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Nuclear family: parents and their children, typically living in one home residence. It can be small or large.

A family is
said to be large when it has three children or more. But the determination differs on geographical regions and
Extended family: includes in one household near relatives (such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles) in addition to a
nuclear family
Which one is better? The answer differs from person to person.

Large family
- There’s always someone to talk to or spend time with. You are never alone. → Children learn how to build
- Kids laugh and have fun together, especially if they are almost at the same age. Sporting events are also a lot
more exciting.
- When there are many children in a family, some of them may think they are not important. → more
competition for attention
- Teaches teamwork - children have to learn to work together to get things done, eg. cleaning up their room.
The different personalities and skills complement each other.
- Feelings are more likely to be out in the open → more competition for resources
- Teaches sharing - share a room, television, video game system, etc. → sharing the bathroom → shower
- Children learn from their siblings and they can help each other with their homework.
- Older kids are often used as a free baby sitter.
- Maybe more conflicts and disagreements

Small family
- Children get all the attention from their parents. → parents easily can become overprotective
- It is easier for both parents to combine careers with family life
- Children in small families, tend to have higher school and personal achievement levels.
- Fewer conflicts and less rivalry → the general stress level is lower
- It may develops egoism and make the child a selfish individual. → Devoid of sibling relationship, the only
child cannot learn the way to share.
- The cost for a small family is way less than for a large family.

Extended family
- The extended family is not as common in Hungarian society today.
- It is the most affordable option → more adults with income ↔ large number of members who have to be
- Adult care - easier and simpler to care for and support elderly family members when they live in the same
- Multigenerational housing → having enough bedrooms, ensuring a space meets the needs of all residents.
- It develops strong family bonds.
- Encourage laziness - other members will do the hard work.
- Large number of relatives live together – conflicts occur easily.

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