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Question 1: Which animal holds the record for the largest wingspan?

A) Bald Eagle B) Albatross C) Golden Eagle D) Peregrine Falcon

Question 2: What is the fastest land animal?

A) Gazelle B) Lion C) Antelope D) Cheetah

Question 3: Which mammal can fly and is primarily active at night?

A) Bat B) Squirrel C) Owl D) Hummingbird

Question 4: Which animal can regenerate its lost limbs?

A) Lizard B) Frog C) Starfish D) Turtle

Question 5: What is the largest animal on Earth?

A) African Elephant B) Blue Whale C) Giraffe D) Hippopotamus

Question 6: Which bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech?

A) Crow B) Parrot C) Sparrow D) Pigeon

Question 7: Which animal is considered the most venomous on Earth?

A) Box Jellyfish B) King Cobra C) Inland Taipan (Fierce Snake) D) Stonefish

Question 8: What is the lifespan of a mayfly, which holds the record for the shortest
lifespan among insects?

A) A few hours B) A few days C) A few weeks D) A few months

Question 9: Which animal has the strongest bite force in the world?

A) Saltwater Crocodile B) Great White Shark C) Hippopotamus D) Gorilla

Question 10: Which creature is known as the world's best jumper in relation to its
body size?

A) Ant B) Grasshopper C) Cricket D) Flea


1. B) Albatross
2. D) Cheetah
3. A) Bat
4. C) Starfish
5. B) Blue Whale
6. B) Parrot
7. A) Box Jellyfish
8. A) A few hours
9. A) Saltwater Crocodile
10. D) Flea

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