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Octopus Quiz: Unveiling the Mysteries

1. How many hearts does an octopus have?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

2. What is the primary method an octopus uses for camouflage?

A) Changing its skin texture

B) Changing its color

C) Hiding behind rocks

D) Burrowing underground

3. An octopus can taste with its:

A) Eyes


C) Shell

D) All of the above

4. Which of these body parts can an octopus regenerate?

A) Heart

B) Eye

C) Tentacle

D) Brain

5. How does an octopus move fastest in the water?

A) Swimming with its tentacles

B) Walking on the sea floor

C) Jet propulsion

D) Riding ocean currents

6. What is a unique ability of some octopus species to avoid predators?

A) Flying

B) Mimicking other sea animals

C) Breathing air

D) Turning invisible

7. Octopuses have a brain shape that is:

A) Square

B) Donut-shaped

C) Triangular

D) Linear

8. Which of the following is NOT a color an octopus can change into for camouflage?

A) Pink

B) Blue

C) Green

D)All of the above are possible colors

9. What is the lifespan of a typical octopus?

A) 1 to 2 years

B) 5 to 10 years

C) 15 to 20 years

D) 25 to 30 years

10. How do octopuses reproduce?

A) Laying eggs in a coral reef

B) Giving birth to live young

C) The male delivers a spermatophore to the female

D) External fertilization in the water column

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