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Reading comprehension

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follows.

1.A volcano is a burning mountain with a great hole running deep into the earth. Out of it come smoke, gases and
stones. The mouth of the opening is called the crater of the volcano.Volcanoes are not always burning. Sometimes a
volcano will remain quiet for centuries. And then it will suddenly become active. This is called volcanic
eruption.When the eruption takes place, great clouds of ashes, dust, gas and steam rise from the crater. Loud noises
come from the crater. After sometime, white hot molten rock, called lava begins to flow down the mountain sides.
This may go on for days or weeks. Then the volcano will ‘go to sleep’ again for many years. Most volcanoes are
found near the seas.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following:

(a) A volcano is a burning mountain which________________ .

(b) When a volcano becomes active,_____________ .

(c) Lava refers to . ‘

(d) A crater is the mouth of the_______________ .

(e) Most volcanoes are found____________ .

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follows.

2.A myth has been built around the pelican, one of the oldest surviving birds. It is a commonly held belief that the
mother feeds her chicks on her own blood. So people have regarded the pelican as most affectionate and dutiful
bird.The large bill of the bird makes it very easy to recognize it. It has a short tail, short legs, long wings and a large
bag under its bill. Because of its webbed toes, the pelican finds walking on the land difficult.However, it is a delight to
watch these birds in flight. The pelican has figured among the largest of birds. It has a wing span of up to 2.75 meters,
and weighs between 4.5 and 11 kg. It lives in places with a moderate climate. It migrates to India, Africa and Iran in
winter because its wings do not give sufficient protection against the cold. The brown pelican is the smallest of the
pelicans. It dives its head long into water from quite a height to get at its prey. The other six species of pelicans have a
white plumage.Pelicans are very sociable birds. They travel, rest, nest and even fish together. The young pelicans take
wing when they are about two months old. The nests of pelicans are far from the source of any food. Therefore, the
adults have to fly great distances to get food.

Below you can find a summary of the above passage. Fill in each blank with one word/phrase to
complete it.

Pelican is one of the oldest (a)____________ birds. It is believed that its young ones are fed by the mother’s
(b)__________ . Perhaps due to this, pelican is regarded as the (c) _______ and dutiful bird. It has long
(d)______________ webbed feet and a very short tail. pelican finds it difficult to walk on land because of its (e)
_______. It lives in places where the climate is (f) _______. In all there are (g) _______ species of pelicans.



பாடும்இலக்கியம்பரணிஎனப்படும். தொண்ணூற்றாறுவகைசிற்றிலக்கியங்களுள்ஒன்று.
பரணிஇலக்கியங்களுள்தமிழில்தோன்றியமுதல்நூல். கலிங்கமன்னன்அனந்தபத்மன்

மீதுமுதல்குலோத்துங்கச்சோழன்போர்தொடுத்துவெற்றிபெற்றான். அவ்வெற்றியைப்போற்றி

பாடப்பட்டநூலானஇது. தோல்வியுற்றகலிங்கநாட்டின்பெயரால்அமைந்துள்ளது. இந்நூலில்

599 தாழிசைகள்உள்ளன . இந்நூலைஇயற்றியவர்செயங்கொண்டார்வாழ்ந்தகாலம்

கி.பி. 12-ஆம்நூற்றாண்டுஆகும். முதல்குலோத்துங்கச்சோழனின்அரசவைப்புலவராகத்

திகழ்ந்தவர். இவர்இயற்றியமற்றநூல்கள்இசையாயிரம், உலாமற்றும்மடல்

'பரணிக்கோர்செயங்கொண்டார்" எனப்பலபட்டடைச்சொக்கநாதப்புலவர்பாராட்டியுள்ளார்


என்றார்அறிஞர்அண்ணா. பரணிஇலக்கியங்கள்தக்கயாகப்பரணி,

இரணியன்வதைப்பரணி, பாசவதைப்பரணி , மோகவதைப்பரணி, வங்கத்துப்பரணி ,



1. பரணிஇலக்கியங்களுள்தமிழில்தோன்றியமுதல்நூல்__

அ.மோகவதைப்பரணி ஆ.திராவிடத்துப்பரணிஇ.கலிங்கத்துப்பரணிஈ.வங்கத்துப்பரணி

2.ஆயிரக்கணக்கானயானைகளைப்போரில்கொன்றவிரனைப்புகழ்ந்துபாடும்இலக்கியம் __

அ,பள்ளு ஆ.உலா இ.பரணி ஈ.பிள்ளைத்தமிழ்


எனக்கூறியவர் __

அ.அறிஞர்அண்ணா ஆ.செயங்கொண்டார் இ.பாரதியார் ஈ.பாரதிதாசன்


அ.96 ஆ.23 இ.667 ஈ.100

5.கலிங்கத்துப்போரில்வெற்றிபெற்றவர் ___

அ.அனந்தபத்மன் ஆ.கலிங்கமன்னன் இ.குலோத்துங்கச்சோழன்

லக்கணநூல்கூறுகிறது. தொல்காப்பியத்திற்குபாயிரம்எழுதியவர். பனம்பாரனார்.
கிறோம். தமிழ்நாட்டைச்சேர, சோழ, பாண்டியர்என்றமூவேந்தர்களும்,
சேரநாட்டிற்குவஞ்சிமாநகரும், சோழநாட்டிற்குப்பூம்புகாரும்,


1. பனம்பாரனார்என்பவர் _________-.


