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Multiple Choice Questions APS 10 OCTOBER 2021

1. The four important roles of Parliament are:

A. Law making, Financial Control, Critical role and Representation role
B. Law making, Financial Control, political role and Representation role
C. Law making, Auditing Control, Critical role and Representation role
D. Law making, Financial Control, Critical role and Electoral role
2. During the Third Reading at the National Assembly, the Bill is
A. Adopted formerly and becomes an Act
B. Adopted formally and becomes a Regulation
C. Adopted formally and becomes an Ordinance
D. Adopted formally and becomes an Act
3. A Bill does not become a law until it has been submitted and received the ……………..of the
A. Consent
B. Green light
C. Assent
D. Approval
4. The final stage for a Bill to become a law is when it is published in the
A. Hansard
B. Government Gazette
C. Audit Report
D. All newspapers
5. The Responsible Officer for the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development is
A. Financial Director
B. Secretary to Cabinet
C. Financial Secretary
D. Exchequer
6. The Supervising Officer is the
A. Office Supervisor
B. Officer in Charge
C. Head of the Ministry
D. Office Management Executive
7. In the Treasury Accounting System
A. Only an authorised officer can have access to the system
B. Only the Manager Financial Operations can have access to the system
C. Only the Permanent Secretary can have access to the system
D. Only the Internal Control Officer can have access to the system
8. The main duties and responsibilities of the Procurement and Supplies Officers involve
procurement which include
A. Purchase of food, works contracts and services contracts
B. Purchase of goods, vehicle contracts and services contracts
C. Purchase of goods, works contracts and services contracts
D. Purchase of goods, works contracts and overseas contracts
9. When we talk about nugatory expenditure, we mean that
A. It is a very useful expenditure
B. There is no benefit out of it
C. It is an over expenditure
D. It is a mandatory expenditure
10. Rule of law means that
A. All rules should be complied with
B. The legal framework should be fair
C. Decision makers should respect law
D. Laws are made by our rulers
11. The electoral system in Mauritius has two unique features namely
A. First- Post- The- Past System and Best Loser System
B. First- Past- The- Post System and Best Winner System
C. First- Past- The- Post System and Worst Loser System
D. First- Past- The- Post System and Best Loser System
12. A parastatal body is
A. An organisation that depends wholly or partly on Government funding
B. An organisation that depends totally or not at all on Government funding
C. An organisation that depends wholly or partly on Government logistics
D. An organisation that depends wholly or partly on Government loans
13. Under the Public Procurement Act, an Exempt organisation is
A. A public body excluded from the application of the Regulation relating to contracts
B. A public body excluded from the application of the Act relating to contracts
C. A public body included in the application of the Act relating to contracts
D. A public body excluded from the exemption of the Act relating to contracts
14. The Peter’s Principle states that
A. People rise to their level of incompetence
B. People rise to their level of competence
C. People fall to their level of incompetence
D. People rise to their level of proficiency
15. The PMS is
A. An active tool between the appraiser and the appraisee to address any performance gap
and address the need for leaves of the officers
B. An active tool between the appraiser and the appraisee to address any over
performance and address the need for training of the officers
C. An active tool between the appraiser and the appraisee to address any performance gap
and address the need for training of the officers
D. A passive tool between the appraiser and the appraisee to address any performance gap
and address the need for training of the officers’
16. The objective of Administrative Reforms in the public sector is to
A. develop a customer-centric, performance oriented, and result based culture in the
public service and to encourage the adoption of obsolete methods to deliver
quality public services.
B. develop a citizen-centric, performance oriented, and result based culture in the
public service and to encourage the adoption of innovative methods to deliver
quality public services.
C. develop a customer-centric, performance oriented, and result based culture in the
public service and to encourage the adoption of innovative methods to deliver
quality public services.
D. develop a customer-centric, perfection oriented, and result based culture in the
public service and to encourage the adoption of innovative methods to deliver
quality public services

17. ISO Certification stands for

A. Institute of Standardisation Organisation (ISO) Certification

B. International Organisation for Students (ISO) Certification
C. International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Certification
D. International Operation for Standardisation (ISO) Certification

