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Republic of the Philippines


Region V (Bicol)
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur

Dear pupils,
We, the third year Bachelor of Elementary Education students of Baao Community College are
currently conducting research entitled “LEVEL OF READING COMPREHENSION ON THE
In line with this, we would like to ask for your full cooperation by answering the following test
attached in this letter. Your cooperation would be of great contribution to the success of our study.
Rest assured that your responses will be kept in strict confidentiality.
Thank you and God bless!
- Researchers

Name: (optional) ____________________________________ Age: _____________ Gender: ___________

On the following pages are passages and multiple-choice questions for Grade 4 Reading Practice Test to
assess the level of your reading comprehension through the following indicators: literal comprehension,
reorganization, and inferential.
Each question will ask you to select an answer from among four choices.
For all questions:
• Read each passage. Then answer each question carefully by choosing the best answer.
• Mark your answers for ALL of the questions. Remember only one of the choices provided is the correct answer.



Ricky loved going to the park with his friends. They would play soccer, swing on the swings,
and have picnics on sunny days. One day, while playing tag, Ricky noticed a lost puppy wandering
around. He immediately stopped the game and went to help the puppy find its way home. Ricky's
friends joined him, and together they found the puppy's owner. From that day on, Ricky felt proud
to have helped a lost animal.

1. What did Ricky enjoy doing with his friends at the park?
A) Playing video games
B) Playing soccer
C) Watching movies
D) Reading books
Answer: B) Playing soccer
2. What did Ricky and his friends do when they saw the lost puppy?
A) They ignored it
B) They went to play on the swings
C) They went to help the puppy find its way home
D) They chased the puppy
Answer: C) They went to help the puppy find its way home
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur

3. How did Ricky feel after helping the lost puppy?

A) Angry
B) Sad
C) Proud
D) Tired
Answer: C) Proud
4. What game were Ricky and his friends playing when they noticed the lost puppy?
A) Hide and seek
B) Tag
C) Soccer
D) Basketball
Answer: B) Tag
5. What did Ricky do when he noticed the lost puppy?
A) He continued playing
B) He went to swing on the swings
C) He went to help the puppy find its way home
D) He went home
Answer: C) He went to help the puppy find its way home
6. What did Ricky feel proud of?
A) Winning a soccer game
B) Helping a lost animal
C) Eating a picnic
D) Riding a bike
Answer: B) Helping a lost animal
7. What did Ricky's friends do when they saw him helping the lost puppy?
A) They laughed at him
B) They joined him to help
C) They walked away
D) They called the police
Answer: B) They joined him to help
8. What did Ricky notice while playing tag?
A) A lost ball
B) A lost puppy
C) A lost toy
D) A lost book
Answer: B) A lost puppy
9. What did Ricky and his friends do after finding the lost puppy's owner?
A) They played soccer
B) They went home
C) They went to have a picnic
D) They felt proud
Answer: D) They felt proud
10. What did Ricky do when he noticed the lost puppy?
A) He continued playing
B) He went to swing on the swings
C) He went to help the puppy find its way home
D) He went home
Answer: C) He went to help the puppy find its way home
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur

The Smith family planned a trip to the zoo. They packed sandwiches, fruits, and drinks in a
picnic basket. As they entered the zoo, they saw a sign that said, "Feed the giraffes at 11:00 AM."
Excitedly, they hurried to the giraffe enclosure.
At 11:00 AM, they lined up with other visitors to feed the giraffes. Each person was given some
leaves to offer to the giraffes. The giraffes gracefully stretched out their long necks to eat the leaves.
The Smiths laughed and took pictures as they fed the gentle giants.
After spending time with the giraffes, they explored the rest of the zoo. They saw lions, tigers,
monkeys, and elephants. The children were thrilled to see all the animals up close. Before leaving,
they bought souvenirs from the zoo gift shop to remember their fun-filled day.

1. What did the Smith family do first at the zoo?
A) Feed the giraffes
B) Buy souvenirs
C) Explore the zoo
D) Have a picnic
Answer: A) Feed the giraffes
2. What did the Smith family bring to the zoo?
A) Cameras
B) Toys
C) Food
D) Books
Answer: C) Food
3. When did the Smith family feed the giraffes?
A) At 12:00 PM
B) At 1:00 PM
C) At 10:00 AM
D) At 11:00 AM
Answer: D) At 11:00 AM
4. What did the giraffes eat?
A) Sandwiches
B) Fruits
C) Leaves
D) Drinks
Answer: C) Leaves
5. What did the Smith family do after feeding the giraffes?
A) Buy souvenirs
B) Leave the zoo
C) Explore the rest of the zoo
D) Have another picnic
Answer: C) Explore the rest of the zoo
6. What animals did the Smith family see at the zoo?
A) Dogs and cats
B) Lions, tigers, monkeys, and elephants
C) Birds and fish
D) Cows and horses
Answer: B) Lions, tigers, monkeys, and elephants
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur

7. Where did the Smith family go after exploring the zoo?

A) To feed the giraffes again
B) To buy more food
C) To the gift shop
D) To have lunch
Answer: C) To the gift shop
8. What did the Smith family buy from the gift shop?
A) Food
B) Drinks
C) Souvenirs
D) Toys
Answer: C) Souvenirs
9. What did the Smith family do after leaving the zoo?
A) Go home
B) Have a picnic
C) Visit another zoo
D) Sleep
Answer: A) Go home
10. What time did the Smith family feed the giraffes?
A) At 12:00 PM
B) At 1:00 PM
C) At 10:00 AM
D) At 11:00 AM
Answer: D) At 11:00 AM


