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During my teaching internship, I embarked on a journey filled with both

triumphs and challenges, which allowed me to grow both personally
and professionally. This experience enabled me to witness the
profound impact that educators can have on the lives of their
students, as well as the importance of resilience in the face of

One of the most positive aspects of my internship was the genuine

connection I formed with my students. Building rapport and trust with
them was incredibly rewarding, as it created a conducive learning
environment. Seeing my students engage, ask questions, and develop a
love for learning was a gratifying experience that reaffirmed my
passion for teaching.

However, I also encountered a situation where I failed to effectively

convey a complex concept to my students. I realized that I had taken
for granted their varying levels of understanding. This moment of
failure was disheartening, but it served as a catalyst for growth.

In response to this failure, I made it a point to better understand my

students' individual needs. I started tailoring my teaching methods to
accommodate diverse learning styles, ensuring that no one was left
behind. This adaptive approach not only helped the struggling student
but also improved the overall classroom dynamic.

To prevent similar failures for novice teachers, EFL pre-service teacher

training should focus on the importance of differentiation and
understanding the students' unique backgrounds and learning abilities.
Practical classroom management techniques, regular peer mentoring,
and constructive feedback would also contribute to better-prepared
In conclusion, my teaching internship was a rollercoaster of
experiences, from elation to disappointment. Embracing both my
achievements and failures allowed me to find paths to growth and
resilience. Teaching is a dynamic profession, and learning from each
experience, positive or negative, is essential for becoming an effective

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