18. The Public Service Excellence Award Scheme was launched in

A. October 1997
B. October 2001
C. October 2006
D. October 2015

19. The Code of Ethics for Public Officers emphasizes

A. The importance of a responsible, responsive and caring public service and is intended to
promote effective administration and responsible behaviour
B. The importance of an accountable, responsible, responsive and caring public service
and is intended to promote effective administration and responsible behaviour
C. The importance of a responsible, expansive and caring public service and is intended to
promote effective administration and responsible behaviour
D. The importance of a responsible, responsive and caring public service and is intended to
promote ineffective administration and responsible behaviour
20. Capacity building and capability development is a central and integral constituent of the
Public Sector Business Transformation Strategy approved by Government in
A. February 2000
B. December 2005
C. October 2013
D. February 2017
21. An ethical dilemma is a situation
A. that often involves an obscure conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey
one would result in transgressing another.
B. that often involves an apparent conflict between personal imperatives, in which to obey
one would result in transgressing another.
C. that often involves an apparent conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey
one would result in transgressing another.
D. that often involves an apparent conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey
one would result in aggressing another.
22. The Public Sector Business Transformation Bureau (PSBTB), which operates under the aegis
of the Ministry of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms, has been set up in
A. April 2016
B. August 2017
C. May 2019
D. October 2020
23. One of the activities carried out by officers of the Safety and Health Cadre is
A. conducting Routine Assessments as required by safety and health legislations;
B. conducting Risk Assessments as required by safety and health legislations;
C. conducting Regular Assessments as required by safety and health legislations;
D. conducting Requested Assessments as required by safety and health legislations
24. The Clerk of the National Assembly is
A. A Management Support Officer posted at the National Assembly
B. Is the Chief Administrative Officer knowing perfectly the Parliamentary procedures and
C. Is the Clerical assistant of the Speaker
D. Is the Officer responsible of the Library of the National Assembly
25. The Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Mauritius is
A. 400000 sq Km
B. 1.3 M sq Km
C. 2.3 M sq km
D. 3.6 M sq Km

26. Mauritius committed to the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
commonly referred to as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in
A. 1968
B. 1992
C. 2000
D. 2015
27. Sustainable Development Goal 1(SDG1) relates to:
A. Life below water
B. Climate Action
C. No poverty
D. Good health and Well Being.
28. Sustainable Development Goal 1(SDG4) relates to:
A. Quality Education
B. Climate Action
C. Life below water
D. Partnership for the Goals
29. Sustainable Development Goal 1(SDG13) relates to:
A. Life below water
B. Climate Action
C. No poverty
D. Good health and well being
30. Sustainable Development Goal 1(SDG17) relates to:
A. Life below water
B. Climate Action
C. No poverty
D. Partnership for the Goals
31. The acronym SAMOA stands for
A. SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action
B. An island nation in the South Pacific Ocean
C. The National dish in Hawaii
D. A coastal village in Indonesia
32. The umbrella group for NGOs in Mauritius is the

33. The National Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Framework was developed in
A. 1956
B. 1976
C. 2006
D. 2016
34. Lovebridge is

A. A Management game first developed at Harvard University for its MBA Courses
B. A bridge found near Mahebourg Waterfront where numerous Bollywood movie
producers opt for its paradisiacal scenery
C. A public-private partnership with an innovative approach to fighting poverty under the
stewardship of Business Mauritius.
D. A new way to play Bridge developed by Students at the University of Technology
35. To have a control on the use of pesticides in Mauritius, Government introduced the Use of
Pesticides Act in
A. 2013
B. 2015
C. 2018
D. 2020
36. Mauritians are encouraged to include physical activities in their lifestyle and meet the
recommendations of 150 weekly minutes of physical activity as set by the WHO in line with
A. Occupational Safety and Health Act
B. National Sport and Physical Activity Policy for 2018-2028
C. Mauritius Sports Council
D. Federation Internationale de Football Association
37. The ……………Strategy sets the framework to ensure that children requiring special education
needs in Mauritius have access to relevant and quality education.
38. Mauritius ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Women (CEDAW) in
A. 1974
B. 1984
C. 1994
D. 2004
39. With assistance from the UNDP, the Speaker of our National Assembly launched a
Parliamentary Gender Caucus (PGC) in
A. March 1968.
B. March 1987
C. March 2007
D. March 2017
40. An Effluent Discharge Permit Regulation was introduced in ……………….. to ensure proper
compliance with prescribed standards for water quality monitoring.
A. 1990
B. 1995
C. 2000
D. 2003

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