Jenny and her friends were excited about the upcoming school fair. They had been planning for
weeks, deciding on games, prizes, and decorations. On the day of the fair, Jenny noticed that her
friend Sarah seemed nervous. When Jenny asked her what was wrong, Sarah admitted that she was
worried about her performance in the talent show. Jenny reassured Sarah, saying that she believed
in her and that she would do great.
As the day went on, Sarah's nerves seemed to ease. When it was time for the talent show, she
took a deep breath and confidently stepped onto the stage. Sarah sang beautifully, and the audience
cheered loudly for her. Jenny smiled proudly, knowing that her friend had overcome her fears and
shone brightly on stage.

1. What were Jenny and her friends excited about?
A) A birthday party
B) A school fair
C) A field trip
D) A movie night
Answer: B) A school fair
2. Why was Sarah nervous on the day of the fair?
A) She was afraid of clowns
B) She was worried about her performance in the talent show
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur

C) She lost her favorite toy

D) She had a test
Answer: B) She was worried about her performance in the talent show
3. How did Jenny help Sarah when she noticed her nervousness?
A) She ignored her
B) She laughed at her
C) She reassured her and expressed belief in her abilities
D) She teased her
Answer: C) She reassured her and expressed belief in her abilities
4. What did Sarah do when it was time for the talent show?
A) She ran away
B) She cried
C) She confidently stepped onto the stage
D) She hid behind Jenny
Answer: C) She confidently stepped onto the stage
5. How did Sarah perform in the talent show?
A) She sang poorly
B) She danced awkwardly
C) She sang beautifully
D) She forgot the lyrics
Answer: C) She sang beautifully
6. How did the audience react to Sarah's performance?
A) They booed
B) They laughed
C) They cheered loudly
D) They left
Answer: C) They cheered loudly
7. Why did Jenny smile proudly during the talent show?
A) Because she won a prize
B) Because Sarah forgot the lyrics
C) Because she believed in Sarah and was proud of her performance
D) Because she was nervous
Answer: C) Because she believed in Sarah and was proud of her performance
8. What did Jenny and Sarah plan for weeks?
A) A birthday party
B) A school fair
C) A field trip
D) A movie night
Answer: B) A school fair
9. How did Sarah feel after her performance in the talent show?
A) Nervous
B) Proud
C) Sad
D) Angry
Answer: B) Proud
10. Why did Jenny smile proudly during the talent show?
A) Because she won a prize
B) Because Sarah forgot the lyrics
C) Because she believed in Sarah and was proud of her performance
D) Because she was nervous
Answer: C) Because she believed in Sarah and was proud of her performance
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur


Sarah had always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer. She practiced every day after
school, learning new moves and perfecting her technique. Her bedroom walls were adorned with
posters of famous dancers, serving as her inspiration.
One day, Sarah heard about auditions for a local dance competition. Excitedly, she decided to
audition, hoping it would be her big break. She spent weeks preparing a routine, pouring her heart
and soul into every step.
The day of the audition arrived, and Sarah felt a mix of nerves and excitement. As she stepped
onto the stage, the spotlight shining down on her, she remembered all the hours of hard work and
dedication she had put in. With determination in her eyes, she began to dance.

1. What is Sarah's dream?
A) To become a professional singer
B) To become a professional dancer
C) To become a professional athlete
D) To become a teacher
Answer: B) To become a professional dancer
2. What does Sarah do every day after school?
A) Play video games
B) Watch TV
C) Practice dancing
D) Do homework
Answer: C) Practice dancing
3. What did Sarah decide to audition for?
A) A singing competition
B) A spelling bee
C) A dance competition
D) A cooking contest
Answer: C) A dance competition
4. What did Sarah spend weeks doing?
A) Watching movies
B) Playing outside
C) Preparing a routine for the dance competition
D) Reading books
Answer: C) Preparing a routine for the dance competition
5. How does Sarah feel on the day of the audition?
A) Nervous and excited
B) Bored
C) Happy
D) Sad
Answer: A) Nervous and excited
6. What does Sarah remember as she steps onto the stage?
A) Her favorite TV show
B) Her friends' names
Republic of the Philippines
Region V (Bicol)
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur

C) All the hours of hard work and dedication she had put in
D) Her homework
Answer: C) All the hours of hard work and dedication she had put in
7. What does Sarah begin to do on stage?
A) Sing
B) Tell jokes
C) Dance
D) Read a book
Answer: C) Dance
8. What does Sarah hope for the audition to be?
A) A disaster
B) Her big break
C) A failure
D) An embarrassment
Answer: B) Her big break
9. What adorns Sarah's bedroom walls?
A) Posters of famous dancers
B) Posters of cars
C) Posters of animals
D) Posters of superheroes
Answer: A) Posters of famous dancers
10. What did Sarah spend weeks preparing?
A) A routine for the spelling bee
B) A routine for the cooking contest
C) A routine for the dance competition
D) A routine for the singing competition
Answer: C) A routine for the dance competition

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