but having said that current sub-module cannot be said efficient enough
to be deployed everywhere in the hospital.

Following screen has been tested to conclude this result:

Screens have information/ functions which do not serve any purpose to us.

Duty Adjustment form's Grid system has very complex pattern which could easily make a end-user to
make mistakes.

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