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FUN QUIZ: Antelopes unique facts & behaviors

Circle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of most antelopes?
- A) Ability to fly short distances
- B) Presence of horns, usually in both males and females
- C) Lack of speed and agility
- D) Aquatic lifestyle

2. Antelopes are primarily found in which habitat?

- A) Arctic tundra
- B) Dense forests
- C) Grasslands and savannas
- D) Urban areas

3. Which of the following antelopes is known for its incredible speed?

- A) Saiga antelope
- B) Sable antelope
- C) Cheetah
- D) Thomson's gazelle
4. What unique defense mechanism do some antelopes have against
- A) Playing dead
- B) Stinging venom
- C) Mimicry
- D) Stotting or pronking (jumping high into the air)

5. The Saiga Antelope is distinctive for its:

- A) Brightly colored fur
- B) Large, oversized nose
- C) Ability to swim long distances
- D) Lack of horns

6. Which of the following antelopes has the longest horns?

- A) Impala
- B) Kudu
- C) Addax
- D) Greater kudu

7. What is the primary diet of antelopes?

- A) Insects
- B) Fruits and berries
- C) Grasses and leaves
- D) Small mammals
8. How do antelopes generally communicate with each other?
- A) Through chemical signals
- B) Using vocal sounds and visual signals
- C) By drumming on the ground
- D) Antelopes do not communicate

9. Which of the following antelopes is critically endangered?

- A) Eland
- B) Saiga antelope
- C) Waterbuck
- D) Wildebeest

10. What social structure is most common among antelope species?

- A) Solitary
- B) Monogamous pairs
- C) Small, family-based groups
- D) Herds, though the size and structure can vary significantly by

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