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CSET205 Project Report - 02

Submitted to the Faculty
of the
Bennett University


Vatsal Tibrewal, E22CSEU1054

Param Yadav, E22CSEU1067
Rachit Kumar, E22CSEU1547

School Of Computer Science Engineering & Technology

2022-26, Even Semester

Greater Noida-201310, Uttar Pradesh, India



While Netflix provides a wide range of content, users often face

decision fatigue when selecting what to watch, and they may miss
out on discovering content aligned with their interests. Additionally,
certain niche genres and underrepresented content might not receive
the attention they deserve. Addressing these challenges through a
Netflix clone presents an exciting opportunity to create a more
engaging and tailored streaming experience.

Solution Proposed

Our objective is to develop a Netflix-inspired platform that not only

offers a vast library of movies and TV shows but also introduces
innovative features to simplify content selection and enhance user
engagement. By leveraging modern technologies, we aim to create a
platform that not only provides a comprehensive content catalog but
also empowers users to discover hidden gems and connect with like-
minded viewers.


1.1. User Stories (Requirements)

ID User Story

1 As a user, I want to be able to create a personal Netflix account so that I can access and
customize my own viewing experience.

2. As a subscriber, I want to be able to choose from a variety of subscription plans, including

different streaming quality options, pricing tiers, and family-sharing features, so that I can
find the plan that best suits my needs.
3. As a viewer, I want to be able to search for movies and TV shows by title, genre, actor, or
director so that I can easily find content I'm interested in.

4. As a user, I want to be able to see personalized recommendations based on my viewing

history and preferences so that I can discover new content that I'm likely to enjoy.

5. As a parent, I want to be able to set up parental controls to restrict access to certain content
based on age appropriateness, so I can ensure a safe viewing experience for my children.

6. As a viewer, I want to be able to create and manage multiple profiles within a single Netflix
account, so that my family members can have their own customized experience.

7. As a subscriber, I want to be able to download movies and TV shows for offline viewing on
my mobile device, so that I can enjoy content when I don't have an internet connection.

8. As a user, I want to receive notifications when new episodes of my favorite TV shows are
available so that I can stay up to date with the latest content.

9. As a viewer, I want to be able to rate and review movies and TV shows on Netflix so that I
can share my opinions and help others discover good content.

10. As a subscriber, I want to have access to a seamless and user-friendly interface across
various devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and web browsers, so that I can
watch Netflix on the platform of my choice.

11. As a viewer, I want to be able to create and manage my own watchlist, so I can easily keep
track of content I want to watch in the future.

12. As a user, I want to have access to customer support and FAQs in case I encounter issues or
have questions about using Netflix.

13. As a subscriber, I want to be able to cancel my subscription at any time without any long-
term commitments, so I have the flexibility to stop using the service whenever I choose.

14. As a viewer, I want to be able to resume watching a movie or TV show from where I left off,
no matter which device I'm using, so that I can continue enjoying content seamlessly.

15. As a subscriber, I want to receive regular updates about new content, exclusive releases, and
special offers to stay informed about what's available on Netflix.

User Stories with Acceptance Criteria

ID Description

1 Create a Personal Netflix Account:

Acceptance Criteria
- The user can sign up using a valid email address.

- The user can set a secure password during the account creation.

- The user is prompted to agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.

ID Description

2 Choose Subscription Plans:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users are presented with a clear description of available subscription plans, including
pricing and features.
- Users can easily select and change their chosen subscription plan.

- Changes in subscription plans take effect immediately, and the user is billed

ID Description

3 Search for Movies and TV Shows:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can enter search queries and receive relevant results.

- Search results include movies and TV shows with titles, descriptions, and images.

- Filters are available for refining search results by genre, actor, and director.

ID Description

4 View Personalized Recommendations:

Acceptance Criteria
- The system generates personalized recommendations based on the user's viewing
history and preferences.
- Recommendations update in real-time as the user watches new content.

- Users can dismiss or provide feedback on recommendations to improve their


ID Description

5 Set Up Parental Controls:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can access parental control settings from their account.

- Parents can set content restrictions based on age ratings.

- Parents can set content restrictions based on age ratings.

ID Description

6 Parents can set content restrictions based on age ratings.

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can create multiple profiles within a single account.

- Each profile has a customizable name and avatar.

- Users can switch between profiles with ease.

ID Description

7 Download Content for Offline Viewing:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can download movies and TV shows to their mobile devices.

- Downloaded content remains accessible for a specified period.

- Users are notified if downloaded content is about to expire.

ID Description

8 Receive Notifications for New Episodes:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can enable or disable notifications for their favorite TV shows.

- Notifications are sent when new episodes become available.

- Users can click on notifications to go directly to the new content.

ID Description

9 Rate and Review Content:

Acceptance Criteria
- Rate and Review Content:

- Users can write and submit text reviews along with their ratings.

Reviews and ratings are publicly visible on the platform.

ID Description

10 Access Across Multiple Devices:

Acceptance Criteria
Netflix is accessible on smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and web browsers.

User data, including watch history and preferences, sync seamlessly across devices.

- The interface is optimized for various screen sizes and input methods.

ID Description

11 Create and Manage Watchlist:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can add and remove items from their watchlist.

- The watchlist is easily accessible from the user's profile.

- Watchlist items can be organized and sorted as desired.

ID Description

12 Access Customer Support and FAQs:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can easily access customer support through the Netflix platform.

- FAQs and support articles cover common issues and questions.

- Users can initiate support requests and receive timely responses.

ID Description

13 Cancel Subscription:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can initiate the subscription cancellation process.

- Cancellation takes effect immediately and ceases billing.

- Users receive confirmation of their subscription cancellation.

ID Description

14 Resume Watching Across Devices:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can pause a movie or TV show and resume from where they left off.

- Resuming works seamlessly across different devices.

- Playback starts at the exact point the user left off.

ID Description

15 Receive Updates and Offers:

Acceptance Criteria
- Users can choose to opt in or out of receiving email updates.

- Updates include information about new content, exclusive releases, and special offers.

- Updates include information about new content, exclusive releases, and special offers.


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