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Ans – 1:

Management plays a most important role in any organization to run smoothly and achieve its
goals. But it has often been marked as easy as the word “Management” looks to understand.
The “Management” word in an organization is understood to be very easy, and due to this many
disputes arise and then failed to run the organization. Management is an act of achieving results
by coordinating individual efforts. Management is a very broad concept, which is why it has
been explained in different ways by many contributors. And “Management” is explained by
each contributor according to their field and expertise. Some of the major contributors are listed
in below figure:

Charles Babbage Fredric W. Taylor Henry L Gantt

Harold Koontz Henri Fayol Cyrill O' Donnell

Robert Owen Max Webber George E. Mayo

Let us discuss the definition of “Management” from Henri Fayol:

He defined management as a process consisting of activities to plan, organize, mobilize human
resources, and carry out control to achieve goals.
Similarly, all the contributors have explained management according to their expertise, but
Henri Fayol has explained management very well and, in more detail, and is the best because
he divides the management function into several process points.
If I am hired as a trainer by a newly set up organization dealing in the Ethanol manufacturing
industry to train the newly recruited management trainees, then I will train that trainee
according to Henry Fayol’s principles of management. Because he was one of the first people
to recognize that management is a continuous process. Before human resource management,
Fayol wrote about motivating people by inspiring initiative, commanding respect through
values, and ensuring that people have the time and training they need to be happy and
productive at work. Henri Fayol has given 14 principles of management. Before discussing
Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of management, Let’s know a little more about Henri Fayol in

Henry Fayol was born in France in 1841.

• He got degree in mining engineering in 1860 and started
working as an engineer in a coal mining company.
• In 1888, he was promoted as the managing director of the
• At the time the company was in the situation of
• He accepted the challenge and applied his managerial
techniques to bring out the company from this situation
and he succeeded.
➢When he retired after 30 years the company was leading
coal-steel company with strong financial background.
➢Henry Fayol became as - “Father of Management studies”.


let us discuss the Ethanol manufacturing process from sugar cane and then discuss how can we
consider that managing process with Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of management.
Major steps for Ethanol making Process

Slurry and

Saccharification Fermentation

Distillation Dehydration

Ethanol-making process in detail:



Juice Treatment Cake Juice Treatment

(Sugar) (Ethanol)

Treated Juice
Vapor Juice

Syrup Fermenter

Crystallization/ Molasses

Sub - Products


Let us discuss the 14 principles of Henry Fayol in detail:

The Degree of
Division of Work

Authority and
Scalar Chain

Discipline Order

Unity of Command Equity

Stability of Tenure
Unity of Direction
of Personnel

Subordination of
individual Interest

Esprit de Corps
(Team Work)

1. Division of Work: -

Work is divided into small tasks or jobs and a trained specialist who is component
enough to perform that job does each work. Thus, it leads to greater efficiency,
specialization, and increased productivity.
2. Authority and Responsibility: -

Authority means the power to take decisions and responsibility means an obligation to
complete the job assigned on time. There should be a balance between authority and
responsibility. Mere responsibility without authority makes an executive less interested
in discharging duties. Similarly, giving authority without assigning responsibility
makes him arrogant and there is fear of misuse of power.

3. Discipline: -

It is obedience to organizational rules and employment agreements, which are

necessary for the working of the organization. Discipline requires a good supervisor at
all levels, clear and fair agreements, and judicious application of penalties.

4. Unity of Command: -

According to Fayol, there should be one and only one boss for every individual
employee. It implies that every worker should receive orders from one superior only,
otherwise it will create confusion, conflict, and duplication of work.

Right Approach Wrong Approach

Boss Boss Boss

Worker Worker Worker

Worker Worker Worker

5. Unity of Direction: -

All the units of an organization should move towards the same objectives through
coordinated and focused efforts. Each group of activities having the same objective
must have one head and one plan. This ensures unity of action and coordination.
6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest: -

The interest of an organization should take priority over the interest of any individual
employee. In simple words, the organization’s interest is prioritized over individual

7. Remuneration of Employees: -

The overall pay and compensation should be, fair to both employees and the
organization. The employees should be given fair wages so that they can have a
reasonable standard of living. Wages should be within the paying capacity of the

Remuneration Package

Cash Benefits Additional Rewards

Variable Income Fixed Income Social Corporate Corporate Culture

Annual Social Health Training

Bonus Security Insurance Opportunities

Specail Public Food Career

Award Holiday Allowance Developement

Annual Pleasant
Physical Working
Examination Enviornment
Paid Annual
Leave Job safety

