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Jose M. Franco

Professor Branch

English Composition II GE 102

March 8, 2024

Navigating Bipolar Disorder

To get a better understanding of how people who suffer from this disorder see the world,

we need to look into the definition and symptoms of this illness. Formerly known as manic

depression or manic-depressive illness, is a mental disorder that produces abnormal alterations in

a person’s behavior, concentration, energy, and activity levels. Alterations like the ones

mentioned before can cause difficulty in carrying out day-to-day tasks. Getting the right

treatment and diagnosis can help individuals who suffer from this disorder live active and

healthy lives. However, a common issue that people diagnosed with this mental illness have is,

that when they start getting their medication and start feeling better, they stop their treatment just

because they feel like they are somehow “healed” and go back to the symptoms and they can get

even worse.

Evidently, every case is different from one person to another. In fact, studies show that

there are three types of bipolar disorder, although all three of them entail, practically, the same or

perhaps similar symptoms: abrupt changes in mood, activity levels, and energy, as mentioned

before. These changes in the mood stretch from phases of extremely high, energized, bad-

tempered, thrilled behavior, which are known as manic episodes, to extreme sadness,

indifference, and even hopeless or down periods, which are known as depressive episodes,

however, other cases with lower manic episodes are known as hypomanic episodes. These three

types of disorders are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymic disorder. However, this disorder can
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also be accompanied by one or more other disorders or conditions such as attention

deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, eating disorders or wrong use of drugs

and alcohol. It can be seen normally persons who have strong depressive or manic episodes also

suffer from symptoms of psychosis, which also includes delusions or hallucinations. These

symptoms usually complement the individual’s extreme mood.

In the first place, bipolar I disorder is defined by manic episodes or manic symptoms that

can get so intense that need special and immediate medical care. Symptoms include periods of

irritable mood, racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, and grandiosity (this type is the only

one containing this behavior). These behaviors can go up to seven days, continuously every day

for most of the day. Normally, depressive episodes go along the way as well. However these last

longer, lasting at least two weeks. It is also possible to see people having manic and depressive

symptoms all at once, this is called mixed features. Nevertheless, undergoing four or more

episodes of depression or mania in less than one year is called rapid cycling, which significantly

impacts a person’s daily functioning. Moving forward, bipolar II disorder is known to have a

pattern of hypomanic and depressive episodes, where hypomanic episodes are a less severe form

of mania. Contrary to bipolar I disorder, persons with bipolar II disorder would never experience

fully developed manic episodes. Symptoms may include impulsivity and disrupted sleep

patterns. Lastly, cyclothymic disorder, also known as cyclothymia, is identified as having

repeated depressive and hypomanic symptoms that last not so long to be qualified as hypomanic

or depressive episodes. The main difference between cyclothymia and the other two types of this

disorder is that individuals with cyclothymic disorder may experience proportional stable periods

between mood episodes. Symptoms may include racing thoughts and a decreased need for sleep
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during manic episodes. On the other hand, depressive episodes involve changes in appetite or

sleep patterns, low energy, feelings of hopelessness, and sadness.

It is true, even if it was not mentioned, that individuals with any type of bipolar disorder

are at a greater risk of suicide compared to the general population. Although people may think

that this risk is particularly raised while depressive episodes occur, when feelings of despair and

low mood are more pronounced, it is important to note that quick mood shifts and impulsivity

during hypomanic or manic episodes can also help to suicidal thoughts or even behaviors. This

makes it crucial for individuals who suffer from this mental illness to follow a proper treatment

accompanied by medication and psychotherapy supervised or given by a mental health

professional, and support from family members and friends to help reduce the risk of suicide and

help manage symptoms. Furthermore, studies show that the brains of people suffering from this

diverge in certain ways from individuals who do not suffer from it. Nonetheless, some research

proposes that people with certain genes are more likely to originate from bipolar disorder. As we

already know, this topic may divide opinions between people, specifically religious people,

comparing it to a spiritual “attack” of some sort.

Personally, this mental illness has hit my family and it has been a long, exhausting, and

sad journey for all of us. At first, we all were lost in the topic, we had to learn and educate

ourselves the hard way that this illness is as real as the air we breathe. Looking for many ways to

help this family member, I decided to major in psychology, not only to help them but also to help

other individuals and families who are struggling with this horrifying mental disorder. That is

why it is important to raise awareness of how dangerous and sad this illness is because not only it

affects the individual who suffers from it, but also the family and friends that surround them.
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Work’s cited page

“Bipolar Disorder.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human
%20bipolar%20disorder%3F,day%2Dto%2Dday%20tasks. Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.

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