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Trivia Question 

Which animal is the tallest in the


Answer: Giraffe
A spider has how many eyes?

Answer: Eight (8)

How many bones do sharks have?

Answer: Zero (0)

Do crocodiles have sweat glands to
release heat?

Answer: No/None
What is the loudest animal on

Answer: Sperm Whale

What was the first soft drink in

Answer: Coca-Cola
What is the 15 letter of the

English alphabet?

Answer: Letter “O”

How many hearts does an octopus

Answer: Three (3)

How many legs does a spider

Answer: Eight (8)

What are the primary colors?

Answer: Red, Yellow, Blue

What is the only male animal
known to give birth?

Answer: Seahorses
Which place is called “The
happiest place in the world”?

Answer: DisneyLand
If a male donkey is a jack, what is
the female called?

Answer: Jenny
How many brains do leeches

Answer: 32 brains
What is the favorite food of

Answer: Lettuce
What type of fish is Nemo?

Answer: Clownfish
What color is Mar’s sunset?

Answer: Blue
Where is a shrimp’s heart located
in its body?

Answer: Head
Which animal never sleeps?

Answer: Bullfrog
How many legs a mosquito has?

Answer: Six (6)

Which land animal can open its
mouth the widest?

Answer: Hippopotamus
What are the storms produced by
the sun called?

Answer: Solar Storms

How many noses does a slug

Answer: Four (4)

What animal cannot stick out its

Answer: Crocodile
What was the first fruit that was
eaten on the moon?

Answer: Peach
How many eyes does a bee have?

Answer: Five (5)

What is the largest lizard?

Answer: Komodo dragon

What is the largest volcano in the

Answer: Mauna Loa Volcano

What is the longest English word
with only one vowel?

Answer: Strengths
Which animal has no vocal cords?

Answer: Giraffe

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