In-House Team Building

Medical Clinic

Transportation Mechanism

8. The degree of centralization (Centralization and Decentralization): -

Centralization means the concentration of decisions making authority with some,

whereas its dispersal among more than one person is decentralization. Both should be
balanced, as no organization can be completely centralized or completely decentralized.
9. Scalar Chain: -

The formal lines of authority and communication between superiors and subordinates
from the highest to the lowest ranks are known as the scalar chain. This chain should
not be violated but in case of emergency employees at the same level can contact
gangplank by informing their immediate superiors.

10. Order: -

According to Fayol “People and Material should be in suitable places at the appropriate
time for maximum efficiency”. A place for everything and everyone should be in its
designated place.

11. Equity: -

Good sense and experience are needed to ensure fairness to all employees who should
be treated as fairly as possible. The working environment of any organization should
be free from all forms of business and principles of justice and fair play should be
followed. No worker should be unduly favored or punished.

12. Stability of tenure of personnel: -

Employee turnover should be minimized to maintain organizational efficiency.

Personnel should be selected and appointed after the rigorous procedure and the
selected person should be kept at the post for a minimum tenure to show results.

13. Initiative: -

Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements.
Initiative means taking the first step with self-motivation. It is thinking out and
executing the plan.

14. Espirit De Corps: -

It is the French line “Espirit De Corps”, which means “Team Spirit”. Management
should promote team spirit, unity, and harmony among employees. As a trainer, I build
team spirit by taking these steps: Encourage individually, Practice compassion, include
everyone, celebrate all wins, communicate often, Encourage work life balance.
The 14 Principles of management can be used to manage organizations and are useful tools for
forecasting, planning, process management, organization management, multiple project
management methodology, decision-making, coordination, and control.
So, I, as a trainer, will use all the 14 principals of Henri Fayol mentioned above to train the
newly recruited management trainees in Sachin Ethanol Company. I will distribute the work to
all the trainees by creating different departments according to their competence and skills. And
will assign authority and responsibility to an appropriate employee in each department as a
leader, and also monitor that employee does not take disadvantage it. And then will make rules
to maintain discipline and follow them, and will see to it that there is no favoritism with any
employee. After that will coordinate with the manager of each department so that they get only
one order, and they don't get orders for different tasks. And thus, the entire company will have
only one goal, and all the work will in the same direction. And will also explain to them that
when working in any company, do not give importance to your own goals, only by giving
importance to the goals of the company then you will achieve your own goals in the future. I
will keep all types of remuneration in the company, so that they get better compensation for
good work. After that, the departmental decisions that will accelerate the production will be
assigned to the leaders in each group, so that they do not always have to come to get approval
for that work, thus work does not stop. And I will keep the important decisions of the company
within myself. In this way, I will follow the principals of management, so that every trainee
can understand all these principals well.
Ans – 2:

What is Art?
Art is a creative activity that expresses imaginative or technical skills. It produces a product,
an object. Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visuals, performing subjects,
and expressing the author’s thoughts.
The features of art are as below:

• Existence of theoretical knowledge:

• Art presupposes the existence of certain theoretical
• Experts in their respective areas have derived certain
basic principles which applicable to a particular form of
• Ex: - Literature on dancing, Public Speaking, Acting or
music is widely recognised.
The • Personalised Application:
basic • The use of this basic knowledge varies from person to
features person.
of an • Art, therefore, is a very personalised concept.
Art • Ex: - Two dancers, Two Writers Etc.
• Based on practice and creativity:
• All art is practical.
• Art involves the creative practice of existing theoretical
• We know that all music is based on seven basic notes.
• However what makes the composition of a musician
unique or different in his use of these notes in a
creative manner that is entirely his own interpretation.
What is Science?
Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social
world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. It is defined as the observation,
identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural
The features of science are as below:

1) Systematic body of knowledge: - Science is a systematic body of

knowledge. Its Principles are based on a cause and effect
relationship. For example, the phenomenon of an apple falling from
a tree toward the ground is exmpalined by the law of gravity.

2) Principles based on experimentation: Scientific principles are first

developed through observation and then tested through repeated
experimentation under controlled conditions.