2.வடக்கேவேங்கடமலைமுதல்தெற்கேகுமரிமுனைவரை ____


3.தமிழ்ச்சங்கம்வைத்துதமிழ்வளர்த்தவர்கள் _____


4.சோழநாட்டின்தலைநகர் ____________.


5. தமிழின்பழமையைகூறும்நூல் ___



1. Find the perimeter of of side = 4 cm .

a) 12cm b) 16cm c) 4 cm
2. Tick the correct sum: 56832 + 198763
a) 255595 b) 25595 c) 763276
3. Find the product of 540 x 20.
a) 4400 b) 1080 c) 10800
4. Find the quotient and remainder of 345 ÷ 4.
a) q = 86, r = 2 b) q = 86, r = 0 c) q = 86, r = 1
5. The standard unit of measuring length is _______________
a) kilometre b) metre c) centimetre
6. Which of the following unit is used to measure your weight_______________
a) gram b)kilogram c) milligram
7. The distance between places are measured in __________________
a) kilometre b) metre c) centimetre
8. The set of lines that never meet each other called ______________
a) Parallel line b) intersecting line c) curved line
9. The short form of gram is _____________
a) g b) gm c) kg
10. The lines which cut each other at one point are called_______.
a) Parallel line b) Intersecting line c) curved line
11. Any number divided by 1 then the answer is________________.11
a) Same number b) zero c) one
12. Multiplication is called as ____________.
a) repeated addition b) equal distribution c) joining together
13. The area of rectangle is __________ sq.units.
a) side x side b) l x b c) b x h
14. The perimeter of a square is ___________ units.
a) side x side b) 4 x side c) l x b
15. From the two given points how many lines can be drawn?
a) one b) two c) three
16. When we share or distribute equally we call it _______________
a) Fraction b) Multiplication c)Division
17. Leftover number in division is called _________
a) Remainder b) Quotient c) Dividend
18. The part of whole is called ______________
a) Division b) Fraction c) Multiplication
19. Denominator of fraction can never be ____________
a) One b) Two c) zero
20. A potter makes 4150 cooking pots in a year. He manages to sell 3890 pots.
How many pots are left with him?
a) 160 b)260 c) 360


1. Sugar is obtained from,

A)Banana B)Sugarcane C)Carrot D)Mango
2. What is the unit of distance
A) Metre B) Newton C) Pascal D) second
3.What is our National Animal?

a) Lion. b) Tiger. c) Leopard. d) Elephant.

4.What is the nature of digestive juices in the stomach?

a) Acidic. b) Basic. c) Neutral. d) All.

5..We use _____ to taste food.

A)Tongue B) Nose C) Eye D) Teeth.
6. An ant smell with the help of its ____
A)Nose B)Antenna C)Mouth D)Skin
7.How do we come to know that food has got spoilt?

a) By its colour. b) By its taste. c) By its smell. d) All of these.

8.Identify the name of an insectivorous plant.

a) Zenia. b) Cactus. c) Money plant. d) Pitcher plant

9.Change of water into water vapour is known as ____.

a) Condensation. b) Evaporation. c) Sedimentation. d) All.

10. _______ are called producers.

A) Herbivores. B)Bacteria. C) Omnivorous. D)Green plants
11. Plants observe energy from sunlight with the help of _______.
A) Stomata. B). Oxygen. C) Chlorophyll. D) Water
12.Which is the highest peak of the world?

a) Mount Everest. b) K2. c) Nanda Devi. d) Andes.

13.Who is the first Indian women to complete the space mission?

a) SunitaWillams. b) Kalpanachawala. c) Bechendri pal. d) Saniamirza.

14.When does our heartbeat become fastest?

a) During sleeping. b) Running. c) Sitting. d) Eating.

15. Plants do not make their own food.

A)True. B)False
16._______are called producer .
A)Herbivores B)Bacteria C)Omnivores D)Green plants
17.What is our national game?

a) Volleyball. b) Cricket. c) Hockey. d) Basket ball

18. Mary Kom represents India in ________.

A)Hockey B)Boxing C)Wrestling D)Football
19._________is a individual game.
A)Basketball B)Cricket C)Football D)Cycling
20. Parrot eats only______.
A.)Plants B) Animals c)Both (a) &(b) d)None of the above


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