3) Universal Validity: Scientific principles have universal validity and


What is Management?
Management is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal. Such
administration activities include setting the organization’s strategy and coordinating the efforts
of staff to accomplish these objectives through the application of available resources.

The features of Management are as below:

Goal-Oriented Process: - Every organization is established to achieve certain
goals, and every enterprise has a different set of goals depending upon the
nature of the business.

Pervasive or Universal: - Whether it is a commercial organization or non-

commercial, large or small, all require management to manage their operations.
The activities in management apply to every type of organization whether
economic, social, charitable, religious, or political.

Multi-Dimensional: - Management is a complex activity and it involves three

main dimensions: 1) Management of Work, 2) Management of People, and 3)
Management of Operations.

Continuous Process: - Management is a continuous process consisting of a series

of functions like planning, organizing, directing, staffing, and controlling. All the
managers are perform these functions regularly. There is an ongoing series of
functions in which a manager is involved.

Group Activity: - The management consists of a number of persons who work as

a group. Efforts of all the members of group are directed towrds achivement of
common organizational goals. members of any organization may have different
purpose for joining the organization but as its members they have to initiate,
communicate, coordinate, and join their hands for the achivement of
organizational goals.

Dynamic Function: - The environment in which a business exists keeps on

changing. Thus, in order to be successful, management must change its goals,
plans, and policies according to the needs of its environment.

Intangible Force: - Management can not be seen but we can realise the presence
of management in the operations of the organization. Absence of
mismanagement is essential for the existence of sound management.
So now let's understand the matter that is being discussed among the management team one by
one. And for that compare the features of art with management and decide whether
management is an art.

➢ So, first of all, we saw in the first features of art that art depends on basic knowledge,
or is based on a basic theory. As an expert in art, a person looks at a situation and
theorizes it after seeing its results. Just as two chemicals are mixed to form a third
chemical, then any person in the world will mix those two chemicals and then the same
third chemical will be formed as before. So, this is called theoretical knowledge.

And likewise...

➢ Any manager in any organization, his management process is already fixed according
to the business of his organization. And applies it accordingly, not only that but also
experiences by applying management in different ways, observing each situation, and
then experimenting. And after realizing all this, the process of management is fixed.
And there are many theories in management according to which the manager runs his
organization, such as Henri Fayol's 14 principles are the biggest example of
management theory.

✓ So, it can be seen from the first features of art and management mentioned above that
in both we used to take all the things and situations and experiment with them, create a
theory and then apply it. And both art and management rely on a base of theory. And
both of them are found similar in these features.
Now let us compare the other features of art and management.

➢ In the second feature of art mentioned above, it is said that art is represented by each
different person in their way. Like in the same cricket academy, a coach trains many
players in the same way, yet each player performs differently. In short, it has been said
here that every person has a different way of representing art.

And likewise...

➢ Every manager in any company works according to their own company’s environment.
As there are two friends and both of them have done MBA from the same university,
after that, they both work as managers in different companies. One of them works in a
company where he has to take aggressive decisions and behave very strictly, While the
other works in a company where he has to take a lot of decisions calmly and behave
lovingly. So here both the MBA friends have the same theoretical knowledge but they
both take decisions and behave differently according to the environment of their
respective companies.

✓ So, it can be seen from the second feature of art and management mentioned above that
in both, the theoretical knowledge is the same, but the way of working is different from
person to person. And both of them are also found similar in these features.

Now let us compare the third feature of art and management.

➢ Art is based on practice. Learning any art takes a lot of time. The more practice we do
in any art, the better we become and more creative. So, in this way, art is creative.

And likewise...

➢ When a manager in a company runs the management processes in the same way for a
long period, then he can do systematic management. The longer he is involved in the
management process, the more experience he gets; based on that experience, he
becomes intelligent, skilled, and creative.

✓ So, it can be seen from the third feature of art and management mentioned above that
both, are time taking, need more practice in both, then we become creative only after
systematic use for a long time. And both of them are also found similar in these

After comparing all three features of art and management mentioned above, we can
see that they are exactly matched each other's features. And from that, we can say that
management is the perfect art.
Let us compare the features of science with management and decide whether management is

➢ So, in the first features of science mentioned above, Science is the systematic body of
knowledge and the relationship of "cause and effect" are given importance. It states that
for anything or process to be science, it is essential to first adopt the relationship of
"cause and effect". In short, anything that happens in the world is called an effect, and
that which reasons it to happen is called a cause. For example, A plant died because it
didn’t get water and sunlight.

And likewise...

➢ To manage within any organization, the person or manager of that organization needs
to have sufficient systematic knowledge. Only then can he manage the organization
well and run it for a long time.

✓ So, it can be seen from the first feature of science and management mentioned above
that having systematic knowledge is a must important. And both of them are found
exactly similar in these features.

Now let us compare the other features of science and management.

➢ The second feature of science states that most of the principles developed in science
depend on experiments. No principle rests upon a one-time experiment, but that
experiment is often done repetitively, and it is made principle only if its result is always
the same. For example, the Law of Gravity.

And likewise...

➢ While the second feature of management has said that it does not always happen in
management, but sometimes it happens. Because in management, once a rule is made,
then after its implementation, there are positive results and sometimes negative results
also. Thus, despite the negative results coming from any side, the principle of
management is adopted as the principal. It is not replaced due to negative results.

✓ So, it can be seen from the second feature of science and management mentioned above
that sometimes the same and positive result comes, but the sometimes different and
negative result also comes, so here both are half and a half to see. And both of them are
found partly similar in these features.

After comparing all the above-mentioned features with each other it is proved that none of
these features prove that management cannot be art and science. Thus, it can be said that
management involves the aspects of both art and science. The discipline of art is backed by
science because science is the basic knowledge of that art. Similarly, the discipline of science
is complete only when practical knowledge of art is applied to solving various types of
problems. Management needs human judgment and experience and a manager is essentially an
artist. Getting work done through people is an art of management but systematic knowledge
brings about competence. Therefore, competence in management is a combination of art and
Ans - 3(A):

Conflicts are an expressed struggle between at least two independent parties who perceive
incompatible goals, scarce resources and interface from the other party in achieving their goals.
In other words, we can say that a process begins when one party perceives that another party
has negatively affected or is about to affect something that the first party cares about.
Every large corporate company operates internationally, and their businesses are taking place
in most countries of the world. So, because of that people working in that company also belong
from a different country or different state. Since they are all from different places, their ideas,
languages, ideology, values, and perceptions are also different. But since they all work in the
same company; they have to interact with each other for any official work. And due to all these
reasons, they get into conflict, and it becomes very difficult for them to work with each other.
It is often observed that everyone is from a different culture, and because of that everyone
changes in their behavior toward each other. Therefore, it becomes imperative for the
organization to develop such a corporate culture.

Now, I will explain to them what kind of conflicts are and between whom they have happened.


The different types of conflicts are as below:




Let us discuss all these conflicts in detail:

1. Interpersonal Conflicts:

These types of conflicts arise as a result of clashes

between at least two or more individuals in an
organization. The individuals can be in the same
department or from different departments. It can be
classified into three categories: 1) Vertical Conflicts 2)
Lateral Conflicts and 3) Diagonal Conflicts

• Vertical Conflicts:

These conflicts arise between a manager and his/her subordinates on various


A manager of a manufacturing
company asks the workers of his
department to produce a certain
turn of goods in a certain time. But
the worker could not produce as
much in the time given by the
manager due to some personal
reasons of his own. And then that
worker was abused by the
manager. And then the worker also
misbehaved with the manager. So,
these conflicts are called vertical

• Lateral Conflicts:

These conflicts arise between any two individuals in the same position.

If a company has a staff of two

different religions working in the
same department, then one of the
staff asks another staff to bring
breakfast for him from the canteen.
But due to their different religion,
the other staff refuses and said I am
not your servant. So due to this,
conflicts happen between two staff
of the same department. So, these
conflicts are called Lateral conflicts.
• Diagonal Conflicts:

These conflicts arise between people in different positions without any direct
superior-subordinate relation.

A hospital has many different

departments and Each department
has a different head. And here one
staff from the marketing department
discusses the work of one billing staff
with the head of his department.
And so, the head of the marketing
department goes off to advise the
billing staff without any investigation.
And since it is no fault of the billing
staff and he gets useless advice from
the head of another department,
there is a conflict between him and
the head of the marketing
department. So, these conflicts are
called Diagonal conflicts.

2. Intrapersonal Conflicts:

These types of conflicts arise between two individuals having clashes in thoughts,
principles, or ideologies. It has mainly happened within values. Individuals having such
conflicts often become irritable. As a result, their professional performance is
negatively affected.

If there is much staff working in a particular

department in a company and there is a
head of the same department, the head, is
doing all the work from training, checking,
controlling, and motivating the staff of his
department to work well in the entire
department. But due to his very friendly
nature, he lives very freely with the staff.
And most of the staff in his department like
this friendly behavior of his manager and get
well-adjusted and work with him. But there
is also a staff who does not like the friendly
nature of the manager. And believes that the
environment where we work should be too
strict and too official for productive work.
And believing so, cannot adjust with the
manager. Therefore, conflict arises due to
different thinking of each other. And they
cannot reconcile their thoughts with the
thoughts of each other.
3. Intergroup Conflicts: -

These types of conflicts arise when there are clashes between different groups in an
organization. These conflicts occur only when there is no coordination between
different departments of the same organization, and mostly there is a lack of

A great example of where this conflict is

most prevalent is in government
departments. Because whenever we go
to the government office for any work,
the employees of each department are
forced to go from one department to
another department. And they hand
over the work to other departments.
And due to these reasons, they do not
get along with each other internally and
conflicts arise.

4. Intragroup Conflict: -

These conflicts arise mainly between people within a group or a department. Intragroup
conflicts affect the performance of the whole group. This conflict looks like an
interpersonal conflict but it is not. Because here compulsory conflict occurs between
the staff of the same group, when there is an interpersonal conflict, it arises with any
staff of any group.

Five staff are working in the accounting

department of a company, and each has
its different tasks already defined. But
one of those 5 staff is more experienced
and senior than the remaining 4 staff.
And taking advantage of his seniority, he
mostly outsources his part of the work
from other staff, and as this happens
repeatedly, the other staff cannot
perform the work defined for itself, and
because of this conflict arises between
the two staff in the same department,
then it is called intrapersonal conflict.
Irrespective of all the types of conflict, it may have a serious impact on the performance of
individuals and the organization. Sometimes, these can have a positive impact too, such as an
increase in individuals’ performance due to competitive feelings in their group or the
organization, minimization of distance among people, clarification of old problems, and
generation of new ideas.
Ans - 3(B):

If the conflicts continue for a long time between each staff or between each department in the
company, then each staff will suffer and ultimately the company will suffer the most. And the
company must stop it soon. And it does not stop by repeatedly persuading or warning each
individual to prevent it. But for that, you have to take a step professionally and think about the
future in the long term. So, there are many techniques to overcome such conflicts, and it
becomes necessary to adopt them as early as possible.
Let us discuss those conflict resolution techniques in detail:


There are 5 types of conflict resolution techniques, and it is given by Thomas-Kilmann.


(You lose, I Win) (You win, I Win)


(You Lose, I Loss) (You Win, I Loss)

By using this technique, we have to give more

importance to the needs of the other person or
party than our own needs. We should use this
technique where the matter is not important to
us but to the opposing party. Or we can use
this technique even where we feel that it is not
necessary to spend so much time here, or I
could be wrong here. Sometimes using this
technique also seems to make us feel weak. in
short, do not give too much importance to
small matters but, understand that it is
necessary to solve those matters in less time.


With this technique, people avoid conflicts by

simply changing the topic or denying any
situation that may lead to a problem. This
style is adopted in organizations where
members or groups do not wish to indulge in
any arguments or rivalries with other
members. There can be many reasons for
avoidance, such as no intention of getting
stressed due to conflicts or hurting others’
feelings. This is the most ineffective style of
resolving administrative conflicts. But
sometimes due to excessive denying, the
conflict can take a big form and it can also
damage the organization.


This technique is to be used only when there

is an immediate solution. But since this
technique is very aggressive, the chances of
negativity on the productivity of the
organization increase. And staff morale can
also be broken. And the relationship with
other staff at the workplace can also have a
negative impact. And the thing to note before
using this technique is to do it only when
there is a real need.

When using this technique, both parties

sacrifice from their side. In this, both
parties are not getting as much as they
wanted before. And also, people believe in
the give-and-take approach in which they
try to reach agreeable terms. This technique
is used by organizations when both
opposition parties are equally strong and
there is a deadline looming over them. So,
this technique is most suitable for a short


Hence, we can conclude that Lemon tree company needs to follow the above-mentioned
techniques that may result in increased productivity and goal attainment. A badly handled
conflict can cost a company time and money to expand, but conflict resolution can enhance
work connections, employee productivity, and retention levels.

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